tv [untitled] February 15, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PST
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chronically homeless individuals who are in a need of complex care management and will be able to better respond to neighborhood needs for short-term localized interventions. the hot team focuses their efforts on areas of the city which have the highest need and the largest concentration of individuals living on the streets. many of the hot team members have clinical and case management experience. some are formerly homeless and all have shown a great com pence it to compel individuals living on the streets to accept treatment, services and housing opportunities to better their lives. at its core, this legislation will allow the department of public health to do three simple things. first, it will increase the number of people who are doing direct outreach on the street. more people providing more outreach will get more individuals into services and housing opportunities. second, this legislation will allow the department of public health to increase the skill level of their teams meaning they can hire more individuals with clinical and case management backgrounds. as we heard last week, better
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skilled outreach workers will deliver better results for those living on our streets. as a result, each new team add will now have the capacity to handle additional 160 new case management clients, meaning they will have more direct people to work with to better their situation. and third, it will allow for the addition of 100 new stabilization vets where homeless individuals will be able to bert stabilize their path [speaker not understood]. in the end i do believe we need new targeted programs for homeless individual and families living on our streets. this is just the beginning of a longer dialogue, but i firmly believe this targeted investment in our homeless team will drive a positive impact [speaker not understood] and pull more people off the streets into more services and shelter. again, we all know there is no silver bullet to end homelessness in our city or reducing the population, but that does not mean we can turn our backs on the issue. reducing homelessness on our streets will take a
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comprehensive, diligent, and dedicated focus to continue to move the needle forward and this legislation is a first step to doing just that. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor farrell. (applause) >> supervisor kim. supervisor mar. >> thank you, madam clerk. i have a couple of item. first, colleagues, a consistent critical issue that is coming up in conversations with my constituents in the richmond district over and over again is the lack of city and community-based services within our district on the west side of the city. though we've had great community organizations over the years such as the institute on aging, richmond senior center, jackie chan branch self-help for the elderly, richmond community district center and community youth center and [speaker not understood], there are significant gaps in our community safety net. in particular, there are no service providers within our neighborhood that are solely dedicated to serving immigrants
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or even tenants as people face eviction and displacement crisis. in addition, compared to other districts, we lack community clinics and targeted health services as well. and given the diversity of the richmond district and the need for counseling and information that's endemic to any large population of people like our district, it's troubling that our residents orphan have to travel to the east side of the city to find assistance. and in light of this, i'm requesting that the budget and legislatev i have analyst prepare a report on the geographical distribution of services and service providers in our city of san francisco as well as an analysis of city funding for services across districts. also, i wanted to invite people in district 1 and other adjacent areas to an important meeting by the mta, muni need your input. upcoming meetings on proposed service changes coming to the richmond district and it's going to happen on wednesday, february 12th from 6:00 to 8:00
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at the richmond district police room on sixth and geary. also i think a super majority of us on this 11 member board will be at the chinese new year parade on saturday rain or shine. and i wanted to say that i'm really looking forward to it. i've been marching since i was in a drum and bugle core [speaker not understood] dodging fire crackers and other stuff thrown at us by other kids in the neighborhood. but i've enjoyed it since the '70s and i know that this year it's going to be a great one with over 100 units participating. fred lau is the grand marshal, our former police chief. but i also wanted to alert you that there is an honorary marshal that will be driven. he's my uncle kirk. he's also known as the -- a war hero he in the chinese community and among the u.s. marine corps as well. some view him as a chinese american warrior, the
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smithsonian tv channel has a documentary about his life called uncommon valor, depicting his work in the korean war. also we honored him in our chambers at the san francisco born chinese american hero, i think that was last year. and u.s. marine corps general ray davis has described my uncle kirk lee as the bravest marine he's ever known. honorary marshal major kirk chiu and lee, he was active in the marine corps 20 years. he joined at 18 out of his high school in sacramento. he's 88 years old right now and he'll be driven by members of the cafe post, and he's also the first regular marine officer of asian american descent, but he was honored for his bravery in many ways at the battle of [speaker not understood] where 8,000 marines, about half of them
