tv [untitled] February 16, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
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margin and i am asking if there is anything on that. >> we don't have like the specific data for small business and i don't know if that is the intended legislation, and also, you can sell cups of water, the cost of tap water per gallon is almost nothing. so, if you were to sell a cup of water for a dollar, you are making almost a dollar. you know, so i think we are just, we need to be creative. in solving the environmental problems, and kind of... >> commissioner dooley. >> i still want to go back to the push carts. i just have a real problem with that. i just can't even imagine how any push cart with provide water any other way, because they are so limited in space. and also frankly, if it was me, and someone said, well it is a dollar for a glass of water, i
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don't know if i would be as inclined to purchase that. you know, it is not the same psychologically and you don't know if it is as san tarry and also, mark's point with the cups, and i mean if we are going to do this, it should be required that everyone for serves water in cups instead of in plastic boltses would have to be required, to use something that was very green environmentally, otherwise, there is really no point. >> you are trading one problem for the other. >> furthermore, if you are at a race, you are not going to carry a cup with you in the race, you want a bottle and so you can put the top back on it and you know, any way, this for a multitude of reasons i think is or needs to be hashed out a little bit further. >> i agree. and i want to ask a question because commissioner rilely brought up the same thing, all
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of your sodas and most of the teas are sold on plastic containers, most everything is in plastic containers and so what is the difference between water, and a soda and when you know, the one thing that you said in our commissioner meeting, which i still have a problem with is when you said, you know, well at pride, and then i am going to throw in folsom and king saturday and all of these other street fairs? you know, in the summer and some days are very very hot. and you know, i have a, you know, with the pride you said, well they didn't have this, you know, plastic boltses at pride, you know 20 years ago. well 20 years ago at pride they only had a couple of thousand people and we have a million now, and fulsom has 800,000 come ng town and that is a hot weekend in september. my problem that i have with this legislation is that you
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have sodas and you have everything else and you are just targeting water on this. and on the recycle part about that, i know for a fact that they take recycle able bottled water and break them down to make other products. >> yeah. >> and so, i have >> so the way that it is written now is that it does not effect the private businesses that are not on the city property, which is, you know, which is what you are talking about. and if i could just really quickly about the hot day at
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pride, i mean, this is the public health exemption that we are talking about, this is an option. and the reason for targeting water, supervisor chiu has worked on promoting the tap water for a number of years through many pieces of legislation, and efforts. and the city spends an incredible amounts of money maintaining the public water infrainstruct and so saw it on let's start with the public property and us doing the right thing first and we spend so much already, on our municipal water system and we should not be assisting in this environmental on our own property when we have the water coming you know, coming out of the system and we don't have like, you know, diet coke or whatever coming out of our taps. >> commissioner dwight? >> i think that the argument that our water system is under utilized would be a difficult one to use in favor of this
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legislation at this point. again, i don't think that this is about questioning whether we have good water or not. this is a question of convenience, this is a question of alternatives to beverages that we are trying to get people to not drink, and frankly, it has so many various loopholes in it whether it be the local store that can sell it, while the vendor who is paid, 800 or 1,000 or 1500 dollars to have a booth in front of that store can't sell it, i think that there are a multitude of issues with this that go way beyond simply making an environmental statement. and so, i can't see supporting this presently. >> okay. >> would we like to take the public comment on this item? >> thank you. >> public comment on item number 6? >> good evening, commissioners my name is julie bryant and i'm
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here on behalf of the san francisco department of the environment and the commission on the environment to urge you to support this ordinance, it is a very small common step, common sense approach to dealing with this issue with bottled water and i just want to address a few of the concerns. katherine did mention them, the law is not intended to replace bottled water or soda or sugarry beverages, the law requires outdoor events on city property to provide tap water, it is just replacing bottled with tap and michael davis is here today and he is president of a small local business that works with event and has worked with several large events to provide tap water access to large events including america's cup and in case you didn't know, actually many, many large events have been able to successfully provide adequate, safe, drinking water,
