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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PST

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trunk of a tree. that we are providing and creating the support mechanisms and that all of these organizations that have expressed interest in working with us over these many months are shown here and this is just the start of the branching of the tree. we really do want to continue to grow this network of support organizations to many more and a diversity of organizations both within southeast san francisco and even beyond. so, in conclusion, hopefully we were able to come together as a collaboration and really show you what our plans are starting hopefully very soon at the ecocenter. we all really truly believe in a vision that we agree upon for this organization and for the ecocenter and we know that this collaboration is really going to prove to be very successful. >> thank you, cary, peggy,
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jackie and thank you very much, commissioners, for your sustained interest in this item as of such a long afternoon. pending your approval to award the lease to the bay institute aquarium foundation i hope to return on your next meeting february 25 to request authorization to execute the lease. and that concludes my presentation. thank you. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment? let the record reflect that several members of the audience are giving a thumbs up. thank you. commissioners, comments? >> i just think that we are extremely pleased to see the results since the last commission meeting that we discussed this and want to commend all the parties and you heard us and just the fact that
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we don't have 40 speaker cards today is an amazing accomplishment. thank you very much. >> i would like to say congratulations and thank you. it's great that you have been able to form your collaborative and it seems like you have really thought it out really well to find out everyone's strengths and weaknesses, which is great and i'm looking forward to see what you are going to do and attending the launch event. >> also want to say thank you very much. you found a voice of reason, you guys came together and you guys cost me a lot of money, i want you guys to know, because of you guys i went to antarctica for 17 days right after this and last friday i was in cape town, south africa. i went shark diving in a sanctuary but realistically i care about the ecocenter now and i'm somewhat understanding more because even living in san francisco i've never been to heron park but going down to
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antarctica for 17 days and seeing the environment, seeing penguins nesting, seeing orca whales not in a zoo but a natural habitat and seeing we have something like this on a smaller scale in our own back yard i want to go down there and support it and believe me i will be coming down there to see what you are doing. it's not something that we are just going to pass it, this is a working commission and we will follow-up and i will be coming down to see what you guys are doing. thanks. >> carol, i want to thank you for spearheading this and thank all the organizations. it was one of those moments when you came before us, sometimes things do work as they are supposed to. as we sat here we realized everyone had such tremendous strengths and we are all thrilled to see something has come forward that plays to everyone's strengths and i think the community will be that much better for it. so i want to thank you all for coming together and putting
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this revised approach before us. without further ado, all in favor? aye. opposed? 10-14 carries. >> item 10, new business. >> okay, commissioners, there was a lengthy list of new business that came out so i'm going to just hit a couple of the highlights. with respect to the 5 year projections going forward you would like to see an operating cash flow statement, you would like to see the variable assumptions in more detail and some what-if scenarios. you want us to aggressively review third party financial sources and aggressively pursue partnerships and i believe commissioner adams at least i took from your words that you were instructing us to do that but also volunteers from the
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commission to help us. you would like a report back on what our thinking is about the unfunded portions of the capital plan. you would like us to keep the commission aprietzd of our efforts on sea level rise and seawall. you would like some report on i guess what i would call a vision for the southern waterfront that might guide the eir and then specifically for next meeting, supplemental budget book and a consolidated capital projects in process and proposed. so i think those are the highlights, there was a lot more that was little details but that's hard to do list and we will be back to you over the course of many months. >> did i miss anything big? >> i think i got it. >> without further ado, meeting is --. >> i would like to make a motion while we adjourn that we dedicate this meeting honoring willie brown in honor of the
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new willie brown bay bridge and also being black history month i find it to be verifitting. >> and it's also very mother's birthday. >> second. >> we are adjourning in honor of willie o brown and the bridge. >> and black history month. >> thank you, commissioners. (meeting adjourned).