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died or were wounded or disabled and the front line rifle companies of which he was a part, some of them suffered 90% casualties in that terrible battle. i wanted to say that as he's becoming the honorary marshal this year, i wanted to thank the cafe post and the chinese new year's parade for honoring my uncle kurt. i think he's someone i try to live up to as a tough, brave, and incredibly honorable person. so, i'll be looking forward to honoring him as well. also some of you know that this is the year of the horse for this coming year 2014 and though i wasn't born in the year of the horse, horse means -- mar means sea in spanish, but in chinese it's horse. so, for those that are born in the year of the horse that are nomads, [speaker not
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understood], cheerful, earthy and stubborn, i wanted to honor you, but i also wanted to say mars like me are also celebrating this coming year and we'll be looking for a lot of the great year of the stuff this year saturday for the new year's raid. thank you. the rest i'll submit. ~ parade. >> thank you, supervisor mar. as your clerk of the board, i am year of the horse. supervisor yee. >> thank you very much. i wanted to announce that i guess in february 22nd i'm going to be embarking or my office will be embarking on a participatory budgeting process, and it's something that i've been interested in doing for a while even before i became a supervisor. and i want to thank president chiu for piloting this concept in san francisco last year. but this year it's district 7 that is going to also
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participate in this process. it is really important for me to have as much community engagement as possible, and this is one potential vehicle for getting people involved in terms of what they see will be important. and also for them to think of solutions. so, this meeting that we're having this community meeting is to basically let people know about what the process is and what the -- what we're qualified for, the funds that are available to district 7 residents. and this will be held at the west portal playground clubhouse on saturday, february 22nd, 10:30. if you need more information, please contact my office. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor yee. president chiu. >> thank you. i just want to first thank
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supervisor yee for had i work in participatory budgeting. we will also be doing it in our district, too, districtv 3. supervisor cohen will be engaging us in district 10. i think we all look forward to seeing how this expands during this year. colleagues, today i am requesting that our city attorney draft legislation to create a tenant right of first refusal to give tenants the opportunity to make an offer to property owners when their buildings are up for sale. as we address our affordability crisis, we all observed toomey vixes happening in smaller buildings in particular, involving seniors, disabled residence and low-income families. we have a fund to help acquire small buildings and protect permanent affordable units but we need to do more. washington, d.c., baltimore, maryland, and the state of florida have all passed legislation to give tenants the right of first refusal to purchase the buildings they live in when an owner chooses to sell. under such policies, tenants are provided notice that the property they live in will be
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up for sale and have a specified amount of time to match the sales terms offered by another party. the property owner maintains his or her right to accept any market rate offer. when exercised successfully, two times affordable housing [speaker not understood] these types of programs. [speaker not understood] on behalf of low-income residents or long-term affordable work force homeownership owned collectively by middle income residents and working families. with the right of first refusal in place, a small property owner that wants to get out of the rental business would have the option to sell to its tenants at market rate instead of to a short-term investor whose business plan is to evict the tenants and flip the building. this proposal would protect an owner's ability to sell at market rate while preventing tenant displacement and achieving neighborhoodv stability. because the right of first refusal needs to be supported by funding streams to assist tenants in purchasing their buildings, i will also be
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exploring funding streams to exist funds to accomplish this approach. [speaker not understood] was established to convert them into affordable housing. in 2009 [speaker not understood] 53 columbus avenue and north beach chinatown into a permanently affordable equity cooperative. the community trust purchased the land with the assistance of our city and converted the land into affordable cooperative units for the tenants. now called the columbus united cooperative, it will remain affordable in perpetuity where shares of the building cannot be resold at higher market values and as a model of what we can do in this area. i want to thank the council of community housing organizations whose 2014 housing agenda included a right of first refusal proposal. the chinatown community development center and the san francisco community land trust for working with my office on this. in the coming weeks i plan to work with the broader housing community to develop parameters
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of our legislation including identifying buildings in neighborhoods where this program would generate the highest impact and success. san francisco must further create affordable housing models to protect our tenants from displacement and preserve our existing housing stock. we need to do more to put housing in the hands of san francisco tenants who are in danger of being evicted by speculative investors. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. all of those items will be appropriately referred, mr. president. that concludes roll call for introductions. >> thank you. i'd now like to go to our 2:30 special order. i believe supervisor avalos has several commendations. >> thank you, president chiu. i have two commendations. the first is for the national alliance, filipino concern known as nafcon. we have june cruz who is here to receive the commendation. if you would come to the podium.
