tv [untitled] February 14, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PST
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diversity that would show the city that this is what san francisco is all about. >> what we got here is 3,000 new square feet of places for people to be healthy and be active and the community to gather. >> if you see /kaelly's mural in the building, there cannot be an imagery that's more related to this place. what people told us about what the importance of the windmills and the green houses and the flowers that used to be grown here and the wind, let's not forget the wind. >> we have to continue to invest in our city's infrastructure and creating new. this is a recreation center for the 21st century and for the 21st century communities. >> we finally made something after somebody that everybody needs and this is the park.
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volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160 acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great
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place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling. for more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. get in touch with the parks and recreation center so come >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in in this cfo memory i remember having cfo with mile-an-hour grorm
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>> and they were having sausage with my grorm. >> and i was six or seven and i made a face. >> when i was younger i had a preference for cfo i used to drink it but that did something to my body. >> i've been drinking coffee since i was 17 role the only thing i'm good at i have trying to find my way through school i jousted coffee and decided to do that for the rest of my life i started looking into the process of the coffee and where it came from and where do those beans come from oh, they come from a
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fruit. >> the coach stays with me i grew up and one day i'm going to own a coffee shop i should at it in 98 i visited over 11 hundred coffee shops to see why people go to come over shops. >> we've searched beans api all over the world tokyo and south america. >> when i wanted to do was get into every aspect of the coffee and real estate there was multiply steps of making a great cup of coffee. we do is revolt and that's because with the qualifies of coffee shop and once you revolted it it how far anyone
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else's and the coffee and one thing about the coffee they were special blends i create. i spent seven years on one blend. each bean is all chemistry and blend with each culture and beans is like people beans and those people give me a reputation and it only happens fwhons a lifetime. your clients love you and that's what happens. >> but then i fell in love a eternal hanging out at the coffee shops the coffee woosz terrible by the community aspects i initiated.
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>> i think it's a important place to find your friends and people. >> you love my city san francisco has a good name and a reputation and has every culture in this planet in san francisco. it's a small city 7 by 7 but it's huge. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i role like the idea of staying in the neighborhood and after living here the entire time there's one thing that's important the people talk about seattle and they talk about
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seattle and san francisco. or portland and san francisco. san francisco is definitely on the cutting-edge of coffee scene in the entire nation >> there's so much romance in coffee it is around the sourcing of it and how it got her it's a complicated thing. >> i know for a pharynx born to make coffee i got it from my dad that's the life i live speaks for me. let's have a cup of coffee and talk about it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> we are approving as many parks as we can, you have a value garden and not too many can claim that and you have an historic building that has been redone in a beautiful fashion and you have that beautiful outdoor ping-pong table and you have got the art commission involved and if you look at them, and we can particularly the gate as you came in, and that is extraordinary. and so these tiles, i am going to recommend that every park come and look at this park, because i think that the way that you have acknowledged
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our rules committees meeting for thursday february 6, 2014. i'm supervisor yee and i will be chairing this meeting. to my left is supervisor campos and katie tang who will join us. lisa miller is our clerk. and we would like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, jessie larson and joshua alexander and record eefrp of our meetings and make the transcripts available online. are there any announcements? >> yes. please turn off electronic devices. if you wish to speak, please fill out a card. >>
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>>supervisor norman yee: madam clerk, please call item 1. agenda[health, business and tax regulations codes - safe body art]1304021.ordinance amending the health code by repealing miscellaneous sections relating to tattooing and adding article 40 to require body art practitioners to register with the department of public health dphh and to annually renew registration, and to require permanent and temporary body art facilities to obtain and annually renew permits with dph; amending the business and tax regulations code by adding fees relating to body art permits and licenses; and making environmental findings. public health departmentt5/2/13; >>supervisor norman yee: madam clerk, please call item 1. sf 11234 >>supervisor norman yee: i believe dr. johnson, from the department of public health is here to present. >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is dr. johnson. i'm representing department of public health branch. the rules committee meeting of january 16th of 2014. the department of public health reintroduced the body art ordinance for adoption. however at that time the department also requests for a continuance for time to post publicizing the new proposed
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fee schedule for feedback from the general public. i'm here to answer any questions from the rules committee regarding this new fee schedule. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: as mentioned this has come before us. are there any questions? okay. is there, thank you. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues can we have a motion to forward this item to the full board for recommendation? so moved. with no objection, motion passes. madam clerk, item no. 2. >> the clerk: item no. 2.
