tv [untitled] February 21, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PST
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need to make sure she continues to serve. for seat 8, i guess we don't have an applicant right now. so we are going to have to continue it. for seat 9, again i think we have great applicants, but for me what's compelling about seat 9 is that i do think that it's important to have a perspective of someone who is living in a private sro and somebody living in a neighborhood which i happen to represent 16th and mission that has a number of challenges. i think the fact that ms. frost man spoke about the application of ms. alexander, speaks very highly of the kind of member that she would be. so that would be my suggestion. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: i'm glad that we are in
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agreement. i echo supervisor campos comments. for seat 2, i don't know if any members of my committee have heard from mr. pattel or received correspondence so i have not. i would be okay with delaying that particular appointment but move with the rest. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. let me separate these things out. for seat 2 and seat 8 i would like to continue the item. >> so moved. >> without objection the motion passes. for seat 4 and 5, the candidates amelia rudberg and joshua vining would need a residency
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waiver. so somebody would like to move that? okay. no objection, motion passes. so i think this is what i'm hearing. that we would like to appoint dan jordan to seat 1, nicollette alexander to seat 9, amelia rudberg to seat 4, joshua vining to seat 5 and angela chu to seat 7. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> someone wants to make a motion? the motion passes. thank you. i have to go back to item no. 4. there was a procedural error on my part. so, i forgot to ask for
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residency waiver. and so i would like to rescind. can someone make a motion to rescind the motion? >> so moved. >> no objection. the motion passes. so would somebody like to make a motion for lily wong to be in seat 1 and winnie yu for seat 2. we have to make the motion to do the residency waiver first? >> so moved. >> motion passes." okay. make a motion for seats. >> make a motion for lily yu
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wednesday, february 19, 2014. this is the regular meeting of the building inspection commission, would i like to remind everyone for turn off all electronic devices. the first item on the agenda aroll call. >> president mccarthy? >> here >> mar. >> cheer. >> commissioner clinch. >> here. >> mccray. >> here. >> melgar will be here and walker is excused.
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>> good morning, everybody, and welcome to our big meeting, february 19, 2014. we have quite a detailed meeting here this morning, so if i could, respectfully request for the commissioners that we have a lot of items so starting with the president's announcements. director deputy director and other staff will meet on supervisor cohen on thursday, february 15th, to respond the questions that she has about the city program. >> dbi will provide the numbers and other enforcement actions under way, director, and building inspector chu and william strong participated this saturday at tang's town hall where they joined planning
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staff and responded to specific questions from both 60 home owners and tenants about building, and planning issues and very productive community, out reach program for that and thank you for attending that. >> for the second year, the director served as one of the judges of this year's chinese new year's parade which was ushered in the new year this past, and in addition, the special thanks to dbi volunteered who staff our annual boot for the festival on saturday and sunday rkts responded to many questions about the building permit and inspection and code enforcement process. dbi and planning are part of tonight's board of appeals hearing on 149 market street, senior planning reviewer will be there to explain what dbi can do to assist the owner in retaining and legalizing the units about the senior building inspector, joe duffy.
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>> the commissioner may recall that the planning and the owners of the representative met last december 12th, where the owners met they were interested in retaining a significant percentage of the existing units art space with accessory residential units, planning is awaiting a request from the owners for a letter of determination which may happen as a consequence of any board appeals decision tonight. if the owners do request, a letter of the determination from the planning, a second form of preapplication meeting will be convened to fix the terms and conditions including meeting and building and lifestyle and safety systems etc.. and dbi has not heard from the owner since december from the owner since december 12, meeting in terms of whatever next steps the owners may want to take, so it is important that they do communicate with us for us to do our job.
