tv [untitled] February 14, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST
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completed by the 2014 this year and the construction to be completed by 2018. they have the program funds for the construction phase. and for the last project dwp requests prop k for the reconstruction of 9988 at 15 intersections please refer to page 69 for the locations of the intersections and dwp expects the construction to be completed that he 2016 if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them and dwp. thank you. i did want to comment to say those projects are important given the urgency and supervisor yee districts where the little girl was killed
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on pulp and ellis where the project eddy is. i think it's urgent we move quickly so there's no further tragedies. and the identification and design and delivering of the project i'm hoping can move fast to get the quickest streets improved. in my district the traffic lights an gary and 22 understanding and 26 avenue are critical around schools. for years folks have asked asked for the improvements and i'm how have near the st. mary's church and others areas thank you, ms.
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kim i strongly support this item. any other comments supervisor campos >> thank you very much mr. chairman and the presentation. on the curb ramps. i know that work is happening citywide do you know sort of where exactly and i imagine that all the industrial districts will benefit >> are you asking for the areas. >> yes. >> look at package 19 of the evenly closer dwp has listed did locations to be constructed. and it shows the district numbers. but again, this is only for this request >> i understand. okay >> sure. >> i wanted to acknowledge also
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that a number of project sponsors are here as well that can answer questions if we have any. ms. kim i'll mention i see jonathan and rick r riccardo i think those are the engineers and the staff that can answer questions. let's open this up for public comment. i have two cards (calling names) from the merry kidney triangle and aaron good man >> hi, good morning. i'm bringing to our attention a traffic calming measure that will be beneficial for 3 streets. a permanent radar panel similar to the 1 on slope boulevard and masonic and those are in areas that have high traffic accidents
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are pedestrian deaths. al mean boulevard near st. charles and brotherhood ease also sunset boulevard between ocean. and there are in 3 different districts but i believe those 3 locates will be beneficial for cars traveling in those corridors. they're heavyly used corridor and traffic flows well beyond the speed limits. i have a comment on the traffic study but i'll wait. thank you very much >> thank you for those great suggestions. mr. goodman >> again day i want to show you on the overhead if you can switch to the overhead. this is the type of problem we
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have board boulevards and as well as transit planning so that was sunset boulevard and unfortunately, the little girl was killed going across the boulevard. if you look at the map on the side you have the judy a 3 schools and on the map further i don't know if it's showing up properly but there's 3 or 2 different crossings the judy district attorney and the slow boulevard area. those things have to be looked at all the kids in those areas and the high-speed traffic we need to study the whole length of the boulevard and the area on
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ocean boulevard we have the crossing guard their tacked to the highlight there looks like randolph and that's part of the congestion problem when development occurs without the transit stuff studied without properly in advance. thank you >> thank you, mr. goodman anyone else? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> good morning supervisor mar i want to address our comment about how much target is putting in for the signal work. and we have our gentleman here who says its approximately 4 hundred thousand. would the traffic light near masonic and gary bus it's on ann
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assistant district attorney and masonic. and that's an area that enter seconds 1, 2, and 5 very closely alcohol but it's good that target is that troin i attributing. can we move this forward >> planning code guidelines this is an informational item. >> we have chad for the report. >> good morning supervisor mar. i'm with the ta i'll be presenting on item 7 with a neighborhood transportation improvement program a planning section we're representing the draft. we've referred to this
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throughout the presentation. why develop and propose something like that? sf has a response as part of the san francisco transmission plan on socioin terms of where we build and pedestrian bike projects and improvements. also a respond from the public and the board as part of the constituent received. finally, it's a respond inform recommendation in the san francisco recommendation plans as far as calling out the need to strengthen pipeline in san francisco. so we talked about we presented we included in the agenda in december a little memo on end tips it will be focusing on
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planning and we have conversations about the planning. so we're proposing using the $100,000 for prop k and that's $1.1 million into planning projects over the next 5 years >> i want to thank supervisor avalos and tilly for this equitable way of looking at the districts needs but i think this helps us and our residents that the ta is looking at the specific needs of our districts so thank you. >> chimney in as well. i do really appreciate staff moving on this idea and something i brought forward as a need in district 11 we have real sluggish way of getting pedestrian projects moving and bike projects the need is really, really great.
