tv [untitled] February 20, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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can contact us through the normal channels and wwwdot where people can learn the next meeting is in district 5 their meetings that are going through the second week of march and we'll bring back to you the initial proposals on march 15 i think we're going to focus on the m t e and hopefully to the final approvals at the end of march. finally, i wanted to report out on the charities campaign that's the annual employee giving event one off our outstanding muni operators ron duo district
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attorney ford was her contribution in 2013 to the campaign was the largest made by any city employee so of the 28 thousand city employees a good you are about to give of which participant in the campaign one of our operators made the single biggest contribution. shields an "x" board operators out of presidio to her 14 year career her general rots has been a hallmark she's the highest contributory she won the largest contributor award and out of 5 thousand she was number one and altogether they 2rik9d
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$1.9 million to the nonprofits. it was the second time in 3 years he chevy's earned the award previously in 2011. it was a strong year overall for the campaign we were there with the fourth 4r5erg9d contributory with modern $100,000 and the leadership folks who give $500 or more. i'm proud of our operator who led the pack that concludes my presentation >> questions or comments members of the public. >> (calling names) those are the two speaker cards. >> good afternoon. good afternoon, members the court: sustained. irish the owner of metro cab.
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they have only 21 cabs today. i want to give you my perspectives on the medallions. 18 months ago you made a contribution of the cab company to the medallions. mid sized companies were given much smaller gifts. for the big boys this victim of crime support retouching to one hundred or $200 per year if the medallions were sold it would be more money in your coffers. my little company was not included p i wanted for a year to make my pitch in a letter to the director. my letter pointed out flaws in the scoring system but on the radio orders metro scored higher
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than cut rate medallions. i received no rely. now like 2014 i think you can understand my fruition to hear the 8 thousand males are not going to be given out and my competitors are winning >> thank you. next speaker, please >> berry followed by another gentleman. >> good afternoon. i wished the others we are here. first, i wanted to say you couldn't have picked a better director. you'll get nothing but the best work out of him. the issue is about the 8 thousand series medallions do the math your lowering it by 50
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percent and the drivers are going to pay the same gate fee? wouldn't it be better to cut back on the medallions out there. wouldn't that be a better idea the airport it screaming maybe not loud i'm going to push for a letter from them there's no capacity for the 8 thousand medallions they weren't supposed to go to the airport is it fair to circle 8 or 9 times. there's not a convention every week. i only go to the airport when i haven't made in money in the city i get two or three fairs so i can get fairs. i did better on sunday night
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than i did on new years eve. so i'm telling you cutting it in half without making sure those taxis driver get the rates because the company is not enduring the same rates. they were giving us the opportunity to go to the airport because they were hurting for transportation. one last thing gold star is getting 6 medallions at the end of the period why? because their paying a lot of money to the medallion holders >> the last two people and i'm with the syllable cab i'm here with the support for the smaller
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medallion services. we just hope this can bridge the gap between when did you driver pool comes back to where the service is neat >> howard is the last person. >> good afternoon directors i'm howard i want to comment on the director's report i'm happy to see the work of the safety pedestrian stream is doing a good job they're to fix a lot of the places but i want to remind the mta it's important wherever you spend money on the street you also should say what can we do now for muni is this the place to put a boarding this
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consortiums are costing and you should combine them. and then a comment on the legal it was so nice to see the comment in your budget there will be less need for such a large legal team in the future and to repeat words of your council the long haul they're looking the long haul people say we have this need and the other and sometimes you cave and hopefully more often than not you'll not >> the council's report mr. weathers is not here. this is - members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and
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are not on today's agenda we'll start with howard followed by john >> howard. a week or two ago i saw the roll outs for the inner suspect they were doing so many great things and preparing to copy the negligent fold when you look at that you don't need long bulbs known can drive through the pedestrian standing open a bulb and the riders can get on the more reading ones it will work the short ones. one more thing that happens moving some of those stops to the far side and stop consolidation very useful stuff i sent my comments in you should stop consolidate on the 48
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because it will be sharing a stop with the end and that is problematic california having a 2 car trains held up by a bus that takes too long to load. i hope you'll continue with the - even better their improvement is one and a quarter minutes now we're going to get down to the net grit you have to consider the projects that save a minute and a half and it's important because the long line you're saying a minute here and there. thanks for getting me started on that >> john finish my question and two others. >> i'm here to speak on the