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the director tom heuy attended the sfpuc briefing on water conservation measures and feedback, yeah? >> required for the mayor's executive directive on the current drought. taoef is the contact and taking steps to help them achieve the ten percent water savings required by the mayor's directive. like other departments, dbi will be doing aggressive out reach on steps that people can take to save the water immediately and will be posting the tips on the website for easy consumer access and to increase awareness on this program. dbi released the internal report on friday, february 7th on december 16, 2013, job site incident at 125 crown terrace in twin peaks where the
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existing single family home came off its shoring and slid down a steep slope 50 feet, the building was unokay unoccupied and no one was injured and no property was damage, while we will discuss that later, there was a san francisco chronicle story about the report's finding last thursday in the paper, on february 13. and the department is also responding to sunshine, is everyone's cell phone is off or low. >> and the department is also responding to a sunshine request from a local law first received the same day the public records on this incident was released. so, this is still ongoing in that respect. in addition to the chronicle story, dbi also responded to the media request on the central city express for the details about sros and whether or not they are be stole in the current harsh real estate market and also responded to the magazine request for the
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permanent requirements for the commercial hotel and city, and so he is very busy with the media these days, so thank you for all of your work on responding to everybody. congratulations to robert chung and the team who are managing the program, effecting soft story buildings, more than 800 owners contractors and professionals have participated in the department's public workshop held in october and november, and there was outstanding public turn out on january 28 at the civiauditor um. where the questions were learned and detailed of the compliance requirements. a reminder notification will be sent again to home owners we believe are likely to be candidates for the mandatory retrofit, given september of
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2014 is rapidly approaching, with all screening forms, are due at dbi, we remain behind in receiving these forms, because of seriously lagging owners responses. as, well, the report of letter today we have received fewer than 700 screening forms, roughly 23 percent of the estimated 3,000 plus, we believe that i be subject to this newman torrey retrofit ordinance. so, word or a shout out to owners, to engage immediately anger or a design professional and send the dbi these vital screening forms as soon as possible. >> please note that the sfgtv video of the mandatory retrofit workshop is now available on-line through you tube with a link to the videos on dbi website. and and the cap's website and it is for further vision on that. congratulations to maria lia of the plan services for providing
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excellent assistance to customers in helping her with the routing process. kutos to dwyane for the record's management division for providing the great customer service and going an extra mile to help customers with record's request. dbi recently responded to request it again in an annual department waiver for the requirements in the clean ater ordinance, hacto which enables the inspectors to perform their charter mandated responsibilities as well as enables us to play the role expected by the city as a key responder to emergency disaster. this concludes my announcements. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on the president's announcements? >> okay seeing none. general public comment? >> the bic will take public
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comment on matters within the commission's jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda. >> high name is robert and i am a bay view resident and i would like to bring to your attention, 5122 third street and this building is badly blighted and there are pictures in your packet and there are three things actually at the same time, a badly blighted building and a building that was for sale and a building that has active permits and there are loop holes in all of these things that need to be addressed it is in the packet and then there are other ideas about notices of violation that i would like to just mention briefly. one is to eliminate the second notice of violation, time waster. given each notice of violation an expirery date and begin to calculate the fees and fines when the nov expires and collect, some interest on these fines and penalties. and make sure that everything
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is pushed up the ladder, open director's hearing, and litigation committees, and city attorney office etc.. and i would like to ask if there is any more published a guideline for closing or this violation, many of them have been disclosed and there seems to be no explanation that exists someplace and i am wondering if we could see that. thank you. >> thank you, mr. davis. is there any further public comment? >> okay, seeing none, item 4, election of the bic president, and vice president. >> and madam secretary, if it is okay with the fellow commissioners and until melgar gets here, we can probably go to because item 7, and we could take that then we could get here we could go back to that. >> okay. >> if that is okay with my fellow commissioners.
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>> yeah. >> we are moving to director's report, update on dbi's finances, 7 a. >> good morning, my name is gale, and i am the acting chief financial officer for dbi and i wanted to talk about our finance report, and our revenues are continuing to come in quite high. so the revenue projection that i gave at the last meeting is actually slightly higher by about 2 million dollars and we have received the first installment of the information and it comes into the installments that we would expect to get about 60 percent in the first and usually about higher and 50 percent in the second and that is about what we except and we received 80 percent of what we expect for the entire year and we are at 58 percent of the way through the year and we did see a surge in charges for services in december, as people tried to
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submit everything before the code changed in january and we did continue to see more permits in january and it did not drop off as much as we expected our revenue is continuing to be quite high. in terms of other s, we are showing that we have quite a bit not received yet and that is a transfer from the fund balance into our operating, because our revenue collection and charges for services is so high, we really don't need to do that right now, so you will continue to see that being a very low percentage of revenue. coming in at this point. >> so, in terms of expenses, we see our employee salaries are less than what we would expect this time of year and we do have quite a few vacantcies and we are actively moving forward to fill, some positions that are critical. but we are kind of slowing down a little bit on some of our other vacantcies because just the building is at full capacity. so what we are adding positions
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still, we have slowed down and we are hiring and recruitment process. so non-personal services, is quite a bit lower, and again, this is some of the large materials and supplies purchases that we are planning for this year have not been completed and paid yet and so i do expect that percentage to come up. services of other departments, and work orders and we are about what we expect and transfer of the ro projects that we do at once and you will see that we have spent 100 percent. >> i don't have any changes in the finance report and i am happy to answer any questions. >> gale, with the slow down of the hiring, is that because we have met our positions or is it because we have no room? >> it is a little bit of both. we have more positions in the budget that we could fill, but we also are pretty tight on space and so we are more selective in what we fill at this point. >> so no space is kind of dictating whether or not we have the full staff level that