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to the public, and not in bottled form. and this also started with the port of san francisco, actually passed a policy prohibiting large events from distributing tap water on their property, and this law has been in place for a while now, since 2009, i believe. and this has been, and they have been, the event have been implementing this policy since then and there are a lot of examples of how this works and we have an alternative to bottled water and it is tap water and it is accessible and it can be distributed to the public on the city property. and as katherine mentioned it is a real problem and everything from extraction to transportation to packaging. and to address the packaging, it is my understanding that the reason that chiu decided to go with the plastic packaging is because that is far and away the number one poe lunt ant in our san francisco water systems, in the bay. and it is harmful to marine
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life and marine animals ingest it and it is problematic for many of our precious plant and animals and it is a problem and we are concerned about it and in fact our commission on the environment recently passed a resolution, urging the board to support it and i encure j you to do so as well. >> thank you for your time, tonight. >> thank you. >> >> yeah, hi, i'm michael davis and the president of pure water which say mission driven company trying to help people get off of bottled water and so this is quite in the venue of what we do. and i just wanted to address a couple of the perceptions that exist around this. one is convenience. and it comes up all of the time, when we are talking about this particular issue. and convenience is a perception, it is not just one thing is convenient and
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something else is not convenient. and it is also, it is in terms of what happens over time with people, and like for instance, this gentleman here, has a reusable container that you will now are bringing to, he brings to where he goes and he refills that container. and a lot of people are starting to do that. and that is only happening as a result of people seeing and going to events, where there is water stations that they can refill their bottles with, and it is happening as a result of restricting the city and county funds for being used for bottled water in san francisco and it is happening because that is becoming the perception that it makes more sense and it makes more environmental sense to resell your container and bring your container with you and refill it at the tap than it does to buy the bottled water. we have done numerous events,
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including for one example, the festival, and where, there was no bottled water that was available there. but, yet, it was the first event that the oyster festival did where no one passed out as a result of dehydration and that was because there was free water. and that is an important part of this legislation, is that it is including getting water stations that are available for people to be able to refill right at the different locations we used to have drinking fountains all over the city and a lot of those got pulled. so, this is a push towards a different way of treating drinking water and a different way of getting people rehydrated. it is true that there are other bottles that are being used
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that are causing degredation and we should not be buying so many plastic drinks, certainly not sodas and the like. but, that does not mean that we can't address a low hanging fruit that exists and is very easy to address. we know that we can provide bottleless water systems for people at events, and hydrate them, we have done it at america's cup, we have done it at the monterey jazz festival and at numerous festivals and events and races and we are now talking to the san francisco marathon. and so, i could answer, and address more, issues. my time is up. there are ways to handle the different issues that you brought up, thank you. >> any other public comment?
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>> steven cornell, just a side comment, at street fairs you had street venues come in and the health department has come in and made different laws and most of them are good and one of them is they have to have hand washing stations by each food vendor and these end up being huge containers that have water to provide, and containers with the dirty water goes and hand washing and it is a big deal. all of a sudden, the little guy needs to set up this little stand can't do it because he has to get a bigger container from a bigger company, and it gets very involved. so i am sure that there are a lot of ways to do this, but i think that it is going to eliminate a lot of little vendors. you go to the street fairs now and the food is brought in somewhere else, just a thought. thank you. >> thank you. >> any other public comment?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner dwight? >> so, thank you for your comments, i don't in any way, question or argue the sensibility of reusable beverage containers or tap water and i applaud your effort to bring the alternative sources to our events and i think that it is fantastic. i am biased toward education rather than legislation. and i think that this legislation addresses such a small piece of the over all equation that it needs to be worked out beyond this simple, you know, point laser focus on a plastic bottle of water. and so, i think that if you want to take a more comprehensive approach to it, we can reconsider it and i think that presently the legislation has written and has too many flaw and too many potential down sides for business and too many end arounds on your intended
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purpose and too many unintended consequences. and so keep doing what you are doing because it is good. i used recycled beverage fabric at my company and so impart of the recycling loop. and i think that there is just too many questions and too many things that need to be answered before you move forward. >> commissioner dooley? >> yeah, i tend to agree with commissioner dwight. and would like to encourage for example, right now there is just not enough infrastructure out there on our streets, for folks to refill their water bottles so i would encourage to work on that so that more people would be enclined to say that it is easy to find a play to fill up my bottle, rather than them going to the places like the food trucks and they can't get their water and they are going to just buy whatever is there because that is just how people are.
