tv [untitled] February 17, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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gentlemen and gentlemen of the commission. my name is bill lowe, property owner adjacent to the east. this has been a 20 something year odyssey. they bought this property quite a while ago. at that time i was told that within six 6 six 6 months they would be rebuilding and developing. i have gone to community meetings and talked to doug vu, rick crawford who came down and representing the city before doug vu. i have had primarily two issues with the developers and they have never been met. basically when i bring them up i get stoned with silence, i'm ignored. one is under cutting my foundation. i'm on one level above the sidewalk. they want
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to excavate immediately on my foundation. the other major problem i have with the project is water flow. we live on a steep hill. there is a lot of clay and it basically i call it an intermittent urban stream. if you look at the property up and down the street, you will see the rain coming out for a significant amount of time. sometimes a week or two later if there is heavy rain. they did a report in 07, and i would like to quote from their report, their report says that this technical report is only valid for 3 years. it's now been significantly longer than that. it's now out of date. the drainage, it's extremely important that strong measures be taken to control all
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surface waters way from the site so they do not adverse drains and structures of the site. this is not just my sense of the problems. they have not been good neighbors. in a way of illustrating this. they had a very at all tree that was angled at 45 degrees right from my tennants bedroom window. i contacted the owners. it ended up having to assign a building inspector to come out. they have had an eviction. peter isis was vibtd -- evicted from this property. i ended up having to call police and get squatters removed from inside the area. they were living inside the
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building. i'm against this because they have not been cooperative. >> thank you for your comments. >vice-president cindy wu: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini? >>commissioner michael j. antonini: i think this is a very good project. a couple reasons why i like it. the specific reference to minimal glazing is really refreshing after every building we approve is all windows. it helps it to blend in with the neighborhood if it's more historic even though it has a more contemporary design with more glazing when the building an appears to fit in with the building because of that fact. also the fact that it's providing 4, three bedroom units. decent amount where you can have a family with
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children. you have a little bit of space here. i think it's a good idea. on the issue of one speaker, i think those in the province of dbi. it would be necessary that as approvals are made that dbi would have to ensure that any kind of rainfall is diverted away from danieling -- damaging any of the properties. it's a pretty steep hill. neighborhood support from the castro eureka valley and makes total sense to me. i'm very much in support. i would move to approve at this point. >> was that a motion? >> that was a motion. yeah. >> i will second it. >vice-president cindy wu:
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commissioner sugaya? >>commissioner hisashi sugaya: your concerns are a little bit out of the planning commission and within the purview of the department of building inspection. so if you continue to have concerns, you will have to try to follow it through dbi process. these guys have to file a building permit and all that stuff. that is all public record. so if you want to do that, you should talk down there and track it at that department. >vice-president cindy wu: can i ask project sponsor to address the question of eviction? >> quite frankly i have no knowledge of the eviction of which he speaks. >vice-president cindy wu: but the record shows no eviction? >> that's what i have.
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>vice-president cindy wu: commissioner moore? >> i think with the width and depths of the property. i would prefer to have 5 buildings. i think 47 or so yard between the two still assures a lot of privacy out of the buildings into each other. i think that's just about border line and to keep that in this type of condition and emphasis here would be worth pursuing because we have other situations where something like this is being attempted but does not really resolve something as something as simple on this and how the buildings work together which this is a great prototype. city clerk: commissioners if
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there is nothing further i will call the question to approve on the condition: [roll call vote taken] so moved. commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7-0. zoning administrator what say you? >> i will close based on the variance. >> next item on your agenda is general public comment. i don't have any speaker card. >vice-president cindy wu: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. meeting is adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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>> hello san francisco this is the places to be and this week is no xefk exception without further ado, here's not great weekly buzz. this monday february 17th take a tour of the digital garage referring in union square the morale will grace the stairwell of the city club normally closed to the public it will be the first change to say the morale by digital garage river free of charge then on tuesday join the key club and attend their molls meeting bring chose or karaokes and join in the fun.
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and on sunday heads to the treasure island at treasure island this year the open market flee market from sdierpdz to bakers and more plus they'll have outside exhibited and the scarf did care hunts and get the fantastic verifies the san francisco. and that's the weekly weekly buzz notify at at the an.
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>> item 2, approval of minutes for the january 20, 2014 meeting. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? item 3, pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> please be advised thatd ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised the chair may
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order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound-producing advice. please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes. item 5, items be listed on the agenda. >> item 6a, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, port staff and our two member s of the public that have joined us -- three, sorry, thank you for coming. you can always tell when we're doing our financials by the incredible turn out that we have of the public. having said that, i do have a very short executive director's report and then i want to mention a new section of our agenda called the commissioners' report.