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so, the national alliance for filipino concerns was launched in 2003 after september 11 where attacks on immigrant communities were pretty common, [speaker not understood], and also for the philippines there was a redeployment of u.s. troops in that country. nafcon was started here in the bay area and among the first active member organization was here in san francisco, the filipino community center, peace and city college and s.f. chirp, community rights in the philippines. over the past ten years [speaker not understood] organizations and over 20 cities across the u.s., nafcon has led campaigns with philippine my grant workers fighting against discrimination, rape, theft, and human trafficking. [speaker not understood] at city hall and sacramento and even washington, d.c. and the u.n. fighting for immigrant rights, [speaker not
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understood] and the better world. [speaker not understood] california schools, universities, across the country and in the churches, hospitals, and other workplaces where filipinos are concentrated. there are students workers, [speaker not understood] hotel workers, [speaker not understood], faith communities, and my grant [speaker not understood] workers. most important to me and what i have seen firsthand is that community response to disasters in the philippines which they have been doing since [speaker not understood] in 2009. the latest typhoon [speaker not understood] led people to people response raising over 800,000 from thousands of individual donors from all over the 50 states, internationally, from schools, from faith communities, and businesses big and small. this week [speaker not understood] raised 30,000 towards rebuilding efforts and [speaker not understood] is here to receive the next commendation.
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there are also among the league of organizations pushing for protective status which is the resolution we have in front of us today. what is even more extraordinary is that nafcon is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. and all the work is from the heart. and we have one of our leaders, june cruz, the public information officer, to receive a commendation. thank you for being here, june. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. and all the supervisors here today. nafcon is very proud of the work we've been able to do in san francisco, not only in typhoon relief, but also in defending workers against wage cuts and making san francisco a safe place for all immigrants. we also want to affirm that each and every one of the supervisors here today has supported all of the affected communities of typhoon and contributed to our ability to raise over $800,000 that has not only gone to direct relief in the form of relief packets,
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but also contributed to medical assistance and offering of psychosocial intervention which helps children and families deal with the mental health effects of the typhoon and its aftermath. i also want to recognize that although it is three months after the typhoon, the need is still as great as it is today. and, so, again, i want to thank san francisco for its commitment and support for those victims. we have jean ~ just seen and are aware, 4.1 million fill pin owes are displaced because of the typhoon [speaker not understood]. we look forward to working with the supervisors ~ in 2009 there was a push from the supervisors that gave $50,000 to typhoon victims in the philippines. and as the tension from the typhoon come out of public attention, we're looking forward to working with the city of san francisco to
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continuing the much needed support for other projects that we might find we can collaborate on in the near future. so, thank you again and nafcon appreciates your support. (applause) s >> [speaker not understood]. the next commendation i have is for [speaker not understood]. if you want to come to the podium. [speaker not understood] is a place i've been shopping at
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probably since 1994 when the grocery was on mission and 15th street before we moved to the current location on duboce and folsom. what a great institution it is. worker owned, worker led grocery store that [speaker not understood] here in san francisco. anyone who wants vegetarian food, products, organic farmers, dairy and bakers, [speaker not understood]. wender grocery is a san francisco icon and [speaker not understood]. such an important institution and business model labor in green practices. [speaker not understood] workers own a livable wage, [speaker not understood] work space and building generously to local and international communities. 10% discount seniors any day of the week, any day of the year.
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10% donations to support local schools through scripps program. i know my [speaker not understood] school has benefited from that. we have parents from schools who are wendell shoppers, including myself and my wife. donations and grants to local nonprofit organization. today i want to highlight the campaign which they launched just this morning, after the storm. rainbow after the storm. it is an effort to donate 100% of the profits to the typhoon relief, up to $30,000 for tie fifteen haiyan relief in the philippines. it will be going on today and tomorrow and ending february [speaker not understood] on thursday. [speaker not understood]. any corporation who has donated 100% of their profits let alone
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any day [speaker not understood]. this generous offering is truly a gift of love to the worker owners of [speaker not understood] who had a two week [speaker not understood] 250 co-op members to make this important decision. this is money from their own pockets that the hard working women and men of rainbow are giving. all we have to do is do our shopping there. supervisor kim, supervisor campos ha done. i'll be back wednesday. i want to encourage other supervisors as well to help the grocer, to make sure we can divert the profit over to typhoon haiyan relief. so, i want to again encourage everyone to shop at rainbow and i want to thank again many residents in my district who have connections to the philippines for your generous donations to high fain haiyan relief in the philippines. thank you. (applause)
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>> actually, like to recognize a couple of our colleagues who want to add a few more words. supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, mr. president. thank you, supervisor avalos, for recognizing rainbow grocery. and i have the honor of being a representative for this incredible entity that has been an incredible partner in the neighborhood. and as supervisor avalos noted, a number of us went shopping this morning to take advantage of the very incredible generosity that an entity like this, a business would actually donate 100% of its proceeds to the victims of this typhoon. it's just remarkable. so, i want to encourage anyone who is watching, anyone who is in the audience to please go to rainbow grocery in the next three days. their address is 17 45 folsom, 17 45 folsom. if you have, you know,
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groceries that you're going to have to buy, this is your opportunity to stock up and to buy as much as you can, knowing that not only are you taking care of the chore that you need to take care of, but you're actually helping an amazing cause. as was noted you're talking more than 4 million people that are homeless because of this typhoon. so, i just want to say that as a resident of district 9, i am just in awe of the generosity and the commitment and i'm just very, very honored and thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you, mr. president. i also want to chime in and express my gratitude and also appreciation for the existence of rainbow grocery. i was there [speaker not understood]. i actually had -- i live two blocks away from rainbow grocery for many years. so, you are my neighborhood grocery store. i've come there many times and i continue to come. it's a great day to know that
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not only you're supporting worker staff, but you know the products are carefully selected and that you are continuing to support [speaker not understood] and balance throughout the world by shopping at rainbow. but this action, donating 100% of your proceeds, this isn't just a company that's donating profits. these are [speaker not understood] you are directly donating to the philippines. months after the all the media attention dies down, as supervisor campos and avalos mentioned, 4 million people still remain homeless. so, you know, when everyone is giving several months ago, you know, i think [speaker not understood] was giving started to die down. rainbow coming in at this moment continuing to support our brothers and sisters in the philippines is so important, we have such a big filipino community here in san francisco, we want to support their aunts and uncles and grandparents and brothers and sisters. and i also want to recognize nafcon. $800,000, that is an amazing accomplishment raising money. so, i just want to thank everyone involved.
