tv [untitled] February 13, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PST
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experienced it on a couple of occasions where i am blocked in because your officers are giving tickets to motorists and i was happy to patiently wait because it's important that we do that and we hold people accountable because folks need to behave appropriately and obey the law and i know it's a challenge for you and you of beat up a lot, but you're just doing what you need to do to enforce the law to make sure people are safe so tell us a little bit about that. >> >> thank you. i think we're going to get beat up more as we obviously increase the number of enforcement. i will start off by saying we saw an increase of 48% in enforcement citations, traffic force citations issued january 2013 to january 2014 and that speaks volumes in terms how we have prioritized traffic enforcement as our aspect of
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dealing with the issue of pedestrian safety and traffic safety period. there are a number of other things that we have done in the department. as mta takes the lead it's a matter of making certain that we provide as much data that we can. we are effectively the source of which the data comes, in terms of where the traffic collisions are taking place. in july of 2013 we embarked on data sharing and data base with mta as well as the department of public health that allows for immediate access of our data unfortunately that process is still a paper driven one in terms offed police department generating a police report. we're moving in the direction of instant population of collision data into a central source but in the interim we have this system that's working. what it does effectively is decrease the time that it takes to have the
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data compiled u analyzed and reported. our prior reporting every time was through the state wide traffic integrated system and mandated by law and every agency has to. there is a turn around on that time as every agency is providing it. what our system decreases the turn around time. we're hoping to the point where the decreasing and turn around time is a matter of days. interesting enough as i sit in the audience i received an email from our cio susan merit who indicated now we have the ability -- the police department has the ability to inn instantly map collision locations. >> >> as it relates to calls from the public so when you call 911 and report a collision, whether it be injury or non collision we now have the ability to
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instantly map that. the benefit is that our leaders in the police department, our captains of the district stations, now have the ability to sit at their computer and see where collision vs taken place in the last four hours, the last 24, the last week, and that allows them to direct resources to those areas as appropriate and i think it's an incredibly huge step towards making the data real time and this in turn is going to help in terms of our traffic engineering, having this information as well, so these are some of the things we're doing. the biggest cog in the wheel that we focused on is enforcement and we're doing that and as that increases we will get beat up more so we're hopeful that the complaints of inappropriate citation issuances don't we have better things to do than give people tickets for
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speeding or not adhering to the rules of the road? when those come in agency the officers we're hoping all that said we need to increase it come to bat for the officers so they feel supported in that effort. >> thank you. so supervisor tang has a few questions. >> just one quick question. so you mentioned the new mapping capability. i wanted to know would that reflect all types of collisions so whether it's pedestrian and auto or auto and audio? is it all encompassing. >> yes it is and anytime there is a reporting to the department of emergency management we have access and pull the data from the cad system and map it out so that key with effectively so what is taking place. if you look as a google map and hover over the location either the cad which is effectively the
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accounting of the discussion between the dispatcher and the caller that will show up and if there is an instant report that has been written than that report in some cases should be available as well so it gives the leadership of the organization that much more detail so that we can direct our resources as most appropriate. >> okay. supervisor chiu. okay. so i just wanted to go into depth a little bit about some of the enforcement. clearly vehicle force is higher than any other enforcement that you're doing with your officers. is that accurate ? >> that's accurate. just in january our total citation issuance reflected i think about 94% to drivers. >> okay. then can you also explain some of your enforcement efforts for bicyclists? >> sure. well one of the
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things i think is most effective is actually doing what we cull effectively sting operations and we will go to a intersection and the officer will act as a civilian crossing the roadway and those that do not yield to the pedestrian in the roadway are stepped and given citations. the other effort we're doing as well as need enforcement. in the corridors that we have seen the highest levels of speed we have officers with the latest technology called lidar and effectively laser detecting of speed opposed to the radio wave. i don't want to go too deep in the technology but it's the newest technology and it's accurate and we are doing that and we have a number of operations throughout the city.