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first is that the on february 13th, which is this thursday, we will be welcoming the maiden call of the asmara club west. this will be her first call to the port of san francisco and she will be arriving february 13 and staying for two nights so she and her guests will be here for valentine's day, what a terrific place to celebrate. it's a much smaller ship than some we've seen lately, she carries 702 guests and 400 or so crew so that's about a thousand total apblds we're pleased to be welcoming her for the first time. in 2014 we are going to have 75 cruz calls and have 260,000 passengers, which is the highest number of passengers since the late 1960's. we've been very pleased to see our passenger volume growing and as we reported some of that is due to
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the fact the ships are bigger and some of it is due to the fact we have more volume. so we're very pleased to be welcoming the azamara, she will be the only maiden cruise call for the port of san francisco for 2014 and is the 2015 princess news public? yes or no, nod or shake? so that means they're not public so i have great news about the princess when the time comes. so that concludes the report on the azamara and secondly i'm very proud to say the pier 92 grain silo public art project is completed and is ready to be lodged for the public's enjoyment. a lot of people have been enjoying it already just from even driving in on 280 or the 280 extension or
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just around the neighborhood. so on february 26th at 5.30 pm we are going to be hosting a ribbon cutting with district 10 supervisor malia cohen and port commissioners. i hope all of you can join. xhirp brandon commissioner brandon will be hosting with us, we will be officially lighting the grain silo project called, what do we call it? sorry, i lost thought -- baby rise -- at the grain silos down at pier 92. so it will be a great event again, february 26 at 5.30 pm at the corner of amador and cargo way down by the fire station. we hope you can join us for that. lastly, commissioners, we have added an item we call the
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commissioners' report. this is an opportunity for you to talk about things of new business outside of new business where you are making assignments to the port staff. it is a common item on a lot of other city commissions and we thought it was appropriate to bring it forward here because you have been so terrific in sharing information and educational information with us and so we thought we'd just give you your own dedicated time right at the start of the meeting when we hope to have a full house. thank you. that concludes my report. >> thank you. commissioners, this will be the first time we have our -- any public comment? public comment is closed. now we have our commissioners' reports. commissioner adams, would you like to -- this is a report we put you up to last time when you weren't here. >> first of all i'd like to
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start off by thanking ex-president doreen woo ho, vice president brandon for your years of leadership. the port commission, we found ourselves the last couple years going through a typhoon and your leadership led us through it, very firm and very strong, and i thank you for it, doreen and (inaudible) for all your hard work. then i'd like to say a few words. at our december meeting we were talking about the heron and tern park project. it was right after that that i had the opportunity with national geographic as a tourist, 17 days at the arctic and the south pole. it gave me a
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different perspective as a person about the last frontier, how important our environment is, whether it's global warming, protecting the environment, and i'm just a kid that grew up in the streets of city city, missouri, and going to antarctica was my 7th continent, i was with researchers and scientists and people that really care about the environment and to see the orca whales, the humpback whales, to see the penguins, to see leopard seals and all type of wildlife it was just something that i can never really think about. then i read the book of sir ernest shackleton and talked about his expedition down to and arctic ka and i would like to read a deal from his book, sir ernest shackleton and i felt like he felt, being one of a million
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people that get to set foot on antarctica. in memories we were rich. we have pierced the veil of things. we have suffered, start and triumphd, grown bigger in the bigness of the whole. we have seen god in his splendor, heard the test that nature renders. we have reached the naked soul of man and that was the way i felt having an opportunity going to antarctica. i know a lot of people go on cruise ships and stuff like that but i was on a working vessel of only a hundred people, i did a dive of 200 feet, i went snow boarding, i climbed summits and really getting to be out there hands on because when hilary clinton was secretary of state, everybody wants to claimant arctic ka, chile, everybody has
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this treaty so to see that and understand how important it is and prince harry had been there like a couple weeks before we got there and he did a true and correct with some guys from england andary to try to reach the south pole and they ran into a storm. one of the things about being on this expedition, there were a lot of young people and that made me really feel good. the youngest person on this expedition was 4 months old, the old st was 90 years old. when this whole issue came up in december about heron park, i live here in san francisco, i've never been to heron park, but now i feel like an ambassador, i feel engaged, i just got back from cape town, south africa, on friday i went shark diving in a cage and that was a totally different experience for me again because we were in a sankary swimming with these 30-foot great white sharks and see them in their nature and how important it is and in south africa they really
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care about the environment and protecting the sharks where in australia right now they have had several shark attacks recently and now they are killing sharks down in australia, they are catching them, pulling them up to the side of the boat. so i've learned a lot and as i've said, i'm really thankful for going, i wanted to share that with my commissioners but as a person i've grown because i've had a shapblds on experience to go where maybe one in a million people get to go to antarctica. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> i don't have anything to share, i just want to commend commissioner on his trip and while he was gone to and arctic ka, which is probably a continent that i will never advise itd, there was a ship that was stuck for a few days and i was concerned maybe his ship was stuck and he might not be coming back any time soon. >> and i did the same checking. >> but, no, that was a wonderful report. that's all i