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item 2: [appointments, san francisco local agency formation commission]1400872.motion appointing supervisor john avalos, as a member, and supervisor eric mar, as an alternate member, terms ending february 4, 2018, to the san francisco local agency formation commission. clerk >> the clerk: item no. 2. sf 21234 >>supervisor norman yee: okay. let's see, i believe, is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion for this item to be brought to the full board for recommendation. so moved. motion is passed. item no. 3. the clerk: item 3: appointment, developmental disabilities area board v] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending december 31, 2016, to the developmental disabilities area board v. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 2, succeeding donna adkins, term expired, must have a demonstrated interest and leadership in human services, for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending the clerk: sf 31234 >>supervisor norman yee: okay. ms. atkins will not be here but i understand there might be someone here to speak on
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her behalf. please come up and state your name. >> gabriel rog an. i'm here if you have any questions. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. any questions? >>supervisor david campos: just a quick question. what's the reason the applicant can't be here today. is there a scheduling conflict? >> yes, she's working today. jooe #6 >>supervisor norman yee: is there a problem with her attending the meetings? >> no. she's a consistent attendee. >>supervisor norman yee: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we have a motion to forward this to the full board.
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>>supervisor katy tang: i wanted to clarify this with the city attorney. >> you don't need a requirement for the seat. state law is one of the requirements that 60 percent of the members of the body, i think there are 10 appointed members. 60 percent of those have to be consumers or relatives of consumers or i believe care takers. and so, that requirement doesn't follow any particular seat. right now san francisco has two seats. you are filling one of them today with a member of the general public that will fill in the 40 percent category. the next opening on this board we would recommend that you fill someone who
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fits the 5th category. >>supervisor norman yee: recommendation? >> so moved. >>supervisor norman yee: recommendation passes. so that brings us to item no. 4. the clerk: item 4: [appointments, workforce investment community advisory committee] hearing to consider appointing three members, terms ending february 19, 2017, to the workforce investment community advisory committee. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 1, succeeding liz jackson-simpson, term expiring on february 19, 2014, must be staff and/or board member of a 5011ccc33 organization, preferrably committee members should be providing workforce development services or serving low-income residents and other with barriers to employment, for a two-year term ending february 19, 2017. vacant seat 2, succeeding winnie yu, term expiring on february 19, 2014, must be staff and/or board member of a 5011ccc33 organization, preferrably committee members should be providing workforce development services or serving low-income residents and other with barriers to employment, for a two-year term ending february 19, 2017. vacant seat 4, succeeding dion-jay brookter, term expiring on february 19, 2014, must be staff and/or board member of a 5011ccc33 organization, preferrably committee members should be providing workforce development services or serving low-income residents and other with barriers to employment, for a two-year term ending february 19, 2017. the clerk: sf 41234 >>supervisor norman yee: we'll
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call the applicants in the order of the agenda. lily wong. >> hello, my name is lily wong. i'm one of the applicants. good afternoon supervisors and thank you for considering my application for the advisory committee. just a little brief summary about myself. i grew up in san francisco. my family came here in 1987. i have been here ever since. my family has worked hard to live here and my interest is in this. i have worked to improve the living conditions for city san franciscans. i worked at community educational services for the mayor's education employment program for low income youth in san francisco. i currently work at coleman advocates and where they have a unique perspective on adult work force. i get to provide work force direct services and i get to advocate on a stronger policy or a more citywide level. i try to identify gaps in the neighborhood and try to see what we can do to support san
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franciscans. i know that my experience and current work more than qualifies me for the wic act and i appreciate your time and prepared to answer any questions you might have. >>supervisor norman yee: any questions? okay. i have a quick question. work force investment for our board is many members on the board of supervisors is an important issue. what voice do you think you will be bringing to the table? >> you mean like in terms of population or? >>supervisor norman yee: you can answer anyway you like. >> okay, i think for me i worked in immigrant and low income families. that's kind of my background and both my own living experiences as well as the jobs that i have held in the past and i currently do
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hold. i think that in terms of disadvantaged individuals in san francisco, those would probably be the strongest areas that i know. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: next applicant is james fountain. >> my name is james fountain. i work with the employment youth services. i have been there for over 6 years now. prior to that i was at ll hutch and worked with people coming out of prisons. i have worked with the professionals and do a lot of national advocacy for what's happening and i want to get involved at the local level and i'm
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involved with the california workers association and work force development and moving on their education as well. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. any questions? seeing none, thank you. next applicant is winnie yu. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors, thank you for the opportunity to speak before you and your consideration for the work force committee advisory committee. i have been working as a center manager for one of the neighborhood access points formally one stop career centers? san francisco since july 2010 and have seen thousands of visitors looking for work. our approach has been looking at the strengths of many of the job seekers to marketing skills to employers and looking for opportunities to do the right matching. so my voice that i would lend is my experience in operating a
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one stop center, now neighborhood access points in san francisco but also working with job seekers who really have skills gaps in their resumes and being able to work with them and market their skills and strengths to employers. there is a low unemployment rate according to the edd report, 4.6 percent. however the remaining are the hardest to employee. we would need to really utilize strategies and skill building and training to ensure that they are not left out while the rest of the more higher skilled workers are now employed. i would appreciate the opportunity to serve again and utilize experience that i have experienced in the past with more innovative job seekers to come to the work force and ensure there is no gaps or opportunities lost to ensure all workers have an opportunity. thank you for your consideration.
