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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2014 8:00am-8:31am PST

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you to everybody that is viewing. >> anything further from the chief? >> please call 4b occ directors report. >> review of recent activities and presentation of occ report and summary of cases red in january 2014, mediation of complaints in january of 2014, and adjudication. >> good evening president mazzucco and commissioners and members of the public. last week deputy director bob bazaar an acting senior investigator investigated an officers complaint function at the san francisco police academy. also to date, the occ has mediated 14 cases. six last month and four this month so far. on friday, i attended the black history month
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celebrations here in city hall and i have known the key note speakers since he's been a very little boy. he knows chad williams, the chair of the african american studies at the department of grand university and was a san francisco public schools and raised mr. san francisco. that concludes my report of recent activity. i will now move on to the statistical reports. i did shorten the title to spare you from reading a very long title. you have the reports in your packets that outline occ complaints filed, mediated cases and the chief's adjudication in january of this year. so what i will do now is i will update first
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the complaints filed as of today. 80 complaints have been filed compared to 76 in january, 2013. 315 complaints are pending. that's the same number that were pending in january 2013. 14 been mediated this year compared to 10? january and the entire month of february in 2013. so, we are ahead of the game with our mediation. three complaints have been sustained compared to one as of february 12, 2013. moving to the adjudication where one ori more were made. there were three in january for failure to collect traffic stop data and the officer was
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admonished. another fails to attend a traffic accident. the last one an officer failed to -- the officer transported a juvenile. the officer was admonished. the final adjudicated case was for unwarranted actions and this is where an officer detained a complainant without reasonable without probable cause. the officer was admonished and retrained. in the case is a case where the officers were following the ping of a stolen cellphone. the officer didn't get it right. the complainant didn't fit the
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description of the suspect ascribed by the woman who lost her cellphone and the cellphone was not an iphone, it was ann droid. that conclude my report. >> thank you very much, are there any questions for director hicks? hearing none, please call line item 4c. city clerk: commission reports, commission president's report, commissioners report. >> i got to attend the former police officers current agencies were present and the president of chief of police and salas slit oh -- it's a
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good working group where they talk about issues everything related to terrorism issues to quality of life issues. it's a great honor to represent the commission. we are told about what we do and what a group of individuals with different backgrounds when we come together and we are involved in policy and procedure and how things evolve in that area. it a great time to meet folks. i think they are pretty interested. it's a great time to brag. i shared with them, the topic was politics and policing in san francisco. i made it very clear to them that we have a very supportive mayor and board of supervisors because we are hiring officers and this city figured out that you have to put officers on the street in order to keep this city safe. you need to look at places like san jose where the mayor thought he was smarter than anybody else by
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letting officers go and it turned out to be the city with the most murders than san francisco. commissioners, you have anything you would like to report? commissioner chan? >> yes, quickly, i'm looking to realize that we won't have a next meeting. the next crisis intervention team class for sfpd is february 24-27. i believe it's at golden gate park at one of the main buildings there. >> yeah. we are both smiling because i can tell you where it is. it's where the flower building. >> thank you. we are both empty on that one. it's at that building and you are welcome to go. each time i go to training gets better and better. it's for officers on
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the escalation and all the mental health components and improved in the classes and very engaged and commander carrillo was elected for the california cit association. yeah, a big deal. we are taking on leadership statewide which is a long way from where we were a couple years ago and that's quite amazing. and the cit continues to meet. we'll meet tomorrow. >> that's great. one of the things i mentioned in my speech about having a commission was cit and a lot are interested. it's good for these individuals who are experienced law enforcement professionals who had no idea about cit. commissioners, anything else? >> please call line item 4d. >> commission announcements and for consideration of future meetings. >> there will not be a
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commission meeting next week, february 19th. the commission will be dark. february 26th, we shall be in the park district at a community meeting. the commission will meet in the park at grand elementary school, 165 grant on street in san francisco, concerning public protect issues in the park. >> thank you, any issues for scheduling? i know i spoke with deputy chief, i understand that is a working progress balancing constitutional issues involving the officers off duty time. i want to let you know that's a work in progress and the chief insured me that's on its way. >> could the deputy chief give us the details on the promotion ceremony again?
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>> the crisis intervention training is february 24th-27. you are all welcome to stop by. it's actually all day. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. just drop by anytime. >> the promotional ceremony the 27th at 2 :00 p.m. at the temple, on 19th and slope. >> it's a little hard for me to make it during the day but i will try. >> anything else? >> inspector monroe. tomorrow he's on the course part of the officers training. we'll get there faster. >> thank you for that commissioners. >> as long as we get hot dogs.