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and, you know, have the vendors providing fresh, free water. and cups. yeah, i just, i think that i need to look at that a little more to see how that would really work out, in implementation. >> okay. do we want to take any action on this? we can say yes, we can say no, or just have them relook at this issue. >> mr. president, i just have a quick question. so, just would like to sort of maybe get a barometer from the commission on in terms of city property real estate. if there is not, and i have not heard much of a concern in relationship to that just so that if there is a clear direction to provide to supervisor, but then in terms of events, mobile foods, you know, on the public streets, those kinds of things, where you know, we have retrofitted city hall to be able to have
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like back here the water filters and to be able to get, you know, the water the tap water. where it is in a stationary place and you know, it is easy to facilitate. and so i just wanted to just ask that question and if you wanted to provide any direction in relationship to sort of that particular category. >> commissioner dwight? >> i guess that i don't fully understand how to what extent the city property is being used to host the public events. and so i don't know the relationship. >> there are in city properties, let's say down stairs, we have our cafe. >> and so, let's say, a good example is puc's acre cafe and they don't sell boltsed water but they have a refilling charging station, right? and so, we do have in our city properties we do have entities
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that cafes, and that, you know, sell food and water and so in that sense and in that direction, we are already sort of moving as a city kind of reretrofitting out city properties, to provide more access to tap water. and so it is a direction kind of the city is going in already. >> and so if that makes sense, so let's say with the cafe down stairs, they would not sell bottled water. there. >> right, i think that we are getting a lot of questions is outside of the city hall which is city property which is on the street. >> yeah. >> which is technically city property. >> i think that it is fantastic what the city is doing within its buildings and i also think that companies and the various corporations are doing the same thing to facility the elimination of plastic boltses and more and more people are carrying reusable bottles and i carry one with me as well.
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but again, i am hard pressed to see why we should be legislating this. i think that the city has done a great job on their own of promoting this. and they should continue to do so and i think that the companies should as well and i think that there are too many issues around this legislation, you know, what the city wants to do itself i think that they should keep doing. >> okay. >> that provides direction. >> commissioner white? >> i have a problem with this effecting the mobile carts and the chaos, because when we talk about the city properties, we are just talking about our parks as well. and golden gate park when tr there are people that need to get to water and i guess that i have a question back to you and has there been any study in regards to these mobile carts that you know, as far as the quantity that is really getting back into the environment? >> do you know? as far as you know, >> you mean, how many plastic bottles they sell? >> yes, i think that the issue of the mobile, you know, the thuks that comes up is one of
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the things that i mentioned that we are open to addressing and having those conversations if you guys want to recommend that we remove them that is an option that is on the table. >> but, as far as how many plastic bottles come from mobile trucks we don't have that data. >> i can't imagine that it is huge. >> okay, commissioners do you have any recommendations or we don't have to do anything at all. >> i think that we should certainly recommend removing food trucks and push carts from this entirely. >> or we can recommend that they redo it and come back. >> because i can't support this. >> that i think is just one of a multitude of issues here and i think that just simply removing one more line item from a piece of legislation which i find to be lacking to begin with is just kind of
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picking at the carkas and so i would like to recommend that if they want to bring back a piece of legislation that addresses these issues that is great and otherwise i don't know that there is any action required on our part. >> agreed. >> director dick-endrizzi? >> i just want to make sure that for the staff, we will say that there is no recommendation, at this point, that the commission determines that there is significant you know, there is more work sort of summarizing your comments. and i do, i would like to be your approval, in that for any reason should this be moving forward, and there is enough for the supervisor's votes to also be able to go to the board of supervisor's to say that we would specifically want to make sure that mobile food is taken out of it.
