tv [untitled] February 17, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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neighborhood, our socioeconomic situation throughout this city is very critical and i believe with some intelligent vision both the seawall lot 330 and the arena could provide a lot of benefits. thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. >> sue wester, i'm reading from page 5 of your report. why the ena in order to provide adequate time for environmental review, consideration by state and federal agencies and maximum public input. you are doing this schedule. the public is being short changed in the schedule that is before you. the dar is supposed to come out august -- pardon me -- august
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27th. that means the time for comments is going to be october 27th. at the same time that -- this is right before the election, folks. there's an election 11-4. on 11-4, five supervisors will be up, including this supervisor, district 6, two supervisors are running for the assembly and there will be two measures put on the ballot by the warriors to increase the height. so we will be having a campaign on the site on the ballot before even the eir is available. the final deadline for ballot is before the eir is out. the eir is supposed to be accompanied by the waterfront transit coming about the same time. we don't have a detailed transit assessment for this area, so everyone on this area is going to be dealing with comments on
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the eir, reading the eir for the first time, the port and the warriors have the eir but the public doesn't. we will be reading it for the first time, commenting on it, dealing with the term sheet hearings which are supposed to be adopted at the same time, be adopted by the port 11-18-14, go back a couple months and you have the term sheet coming through. the whole public process on the term sheet happens about the election, the election happens around the election, duh, and the eir comment period happens about the election. what has happened is the opening date, which was unrealistic all along, the eir has slid 7 months, the planning commission approval has slid 5 months, the city and port commission approval has slid 4
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months. i don't -- and we don't have any firm proposal for seawall at 330 as we sit here now. the warriors said maybe, and i believe it's always maybe, maybe it will be out in march. they have had 3 iterations of 3032, there is still a lot of questions about 3032 because the only presentation they had that was serious about this was a land use committee. all hell broke loose at the meeting. my time is up and so this is unrealistic schedule and you are abusing the public, big time. it's as though the election isn't happening. thank you. >> any additional public comment? then public comment is closed.
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commissioners. >> thank you very much for this report. >> i had some similar questions just in terms of the likelihood that there will be a ballot initiative addressing or concurrent with some of our timeline here. how would that impact any of these? >> well, i know that there's a lot of speculation about a ballot measure. i think the mayor has said on several occasions he's always thought that it would be appropriate for the voters to weigh in on the project and clearly that was the case with the giants. there's been no formal announcement of a proposed date for the ballot measure. november would be one possibility but that's not currently on the schedule. what we're trying to do at staff level is to pursue the
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formal analysis under ceqa to engage bcdc and the other regulatory agencies and the processes that we need to undertake to shape the project so that it can be ready for approval by the voters by the port commission, by the board of supervisors, the comment period that will be afforded under the ceqa schedule i believe is a two-month comment period. what's that? >> 45 days. >> yeah, 45 days or more. there is a plan on the term sheet i think that there is a requirement under the enabling legislation adopted by the board of supervisors encouraging the formation of the cac that there would be at least two full hearings of the term sheet at the cac before it is brought for consideration. and project staff are looking forward to working with the term sheet subcommittee of the
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cac to address issues over the spring and summer so that there can be a good deliberative process at the cac about those term sheet issues and the other sort of quality of life and transportation issues that ken mentioned in his remarks. >> then in terms of the timing i know more often than not we do extend, we don't cut, just do the minimum 45 days for public comment. has there been any thought given to extending that a bit longer? >> so with large projects like this it's very common to extend the time period. the reason i don't want to stand here and tell you it's 60 days is because it's not my prerogative, it's the environmental review officer at the planning department who would make the call, usually with requests from the planning commission. if i were beting i
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would bet it would be extended to 60 days but that's not our decision but it's likely. >> thank you for your presentation. i do want to point out one item. you touched on it briefly, but the port will be getting their reimbursement for some of the costs and there will be some additional costs incurred from staff time and that's also addressed in this. >> yes. >> thank you. thank you for your presentation. >> yeah, i just wanted to thank you for the presentation and say that i really think it's a good idea that we're slowing down the process and the lawyers have time to meet with more community groups and get more input and feedback and looking forward to, you know, the next phase. >> so all in favor? aye. opposed? the addendum.
