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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PST

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in addressing its structural funding challenges. has a lot of capital needs, including street light capital needs and other capital needs in the power enterprise. and getting the puc power enterprise more customers, which we have the power to do at this board, will help in that effort, will help generate revenue to support capital needs for street lights and elsewhere. so, there are a lot of projects that come through this board that -- a few of them. we've required as part of the agreement purchase energy from the puc and i think that needs to be more common. we need to make sure the power enterprise is viable and sustainable for the long run and can take care of all of its capital needs including street lights. >> colleagues, on the motion in front of us to move forward
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items 16 and 17 and table item 18 and 19, can we have a roll call vote. >> supervisor mar? >> aye. >> mar aye. supervisor tang? >> aye. >> tang aye. supervisor wiener? >> aye. >> wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> avalos aye. supervisor breed? >> aye. >> breed aye. supervisor campos? >> aye. >> campos aye. supervisor chiu? >> aye. >> chiu aye. supervisor cohen? aye. supervisor farrell? aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. the there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance is passed on first reading and the ordinance is adopted. [gavel] >> why don't we now go to general public comment, madam clerk. >> at this time the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including those items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment is not allowed on items which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee and pursuant to board
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rule 4.22, please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors nor to the audience. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such to sfgov-tv and then remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. >> let's hear from our first speaker. i would love to say [speaker not understood]. [speaking in native language] madam clerk, ladies and gentlemen, as you know, my name abdul [speaker not understood].
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for the last 3, 4 years, i would like to present my friend, my family, supervisor, to the tourists. its was one idea i work with now and [speaker not understood] pretty soon. as t-shirt, each one coming to our city, going to have t-shirt have big shirt for every one of you. as example, i tried to put john avalos and david campos like mariachi and our supervisor going to play piano and [speaker not understood]. what that mean? mean everyone coming to the 50 going to have t-shirt and they're going to give their own friend big [speaker not
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understood] for our grateful family and the friend with me. second one, i would like to end the corruption of the homeless people, the stop the people work in the shelter who steal the donation and get it. we give the homeless. ladies and gentlemen, again, happy new year for all of you. i hope that you comings was good idea and i appreciate it. and my supervisor jane kim, fiona ma, including the governor of california for supporting me to make my dream come true [speaker not understood]. thank you, god bless all of you. my name is ernestine [speaker not understood] weiss and i'm here specifically to
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talk about the effects of lighting and not having good lights in this city. yesterday we had a crime committed and two stabbings on the embarcadaro, drumm street and sacramento. that is right in my backyard. i live a block away from sacramento and the embarcadaro. years ago when the embarcadaro was being restylized, i said, put white sodium lights up on the embarcadaro. light it up like daylight so people would be able to come out and be safe. nothing was ever done. here it is years and years later and finally i hear about street lighting. now, the fact is when you light up the streets, it's a crime stopper. criminals don't like the light. they like the dark. pedestrian safety, we wouldn't have so many people killed at
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night because muni doesn't save them. the cars don't save them. it is disgraceful. number three, economics. it's economics, stupid, as they say. people don't spend money if they stay at home and don't come out at night to spend money at restaurants, bars, theaters, and so forth. so, it's about time we did this. it isn't enough. we need much more. david chiu, it's in your district. how about a community benefit district all over the city? we don't have that where they could help with the lighting. 5 to 7 million is inadequate. we need to light up the whole city and priority one is the embarcadaro, market street and van ness. please keep those in mind and do something. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the board of supervisors. i'm here to make a statement
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regarding the naming of the san francisco oakland bay bridge. i quote, from the california toll bridge authority headed by then california governor frank miriam. resolved that the san francisco oakland bay bridge be dedicated as a lasting memorial to james rolph, jr. this declaration was reaffirmed in 186 at the time of the 50th anniversary of the bay bridge ~ as follows. ~ 1986 it's on a plaque monument here in san francisco at fifth and harrison street. san francisco-oakland bay bridge, a lasting memorial to james rolph, jr., mayor of san francisco 1912 to 31, governor of california 1931 to '34. tireless leader in the city and the state, sunny jim worked throughout his career, crossing the world's largest landmark harbor so the east bay and the cities could be linked together with san francisco as one
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community. the momentum [speaker not understood]. california toll bridge authority, september 7, 1934, rededicated by the citizens of california on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the bridge. november 12, 1986. ladies and gentlemen, what have we done? what are we doing? how can we redress this outrageous dishonor to our late governor? thank you. good afternoon. i'm adrian bosian public affairs planned parenthood at shads that pacific. we're the fourth largest in the country. we serve [speaker not understood] at 25 health centers in 17 northern california counties. we are very proud to be here in san francisco ~. we serve 13,000 clients at two health centers in san francisco.