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when we know the most problematic intersections we're focusing on that as well but there has to be some flexibility in terms of when we're seeing a problem. grove and van ness was never deemed a huge problem in terms of collision and yet now we saw two this year so some attention needs to go there as well. we have to remain flexible but at the same time focus our efforts on the known problematic areas. >> and you have the data for where those most deadliest intersections are in the city? >> we do. what we relied is the partnership with department of public health and mta. we provide them every collision data and this is through the shared data base. >> and you do that without them requesting it? >> yes. >> okay. >> this is a mutual agreed providing this. they do the analysis and
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the last report came out in 2012 and now that we have this system in place -- interestingly enough it only covered up to 2011 and issued in 2012 so there is a period of time we simply didn't have the data now that we have the new system i expect the new report from mta cover remaining 2011 and 2012 and all of 2013 and should be out soon. i know that's in the works. >> and lastly can you explain to me i have heard there are a number of senior who is are mostly the victims and can you just explain to me what pattern is there out there in terms of who the victims are in these cases? >> a cursory analysis of the demographics of victims shows
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that you have significant number of elderly and potentially immigrant population that are affected by these collisions and as a result some of the things we're doing is public service announcements, much more community engagement in terms of the safest way to cross streets. we don't want you -- in addressing the educational need for our seniors and others who use our roadway in terms how to be safe about crossing the street by no means that is getting the drivers and the bicyclists off the hook for the speed and the collisions but you civilly have to be safe. as you cross the street you need to look left and right and left again and then you prosee.d we teach our children to wave at the driver as crossing street and creates a larger picture
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for the driver to see and may not see the 2-3 foot person at this point and with that there is a increased information that the district captains are providing the public in terms of the mets of being safe as well as direct engagement with populations that are obviously disproportions atly a.m. pact the by the collisions. >> i appreciate the answers and supervisor chiu has a question. >> i have one question and a comment i want to thank you for the increased number of citations in the area and as one policy maker and many of my colleagues would join this and until we achieve vision zero we need full enforcement on the streets of all of the actors on the road and we know drivers to pedestrians and cyclists are all participating
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on the streets. i have a question around the conversation around the idea of a bike traffic school. as you know this is an idea successfully implemented in other jurisdictions and has had buy in from local stakeholders including the cycling community, the san francisco police department, our court system as a way to educate cyclists as to what they need to doo on the road and help folks challenged with paying the tickets to go to a school. the hold up as you know is with the san francisco police department and i have spoken to your chief approximate about why the data flow is not implementing this is a timely manner. what is the status of the work in your department on this? >> from the last discussions with the court we identified a method of deferring if you will the bicycles into the programs
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and the samear drivers. the person gets the titation. they go to the courts. they enroll in a school and in this case a diversion program. bicyclists unlike drivers are not impacted on their records. bicyclists are motivated to go to school and doesn't show in the record and their insurance doesn't increase so the question is what is the motivation for a bicyclist who is is given the fine and has to pay the fine and still involved in a diversion program so the last discussion was the court looking into researching how many the fine was discretionary and could be absolveed in some fashion but the police department at this point is ready and prepared to move in a direction of a diversion program and
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supporting of it. it's not just in the business of managing that process which historically that the court vs done. >> why don't i suggest that we need to take the conversation off line and that's not what the court said and your department hasn't been able to implement this and they're ready to go so i would like to convene folks again to have this conversation but we were under the impression that the police department is trying to figure this out. why don't we take the conversation off line but i would like it done in a timely manner. >> sure. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you commander ollie. i appreciate it. so we have quite a few speaker cards and supervisor chiu needs to -- we need us to go -- >> [inaudible] >> okay. thank you. okay.