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item 9b, request authorization to award lease no. l-15771 for the ecocenter at heron's head park and surrounding 6,058 square feet of non-exclusive license area located near the intersection of jennings street and cargo way to the bay >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm carol the environmental manager in the ports depiction. i'm happy to talk about the lease for the aquarium foundation. recall that in september the port issued an rfp seeking qualified proposers to operate the eco center and provide
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programming to serve the ports center promoting community access and the store center for a educational process and continuing to coordinate with the educational program with the rec and park department. the rfp and places you under your regular calendar an outreach were presented in detail in a previous staff report and presentation. the rfp included a proposed lease that the secret service tenant would be expected to sign. that lease was considered by the excision concurrent with the rfp. the property lease terms are consistent with the ports standard form with the expectation of rent and maintenance observations. the rent is one dollar per year
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and the port assumes most of the maintenance obligations. on the proposal due date in november it was from two qualified proposers they institute aquarium company. the a b i is a nonprofit organization to promote rationale justice through education that examiners protecting individuals. the bay institute organization is dedicated to educating the public about san francisco bay area. the bay institute organization is in good standing of the aquarium of the bay. at the informational presentation we brought to you
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the two properers presented their highlights of their proposing proposals for operating the eco center and also, they convened a panel to equality the two respondents. that panel was comprised of four people with expertise in environmental education and environmental program funding and can we and recreational managed and community toichl in bayview hunters point. so the panel reviewed written proposals and interviewed both proposers. in a separate process port real estate and finance staff reviewed the applications. or proposal i'm sorry. the equation of written proposals swufz interviews and
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financial capacity found the bay constitution foundation to be the higher ranked profer. we heard your direction in december regarding the benefits of a collaboration between the two proposers. the bay institute aquarium foundation the city and county of san francisco was part of the first proposal have been working together to craft a collaboration. in january, the southern waterfront advisory committee heard a joint presentation from all groups and expressed their support for the original proper or proper. they included a draft that was submitted with each proposal and
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the respondent are now working together to developing develop a final plan that coordinates all of the proposed activities. we also heard your request in december that we come back with the details and specifics will how those organizations with work together. so to serve that objective i've invited them to come and make a prengs presentation. i'd like to introduce caring; righty who is the director for the bay institution and a peggy who is an instructor and working under contract to the existing owner-operator and jacqueline who is the director of a b i. if you could come up i think
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you are good to go. . >> thank you, carol, and thank you commissioners for bearing with us i know during this long meeting today, i'm just going to take a moment, carol has already done a great job introducing us, i'm peggy chin, i'm director of education and together i will be presenting with peggy and jackie about our plans for the ecocenter. during the presentation that carol spoke about that happened in december, you recommended that the bay institute aquarium foundation and its collaborator on our initial proposal, city college of san francisco, that we should try and collaborate with apri through many in-person meetings and phone conversations that we have had over the past 8 weeks we found we had many existing collaborations and projects that really behoof the future
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of the ecocenter. the extent of our presentation today is to share our collaborative plans on how these three organization rs will work together for the ecocenter's success. so during the many phone conversations and in-person meetings we have had we have discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each organization, what projects we're currently working on and how we can work together at the ecocenter. through these meetings we have formed collaborations that we will fauftd foster into the future. we all agree on the vision we have for the ecocenter, how we want to work together toward makes the space something we are proud of that involves the community and is a hub for water front conservation education. we really believe by coming together the ecocenter will be more successful. so really the backbone of our plans is to build upon the complimentary strengths of each organization and we're going to
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take some time, a little bit of time today for each of us to talk about each of those strengths. for the bay institute aquarium foundation, really our organization first and foremost our mission aligns with the ecocenter with the experience leading watershed education efforts. we also as carol mentioned been a very successful port tenant for over 17 years and we have the financial and administrative capacity to support and grow the cone center operations and now i'm going to take the opportunity to hand it off to both peggy and jackie to talk about what they bring to this wonderful collaboration. >> hello again, i am peggy, happy to be here again to talk a little, very little, about city college of san francisco. i think you heard at length last time with many who came forward to speak about our long relationship both with heron's head park and most recently with the ecocenter in terms of