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we... >> not 100 percent, but it is definitely influencing the process. >> which is my greatest fear here, okay, thank you. >> thank you. >> 7 b, update on proposed legislation. >> good morning, commissioners bill storm, legislative and public affairs. one is an ordinance sponsored by the mayor and a number of supervisors that would amend the building code requiring seismic evaluation of risk and performance of private schools, i see the mayor's director of risk safety is here and patrick may speak to that in a little bit later. but as i understand it, we have a number of these buildings
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that have not been evaluated, this legislation will require a mandatory evaluation, with a goal, of course, of making all schools not just public schools, more safe for the future earthquake. i am going to mention again, that supervisor tang has just introduced her request for and an ordinance to have may in honor of small business, month, and the building safety, awareness month. on the improvements and you may remember for the last two years, the commission has agreed to wave dbi permit, review fees, for that month. and as an incentive to owners to make these improvements in the neighborhoods all over, the city. and so, she will be coming back with that refund in the past two years, and it has not changed the number of requests for these kinds of permits. this year, the supervisors and
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the officers are going to be a little more aggressive with the out reach and we may see, an uptick in that number. there is also a piece of legislation as you know from sponsored by supervisor david chui that calls for the legislation of in-laws under certain, specific per remark perameters and we have tried to refine that so that we can put that legislation into effect. when it does pass. and i guess what i will mention is a piece of legislation introduced by supervisor
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farrell that will permit the tenants to store bikes and personal goods in garages thanks to the assistance of our chief housing inspector, and the supervisor's office is amending that legislation to make sure that the fire and sprinkling requirements are part of the legislation and are met and other than that, i think that we are very supportive of it. and so, those are the highlights that i have, if you have any questions, i am happy to respond. >> thank you. >> item 7 c. update on the permit tracking system. >> good morning, commissioners, i am the project director for dbi. we have been performing user acceptance testing for the past few weeks, and we will be continuing the last week of
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march through the last week of march. next week we do have trainings that we took over from testing. and it is all kinds of training that is occurring the whole of next week. also, actively we are doing the data conversions, we are currently doing this data mapping and when this piece is complete the first conversion will be done and this is the first week of march and it will be a good cater of how good the data is from the legacy to the new system and that will be a good cater of where we are heading. coming back to training, there are three levels of training and the first that is occurring next week is train the trainer where we have experts who are participating through the whole week and it will be training on the system and that we have been familiar with and the next few days will be actually teaching the trainers how to teach training the trainers and how to teach the functional
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groups and that is on the system that is so specialized to the individual functionality and that is the entire week of next week. the second opportunity is the daily end user training and this is for the entire staff and for dbi and planning is one of the plan review staff for the fire and dpw, and public health, and that will be a one-day, all day training, that also is schedule for the first two weeks in march, and this will be all of the project features that are necessary and available and also, brief overview of who it is set up for the implementation and that is the second type of training. and the third is the specialized training that will be all staff. and this will be specialized just to their functionality, and so it will tell me how to do my job. specific to my job and all of the details after that.
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it is one of the longest in the project because it involves a lot of id resources and i don't know if you are aware, but we have lost 50 percent of the it resources in the last few months. and you are surprised and that has caused a strain on the dbi it resources with respect to the response times on the technical stuff and internally both, as well as the permit and because it is heavily technical, and that is pushing the go live date out. and we would no more after the first round, like i said we will be reviewing the first conversion run, and the first and second week of march depending on how good the data is at that time we will have a better understanding of how many more runs this will require and when the action go live will be. >> and that is where we are.
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commissioner melgar? >> thank you, i just, maybe i should know this, why have you lost 50 percent of your it? >> some have decided to leave to other otherwise because it is too expensive. >> one is retired and the other person got a promotion and moved to another department are those open positions? >> yes. >> the management is aware and exploring and looking into all avenue to bring in the resources, permanent and we are actively pursuing all avenues. and including we have been contacting the vendors saying that we need help. how many of the inspectors actually have mobile devices even though the training is not completed yet?
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can you give me a percentage? >> you mean the existing device? s >> there is close to 70. >> so mat jorty of the inspecters are now using the devices rather than the old. >> correct. >> and so, as a commission, we would like to face our demons here and let's talk about the time frame now what this means in your world with such a heavy impact and loss on staff in the crucial part of your operation. >> like i said, the longest pole is the data conversion and so the march is going to be pretty tight with the training and data conversion, review. if we were able to hire the resources and if the data conversion goes well, it could be summer, or early summer. and if anything changes, to the worst, then it could be pushed out further. >> yeah. so in the interest of trying to understand this, would you say that your program now is going to be. five or ten months behind?
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i would rather that we kind of know and we understand that the world that we live in and there is a lot of movement and qualified personnel in the world, that you need. would you say now, that we are going to be delayed, ten months? would you say be safe to say, or? >> given the way that the project is, with the respect to non-data conversion, i think that we are pretty good if we can meet the deadlines between now and middle or the end of march, however, if we give an opportunity, march will be a good indicator to tell us how far we are, we are expecting to go and to be good shape in summer. >> and so when we do this, i want to put on the table here that this is a blow to you and the set back from the time frame and maybe you will come back in march and say that i am feeling x amount of month of delay and believe it or not we are going to achieve our goal and so we have understanding of a commission and i think that it will be best for the public because there has been there
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