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have to say. oh, i had the pleasure of attending the naming of the bay bridge, the willie lewis brown junior bridge this afternoon and it was a great event. it was, the author of the bill, assembly member isadora hall, gave a speech why it's so important the bridge is named after mayor brown and lieutenant governor newsom was in rare form and did a great job and it was a wonderful event. after all the rain and cold the sun came out and it was just a beautiful afternoon and i'm honored to have been a part of that. >> i will echo commissioner brandon's comments. it was a wonderful honor to be bestowed on somebody who has done so much for the state but i think the thing that struck me so much at all was really the impact of the naming of the bridge for speaker brown, the impact that will have on young
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people seeing what is possible and looking at his life story and how much he achieved. so whether you've been on the winning side of an issue with him or not, i think everyone certainly respects him and recognizes what a tremendous honor that was and what a tribute to all the work that he's done and the legacy he leaves behind. for me it was an interesting moment when dr. clarence jones also spoke about the legacy from dr. martin luther king, he was dr. king's personal attorney and then lieutenant governor newsom spoke about how so many people were touched by mayor brown in terms of his getting them involved in political leadership and where many of them ended up and it was sort of a full circle for me because my father was also one of dr. king's attorneys and clarence jones remembered when my father was a young attorney and then it was willie brown who appointed me to the board of supervisors many years ago so
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it complete like a complete swinging of the pendulum too. and executive director moyer moyer was there as well. >> i just want to say i want to congratulate you on being the new president and willie, the vice president and i want to say thank you to my two mentors for my first year here, former president doreen and kimberlee helped me a lot when i first came here, sort of pointed me in the right direction and i appreciate that. i don't have any transfer going down to the majority, i have a lot to do right here in san francisco and i am involved in a few gigs right here that i'd rather not talk about publicly but i have my hands full here. as far as reports, next week
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-- next month. >> and i like when you talk about swimming with the sharks perhaps it prepares you for san francisco public service. call the next item. >> item from the consent calendar -- public comment. >> oh, public comment? seeing none. >> item from the consent calendar, item 7 a request approval of travel for a member of the san francisco port commission to shanghai, china to attend the breakbulk china 2014 conference and make marketing advisities to port shipping customers with members of port staff. >> let's do 7a first and then call the others. >> sure. >> so moved, 7 a. >> second. >> public comment? all in favor. opposed? motion carries.
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>> item 7b, request authorization, subject to board of supervisors approval, to accept and ex pend $698,625 in 2013 infrastructure protection program port security grant program funds from the u.s. department of home land security for security improvements at the port of san francisco. item 7c, request authorization to amend contract with langan engineering and environmental services, inc., for consulting sftions related to the pier 70 masseter plan area to extend contract term by one year. item d, request approval of a supplemental appropriation to reallocate $1,089,250 of 2008 general
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obligation bond funds within the southern waterfront from bay front park and blue greenway projects to bayview gateway and tulare park projects to allocate savings. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment? seeing none, all in favor? aye. opposed? that item carries. >> item a a, information presentation on trends and implications of the port's audit edify napx statements and future financial projections. >> good afternoon, commissioners, elaine ford, deputy director of finance and administration. and i'm opening with this item because it gives you a look at where
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we've been and where we're projected to be going with the port's finances to set up your review of the 10 year capital plan and the 2-year operating and capital budget. i wanted to thank commissioner woo ho for suggesting that we look at the projections from a financial basis, accrued financials instead of just bringing the typical cash-based projections. it's been a very, very helpful exercise to turn back to the port's income statement and balance sheet and look at where we've been and where we're headed, so thank you for making that suggestion. and i'm joined here today with really the whole finance team. our fiscal officer, john wu is here, ann cary who will be presenting the 10 year capital plan is here, megan wallace,
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nick cruz from real estate and marilyn ye are also here, as is daly dunham who has shepherded this capital plan for many years. as we look to the last 5 years, it's very hard not to stress enough how the decision that you, that this commission has made has really made an impact on our results. in 2006 the port didn't have a capital plan. we cataloged our capital needs for the first time. i'm sure felt quite a bit of concern with the size of those needs and since that time we've guided 195 million dollars of investment, non-developer investment, toward our rehabilitation and enhancement of our assets. in 2012 you approved a capital policy which required us to constraint our operating budget
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and set aside 20 percent of revenue to capital, both in the capital budget year and a set aside for future capital and that's really having a result. we've also leveraged public private partnerships with the 2008 and 2012 revenue bonds which have had significant results to our positions, as well as had many successful completions of capital projects. since 2008, revenues grew $17 million for an average of 4.8 per year and expenses grew 13.8 or an average of 3.9 per year. you will see this careful management really allowed oir revenues to outpails our expenditures, especially in the last 3 years. we held back expenses in the early years due
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to a desire to hold operating expenses and then allowed expenses to grow as we ramped up our capital program and acquired design and engineering and work of other departments. if you look at this chart operating and maintenance is what the port needs to operate and pay for the maintenance costs and depreciation and amortization is in the light green line and that's a very good indicator of what we should be spending on capital renewal and then operating revenues is the blue line that's even a little below in 2009, a little bo below in 2010, then skipping up in 202011, 12 and 13 and showing positive revenue. so on the real estate revenue, it's really the diversity of our portfolio that continues to help us perform so well. and this last 5 years
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