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its daily operations and maintenance as well as their delivery of programs and tours to the public and students. we bring many strengths via our collaboration, not only are we educators coming from multiple sdmripbs, disciplines, we are very excited especially those that are currently teaching and working with city build and other courses at the evans campus, particularly the renewable energy green building, also our faculty that are currently involved as well as our deans with continued technical education. we also have our, the ecologists, the biologists, environmental scientists and engineers who are interested in coming and furthering programs offering both programs and incorporating more programs and exercises particularly those around workplace training and development, the ecocenter is, as you recall, one of the other
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places in san francisco where you can actually have a hands-on training with sustainable systems and also not only do we, are we educators in our fields, most of us have worked in our fields for many years as well as having some of us continue to work in our fields and we bring with us some practical experience to ensure that students that are and the public that is involved with the ecocenter can that workplace training skills. finally, we'll continue to bring our laboratory technical and other expertise to bear during this collaboration. thank you. >> and i am jackie flynn, executive director of apri the strength we bring if you remember from our last presentation to the commission, we're the ones that knock on the doors and we're the ones that will make sure the
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programs and enrichment we offer at the ecocenter make it to the kids that need the actual internships and opportunities and we are, we are here to make sure that we really develop and foster a relationship between the ecocenter and the immediate community. so we're very happy to have come together. we both noticed that we had some really great ideas coming out of both of our proposals and then when we were able to all come together and really discuss in depth how we would move forward, there was just a huge energy to bring even more resources and even more innovative ideas to the space. so apri and on behalf of apri we're very excited to be in this partnership. >> so now we want to take a moment to share kind of our
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expanded programming ideas with this collaboration. so first and foremost, we will have, we will be continuing existing programs already in place in the ecocenter due to our collaboration with city college and i will allow peggy to really talk about all of the different aspects because she knows them first and foremost. >> so we'll continue to keep the ecocenter open as a visitor's center and also as a place where students can participate and act as docents for visitors both to heron's head park and the ecocenter. we will also continue to work with our collaborators to further the existing programming and develop new programming again ensuring that the best practices are used both for range of audiences from kindergarten through college as well as working professionals. we'll also continue to work with the yfc,
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the rec and park youth stewardship program and green acres for access to the facility providing guidance for restoration and native landscaping activities as well as coordinating when programs that are offered in the park by yfp are together with programs offered in the ecocenter and of course having, allowing for interns from city college to continue to participate the operations maintenance monitoring and research and to develop further workplace skills as you've heard about before. and also to continue and to further working with our collaborators to ensure access to the ecocenter for community events, meetings and other things that you will hear about from our community advisory committee. >> one of the beautiful things about this collaboration is that we start with what peggy just described but then we
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really grow things starting day one and that's really with apri and tbif really bring to this collaboration is our expertise and our best practices regarding the opportunities. so our hope is that we will continue to move forward after our presentation today and i know the port intends or hopes that we are able to sign a lease starting on march 1st. at that time we will actually be able to hit the ground running with the existing programs that peggy already described but we will also be including these new programs that jackie and i are going to talk about. so one of the new things we really want to start at the site is science saturday events and that's really kind of a catch-all term in which we want something going on every single saturday at the site. so whether that's different volunteer opportunities such as the existing native plant restoration volunteer opportunities or a new shore line clean up opportunity within the park or potentially
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different thematic watershed or public private programs based on aspects of the watershed whether it be the wildlife or other pieces. i'm going to hand things off right now to jackie to talk about no. 2 and 3 and i'll be back in just a second. >> over the last 3 years, apri has developed a center for youth to access year round in summer jobs, internships and enrichment programs. through our existing programs we have some with rec and parks department as well as oewd i recently just received a notice of award for a unified school district program with oewd, as well as a small contract with the port through the conservation corps. through our existing programs we have the ability to work with neighborhood youth and really match them with these life-changing experiences and opportunities. we want the