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i think one of the beneficial things we can talk about for our district is how to get more resident involved in the sdooip and planning process this program can help with that >> okay right into my next slide. one it's a great opportunity to increase community engagement in san francisco. and the second reason it creates a project pipeline of neighborhood scale projects in san francisco neighborhood. that means the size of the project and the cost those are things that effects neighborhoods and two integral parts one is identifying priority tiger's recommendations we should be focusing our resources on and the second thing we want to make sure we're identifying potential funding timelines.
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those projects right off the bat. so those are addressing the issues and again, this is speaking to what we learned in the san francisco transportation project and reducing issues and helping neighborhoods. so this is the overall process we are going envisioning and we move from needs to solutions to recommendations and implementing plans that can be picked up and have strong plans to be implemented rather than having the ideas. the total amount proposed 1 point plus million we think this will have an applying impact on the neighborhood level. and because of the amount
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leveraged this made it to the steps in all cases we want to insure there's a clear path forward or have clear steps toward project implementation. so what do we mean by planning efforts this is a bit of a menu of ideas we've come up with. at the end of the day those needs will be at a later date. those are the projects we've had in san francisco you're probably aware of it can be district wide and a part from geographic one is a district wide save route to school or biking or increasing mode safety and the project is on the bottom.
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our cac gave his good feedback of collecting examples of scale or types of efforts and costs and we're drawing from past transportation authority effort to get an idea of the scale and the costs. so how does a planning idea bylaw become a plan. we know the supervisors might come up with an idea but talking to constituents or a call for ideas. at least two cac members felt we should be required to solicit inputs g input from the community. regardless of how an idea comes up we proposes that we work with the relate agencies to make sure
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it's well scoped and well funded to address the needs of the community before we start the effort. this is a step we've annoyed a project chart the goals and the scope and budget and who's responsible from community and agency stakeholders. we're working on specific guidelines about leveraging for instance, and i think in all this check list is a guide to help give folks an idea of what has to be ready to go and really a remembered of points to remember and recommendation similar to factors for designing construction later on. okay. so there are many models that led to successful projects.
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the focus is on not who's doing what but what's the best project structure for the meaningful results. one of the keys is enter agency coordination and we recognize we're going to have policy buy ins from the planning effort will be libel implemented and staffed by the agencies. depending upon how the structure is pledged we might have is it correct assistance should the project warrant that need. a couple of slides ago. muni grant are allowable but we still have to follow the guidelines and anyway, the scale effort would have to be
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appropriately reflect the capacity to get the meaningful results. so this final slide is it's our next steps it is subject to change depending upon how much feedback we're getting. you can see how we take it through the spring and when will the fund be available this is the 5 year plan. funding could be available for fiscal year 2014 - 2015 and possibly sooner. with that, i'm more happy to take questions. and also, we have our director chang. good morning. i'm ms. chang. i want to echo those comments thank you for your leadership and direction especially through
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the transportation plan last year as well as the input you gave us and the guidance. this initiative is so existing and it's flexible. i think it's meant to be, you know, in partnership and many of you have a good sense of it i've been in conversations with the folks in you're ready district and in accountability cases it's a opportunity to involve the public to address the disparities in our transportation planning and to cooperate with other agencies to make sense to move to the next level. so it's very exciting for all of us, please bear is with us we're getting a new plan that will
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engage the public and you're ready offices so thank you >> i just wanted to say i think that mr. rothman has a job of learning the in the courseness of our districts. i'm happy in the criteria it encourages community engagement but also focuses on equality and concerns. in our districts there are 0 people who have immigrants and other populations that don't have an organized voice. in my district the hardest part is reaching the small mom and pop stores and reaching the cac members and others in our district. this give us an opportunity to think of an opportunity of key spots but thank you very much.