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>> welcome to the san francisco historic preservation commission regular meeting. for wednesday, february 5, 2014. please be aware that the commission did not trotter any disruptions and when speaking before the commission if you care to do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll president hasz. commissioner wolfram. commissioner hyland. commissioner johnck pr commissioner matsuda and commissioner pearlman. commissioners first on your calendar t is general public comment. at this point the public may
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address the public with respect to jound agenda items your opportunity when be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes. i have one speaker card >> richard rothman, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm richard rothman i'm back here again talking about the building at the zoo. they opened the children's playground there so the building is now assessable and hopeful that that will be opened up and the next thing the recreation and parks department put in a grant for the historic preservation commission for the
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rec and park and the zoo society to do a study to see how much it would cost could renovate the building and i would hope this commission would ask the staff to send a letter of support to the historic preservation commission fund committee in support of this application. and i still building this building down the road is not a city landmark and should be a city landmark. if people want to know more about the building i have a facebook page it's called save the mother's building >> thank you. any accountability members of the public wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioners that places you under departments matter. >> good afternoon, commissioners just a couple of announcements that are on your
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report. one is that we a couple of weeks ago we had a public meeting to release the that draft for the upper tree canopy on the cities right-of-way e right-of-way. this is for the rec and park department and the urban forest council the first phase has been released and the population there is a second phase we'll be intifrpt the remainder of the street trees over the next 20 years we want to increase the percentage of trees. so we need to we feel it's important to have a goal of
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planning on i don't remember the next number but tens of thousands of trees. second an rfp has been issued for a major piece of work that has a lengthy title the boulevard study be feasibility project to look at multi uses of the land development around the cal train yards for cost effective needs for the transcribe that connects it to the transbay looking at alternative uses for the you rail yard and locations. and looking at that component at the i 2 to see if f interest were benefits for the transportation and land use component. there are a number of studies we're building on including the
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tunnel alignment but in terms of transportation component to look at it as well as the land use component. it's a major piece of work we received a dwrant from the metropolitan grant society to do the study. we need to take a fresh look at the area and that is the city's future growth in the city. so we think it's timely to do the study but your study went out on friday i believe and we are going we'll be looking at consultants proposals and i'll be happy to answer questions that concludes my presentation >> commissioner johnck. >> i have a question about the study because i wanted to be sure that the port of san francisco is involved when with we discussed rail in san francisco it's not just for
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people but cargo too. the port i'm sure you're aware of just got a grant to improve the streets. so i wanted to clarify that and he hope that the port is included in this discussion >> absolutely they're one of the partners at the table. as we receive proposals we'll be getting a technical team that will address some of the ports concerns as well >> great, thank you. >> thank you, thank you commissioner if there's nothing further we'll move on to the staff report and announcements. >> good afternoon, commissioners tim fry from the department stave a couple of items. i'm sure you're aware of making
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sure cuss books was approved and the designation ordinance will be in effective thirty days after the approval i want to thank supervisor breed for sponsoring that designation. also soorl the h pc gave a positive recommendation for the st. marys directory and this reclarification will be florescent have been land use committee and staff will be there presenting on behalf of the historic preservation commission. and finally, in regards to the planning commission no items to report from the previous two hearings to he continued their january 16th election of officers and will take up the meeting tomorrow but they may continue this one more time.