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and i want to thank supervisor campos and the co-sponsors of today's resolution. i hope i get them all. supervisors chiu, farrell, wiener, mar, avalos, and tang for ~ [speaker not understood], from increased access to aca [speaker not understood].
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and i just also want to note that at planned parenthood, shasta pacific we are very proud to serve everyone including women thor not covered under the aca, undocumented and new immigrant women. so, thank you very much for your support. >> thank you. next speaker. my name is nicole [speaker not understood] and i am the online advocacy manager for planned paren hood shasta pacific. i wish all the supervisors to support the resolution declaring february as women girls and transgender women health month. we me that people of color and young women get a lot of their information from social media. and through this campaign, we can help spread the word using the hash tag, sf women health. as an immigrant and cancer survivor, i know firsthand the challenges that low-income women and women of color face when accessing health care and
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getting the information they need. i'm hoping this resolution passes unanimously today because it will shine a light on the increased health services available through the aca and it will encourage folks to enroll in covered can thev by march 31st. with our community partners and the san francisco board of supervisors behind us ~, planned parenthood will be able to reach more young women, low-income women, transgender women, and women of color on social media. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. hello, my name is felicia alisando. [speaker not understood], pioneer, legend, icon, diva, and a survivor of aids for 27 years. i come to all of you because i don't want to ask for charity because i don't need it, but
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i'm here for the [speaker not understood] memorial campaign. we want and it's been difficult because she died on july 5th of 2011, and we've been working on a street awning for vicky marlene at the 100 block of turk street, the harvey milk democratic club, harvey milk gbt democratic club is a sponsor and we raised over -- almost $3,000. so, we have enough money to pay for the add-on and we've been working with supervisor jane kim and [speaker not understood], but it seems like we're going back and forth, back and forth, and it just doesn't seem to be working. i decided that yesterday -- i called 911 and called the public works and they told me, well, you haven't turned in the
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paperwork. well, we don't know what kind of paperwork they needed. but then i called 311 and got all the information what we need. we've gone to the property owners. we sent them letters. we sent them registered mail, and we have no answer for the property owners that they're interested in this. i don't know if they're not answering, it's okay to go with it or do we need an official yes or no on their plight. i just hope that one of you can step up and let the lgbt and the t no longer be silent. >> thank you. next speaker. thank you, mr. president. my name is christopher doll. i live on howard street and i rise to complete my remarks on the oral and intellectual
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deficits of the american two party system represented by the republitards and the democrats. we have before us members the party of slavery and the party of patrons. on one side we have gender slavers, debt slavers, security slavers, and petroleum slavers. on the other side we have the patrons, the people who say they are going to take care of us, the litigation attorneys who are going to sue the bad guys and give us most of the money. the teachers are going to ask for more money to teach us how to be a success in the world as it was two semesters ago. and the nurses are going to keep us healthy -- as healthy as we can afford and imagine. what can we do? we can seek balance. we can seek a balance in our carbon usage, by accounting for
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that usage and accounting for the sequestration of that carbon. we can call for a new balance of calories with sweat by providing cash rewards for individual achievement of certain health values. we can seek a new balance in the benefits and burdens of society by restoring the universal burden of public service which is to say a civil draft. thank you very much, mr. president. >> next speaker. hello. my name is dr. robert gould. i live in the castro. and for identification purposes only, i worked as a pathologist for 31 years at kaiser in san jose and i'm currently the director of health professional outreach and education for the program on reproductive health at university -- ucsf school of
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medicine. i'm also, however, i'm here speaking on behalf of physicians for social responsibility. i am president of the san francisco bay area chapter since 1989 and currently the president of our national organization and representing thousands of physicians both here in the bay area and nationwide. and i'm here to represent our organization and give strong support and great thanks for the soda tax initiative that a number of you are sponsoring. i think there's been ample evidence given here today about the profound public and environmental health effects of such a measure. i also want to mention in this regard, real applause for the folks who work in the department of public health here in san francisco, for the extraordinary work in outreach they've been doing to communities about this. all of us understand that obesity and diabetes is a very complicated medical issue. there are a number of inputs into that. but i think we all recognize
