tv [untitled] February 15, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PST
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it's, moore, sugaya. item 1. item 1: 2013.1791t a. rodgers; 4155 558-63955 amendments to the planning code, creating a new broadway alcohol use district, adding new section 249.66 to establish the art and design special use district at 1111 eighth street [board file no. 13-1120] - ordinance introduced by supervisor chiu amending the planning code, by adding a new section 789, to establish the broadway alcohol restricted use district on parcels with street frontage on broadway, between columbus avenue and montgomery street; amending the zoning map, sheet su-02, to designate the broadway alcohol restricted use district; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. preliminary item 1. sf 11234 for continuance. >> >> item 2. item 2: 2013.0518c o. masry; 4155 575-91166 2775 van ness avenue - at the southwest corner of lombard street and van ness avenue, lot 030 in assessor's block 0503 - request for conditional use authorization under planning code sections 209.66bb and 303 to modify an existing wireless telecommunications services wtss facility operated by at&t mobility. the proposed macro wts facility would replace 66 panel antennas, with 99 panel antennas; with 33 of the antennas mounted on the uppermost portion of the east facing building facade. related electronic equipment would be located on the roof and in the parking garage. the
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facility is proposed on a location preference 2 site co-locationn within an rc-3 residential commercial, medium densityy district, and 65-a height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco >> item 2. sf 21234 proposed for continuance for february 20th. item 3, item 3: 2013.1529z a. starr; 4155 558-63622 904 22nd street - zoning map amendment - ordinance amending the zoning map, to re-zone the property located at 904-22nd street assessor's block no. 4106, lot no. 0155 from rh-3 residential, housing, three familyy to umu urban mixed usee; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. preliminary recommendation: adopt a recommendation for approval continued from regular meeting of december item 3, sf 31234 propose for continuance. >> item 6. item 6: 2013.1192q k. burns; 4155 575-91122 1541 filbert street - south side between van ness avenue and franklin street; lot 022 in assessor's block 0527 - request for condominium conversion subdivision to convert a three-story over garage, six-unit building into residential condominiums within a rm-2 residential-mixed, moderate densityy zoning district and 40-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco >> item 6. sf 61234 is being proposed for continuance until february 27, 2014. i have no other items proposed for continue ance and no speaker cards. >> is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner borden? >> borden? >> i moovve continue on the dates on the calendar.
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>> second. >> commissioner antonini? >>commissioner michael j. antonini: any reason for the request? >> there was a noticing issue. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioners on that motion to continue all items as proposed commissioner antonini? hillis, moore, sugaya, wu, commission president fong. that motion passes unanimously 7-0 and places you under your consent calendar. all matters listed here on the consent calendar are considered to be route routine by the planning commission unless the members of the public or staff pull on request. they maybe considered as a separate item. item 4. item 4: 2013.1688q t. chang; 4155 575-91977 47-49 noe street - the east side of noe street between duboce street and 14th street on assessor's block 3538, lot 043 - request for condominium conversion subdivision to convert a three-story, six-unit building within a rto residential, transit-oriented neighborhoodd zoning district, 40-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco item. item 4. sf 41234 request to condominium conversion subdivision. >> item 5 item 5:2013.1828q t. chang; 4155 575-91977 624-628 guerrero street - the west side of guerrero street between 18th street and 19th street on assessor's block 3587, lot 005 - request for condominium conversion subdivision to convert a three-story, six-unit building within a rm-2 residential, mixed, moderate densityy zoning district, 40-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval
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action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco administrative code. preliminary >> item 5 sf 51234 request for condominium. item 7 item 7: 2013.1817c m. boudreaux; 4155 575-91400 1410 ocean avenue - north side between miramar and granada avenues; lot 007 in assessor's block 3197 - request for conditional use authorization pursuant to planning code section 303 and 737.62, to allow a change of use from a vacant retail space to district-serving canine day care facility, regulated as animal hospital, d.b.a. iplayboww within the ocean avenue nct neighborhood commercial transitt zoning district and 45-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco >> item 5 sf 51234 request for condominium. item 7 item 7: 2013.1817c m. boudreaux; 4155 575-91400 1410 ocean avenue - north side between miramar and granada avenues; lot 007 in assessor's block 3197 - request for conditional use authorization pursuant to planning code section 303 and 737.62, to allow a change of use from a vacant retail space to district-serving canine day care facility, regulated as animal hospital, d.b.a. iplayboww within the ocean avenue nct neighborhood commercial transitt zoning district and 45-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco administrative >> item 5 sf 51234 request for condominium. item 7 item 7: 2013.1817c m. boudreaux; 4155 575-91400 1410 ocean avenue - north side between miramar and granada avenues; lot 007 in assessor's