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muni. they're asking for a rate increase on the fair. on this fair would i would like to know is that you can go up as high as they like we don't have much of a choice but i'm here to speak on behalf of the black african-american. men and women. it's known that over 50 of the drivers are black african-american men and women for the san francisco muni. during the course of black history month it was mentioned opened to the board of directors san francisco meeting that blacks have been leading the parade in obesity. i want to know which part of that fair increase is going to go towards the controlling of the obesity rate and for the
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black african-american men and women on the muni. and there is a way to stop this. i introduced a proposal and i haven't gotten an answer back yet i have not given it to you but i came up with a way to cut the fair of asian down 75 percent. i know i don't have enough time to explain in there will but now i know where you are i'm going to give it to you in writing and you can see what you, work with >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> two last cards. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, everyone i'm here to talk about a very important factor in this city. lighting. we do not have sufficient
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lighting. it reduces pedestrian accidents we're a shame in san francisco and crime this wouldn't happen if we had adequate lighting the lighting on market street is antiquated and a bus drivers can't see the pedestrians. it's murder period in the real sense of the word. it promotes economic results in the city people don't come out at the night they're afraid of getting hit and a accosted by crime. they would spend more time in the city if it was lit up 0 edward reiskin please contact the puc and rush up lighting on those 3 areas van ness and market and the embarcadero downtown is the worse and also please train the drivers on the f line to make the people move
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back i'm sick and tired of telling me them this i'm getting horse have red signs put up on the bus thank you edward reiskin but it's not enough they have to make sure that the people move back there's plenty of room in the back and as a result people can't board the bus and their frustrated. thank you very much for your attention to those matters >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> barry toronto. >> mr. toronto. >> hi, good afternoon. i'm barry toronto i want to wish julia good luck. i think it's great to have challenges there is a lot of history there good luck. i wanted to tell you one thing
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two words fly whole sucks. it's good for the pedestrians but terrible inform the drivers. yes, we need an industry rider app unfortunately, we have to use it but just before i came here i got a call flying 42 hours i said i can't talk now i've got to come to the mta and complain about you. they don't return our calls right now and next, i couldn't log into fly whole. fly wheel is not the answer because the drivers are the ones using it now their charging 10 percent of each fair and a fly wheel are not good tipers. i get 9 or $10 for others but i
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don't get even that at an average fare of a fly whole border. so i'm telling you also, if you make a mistake and you took an order they put you off for 5 hours that means if you're at the end of your shift anonymous are you out the last hois hour of your shift but three or four hours of the next shift. i ask you to create standards to make it easier for cab drivers to use the app. thank you >> any public comment? seeing none. >> directors you're moving into your consent calendar those will be acted upon by a single vote unless you wish to have those
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separate. a member asked that 10.3 be severed and no other item >> is there a motion on the remaining items all in favor, say i. opposed? 10.3. >> barry toronto. >> hi, good afternoon chairman nolan i want to point out to you liam the right turn lane at polk where you're making an eastbound turn. this is a serious move to remove this right turn lane grove street is blocked between larkin and polk. it's important to have this during the peak hours but to not
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have this right turn lane is creating lots of problems at that particular intersection especially a lot of cars are making a left turn going westbound. i urge you to look at 24 or an explanation how to explain the traffic back up. it's important to have this. thank you >> mr. robins you care to comment. >> thank you jerry robins of the sustainable streets. we feel this is adequate proposal that there is a very wide lane on eastbound grove street approaching polk street and the gentleman's concern could be addressed even if the right turn lane is removed
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>> and further i noticed there toronto is correct from polk to larkin it's blocked when their events at the bill graham but in this case, the turn lane could be used. the main emphasis is we have reserveable bows on this right turn lane this proposal is aimed at making that intersection much safer to cross and this has been vetted with the muni in terms of the 21 grove so i think it's a good proposal >> mr. rogers motion? >> second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? you guys have it secretary boomer. >> okay item presentation and discussion of the fiscal
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2014-2015 and 2015-2016 and possible changes to fairs and a fees and charges and possible revenue sources and a revenue expenditure reduction and the 2015-2016 budget. >> mr. chair this is the first of two public hearings the point hat which is to hear from the public and the board. we do have a shorter version of the presentation we gave on february 4th we'll walk through quickly to leave time today and subsequential hearing are informational only so it's we're looking for feedback open is table not making a budget proposal at this point but only providing you what the expenditure challenges could be or the revenue changes so i want