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ecocenter to be a place where we inspire the youth to get involved and dream really big. our outreach network, which i'm moving into the third bullet point there for the targeted community outreach, our outreach network includes existing relationships with community leaders, our churches, our unified school district schools, community groups, other youth organizations and collaboratively we will all bring these resources together to make sure that we are extending the information ought -- out into the community and we will continue to grow this network and apply the proven methods and best practices to inform a very diverse audience and i will hand it back over to cary. >> and last but not least one of the things we're going to be starting on day one is how can we grow capacity for all of these existing programs and that's one of the pieces that the bay institute aquarium
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foundation with the team that we have which supports not only what we have going on at the aquarium such as grant writing teams, communications teams, we note that it is the intent of this group that we want to start the ground running but really grow the programs into the future. so one of the things we really want to go into depth in on the next couple slides is how do we ensure this is a space the community is involved with. really the outreach to the community is in 3 different faidses phases so i will have jackie talk about some of the phases because that is important for this collaboration's success is apri's success in reaching out to the community. >> what you see is our next steps, our next steps that we
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have outlined and this is how we will try and clearly inform our audiences and our community about the opportunities at the site. the initial meeting will include the development of a communications plan and we feel that it's important to kind of take a step back from the process which has been very difficult -- not very difficult, but challenging for us to all collaborate and come together but what we'd like to do is really craft a message that we think is a collaboration of all of us that we can -- and we can represent the ecocenter very well. so what we want is for everyone to enjoy the ecocenter but we are going to specifically target low income families through the connections that we have with the housing authority and other affordable housing project developers to reach youth that can benefit from the ecocenter's programs and
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opportunities and it's not just youth but it's the families as well. and over the next several weeks we'll continue to work very diligently to really plan a message but also a community event to re-introduce the ecocenter to the neighborhood. >> all right, and so on this next slide here, this is one of our mechanisms for really engaging the community. we initially had a community advisory committee, we just renamed it to the ecocenter advisory committee because there's a lot of cac's out there. but the goal for the ecocenter is really to, we understand that engaging our communities is essential to the vitality of the ecocenter. our eac or eac will allow the community a space to have a voice and communicate in a meaningful way. so the cac
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will be co-chaired by cary and i and we will continue to recruit organizational representatives from the southeast community to serve as advisory members and we actually have, you will see on a later slide a bunch of interest in seeing the development at the ecocenter and we did actually have some initial organizations and representatives of organizations sign on to our original committee but this is another thing that we're going to do in klb collaboration which is really plan out the purpose for that body and identify folks that will really be able to serve the ecocenter. the idea is that we'll advance the goals of the ecocenter allowing community participation in the overall development and the goal is to meet regularly and help guide the future programs and community access allowing
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public input and output coming from us as well. >> and last but not least, we want to ensure that there's community representation at all levels within the organization. and so the last piece is that we intend to recruit a new board member to the bay institute aquarium's board of directors that is representative from bayview hunter's point community and this is a way we really want to ensure there is community representation within all levels of our organization. so we will be utilizing both this collaboration and the members of the ecocenter advisory committee to help us identify a representative to bring on to the board of directors. this second to last slide really hopefully shows for you that it does take a village in order to ensure success at the ecocenter. we have our collaboration which jackie earlier today likened to the
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trunk of a tree. that we are providing and creating the support mechanisms and that all of these organizations that have expressed interest in working with us over these many months are shown here and this is just the start of the branching of the tree. we really do want to continue to grow this network of support organizations to many more and a diversity of organizations both within southeast san francisco and even beyond. so, in conclusion, hopefully we were able to come together as a collaboration and really show you what our plans are starting hopefully very soon at the ecocenter. we all really truly believe in a vision that we agree upon for this organization and for the ecocenter and we know that this collaboration is really going to prove to be very successful.
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