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commissioner - >> thank you for a development and this concept. for districts that may have somewhat of - have taken steps already that's include in this planning process would it be possibly even though the funding is not available until 2014 - 2015 we're going through a process where inhibited groups that represent certain people may want to do some planning or we're going to have a meeting on february 22nd to explain the participatory budget process and in that piece would be some of the pedestrian and safety
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funding we have available so the question i have is groups can they actually write a proposal for instance, to say, i.e., want to do some planning in our neighborhood around pedestrian safety? would it be possibly to say we're going to have one hundred thousand available but it won't start until later on this year >> absolutely i think it's r k eligible so there's public involvement and technical assistance it's annoys to have community lead there's interest so it helps bring folks together and build their capacity. i believe the fund would be programmed at the turn of fiscal
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year so sometime in the fall so depending upon how many there are we might be able to put a team of consultants to help them move forward to move for the implementation >> the other question i have is if a portion of the funding were to go to help neighborhood groups and they come up with some concept the issue i would have would be to identify or make summaries about the costs of planning process. this is where i feel like my office may need some help somebody may want to spend a one hundred thousand and there's 2
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people talking to themselves at the committee meeting so whereas another committee meeting motive have more people >> we'll be happy to advise and whether a combination of both somebody will lead and we will provide the guidance to make sure we have clear scopes and budget as chad mentioned everyone understands their role. >> supervisor avalos. thank you, thank you again really excited about this approach and i know that what i hear from constituents in district 11 is what we hear around safety and pedestrian issues. i hear the most from
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constituents is the need for traffic calming but the san francisco transportation authority finance committee project can built the capacity of the groups to explore the neighborhoods and understand where the hot spots are in terms of pedestrian safety and how to do planning together. the question i have if we're going to be supporting groups how do you make sure we get them on the track that can lead to a deliveryable project. did you get folks together and we're passion added about moving forward and also, we know we're on the pathway to get funded and built. those are key, you know, >> absolutely those we're working on the exact question to get the cross education.
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marcus books folks may not know the process and how, you know, inexpensive treatment are. we going to through that back and forth to staff and other folks so we can get that education going and people can get the benefit on all sides to learn with the city does and how much the costs are and who needs to be involved so it months smoothly and hopefully constructions >> and i see this is bringing to the neighborhood level how we can watch the whole process that we're engaging in and moving forward. we need pressure on our agencies to work together and coming from the community side can help focus that collaboration
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>> absolutely. in some cases they'll know best where their needs are and get involved in the sfmta agencies. and in some cases the community needs to understand the difficult trade offices and some things might need to go so we can move forward and bring everyone to the table at the same time >> and lastly in district 11 we'll be planning town hall around pedestrian safety and to kickoff our breaking apart the hot spots in you're ready districts to figure out how we can champions the safety of pedestrians. and looking forward to that >> both meetings will make sure we're publicizing our networks. >> i also want to thank ms.
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chang for gufgsz a list of examples from blue prints to streetscape plans and this can help us to think about better streets or complete street planning and other things that people don't think about. people in 1st district peter is the one to contact from my office. it's good we heard that targeted contributed 4 hundred thousands i know in my districts sfmta is concerned about districts so this helps to leverage orbiting other efforts and engage others and thanks so much to supervisor avalos. open this up for public comment anyone from the public who would like to speak. oh, we have a couple of cards
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(calling names) >> thank you, commissioners i'm interested in some of the promises that can come forth i've spoken again on the issues of the connecting the neighborhoods but you have that whole brotherhood way that's needing trees and it could be a correct our to lake merced and going out to the flee market they did an improvement but nothing for the pedestrian crosswalk. this could be a nice way to the flee market and people could get access to the market that is so
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some of those projects can be spear heated by this money and puc ways talking about comforting the pathways so it could help >> mr. chris son and anyone else who wants to speak. >> i want to reiterate how important i think this n tip program is and i look forward to working not only with on industrial district to over suggestions on traffic calming measures. i mentioned 2 districts and one overlaps on brotherhood. those are projects that are worthy go along with others so i really want to commend supervisor avalos and the rest of you this is a positive step
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>> thank you anyone else who wants to speak public comment is closed. so colleagues, can we move those drafts guidelines forward. >> introduction of new items this is an informational item. >> so let's open this up for public comment anyone from the public public comment is closed. item the general any public comment? >> anyone from the public who issues to speak. >> mark christensen from the triangle. i was under the impression that the transit study west side grade integration line was on the agenda it was originally planned and i think it was
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postponed that's my mistake are i strongly urge not one stop near mercy stop but 1 at ocean avenue eucalyptus and winston descriptive the eucalyptus serving the merchants corridor along with the students standing near there and second of all the 19th avenue especially transit lines for 28 and 29. i'll be working with liz on the future on this and i wanted to bring this to you're ready attention so thank you >> next speaker anyone who wants to speak. >> i have an overhead here if it's not too late to make
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