tv [untitled] February 21, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PST
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not only is the engineering practice changing, the amount of health data about health pollution is also rapidly changing on an international basis and so even as of february 18th, this week, the e-mail that last one that i received i get these every week is that the 20, the european union has a research project called a skate, and the 20 leading research groups in 15 countries with 30 cohort studies with 900,000 subjects, conclude that had in 2010, there were 400,000 premature deaths and it is responsibility for more deaths than traffic accidents. and so the way that the evidence is showing up and this also showed up in our local air district clean air plan is that it is the major burden on cardio vascular disease we only think about it for the
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respiratory disease, but it is a major contributor to cardio vascular disease and that is the reason for premature. and cancer is a smaller aspect of it and i just want to let you know that i also have a gory fact sheet about the health effects that does not include the information that i received this week but it has many other things, the international agency has a research cancer, has irc has also declared air pollution and particulate matter. >> thank you for coming here and you did a elegant job in laying out a very tough and i actually go back quite a while and i will go back to the building days when this has introduced and i think that it was supervisor amiano. >> in 2008. >> yeah. and it had a lot of people confused and i know that the areas, and it was because of the people starting to move and
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live in the industrial areas, and you know you had the whole late work lost and... >> it was confusion with the green building code as well. >> yeah, so in the spirit of what you just testified here i totally concur and as someone who just finished a building who has gone through this experience, and it is funny that you were mentioning because the report that i did do, it said, some parts of the building the top floor did not happen in the lower part and to be honest with you you are better off to do the whole building. that said, and just a few quick points, you noticed that you said the new building. >> it was ten and more and now it is how many units or more. >> it is all residential use and sensitive use and those are defined within the code. >> so if i am building a single family house. >> yes. >> but it is unlikely if you have any property within the blue zones that can afford it.
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>> that is the easy one to ventilate properly it is not that hard, it is only a multifamily home that will give you extra expense, as far as single family home it is part of the state code that you have to have fresh air source. >> yeah. >> and so the fresh air source, you know, if you lived in these, you would not want it to be the outdoor air. >> i have been at the meeting and we have not talked about whether that is considered change of use because it was unpermitted and i don't think that under planning it would be considered change of use since it had no use before. no permitted use. >> all right. >> but i think that it is worth making a declaration one way or the other.
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>> i don't think that it was intended and you could not ventilate the inlaw differently than the rest of the structure. >> there is a complete divide and they are not really sure on what is workable and what is not workable and we are not sure how much air goes in and which air goes out. >> the huge problem that we are having is because of the high requirement, and it triggers off a lot of situation and the building is drying out and because the air in and the air out, and noise. it causes a lot of noise and because these are serious machines that you have on your
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roof. and where are all of these mechanical and heavy very expensive equipment because i have gone through the motion goes. in this area, actually, i will give you this not too many single family moments but there are two and three unit buildings. >> you can't just shop the equipment and it is just the shop build in, most of these buildings will not have the mechanical engineer requirement to do the complete set of mechanical plans that we will have to do also and because it is tied into the mechanical
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drawings that you will have to submit to the two unit building that will not need one before or would have one is going to have to have one. so it triggers off a lot of the questions that i have about can these people financially do this and meet code, because if they can't, it could mean that they can't build the building. >> okay joyer recommendation is for the smaller unit buildings. >> my pro-jaekt was 18 units and it was the corridor and i get it but it is noisy in there and these are the things that we are working through with the home owners. and you could open your window and we could turn it off or we could close it and you could figure out you know, so now that you are expanding the area and now that you are expanding the actual ten units down to
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everybody who builds in this area, and it is a big conversation, you know? and i do feel that the profession is in the midst of thinking it through and not all are up to speed on it and so we have seen the range and we see the people who are having the negative pressure at the same time that we are delivering the filtered air. we have people who have fans and went directly to the heat pump method where each have it pumped with the lines and it was filtered at the pump and did not require it to give up the space. >> do not interpret my comments as negative. >> and that is the goal here and so the commissioner? >> yeah, so i am looking at the map and see that it follows along 280 and 101.