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block 3197 - request for conditional use authorization pursuant to planning code section 303 and 737.62, to allow a change of use from a vacant retail space to district-serving canine day care facility, regulated as animal hospital, d.b.a. iplayboww within the ocean avenue nct neighborhood commercial transitt zoning district and 45-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco administrative code . i have 1234 i have no speaker cards. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. a >> move 5 and 7? >> city clerk: commissioner antonini, hillis, borden, wu, fong. that passes unanimously 7-0 and places you under commission matters item 8 election of officers. this has been continued a couple of times. item 7: 2013.1817c m. boudreaux; 4155 575-91400 1410 ocean avenue - north side between miramar and granada avenues; lot 007 in assessor's block 3197 - request for conditional use authorization pursuant to planning code section 303 and 737.62, to allow a change of use from a vacant retail space to district-serving canine day care facility, regulated as animal hospital, d.b.a. iplayboww within the ocean avenue nct neighborhood commercial transitt zoning district and 45-x height and bulk district. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to section 31.044hh of the san francisco couple of times. sf 71234 >> commissioner borden, i nominate cindy wu for president and fong for vice-president. >> second. >> commissioner antonini? >>commissioner michael j. antonini: my comment was the second. >> if there is no further discussion, i will call that question on the motion to elect commissioner wu as the president and commissioner fong as vice-president. commissioner antonini, borden, hillis, moore, sugaya, no, commissioner wu, commissioner president fong? that motion passes #6-1 with commissioner
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sugaya voting against. congratulations. >> commissioner moore? commissioner dr. roscoe m. commissioner dr. roscoe m. >> congratulations. >> commissioner antonini? >>commissioner michael j. antonini: i just want to thank you the opportunity for your trust and for leading this commission. it's been an honor and i wanted to congratulate commissioner wu. i think where the city is now and where the housing is i can't think of a better commission to lead us in this next year. congratulations to you. thank you. i want to thank my fellow commissioners, >vice-president cindy wu: i think this is an exciting year. affordable housing has never been at the top of agenda in the same way, we are preserving what we have and building affordable housing and moderate income at all levels. i'm excited to working with you and look forward to this next year. >> excellent. shall we move on? city clerk: commissioners that will place you on item 9. commission comments and questions. commissioner
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antonini? >>commissioner michael j. antonini: i want to thank everyone for the flowers and thank you for a great job. briefly, the prostate surgery was planned and the second was unplanned. there was a blockage i had in my carotid artery and they said you better get surgery pretty quick. i'm not arguing with that compliments to both ucsf and carl's team and prostate team and in spotting the second one and taking care of that. i'm back and ready to go. the only things i say, when your body gives you signs, keep an eye on them because sometimes they are subtle and easy to dismiss. there is talk about high cholesterol. the good
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cholesterol is good but the bad one is to be watched. i will try to keep this brief because it's supposed to be a short session. i thought the formula retail was absolutely fantastic what the staff is doing. sorry that sophie hey wood won't be with us. she was great during that. it's kind of shocking in a way because historically san francisco supervisors legislated first and they are doing it this the right way. they are waiting for the planning department to investigate before they have formula retail control modifications. some great things came out of that. the discrepancies because of 7 ands 4. also the questions were raised by the public i think very appropriately is sometimes formula retail have the ability to hire people
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with less training and willing to train them and as a result they maybe more inclined to hire some people from disenfranchised and under served groups and i think arnold townsend was eloquent in his presentation of that and i also think setting the bar at a higher level is a case to be made for that and giving special consideration for san francisco's native born companies is certainly important. one thing that was not brought up but i brought it up at many hearings in the past, is when we don't have a really popular formula retail in san francisco, people will travel outside of san francisco to shop there. we lose the tax revenue and jobs that will not go to people in san francisco. a classic example at this point i hope we'll get one in the future is ikea. they are always
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running to emeryville because they like it. i thought that was wonderful. another hearing i thought was really good was the hearing on the 280 extension removal. the railroad yard, the dtx, cal train elect fiction, we do need a loop track. reversing the trains in the station makes no sense. in fact it seems we did a lot of projects some years ago, i think it was jack myers project because it interfered with the track. i'm not quite so sure why a loop track still not part of the package from the very beginning. i think you need a comprehensive plan. that's what's so important. you can't consider these all as individual items. you have to make them all work together. to that end, i think a lot of people spoke about the need to use the railroad as part of
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affordable housing. if we can do that, it makes sense. basically you have to use that site to finance so some of the rest of this. you have to be able to utilize these lands that have been created to produce revenue because we have $2 billion price tag on the extension alone. you are talking about a lot of money and it doesn't come out of the sky. another item was on housing and it was a little bit disappointing to me to hear one of our supervisors make a remark that if we eliminated the buses the tech workers will move down the peninsula. that is not attitude that we should have. we should welcome all people. even if we have more talent or more income and independent and not reliable on the city for their benefits. we should be taking the opposite approach in the companies to
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move up here rather than them to move out of san francisco. so, i think that's a really important thing and i thought the housing discussions were really good. the one thing that didn't come up is utilizing some of our unused lands. up until the 1970s we built housing almost everywhere and there aren't lot left but there are places on the edges of twin peaks and look of opportunity sites where -- housing for families with children, where we can build a hundred or thousand and divert these people from converting rental units if they find housing that is appropriate for them. another idea if this is land owned by the city, if we donated this land to the builder on the condition that the builder