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sorry. all right now i got it under control. so we're going to -- colleagues any further comments or questions about the hearing? so we will go to public comment. we have nicole from public sf who is here. public comment will be two minutes. >> hi thank you supervisors. nicole snyder from walk san francisco. i think you all raised a few important questions and as you know we have been working with the coalition of partners with community organizations on vision zero and working with your departments, your agencies, mta, sfpd to figure out how to bring vision zero to reality. how do we make it not just a vision but a reality? and one of the things that they're focused on right now is how do we take what's
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been committed to across all of the departments and make them into a plan, having ownership, have a time line. we're excited about the walk first plan. what's the timeline to get there? what does mta fleed to get there? we want to see more funding in the budget, more bike safety in the budget and where is the project delivery? what's the timeline for these projects and how are they being held accountable. supervisor breed talked about progress and we are excited about that in terms of public safety and how can we also do that with mta? i think we also want to talk about -- we also want to prioritize the high injury corridors. supervisor tang we had one death recently on sunset, three on van ness.
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these are the most dangerous streets in the city. we have plans to improve the streets but that won't happen for years and how do we fast track that through the crisis intervention team and collaborate? these are questions we're really interested in hearing the answers to. thank you. >> thank you. so i have a few speaker cards and i will call a few names and if you can line up to the left. (calling speakers) . come on up. >> thank you. my name is john [inaudible] and a member of the pedestrian safety advisory committee. i appreciate this session and the report i would
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like to give commentary on is both given by the chair of p sac zachary marks and response and additional points by commander ollie. my point i shared with supervisor yee and david campos and eric mar on the hearing on january 16 with the police commission was the need for what is not being incorporated in police collision reports. traffic collision report 555 does not allow in this space for the responding officers to cite whether or not any party had a disability so the report that you approved for the strategy did not incorporate any components based on data from the police department on pedestrian collisions with people who had pre-existing
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disabilities in them, so i ask you to work with the police department to revise the collision reporting form. it has been done by los angeles. otherwise cities in the state of california use the california highway patrol form so there is precedence for san francisco police department with your input and also from the pedestrian safety advisory committee to revise the traffic collision report to state whether or not any party in a collision had a disability that relates to the collision. they did not know -- it was not reported that armstrong who met -- who was a fatality at octavia and market that he used a wheelchair. it was not cited in the collision report cited by the officers at that time in
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november. >> thank you. i apologize some of the names we had were people for item number three. some of them didn't have who they were here for so apologies. anyone that wants to speak on this hearing today? any other members of the public? >> good morning supervisors. my name is douglas yap and i have lived in san francisco for 62 years so this topic does interest me. in my opinion the board leadership and the mayor's office have been way too timid in this subject area. in effect it's all reactive, not very much proactive. if you want to make this an issue that gets everyone's attention i would like to suggest that the board
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and the mayor's office work together to declare a state of emergency in san francisco in regards to pedestrian safety and authorize the chief of police to do anything and everything to stop the problem, and we would like to suggest that the media inform the residents of the bay area through different newscasts that this is priority number one. in other words, pedestrian safety is a lot more important than water waterfront development. if you take the time to spend on water front development and translate into pedestrian safety i am sure we won't have human bowling balls all the time. thank you. >> thank you. anyone else from the public that would like to make public comment about this
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hearing? seeing none public comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues any other comments? i just want to thank everyone for coming to the hearing today to talk about this really important issue. i know that other members of the board of supervisors are working with mta to come up with strategies on how we can move more swiftly on dealing with issues around pedestrian safety and around public safety in general on our streets. i do agree that we are taking a reactive approach to this particular problem and we as a city need to do better about being proactive which is why i am excited about the vision zero plan and make sure that we look at dollars to match our efforts. i know that mta is moving forward with a number of plans but i do think that it is important that we be more aggressive about dealing with those serious dangerous
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intersections so thank you for the time. thank you to the pedestrian safety advisory committee for your volunteer service and for consistently meeting to try to address these issues. thank you to mr. patel from the mta and working with the community and they're the voices and we want their voices heard and community outreach and educating people is especially important and the seniors who are sadly the victims in many cases. commander ollie thank you. continue to write those tickets. i know folks are not happy about it but i will tell you that enforcement changes things, and i have noticed a change in certain areas of my neighborhood as a result of consistent enforcement, anticipated enforcement and
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that definitely changes behavior. if folks are concerned they will get a ticket for speeding or get a ticket for running past a red light or a stop sign or what have you they're less likely to do it and ultimately i did know you're giving tickets to anyone breaking the law and if anyone has a problem with that don't break the law and i know it's a strong stance to take but people are dying on the streets and we cannot contribute to that behavior that create the problems and thank you for coming to the hearing today and any other comments supervisor chiu, supervisor tang? thank you. can we file this hearing to the call of the chair? >> would you like to file or continue to the call of the chair? >> continue to the call of the chair. thank you. >> motion to continue the hearing to the call of the chair. >> okay. any objections? seeing none motion passes.