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the department of public health and our own organization the important role sugar plays in these suites. we want to give unaloe questionvv cal support for this and gratitude and hope you pass this initiative. thank you. ~ >> thank you. next speaker. thank you, mr. president, my name is [speaker not understood], i'm a san francisco native, born and raised here. my father and i who is disabled, we rented our current home and lived close to 20 years, and i'm here to advocate and to ask the rest of the board to do what you can to support supervisor campos in the legislation to increase the reallocation fees that tenants receive when they're being displaced. right now as you know, there is an epidemic in this city and it's alarming and it's increasing and i'm currently facing an eviction myself. and i work for a tech company.
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so, some people say, well, you don't understand the issues. i'd say i understand both sides of the issues. now, the reason this is important -- and i'll give you an anecdotal story -- opposing counsel for my landlord calls me wanting to negotiate and he says, you know, it's really hard for us to give you more money when we're mandated by law to only give you $15,000. if it were higher, we would give it, but it's not so, we don't. opposing counsel for a landlord said that. in addition, the ellis act was enacted 185. it's 2014. ~ 1985 the increase in rent has gone up incredibly, exponentially. all i sd is that we find ways to mitigate the hardships that are placed on tenants, not tenants like me, but tenants who don't speak the language, who have been threatened --
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sorry, to be threatened that they'll be sent out of this country. again, i just ask you to support -- work in collaboration with campos and coauthors and thank you for the time. >> next speaker. good afternoon, president chiu and supervisors. i want to sing... ♪ city sunday will never be the same the denver broncos lost the super bowl game they'll not be back again when i woke up sunday morning to watch the super bowl game and i watched it all day till it was almost dark sunday will for the denver broncos never be the same they've lost their super bowl game and i hope they'll be back again
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i remember sunday in the city sunshine and half time was fine sunday will never be the same they've lost their football game and not be able to be back again sunday will never be the city same ♪ well, i finally get my vengeance on kfax. on monday the day before the world trade center fell, i called that station to tell them the trumpet would sound but they didn't give me enough time to articulate. but if you get the podcast broadcast for october 28th and
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fast forward about 42 minutes in, you can hear me. and it's really quite easy to determine when the sixth trumpet will sound. it may not be that easy in regards to the end of the world. but the sixth trumpet is quite easy, it really is. now, i'd like to read a portion here from john 8. jesus said the i bear record of myself yet my record is true for i know whence i came and wither i go, but you cannot tell whence i came and wither i go. [speaker not understood] for i am not alone, but i and the father that sent me. it is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true. i am one that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me bears witness of me. he's referring to a law in about ron am i where if somebody was guilty of murder, for instance, and, you had to have at least two witnesses that that guy was a murder
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error somebody was guilty of being a lesbian or a homosexual, male homosexual, you had to have two or three witnesses to confirm indeed that crime had been committed. an adulterer or a rape or something like that. but jesus here is saying that he and his father are the two witnesses. what did he he mean by that? he meant several things by that actually. but i think primarily what he was referring to was the prophecies in the old testament. you see, john the baptist was kind of a novelty for the simple fact they had hadn't heard a prophet in 400 years. the writings of prophets ended 400 years prior and jesus was referring to the prophecies they had written down about himself. >> next speaker. good afternoon. my name is eric p. scott. i do not work for the beverage
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industry. i am not a shareholder in any of the companies or any of the companies that supply their ingredients. what i am is a bay area native, san francisco resident, i'm a voter. for over 20 years i've worked in district 8, but i want you to know that my supervisor does not represent me or my beliefs, at least not on this issue. so, before you drink the kool-aid and this is mostly sugar and not something you're proposing to tax, i want to look at a couple of facts. this can of coca cola contains 39 grams of sugars. the healthy alternative, which you're not going to tax, fruit juice, 100% apple juice, 12 ounces of which contain 39