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reduce the prices to 25-30 percent below market, i think that's a good trade. because you know, that would be the condition of this kind of land donation but it would still be market rate housing but it would be price controlled and that would be a really good use of some of these lands. so, the only other thing i wanted to comment on is 300 post and i'm glad to hear that was approved. i didn't quite follow the whole discussion on the legislative piece. i know there was a reason some of the commissioners had talked about an sud possibly but either way in the format it was proposed as an sud is on the plate of the supervisors now. i didn't understand the ceqa arguments on that one. finally on pdr facilitation, i think that was an excellent discussion too and i think i
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was questioning, i don't need an answer now but why it had to be above 20th street. some arguments were raised, there was more transit and you have to be realistic. do one job at a time. if you want to keep pdr, you may not have enough parking for their employees. i think space is a lot cheaper below 20th street and i'm not opposed to what was proposed and blending it with office is going to make a lot of sense because you will have that component of office because you will probably be able to command enough to allow for the lower resents for pdr. i think we should be actively pursuing some of these companies. in fact i eat a lot of salami and cheese, maybe that's my problem. they all
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want to move into bayville and you don't have to say founded in san francisco, you are actually in san francisco. i think that's important and also a very good piece today by chuck and it's talking about radical ideas of helping the homeless. one thing i saw on 60 minutes which many of you might have seen which is a discussion about a thousand homes and they are spending less to house homeless in individual units rather than putting them in shelters or not doing anything with them. they feel it would cost them less than what they are doing now. it's certainly food for thought and i wonder if the city is aware of that program and if anybody can comment on that, not right now, but if you are interested in it. thank you all for bending your ear for a few minutes now. hopefully the rest of the hearing will be a little more smoother. thank you.
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>> city clerk: if there is nothing further commissioners, we can move on to department matters. item no. 10. >> good afternoon commissioners, several of you asked about the directive and the response that the department as well as dbi gave to the mayor. i think jonas is now passing out copies. we sent these to you earlier as well. i thought it might be useful to talk about it a couple minutes because we can certainly calendar it for a robust discussion. i thought it was useful to talk about it for a few minutes because several of these item do relate to the commission as well and i know you are interested in all of them. as you recall, the mayor's directive had three tasks associated with it and what we have done, the two departments have done is present a series of short-term solutions that
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do not require legislations that are almost entirely procedural. we also prepared as a group the task force that tom houghe and i prepared a series of medium and long-term presentations for the mayor's task force which willmeet on february 25th that will consider a whole range of policies for these matters to address affordable housing. with respect to the memo that we sent to the mayor on february 3rd, i thought we would hit some of the highlights and i'm happy to answer any questions. although since it's not calendared today we can't have a full discussion. the very first item on priority we've already sent a memo to staff and revised a directors bulletin that revises projects that
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are entirely affordable and have 20 percent or 30 percent off sight affordable units will always rise to the front of the cue when they come to the department. our rough guess is that will be three to 4 months depending on the processing. second item, the omnibus man that will require a position that is focused on both the project and policy issues devoted just to housing. we will be highlighting another item that involves the commission. the idea is to put forward to ask the commission to encourage property owners to maximize density on their sites and that will be
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brought for you for your consideration. the mayor's directive discussion raises issues about illegal units. no. 6 on the second page. what the proposal is that we've given the mayor is that, to back up, current practice is that when somebody is proposing to remove an illegal unit, the practice has been to encourage the removal of the unit because it is illegal. the new practice will be to take whatever steps we can that are reasonable to make that unit legal. rather than limiting the unit. and so we will be working with dbi on that. we have alerted staff to this fact. the default will no longer be to let go of the unit. the default with the practice is to work with the property owner to make the unit legal. if it can't be made legal because of cost or
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safety issues, we'll bring it to you even though it is an illegal unit. that is a change of policy that you will see as well as the common practice to change to policy. on the next page a couple of highlights, the housing elements eir will help us to move forward on housing initiatives that we are anxious to complete that review as well. we are working with the department to review projects, many different projects require different ages -- agencies to review them. we will review these projects concurrently. that creates a problem and that's the reason for the omnibus
