tv [untitled] February 12, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PST
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we'll be joined by supervisor mar. we want to thank the staff for covering this meeting. >> please silence all electronic devices. and completed speaker cards to be included should be submitted to the clerk and items acted upon today will be on the february 25th agenda. thank you very much. could you please call number one. item one is an ordinance authorizing the pvrdz office to expend a fund for the purpose you have implementing juvenile justice and amending ordinances to reflect the addition of one attorney grant position at the
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pvrdz office. >> this is part of the o.j. p d funding from the federal government monitored by the board of community directions. it patricia funds an attorney position. she is dedicated to expediting the out of home farther care on the rancher school immediately to their placements. she helps to expedite those placements and reduce the retention time she monitor the use and develops reintrie planning and is part of our reentry unit in collaboration with the probation department. her current case leading load it one hundred and 21 and she's helped to reduce the detention
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delay time historically from 2 to 6 months now to 2 weeks to a month. at the most. so its been an invaluable position and we've been very fortunate to have received this funding for salon as we have i'm here to answer questions >> thank you very much any questions. >> thank you very much we don't have a budget analyst report. anyone wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. motion to move this item forward without objection. >> item 2 is approving an application for the clean connection program for the safe drinking water and a supply for the controlled river and the act of 2006 in approximately 9 hundred and 86 thousand for
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july 2013. >> thank you. we have sheila here. >> i'm sheila with the planning department. the planning department submitted an application for the state level organization this grant will implement green connections along oakland avenue. the project will directly benefit one hundred and 64 dwelt units and kvetch organizations 8 community work days and removing 75 hundred square feet of urban pavement and putting in gashdz. this will improve pedestrian safety and the project includes new pedestrian scale lighting. we will include improved bike lanes. any questions >> nope why don't we move on to
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our budget analyst report. mr. chair on page 6 the record stimulated costs it one million dollars plus and sits summarized in will table 3 of our report. there's an told them on page 8 with additional details and on page 7 the reported stimulate to maintain of the okay daily project are not available at this point. and the property owners will be responsible for the trees in front of their property >> thank you, mr. rose. seeing no other questions public comment? ? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we move this item forwarding or supervisor avalos >> just a quick question for the mayor's office.
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there was a discussion that the mayor's office was looking at ways to pay for the tree maintenance project and not have that passed on to property owners. it is there an actual plan that way that's a nice media hit >> i'm melissa with the get up mayor's office. we're looking at this with the trees and at this time, there's not a specific plan >> was there any comment from the mayor about wanting to actually put that back in the cities hands? >> its currently still - well, as of dwps adapted budget it was moving forward. we'll looked to work with the department in the upcoming budget to see if they want to have a better idea to fund trees
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>> and could you thrills offhand what portion of the relinquishing program how much coverage has been by the property owners. >> i'm sorry in the last year binge budget we put in 75 thousand but i'm not sure how far they did now i remember they stopped the replenishment program i don't know - >> could you ask bryan. >> yes. >> it comes up when we talk about property owners taking over trees we should find out what's in store. >> yes. definitely thank you. okay. thank you sxhooiflz any other comments. without objection madam clerk,
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call item 3. >> it's an resolution for the tax clockwork at the public auctioned. >> okay decreeing t is here from our tax collectsors office. >> it's a resolution to offer the tax to sell properties at auction p i want to give us a list of 6 hundred parcels and how this process works and i'm joined by my colleague from our property tax division and want to thank mr. delaney crews for all the work that will occur moving forward. so most of these parcels on this list are timeshares or have a doubt lots and 80 percent of them actually, the lots are
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underwater in they're in the bay. they were parceled out by redevelopment and they're at the candle stick point >> sore supervisor farrell. so people actually own property underwater in the bay >> in the bay. one case one person won a prosperity in the pokerer games and it's a nice conversation but they're responsible for paying the taxes >> okay. >> so in practice few if any actual dwellings are auctioned off because the person may redeem or pay off the taxed the day before so this is in fact the last time, we had the auction in 2011 all the prosperity were redeemed prior
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to the auction we consider this a success because the tax auction is an important tool for the property taxes. which are, of course, the cities largest revenue source and provides money for roads and transit and a schools. the way you get on this role if you have not paid our taxes for over 5 years state law requires the tax collector to sell those properties to return those properties to the tax role and also, if the taxpayer defaults on a property over 5 years. most of those are vacant lots and 5 hundred and 19 that are in actually 4 different locations most in the northeast corner of the city. as i mentioned if the property
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is redeemed prior to the auction, in fact, even if the day before is not subject to auction and the auction is held online. at bid for and that's where a person can go to see what's available and they set up an account to get ton this this allows us to reach a broader audience and all the costs from the auction are borne by the people who participate many the auction and all fees are paid by the people who buy. so let you know what's happened prior to this all of those owners have received at least 3 notices annually for 5 years their tax defaulted and after this action the next step is
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that we will be attorneys in the newspapers for 3 consecutive weeks and post it to our website we unify creditors or other tax agencies. we have multiple notices in the newspapers and we post notice on the property itself if it's an actual unit. in practice almost every single one, in fact, every single unit that was porsche a selling unit was redeemed and no timeshares or any vacant lots were on it because the value is less than the minimal bid >> supervisor mar.