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grams of sugars, exactly the same. but there are other carbohydrates as well. so, ounce for ounce there's actually 20% more calories in this apple juice than there is in this coca cola. that doesn't mean the coke is good for you. this will rot your teeth. but this is not necessarily the healthier alternative. how many cubes of sugar are in this can? it's a trick question. the answer is zero because the sugar in the sugar cubes is sucrose and the sugar that's in that can of coke is corn syrup. cal orickally they're identical, metabolically they are not. this has been in our food for 30 years ~ and it's in our food because it's due to a sugar
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tax. [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. thank you. either one. testing 1, 2, it's working, good. good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to black history month. i remember the first time when presiding president [speaker not understood] was there and i tried to speak on black history month, i went a minute past. can you tell me off, we didn't get a chance to know each ooh but we know each other good now. i would hope i could go on maybe 30 seconds longer representing my generation of african-american blacks and negros here in san francisco. i won't go through the history but let me give you the one on
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one going on currently right now in our citith. right now you're talking about sugar in a can, but i don't see ~ no one, not even my black peers talking about us that are in a state of emergency. we have two supervisors. i don't see them together talking about that. and i'm not up here to point the finger at my queens. i'm just up here merely letting you know the state of emergency which we are in. i'm a black man. this month i'll be 60 years old. i've been coming here to city hall over 25, 30 years before most of y'all was into politics. i call it politricks right now. but the city and county -- and i'm not pointing the finger at y'all. the history shows itself we weren't here -- we weren't wanted here in the inception back in the day, 1800s. here we are 2014 with two black supervisors in the board of supervisors of san francisco.
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the migration, documenting it all, now we have the african-american history project that's going to come on. recently we had one of our prestigious groups talk about a threat on a boycott. and somehow they've bunn made a back deal and our black community don't even know what the hell is going on. we have our black businesses are closing down. and we've got our black young brothers killing each other, going to jail, and our population is constantly going down. and everybody just walking around like there's a conspiracy. [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm peter wolf hill, executive director of library users association. i'm very concerned and others
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are, too, with real step in the direction of the destruction of library services for the public. first of all, as i've spoken to you a number of times, the magazine section, the entire western part of the fifth floor were bound magazines a through l were kept, all of those have been evicted, willy-nilly and placed in off-site storage where they are not available for public blousing. you have to know exactly what magazine you want. ~ browsing then request it and it's 24 hours to get it. when supervisor eric mar came to the library to fate the 30th project anniversary of [speaker not understood], that was a nice thing to do. but i wonder why supervisor mar, in light of the things we've been saying, did not bother to go to have a look at what's happening on the fifth
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floor where public access to magazines, including magazines that might encourage people to want to learn to read, have become unavailable in the normal way. i ask for you to send queries to the library and also ask, did you give the library more than $100 million a year in budget as a board in order that it might destroy the easy access that people have had for decades to those bound magazines? this nurse, the library will probably approve a replacement design for the bernal heights branch library and mural. ~ thursday complete wipe out of the history and the artwork that was on that community created library and the explanation for the new mural doesn't even say what the things are the specific things you'll be able to see with bin ocularx.
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~ binoculars. >> are there other members of the public that wish to speak? good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jackie bryson and happy black history week. i'm coming once again to raise the issue of my concern where there is no eviction protection for people who are living in so-called supportive housing. the people who are in this housing are the most vulnerable members of our society here in san francisco in that they have come to this housing out of homelessness or from rehab or from the hospital and with unscrupulous landlords, of course, having unscrupulous attorneys, are able