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man to handle these. a couple other things that address the discretionary review for housing units. this proposal will bring any units that's being proposed as a mandatoryeir. there are many units that do not come to you. if the building is more than 2 units. that will come to you as a mandatory discretionary review. finally on task 3 the both departments will review notices from the rent board for purposes of elimination of units or evictions. the request from the mayor is that the the department of building inspection will review these project and buildings for any
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building code violations. there are some issues to work out in terms of the notices and such. the first step will be for the rent board to give notice to both the planning department and to dbi when those evictions happen. that's a quick summary. i probably can answer simple questions but we are happy to get a calendar hearing for a more robust question on this. >> commissioner moore? commissioner dr. roscoe -- moore? >> people have ideas. we don't want to have backseat quarterbacking. i think it can be very timing. >> we can schedule something as early as next week if we wanted to. >> if the commission would
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like, we can certainly at it to the department matter for the agenda for the 20th. >> i think that's a great idea. >> commissioner antonini? >> >>commissioner michael j. antonini: we had that housing hearing while i was way and a lot of people spoke about density in their neighborhood and rh 1 and rh 2. we are going to have to have some compromise because these are the areas by zoning. >> if i may. item 4 isn't meant to talk about exceeding density. it's about building to the density limit. >> okay. thank you for clarification. >vice-president cindy wu: commissioner moore? >> i would working questions that can be answered next week if it's more appropriate. you
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said the omnibus man, the budget is not yet approved. will there be an interim plan between now and october. and my question is who is tracking all of these units. i know the 30,000 units with 10,000 being affordable is a goal and it's purpose is to be a goal, but i also think some method of tracking and transparency around that tracking can be important. >> we are working on that tracking issue as well. thank you. >> commissioner moore? >> i read about a very interesting proposal supervisor wiener has on the books and that's an interpretation of how we build housing. about changing, could we have an update and bring that into the discussion next week? i'm very interested in that discussion? >> yes, i believe supervisor
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wiener is working on legislation to allow units in parts of the castro. i'm not sure if that's been formally introduced yet. >> yes, that has been introduced and scheduled for march 6th, i believe. there is also another ordinance that would not count affordable housing into the review. i think it's scheduled for hearing later in march at this time. >> if you would participate next week where we can have someone pointing us on what can be discussed so we can get answers on that as well. city clerk: if there is nothing further commissioners, we can move onto item 11. review of past weeks events at the board of supervisors and board of appeals.
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>> good afternoon commissioners. in keeping with your short agenda, i also have a short report on the boards activity this week. at the land use committee meeting they considered the property on 4th street commonly known as this land use committee recommended this to the full board. on tuesday at the full board they can considered supervisor wieners's amendment impact on the fee. this commission considered this ordinance last year and you recommended approval. i gave you a summary of the ordinance last week. it's kind of dry. i can give it to you again. that item did pass on first reading this week. there are three new introduced laws that i would like to share with you. two
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laws and one resolution. first is an ordinance that would create small business month in may of 2014. it's sponsored by supervisor tang. secondly scott wiener presented a right to vote initiative. he's asking for this to be referred to the port of san francisco, the planning department, city administrator, controller and office of economic and work force development and municipal transportation authority and mayor's office of housing and community development to report on the measures of impact and if passed on affordable housing, infrastructure, transportation, open space needs as well as impacts to the city's tax space. that's
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a pretty comprehensive analysis. i think he gave us some time in march to work on that. supervisor wiener also introduced a landmark designation nomination for a tree, a giant sequoia at 3066 market street and this will be considered by the urban forest council. that's my summary for the boards activities unless there are any questions? >> no, thank you. >> thank you. >> the board of appeals of appeals did not meet last night. >> commissioners, that will place you under general public comment not to exceed a period of 15 minutes. at this time the members of the public may address the commission within subject matters of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items. each member may address the public commission for 3 minutes. i have no speaker
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cards. >> any general public comment? >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is jordan angle. i'm here as a representative of a group of concerned business owners and property owners on the broadway corridor. a few of which appeared in late january. we are concerned about the proposed liquor license moratorium on broadway that covers 5 blocks on montgomery. this frightens business owners. we already have four vacancies on the 400-block alone which now looks like a ghost town at night. obviously we are aware of with a goes on on broadway. it's punishing business owners, a moratorium like this
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will destroy the entertainment district which is world famous and should be preserved. on a personal note in regard to my family's building on the southeast corner of broadway that my 88-year-old grandmother is currently the deed holder for, we've been trying to remodel the building for 2 years. my grandmother is already affected by the property. moratoriums have real finance consequences for people and can be devastated. we have requested to have our liquor license approved before the
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