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you had commendations from my predecessor for small business week. i guess you can add your own commendation. i was happy to represent rainbow stores two years and happy to hand it over to supervisor david campos and will continue to be a regular shopper. last thing i want to say, i want to recognize one of your workers who is fighting eviction herself on market street. she has been such an amazing leader. not only are you an amazing small business, but your workers are activists throughout the city fighting eviction and fighting to stay here in san francisco. and that type of leadership is so hard to do and we're so grateful for her leadership and for yours. >> thank you, supervisor kim. now to rainbow. >> thank you. we are utmost grateful for your support, supervisors. our collective voted on this overwhelmingly. we are aware that there is a huge population of filipinos in
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the bay area and we wanted to continue to remember, yeah, three months ago people cared about it, but it's still happening now and there are still millions of people who need our help. we felt that there is a responsibility that we hold, both within this store and in our city to hold solidarity with folks that are dealing with this, the hugest, the largest typhoon in history. 100% of our profits is, you know, unprecedented and we're totally aware of that. and i think of the worker collective, we take that responsibility. weeden courage everyone else within our city to do the same. that, in fact, we all are in this together. and only, you know, with each other's help will we feel the love for one another. so, tuesday -- i'm sorry, tuesday today, tomorrow and thursday, if you guys come into our store and support us, if you've never been into our store you should come in and see. the supervisors are right.
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we are an institution in the city. it is worth to come by our store and yes also to know all of our profits of the days will be going to nafcon and to to applaud the work nafcon is doing. the worker that researched who exactly to support, they did a wonderful job in finding the correct organization that we wanted to give support to. so, again, thank you, supervisors. come to the store and check out what we're doing here. (applause)
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>> thank you and congratulations to rainbow for all of your amazing service to the community. with that, madam clerk, why don't we go to our general public comment time. >> the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including the policy discussion between honorable mayor and board and the items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment
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will not be allowed on those items which have already been subject to public comment during a board committee. please direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor to the audience. using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of of time to stefan and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector please clearly state such to sfgov-tv and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. >> let's hear from our first speaker. jesus said, verily i say unto you, it should be more tolerable for the land of sodom and gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city that rejected him. apparently in luke 16 it is very interesting because most of the arguments that come to christians say, well, nobody has died and come back again. but this answers it. the word of god was always the answer for jesus. he always said, have you not read, have you not read what the scripture says.
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and he said there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and he fared sum wasly every day. there was a certain beggar named lazarus who desired to be fed from the crumbs from the rich man's table. more over the dogs came and licked his soars. sores. ~. it came to pass he died and was carried to abraham's bozo only. the rich man died. he lifted up his eyes and saw lazarus in his bozo only. he cried out and said, father abraham, have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame. abraham said, son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things and likewise laze arus evil things. now he he is comfort you had and you are tormented.
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beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed. ~ so that they which pass from here to you cannot. neither can they pass to us that would come from there. and then he said, i pray you therefore father that you would send in my father's house for my five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come into this place of torment. he said, new york city they have the bible. let them hear what the bible says ~. they have moses and the prophets, let them hear them. he said, no, but if one went to them -- >> next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm peter war field, executive director of library users association. today i want to talk about ongoing destruction within the library of
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