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to ask our cfos to walk through that >> thank you director reiskin. you i want to highlight a couple of changes. on the schedule change power point please. we're not proposing to have the town hall meeting on february 28th instead of the 179 we originally scheduled so mr. reiskin mentioned on march 4 with the second public hearing and then once again on march 14 with both the changes >> those are the arrows. >> okay. >> they're waiting for us. i know it's not a fin tauveng topic and more of a balanced
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budget on march 14. so the operating budget it stand before you hadn't changed from the workshop we have 15 million for f y 16. on this page once again the summary it doesn't include labor or contract the impacts he transit services increases and as well as new program requests. this slide slide 9 you see it highlights the indexing of our fairs. this slide 10 shows the cost recovery calculations for our major items mostly on the parking and traffic side for example, the residential parking
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permit the calculation will go up a dollar every year. and the civilization for a sweeping citation is up $2 so we talk about the major fees or the c pi increases. so the next slide once again repeats the revenue sources that was before you. i do want to talk about the extension for the muni for use. there are will have been several reports in the press some thought y thought y thought you new motor vehicle our numbers include indexing so
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we also had originally thought there was a 40 thousand prarnlts we're up to 31 thousand slightly over 31 thousand and i think the report that is clauts is based on a march 31 number if f that is a little bit lower. so the two major sdrirpgsz we estimated the graffiti costs. so all the other slides have not changed from the last time you saw in are i want to focus on the capital side i see individuals who want to speak to. since the february 4th we've identified the problematic
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areas. on slide 23 sorry slide 21 we just want to reiterate that fact that while we have problematic areas many of those areas work together. so the complete streets we have a combination of the pedestrian and bikes and school assessment and traffic so i have to look at holistically and the categories are assessment and signals and fleet and traffic opposition for the reliable transportation areas. let me speak to the a couple of the problematic areas.
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on ascertainment the director asked for some of the information on the assessment. if you look at slide 23 we have 15 and a half million and those are the projects we are now looking at including still in discussion they have not been finalized but their elevators and tool kits and taxis and our assessable stops. thank you. so here's another area the bicycle program almost $88 million in the program and a list of projects on slide 24 that include some of the projects that we are porsche going to be including in the s i gi won't go through them it's
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exhaustive. so the other one where there're significant dissuasion was our pedestrian program we have about $69 million available so far pedestrians and those are proposals and projects currently under consideration. once again there are other programs in the problematic areas that talk about pedestrians so if you look at the bicyclists that's it they'll be addressing improvements. there's also a question about how much does our operating budget support those are programs we have $33 million in our budget for pedestrian programs and bicyclist programs and if you remember 7 years ago we had zero dollars to support
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those promotions and i didn't want to go without saying that there's a belief that our operating budget doesn't support those and we have one hundred and 50 positions working on that i'm going to turn it over to i'll leave it up to the any public comment? >> thank you and as director reiskin the board is anxious to hear from the public this afternoon. >> if i may just to reemphasis something we mentioned last time we're assuming within our draft capital budget that the two initially measures that were recommended by the mayors task force get to the ballet and get approved. those will be funding transmitted state of repair and a as well as bike and pedestrian
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safety improvements to the extent that those come to fruition that froze up operating resources that are spent on things like emergency repair and a pulling buses out of service and doing emergency repair out in the field on vehicles. to the extent i guess our confidence in those measures as we contemplate changes in operating revenues and expenditures if we secure passage then i think there is more we can do on the operating side from the initiates we'll hear from the public making permanent for the low and moderate income use like adding transit service self-we can count open the november revenues on the capital side it will be
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with more comfort on the operating side. i want to highlight the linkage with the november decisions we'll have to make with the operating budget. director reiskin. members of the public address the board >> yes. mr. chairman we'll start with howard and ernestine and john. >> howard director. i read the one think our site and tried to learn and deal with this thing i'm mostly concerned with the fact it doesn't include any increase in service that's in the reasonable i dependent to have 50 percent more people living in the city that's wrong. i don't want to ak
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