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i'll keep i updated on the results of that election and finally, excuse me. comment in response to mr. roth man's any public comment? the department ask working with the arts commission the rec and park folks to make sure this commission and the planning department are involved in that study so the planning compassionately commissioners, on that motion commission have not weighed in but we'll keep you posted posted on our level of concerns if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> i have 3 4r5shgd designation reports. >> tim fry the memo regarded your landmark designation was included in your packet. a couple of items i want to
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bring to your attention this is a quarterly report it is for activities ending december 31st. so the swedish american hall we got a letter of support under their society so we've begun the research and basically in negotiation on what parts sure in the ordinance and executed also we're in conversations that the owners of the newer hall of the crossroads company. the designation report is complete and we'll have it in front of the of you in the future and also the sailors union the panic we is had a
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conversation with the union and they're interested in having more codifies and it will be scheduled at the end of this month to view the interior and keep you posted on how this proposed designation and page 4 the sunshine school we're working with the pro bono on the designation ordinance and i'm sure you're aware of the school district is supportive of this designation we have to get our ducks aligned and getting that in a format. on page of the building just changed hands we're reaching out to the new owners to initiate codifies with the new property owners and finally, just to let
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you know on page 10 there's initiative for the old st. marys directory is located in the process you initialed the designation on adams and there are a couple of others in the cue you'll see shortly i'm happy to answer any specific questions if you have them at this point thank you >> commissioner matsuda. >> thank you tim for the up to date. i have a few questions about staff i noted 4 names from our staff and out of them is it mary that takes the lead mary brown >> mary and jonathan and
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richard. >> correct he's on 1499 neglecting street. >> correct. >> what percentage of light is dedicated to the list. >> when we discussed the budget we have one devoted staff person to designations those hours are divided amongst the four. >> irish s rich is not a member of the team but part the quadrant so he's expressed interest in working on the team so whenever there is interest the planner has the time we would like to let them pick projects as they bottom available. >> both mary and jonathan have a huge plat so i was wondering
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if there could be more staff time devoted to this is there a priority. >> not necessarily it is a matter of working out the designated ordinance with the property owners and getting the designation report in the right condition to bring before this body. it's why we for sunshine school for example, we have a pro bono and that's how we completed moeshgz so we'll take advantage of the offices >> i guess this report from if we believe 2013 to july 2013 there are 3 landmarks that were
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designated that's quite a bit are there similar goals set for this year. >> i don't believe so we can discuss that in the report. i'm sure you're aware of the district take a tremendous amount of time and effort there are not any pipelines in our district but we when we have owner consent but if the commission would like to entertain setting a new numerical goal we're open to having that discussion >> i'm just one last thing. there's a spelling error on page 8 for k i n l o n >> commissioners you bring up a good point you basically answered 2 it would be great if we did a monthly goal on the
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hours spent on each of those items so it don't get move forward but unless i set goals that would be great for the commission and a staff to set per hours per month. >> basically those are all except for the golden gate park have zero hours. >> well sunshine school has been on for 7 or 8 years per bono so we'll follow-up on that. >> let's move on. >> commissioners that will place us under the commissioners, that places you under president reports and announcements. we're now now a to getting a spooind stipend on a monthly
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basis so is there any way we can assign this state hospital a 501-c >> you can certainly file for direct deposit. >> can we do it before it gets taxes then. >> i can look into that. >> we'll move on so i'll follow-up on the information with the gentleman. >> commissioners item 5 consideration of adaptation of draft minutes for january 29, 2014. >> commissioner. >> i had one discretion on page 6 of 8 item 12 there's a name in parentheses and it should be alc h a u r.
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so noted >> commissioners any other corrections, notes. any member of the public have any information regarding the members or alternates. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i move to approve the minutes with the correction. >> thank you. on that motion to adapt the minutes as adapted commissioner hyland. commissioner johnck. commissioner johns. commissioner pearlman. commissioner wolfram and president hasz. so moved, commissioners, that passes unanimously 7 to zero and palace you under commissioners comments and questions >> i want to see on a future meeting for the agenda. >> we can accept anything on the agenda.
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>> it's the last item in the group that we put on the agenda for future hearing a discussion will state tax credits the district tax credits and what we can do to help support speak maybe get someone from the commission to talk about that. >> commissioner johns. every year the san francisco museum and historical society how old a history expo usually we get 30 hundred or more people to come and see an assembly of delays that you put on and standoff by the various historical organizations in san francisco.
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this year, the mr. fry as homeland that the planning department and the historic preservation commission will be represent represented; is that correct? >> i'm looking at to that booth and i highly recommend everyone attend. march the first and second >> thank you very much commissioners, anything else under this item i'd say everybody has been contacted by apple store that's a blanket statement for everybody. seeing none, let's move on >> commissioners that places you under your regular calendar for 2014 through 2016 that is an
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informational item only. >> again good afternoon john ram we're here to present the second of 3 for the 2014 and 2016- 2017 budget. we only addressed the resources for this fiscal year in other words, the same number of staff we have now. since the last are hearing we have finalize the data from the first half of this fiscal why were namely the data from july through december and perhaps no surprise to any of us the revenues keep pour in at a high rate and we're substantially above the projects o projections again so we're proposing what you'll see today is how we intend to use those funds. just to remember we do