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thank you again. madam clerk can you call item one. >> item one is a resolution approving and agreement with the nonprofit owners' association for administration/management of the established property-based community benefit district for a period commencing on board approval to june 30, 2021. >> okay. supervisor chiu. >> thank you madam chair. you may know that we approved this district and stakeholders to improve and turn around the corridor this. is a resolution to approve an agreement with the nonprofit for administration and management of this and i would like to ask staff to comaik comments and thank the members of the public that are here and worked hard on this issue. >> good morning supervisor breed and supervisors. i oversee the community benefit district program for the city. like
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supervisor chiu said this resolution will allow the city to deposit funds to the top of broadway cbd and have been delivering service for the last months and this funding and deposit will bolster their activities in the community. with your recommendation to the full board that will allow us to deposit the funds in march and we anticipate approximately $105,000 throughout this fiscal year to be deposited to them. if you have any questions i am happy to answer them. >> thank you. okay. so we're going to now open this up to public comment. are there any members of the public comment wishing to speak on this item? >> good morning scprfers thank you for your contribution of this resolution and agreement. i am ben horn and executive director of the top of broadway
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community benefit district and we went through a process to have a board of directors of a diverse group and property owners and had a meeting and incorporated and establishing three advisory committees to the services performed. we are providing cleaning and safety services thanks to the generosity of one of the board members. however in order to continue to deliver the service without interruption the top of broadway cbd needs the funds clekded and they will provide markets services to the district as well as streetscape improvements. thank you for your time and support of this resolution. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello supervisors and good morning. i am stephanie greenberg and president of the board of director for the top of broadway and i want follow up
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on ben's comments and thank you for your support. since we incorporated and prior to that time we have been working diligently that the organization is working with the management plan. and we hired an executive director that you just heard from, ben horn, and we have written and approved city charters and have functional committees and subcommittees and we have concluded a successful rfp process and hired professional security and cleaning service for the district and because we have made this investment in operations for the district it is critical at this time that
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we do start receiving assessment funds so we can continue moving forward with our goals so my hope is that committee will see fit to move this resolution fferd and recommend approval of this resolution by the full board of supervisors. thank you so much for your time and i hope to see all you on broadway. >> thank you. any other speakers on public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. supervisor chiu any additional comment? >> no. i want to thank everyone for working hard on this and ask the colleagues to move this forward with approval and full recommendation. >> thank you. is there a motion? >> i will make that motion. >> you move the motion. second. without objection the motion passes. thank you so much. okay. can you call item three. >> item three is ordinance
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amending the police code to make unclaimede personal property, including unclaimed bicycles, worth $500 or less available to the human services agency for use in programs designed to prevent juvenile delinquency and programs to benefit low-income and transit challenged residents . >> okay. supervisor avalos isn't here but i hear him coming in the background. we will welcome supervisor avalos to the meeting. we just called your item. >> sorry a little bit late. there are a lot of kids running around the hall today so i get side tracked by cute little kids. thank you for being here and colleagues for calling this item and hearing this item. i am really proud to be working on this ordinance with few community organizations, the bike coalitions and others. the idea behind the legislation is to really make sure that we can
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promote really healthy alternative to automobiles and limited access to transit get greater access to bikes and promote healthy lifestyles and have access to bikes that can help promote their own well being and make an impact on the environment and take cars off the street and promotes -- reduce the carbon footprint of our transportation in san francisco. since 2012 we -- the city has partnered with community based organizations on a series bike builds and they provide low income youths with refurbished bikes. this program has distributed over 400 bicycles to san francisco youth. the number of bikes
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