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>>supervisor norman yee: thank you, supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: yes. thank you very much. just a quick question, we have more applicants that we have seats. i'm just wondering and i'm going to ask this of anyone seeking reappointment. can you tell us about your attendance to meetings. did you miss any meetings? >> yes, i have attended most of the meetings other than the family emergencies and/or situations or if i was ill i was not able to attend. >>supervisor david campos: thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: next applicant is dion jay brookter. i believe you are speaking? okay. state your name. >> good afternoon supervisors, jamal walters. i'm here to speak on behalf of mr. dion
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jay brookter. he was out on a visit with the san francisco unified school district in clovis california. he's out there on assignment right now working of course for our children. but mr. brookter was appointed by this committee last year and is really looking forward for the opportunity to serving the city and residents very well. he's been the deputy director for community developers over the years where we provide education services to one of san francisco's most disenfranchised population. mr. brookter is very innovative and has high level planning and education experience. he has a tremendous amount of work ethic and ready to work diligently and ready to provide some real thoughtful
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input to provide services to deal with the gaps in the work force system that we have here in san francisco. he's already involved in many high level conversations about bringing more seamless services to the work force services in san francisco and how to work to provide better opportunities for disfranchised population. he's already been appointed and he would like the opportunity to complete a full term. you the. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. supervisor campos. >>supervisor david campos: do you know what his attendance was. >> he did not have an opportunity to go to a meeting. he was appointed late. >>supervisor norman yee: i guess he had a lot of impact so far. is there any additional
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public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. okay. my colleagues on the committee, we have four great candidates for three seats. any thoughts. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: yes, i after looking at some of the materials i would be interested in allowing applicants winnie yu and dion jay brookter to continuing the term especially mr. brookter to fulfill a full term and i'm familiar with ms. yu's work in the community. i know we have three seats and four applicants. i at least want to move those two forward and would love to hear from the community members on the third applicant. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you mr. chair and supervisor tang. i will support that motion. i think that it's good to have continuity and in the case of
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mr. brookter, he was just appointed. i think that we need to make sure that he has an opportunity to serve out a full term. i don't know, i think it's a really hard choice because i think that every one of the two remaining applicants is really strong and i was very impressed with the presentation. i have to say that it's one of those things whenever you have more applicants than you have vacancies that you ask which ever one doesn't get the appointment today or the recommendation today to please continue to be involved because the thing with these bodies you have a lot of busy people and schedules change and personal circumstances change so vacancies come up. i see it as more of a long term. my hope is that at some point
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both ms. wong and mr. fountain would be able to serve on this body. that said, based on the presentation today and the experience, i'm inclined to move forward mr. fountain at this point, but again that's not anything against ms. wong because i think she has a great deal of experience and a lot of passion and expertise that she brings. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. i also would support your motion to reappoint mr. book ter and ms. yu. it boils down to two candidates. i have had the opportunity to listen to
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ms. wong another time when she applied. and i also know of her work on the -- the presentation from both of you was very good. the background was very good. at this point i also received quite a few e-mails to support ms. wong. i'm going to and there is no insult to the one i'm not favoring, but i would say i favor ms. wong. >>supervisor katy tang: i would say i have to second supervisor yee's choice here. i think both candidates have a great background that they are presenting to us. for me i like and identify with bringing the immigrant community voice to the table as well as someone who again
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can help serve as well the monolingual; community. with that, i would move to also support ms. lily wong. >>supervisor norman yee: so the motion is to, let me be specific. the motion would be to nominate lily wong to seat one, winnie yu to seat 2, dion jay book ter to seat 4. supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you. i don't think you can go wrong with either choice. i would be happy to support ms. wong as well. i want to do it without objection. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. the motion is passed. mr. fountain, please, we mean it, reapply. >> i'm here
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