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>> yes. thank you decreeing. and i know you said almost all of residential properties end up paying their taxed after the process. do you know what number of residential properties there or on the list >> there are 80 and 50 of them are countered dwellings and the rest are condos and permeate. >> almost all of them after this goes up to auction are paying their taxed right after that process before it's auctioned off how many are not? how muc are auctioned off. >> in 2011 all of them were redeementd before the auction. >> okay. thank you. >> all of them paid their taxes
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before the auction. >> yes. >> those are people who haven't paid their taxes in 5 years. >> that's right they pay penalties and interest. >> okay. so you go back i guess now we're in 2014. >> right after 2008. >> so there were people not paying their taxed until 2011. >> that's right. >> why timeshares why is it like no particular owner why is that. >> oh, so the property taxes is actually been split out into weekly units so you recent the unit itself and a split into 50 or 51 taxable entities so one
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person may own that for a week and for whatever reason they say gosh belonging to this organization and the maintenance fees is more than i want to pay so they stop paying and a release that. so they become tax defaulted and that roles over for that unit that's the physical location that might be only on week they've defaulted >> okay. colleagues any further questions. okay. no budget analyst report so we'll move ton to any public comment? anyone wish to comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> motion to approve the recommendation. >> we can take that without objection. >> item 4 is the resolution
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exploring the pg&e the patrol to two hundred and thirty project among the court commission of the economic development at pg&e. >> thank you. we have bev to talk about this item. >> good morning, supervisors brad benson at the port of san francisco. today's item is proposed transmission project proposed by pg&e and having under gone review there the california public utilities commission it's designed to provide electric benefits to downtown san francisco. the reason the port is presenting obtain r on this the route runs across port property. we've been negotiating with pg&e and what you have before you is
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a nonbinding are term sheet so today's action seeks the action of the board and which will lead to a license agreement a binding agreement that will be executed later on probably in the spring. so i have an expert report matters but i am going to give you an overview of the transmission system they're two separate transmission systems there's one hundred and 15 k v system had serves most of the city and there's a separate 2 hundred and thirty k v system that's in blue that serves the downtown area. it's been the policy of this
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city since the board adapted an ordinance of the electricity program trying to combine those systems so they can enter connect. you'll see the embarcadero substation served by the - >> excuse me. do we have handout for the slide. >> i can produce them for you later. >> i can see them now on the screen. >> i'm sorry. i'll produce copies for your office. so what's in blue is the 2 hundred and thirty k v system downtown and purple is the remaining of the city. as you see here what's old in red is served by the embarcadero
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serve station monthly downtown. the problem with going back to the other slide the problem with the k v system both lines serving embarcadero system runs across the city with liquidtion. those lines could be severed leaving downtown without electricity so this is to provide redundancy of service for downtown. we studied 3 potential routes two of them involve port property and one north of piers thirty and 32 down to the foot of pa arbitrary hill.
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there were two other routes considered that were mainly on land. in the early phrase pg&e was weighing 3 fees looking at the option overland would involve destines construction to disrupt neighborhoods in the city. port had previously entered into an agreement with transbay cable for submerged cable lines from pittsburgh so there's a precedent they came to the port to see if we were 0 open it that approach in this case and we were. in the case of the other two routes there is little benefit to the routes, however, the submerged there was benefits.
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going to the embarcadero substation pg&e submitted some stimulates of the economic costs of outage and obviously, the impacts varies regarding the outage input serving downtown to the high voltage system those impacts could range in the 4 to 8 billion range. so what does the project include it's a 3 mile submerged underground cable connecting the embarcadero substation and going along the submerged properties there's a many k v bus at the embarcadero substation that will create a new k v vi s switchyard
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that is the previously embarcadero property. so i want to give you a sense of the site the big are windows is the embarcadero substation. and what you see here still i think it's been innovative about hiring the engineers stanley with the architecturally architects to design the 2 hundred and thirty bus stations that sits next to the embarcadero substation. the pa interrogate is more spiritual that's what we're struggling with at the port as we redevelopment the city it's been in the industries a long time and a big portion has been
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used for power generation ever transmission. what you see is a 3 acre site not related to the site this is where pg&e at that takes so i would say that state competently elevates and stores them and later recivilizations e cycles those back in the yard >> that's the how down yard. >> yes. that's the hoe down yard. in red you see the larger patrar substation it occupies two long blocks and you see a small rectangle in green that's it new pa temporary station it's a
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small footprint so we have been thinking about how to can he configure mixed use development both on the ports property at pier 70 and on the n r g site they're thinking about new uses they haven't announced yet so what do you do with respect to that that will enable that change from the change to the mixed use >> could you say who the entities are energy and who. >> the pierre e pier property site and this will show you. >> the what does it stand for . >> i'm not sure it's a power company the most recent owner of
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the patrar property site. so this is the pier 70 plan. it's at an early stage we haven't commenced environmental on this the board has proposed a term sheet for the port project but we're fairly earlier in the planning stage. >> we had endorsed a financial responsibility in the term sheet. >> in the term sheet. >> like the concept of a term sheet. >> number one binding exactly. it's a complicated project i'm not going to spend a lot of time distracting from the pg&e project but it will be built out
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over 20 or more years really trying to save a historic site and make 24 from industrial to mixed use to parks and other public benefits. you'll see on the sort of eastern or excuse me. lets western portion of the site what's in purple is the hoe down site they've got the recycling issue there. so our goal was to try to figure out whether pg&e could come up with another location for that use and try to convert that. this is the existing pa arbitrary substation >> i'm sorry could i go back.
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the hoe down yard is part of the city plan or separate adjacent to - >> it's not something they'll develop. we've proposed in the term heat that the board endorsed there could be a special rezoning for the entire site that could include the hoe down site. i'll get it that later but, yes we hope that the city will work with the staff to porn rezone this and have two zoning to some zoning that is more appropriate for mixed uses >> great and whatever the uses are they have to include either take out arsenic or make it of use. >> clean out the environmental contamination on the
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