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>> thank you for that, commissioner. can i get to item 5? >> we have public comment on 4abc and d. any public comment on those items? yes? >> good afternoon, good evening again. this is for something to be considered at a future meeting. i have been giving a lot of thought to public input for public safety since a lot of the information comes to the police department comes from the public where the extra eyes and ears or as i refer to myself the gargoyle in the window. i get to see what's going on. i really would like to see the police commission get behind pushing for safety committee in the
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larger apartment buildings through project safe or something similar to that. if you were to get behind that and behind the chief so that the tennants can form building safety committees without fear of retaliation from unscrupulous landlords, it would be extremely helpful. people want to be safe including those who are in the criminal element. i have said before, when the criminal element start to feel unsafe, the rest of us don't stand a chance. they need to know the crime, because they have crimes perpetrated against them. what they can do to get that crime reported. because a lot of these people don't live in the best shelters, they don't live in door ways. they live in so-called supportive
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housing, public housing. they need to know, we need to know what can be done. so if there is someway that the commission can come up with something to help us out that would be really really wonderful if you can agendaized, i don't like the word hearing. but agendaized and open sort of thing so people from the public can come and share with you what sorts of things we like to see happen. that would be very very helpful and would help make san francisco even more responsive and safer. that's it. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> please call line item no.
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5. item 6. vote on whether to hold item 7 in closed session and vote on whether to assert the attorney-client privilege with regards to item 7bcd section 67.10. action. >> we have a motion with reference to go into closed session to go into >> >> we are back. >> line item 7 to disclose any or all discussions held san francisco administrative code
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section 1.2a action. >> move not to disclose. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> item no. 9, please. >> no. 9. adjournment. >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>the meeting is now called to
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order, roll call? >> mr. haney? >> here. >> miss maufas, mendoza. murase. >> wynns. here. >> and fewer. >> here. >> logan. >> here. >> please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> now we are voting on the regular meeting minutes of january 28, 2014, may i hear a motion and a second from th
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minutes from that january 28, 2014. >> so moved. >> adoption of the minutes. >> thank you. >> any corrections? >> roll call, vote, please? >> thank you. >> mr. logan? >> yes. >> mr. haney? >> yes. >> maufas, mendoza murase? >> aye. >> norton. >> aye. >> wynns? >> yes. >> fewer, yes. >> five b, presentations to the board of education, supervisor carranza? >> thank you, president fewer, good everyone no one and thank you for being here and tuning in this evening even though we have received quite a bit of rain we are well aware of the drought in our state and the drought that we are experiencing throughout california. and what that means to us in the months ahead, is that we need to conserve. and what you may not know is that since 2008, we in san francisco unified school district have already managed to reduce our water usage by ten percent and so we are doing our part and that is over ten
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million gallons of water per year and i guarantee that with the help of the sustainability office and city partners and the sfpuc and environment we will be learning to explore ways to conserve more water, not only because it is scarce, but also because the it is right thing to do and i would like to personally thank the director for all of his work in helping to embed this in the curriculum. >> also i would like to send out a shout out to the civil rights academy who will be hosting the performance for students by the music group ten. ten began a program to provide tools through music and arts to help the youth encourage their potential and later today we will have the information about the african american student honor roll and i will not steal their thunder and emily is here and i believe that virginia
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marshal will share the information about that event, i also would like to send out a shout out to west portal elementary and the students 200 students will be celebrating the year of the horse by marching in the annual chinese parade in san francisco and the word has it that the superintendent will be making an appearance and what you may or may not know that west portal's group that has won the awards in years passed, recently performed at the golden state warer's game at half time and stilt, walkers and ribbon and fan dancers and dragon runners and drummers and that is just the principal. >> that is good. and we take it on good authority that the principal will then be on stilts this year and he will be rehearsing one more time before the big day. so this will be friday march 14, from four to five west
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portal elementary and if anyone would like to come and support the students. i also would like to take this opportunity to thank and to announce, thank our staff, but announce that on january, from january 22, and 30th, eleven high school wellness center sites in our school district hosted affordable healthcare act sign up days which were from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and there was a total of 99 hours from across all sites that were provided to our community to help them sign up for the affordable care healthcare, over 50 sfufc community partners devoted their time and 168 individuals received health insurance and enrollment information and support. 18 of our schools also conducted tabling events and reached over 2700 adults and children and 17 schools distributed the aca information in the school wide envelopes
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reaching over 8900 adults and children and 16 schools posted fliers and 14 of them provided out reach and i want to thank all of our staff for this out reach, and i think that it is an important service as part of being a member of this community and once again, san francisco demonstrates that we can and we do. right around the corner, for all of us in san francisco, is our school planning retreat. and the school planning retreat provides you an opportunity for us to work together as a team. our school site councils and administrators and teachers and parents and our entire community on the school's balance score card, the academic plan and the budget for the 2014, 15 school year, the retreat will be saturday, march first, from 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. at evert middle school 450 church street, the principals and members of the council and families and other community leaders are invited to attend please talk to your principal