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>> so,... >> i think that we can enumerate whether we want to do it here or if we want to do with it staff and enumerate the various issues that we have from the environmental desirability of the plastic verses the glass and cans which is clearly going to be some percentage that goes to glass and cans. this notion that it is water oebl only and not a host of other beverages that are bottled in plastic. and these issues with businesses that are adjacent to these events that can sell it, while the people who have paid to be at the event can. and large events where there is an expectation that there is going to be portable water and not in cups, the trade off between plastic and cup waste and verses plastic bottle waste and whether that is a significant issue, and so, there may be others in the record, but i think that these are all issues that should be dealt with if we are going to
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legislate something like this. so, if you would like us to move that and help to approve that, that to the staff for the presentation of the supervisors that is fine. >> okay. >> so do you think that you have enough, sort of direction in terms of how to write the commission's response? >> sure, as long as we are concluding that the commission is not going to take action today, i think that i have enough to enumerate the specific concerns that would be ideal to readdress and bring back to the commission and revise the legislation and if that is not the case to advocate for the staff level and if necessary, at the board of supervisors. >> yeah, i mean that there very well may be a piece of legislation that we can get behind but the present legislation, i don't think it behoofs us to say no or aye just to say that it is in the done yet. >> the fact that it is not in
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the law with the mayor and i am okay with that and already being done with that and it works. but education is a powerful thing. >> yeah. and you know, you come into the city hall, you know that are water fountains and or in any city building, it is the outside stuff that i have the concerns with, that is all. >> are we good. >> i think that we are good now. thank you. >> okay. >> next item. >> mr. president, that brings us to item 7, the director's report this is a discussion item. >> so, commissioners last meeting you received a presentation on the business tax, launch and out reach and we are talking about the business tax that incompasses the increase in the business registration and also then the transition into the gross receipts, and just wanted to, you received some copies of the marketing materials but to let you know that the marketing
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campaign has officially launched, and i provided you with a picture of the side of one of the muni trains, you know, with the advertising, just to start building the awareness. 95,000 pieces of collateral are being mailed with the 1234 piece of collateral and we had the workshops with the library and that was filled to the capacity. and so again, those are being held monthly the first thursday of every month on bis and excuse me i put bis tax. dot org and is there a calendar list of any of the presentation and and any of the general presentations such as the first thursday and in case there are
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questions from the businesses, and from wanting to know where they can go and get a presentation, and again, if you are hearing from any business group, and that has not been out reached to. and wants to receive a presentation, either let me know or and we will pass that on to thompson. and the bis portal, and the consultant tomorrow partners has completed its workshops and focus groups. and some of you have and were participate ng that. and so, the next step is for them to just fill down the information and to distill down the information to apply that to developing the design of the portal. and we are at that phase and jane and i have talked about coming and providing and coming to you for the findings and directions that they will be headed in. and the last meeting i informed
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you that the sbdc the city was awarded the proposal and so, this official contract has not been signed yet as far as the official transfer of duties, and it is not, complete yet, and i will be meeting both with todd and jordan cline to start working out the logistics of the integration. >> the mayor, and the small business leaders have their fifth quarterly meeting with the mayor last week. and two topics and of course, commissioner dwight you were there, and so feel free to add your comments, and the key topics were the mayor has launched a pedestrian awareness campaign. and as he noted, that now in san francisco, we have had more homicides, pedestrian homicides
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than we have the other, i am sorry, not homicides deaths. and so, which sort of raises the significance of doing a pedestrian awareness campaign. and so the small business leaders really wanted to let the mayor know that they really want to be engaged and support the mayor in that initiative through educating tenants. and you know, employees, and customers. and so, our office will be working with the mayor's office, and when, getting the collateral information and start distributing that and i will be able to give you that when it comes available. and then the second ited em that was of discussion was around the minimum wage, and just beginning that discussion with the mayor as he is starting to do his look and
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analysis into the increase to a minimum wage. okay? >> and is there anything at this point, or that you would like to... and i mean that i think that the business leaders did a very good job in doing a very sort of well constructed presentation for the mayor. and one of his concluding remarks did say as part of his assessment of affordability is also, you know, wanting to insure the affordability for small business as well. so, in kind of in conjunction with sort of our last meeting that i mean our last presentation that we had, the mayor has issued an executive directive to all departments to do water conservation. and now, our office is very small, we are housed in a building that we are housed in a building that already has someone else dealing with the
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water conservation issues in terms of changing out toilets you know, sinks and things of that sort, but one of the things that we can do is work to really educate businesses. because we are in a severe drought, that, and you know the message is every drop counts. and so, i will be, and oewd will be working with the puc's, pio and public information officer to see what we can do to encourage businesses, there is rebates available, for toilets, and rebates available for laundry equipment, and for businesses, that utilize the laundry equipment and encourage the businesses to take advantage of those, and replace any old equipment that they may have. >> also, the mayor has convened
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a jobs stake holder forum which is led by miller, and so the office of small business has been invited to be part of this. because taking a look at individuals, some individuals are you know, want to work for other individuals and some, when we talk about the job innovation and job innovation also can be a small entrepreneur as well. and so this is really taking a look at our diverse communities with an emphasis on african american youth. and which sort of just does tie-in with what commissioner dooley talked about during the new business last week in terms of what can we do to work with small businesses, to have around hiring and employment and but our focus and our particiti
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