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about how you can attend and participate in the school planning and there is interpretation services that will be available the language will not be an issue and we will be coordinating for the school team so that we can contact the principal to request the translation services in advance. i also want to make sure that there will also be child care provided for children, ages three and up. and it must be reserved as well ahead of time, again, speak to your principal and we need to have those questions in no later than friday february the 21st, so we hope to see all of you there and have a great showing for that day. and just a final reminder that all school sites and central office buildings will be closed in observance of president's day this following monday, february 17th, we hope that everyone will have some time with their families and i want to thank everybody for a great start to february and we are in the home stretch now of our
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spring semester, thank you. >> thank you, superintendent. >> recognition and resolutions of commendation, there are none. >> student delegate's report, i believe that cooper logan has a report for us. >> hi. >> so we have several fac orders of business that we are going to discuss tonight. first the vision 2025, sac leadership participated in the campaign for the future of sfusd and we hope that our student voice was part of the entire vision 2025 contribution. the sac also will be hosting the youth summit on march 28th. the committee set a schedule for the annual sac youth summit day. and we are currently working on drafting the agenda workshops and entertainment and keynote speakers. for the youth summit. march 28th again. and finally, the sac
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participated in the affordable care act out reach. sac volunteered at healthcare sign up days in support of a healthcare enrollment drive by sfusd to insure the healthcare coverage for all eligible families. and the next sac meeting is monday, february 24th. at 5:00. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> cooper. now, we have parent advisory council report? good evening, superintendent, good evening commissioners i am amy, and i am a member of the parent advisory council and a parent at gotten elementary and i will let my friend and colleague introduce herself. >> [ speaking in a foreign language ]
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>> my name is catilan and i have three children in the san francisco unified school district. >> so, we have a monthly update on the pac activities. this report describes the pac's work with our community, partners to hold the community conversations. on the district's local control and accountability plan that is the lcap and as you know that is required by the local control funding formula. >> last month's pac meeting members voted to accept the district's invitation to serve as one of the official parent advisory bodies to provide the input on the lcat. in turn, the pack is collaborating with our community partners to reach a broad spectrum of parents particularly parents of english learners and low income students and foster youth and
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students with special needs. we are developing a framework with the parents to previed input on the lcad and includes chinese for affirmative action and advocates and mission graduates and parents for public schools, the district's pta and support for families of children with disabilities. district staff from the dlac and the office of family and community engagement are also participating in the planning sessions. we recognize the importance of coordinating the efforts with the district partners who work with parents to help to identify what are the gaps in the parent out reach exist so that the district with address them. working with our partners on this effort will help to enform the types of mechanisms needed to respond to the input for the parents who are not affiliated with an an organization, we hope to do four primary things and first to increase the
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transparency about how the district will spend the additional funds as a result of the local control funding formula and second strengthen the processes for the parents to provide meaningful input and third, support a system for parents to monitor and understand the measurements of success and finally strengthen the solutioned in the lcap and as far as the developments we know that there are documents that the district will draw upon, and we hope to see the components of the plan where the parents's suggestions and concerns and questions will genuinely be taken into consideration to help to shape the final plans submitted for the board approval. in this way, we would like to use the components to guide the discussions and ultimately support meaningful parent engagement. >> [ speaking in a foreign language ]
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>> the pac and our community partners are mapping out the effort to get the information to the family of low income families and foster students and low income to participate. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> efforts include reaching out to parents, beyond our respective organizations collaborating with the district
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staff and agencies working with students and families identified to benefit under the local controlling formula. [ speaking in a foreign language ]
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to this end the pac made a presentation to the children system of care at the department of public health program providing services to familiwise a history of out of home placement as well as those receiving mental health services and having services to the juvenile probation and will be meeting with the group in march to discuss the lcap and tomorrow night, february 12th the staff will be meeting with the families from the foster parent association to share the information about the role and to share with a future meeting.
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[ speaking in a foreign language ] at the end of this week, it is pac is collar rating with to engage the families in discussions will meet to begin to develop our discussion guide and format which will be same for each session regardless of which organization leads the conversation parent leaders from participating organizations will facility the small group discussions and each will offer interpretation as-needed and will provide one session in spanish and one in cantonese. [ speaking in a foreign language ]