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a lot of that is, single family residential lots, like, i know it, in fact. >> which one is single family? >> >> down here and then down here. >> behind the ocean view. >> for the new building. >> yeah. ? >> i think that the new habitat for humanity is right in your map, so, i am worried about that until the technology catches up and the cost issue and i would want to know more information when you come back to do the formal presentation about got the rehab and also the inlaw unit of question and then the zoning issues because i do think that it would make...
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>> what is the zone issue? >> it is zoned for 1, 2, 3, you know? and you know the burden of this and it is not cost effective to build, but with that property is zoned for. and i think that behind the ocean view and then all along, into, baby you and in this valley, it is a different kind. >> a new building that is going in. >> and the existing buildings too, but if you do got the rehab and so if you are saying that the it would not trigger this. >> major alterations is defined through the green building code, and i don't know if there is someone here who is more knowledgeable to me of what the cost value is for that.
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>> or the square footage is to that. >> i don't know the specifications of it. >> yeah, major would be going in and just pretty much rehabing the whole place and so it is more. >> right. >> it definitely would trigger. >> especially if it has the existing air-conditioning, for example, >> i see. and all that have will have to be pulled out and replaced. >> okay. >> and so, we will make it here, and i don't think that those are great questions to research and get back to you and i want to mention two other things we have had 2008 to 2014, implementation, probably at least, 20 major sites a lot of them multiunit. >> and include mine. >> include yours. >> and so we can make a profile of what type of technologies people have used, what the different and, we can enter views them and ask for costs and as a result of the developer out reach meeting we went on a sight visit and open to go on more visits and we would love to go to your building and see what it caused
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to you do. and the other part of the new law is the disclosure aspects and so that it will fail and rental it says that ultimate are in a high air pollution zone and these are the things that have been done to protect you and so basically it is trying to create a market force for those who want to have a cleaner building. >> yes? >> i would also like to hear some testimony, and comments from users. and people living in such units already and how do they maintain the system? >> do they use the system or opening the window all of the time? if they are not using it, there height be a good reason and maybe we should not expand this. >> and in most cases, they have to use this. >> and yeah. >> and that is another part of it. >> the home owner's association the electric bill. >> and the carbon footprint. obviously the units are going to be on 24 hours a day. what is happening to our carbon
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footprint? are we raising that? if so, isn't that contrary to what our green building legislation is all about? >> i have often said that we have this thing about saving the planet or the people. and they often times are in conflict with each other. >> commissioner mar? >> this was raised not only for the single family units but i am concerned with the smaller property owners, because, there are a lot of older you know, 3, 4, 5, unit affordable housing places and in the whole blue map area that you have, the mission, and... >> the building. >> not even, but we are talking about, also, what has been called the gut jobs and they go and tear everything out and total remodel and they would have to do this. and i don't think that it is... >> they said that the extra cost of this for the 9th
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street, and they are at 9th and if they had duct it every unit and said that it was approximately, 3,000 dollar per unit cost. >> to change their ventilation scheme from one to the other. >> so basically in the scope of a project, that guts a three unit building, it will not be a major cost differential. >> if you have the money to gut a three unit building, this is not the major figure. >> including the market costs of what the units are worth. >> including the mechanical systems? >> yeah. i mean, obviously, it does cost something different, because it also requires a change of practice, and it is not, i think what commissioner mccarthy said is true that in many buildings, we have mechanical contractors who will approve to do the whole plan. and once you get to this level of detail, you are going to need the engineer as oversight on that. >> so, that is where one of the costs comes in.
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for a larger scale building. >> yeah. >> and it is very interesting, the points that you raised today did not come up at any mechanical subcommittee meeting with its members who have been on the committee for 20 years or with the code advisory committee but i appreciate you bringing them up and i will go back to research these and carry them to my working team. i want you to know that i have an existing building project, because we have many homes in the same corridor that are low income, occupied, homes and i have settlement funds from the closer of the power plant where we are working with the indoor air quality scientists for the lab to see how we can benefit those buildings. with either improved filtration to their furnace systems or stand alone in their homes and we are able to measure preand post changes to their air quality. >> one final, apparent of my approval was a part of the
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exception that this had to be done. >> when you are doing an environmental report. >> that is the planning part of it. >> yeah, but this was a part of the environmental part of the report. >> is, or can you answer, maybe you don't have the answer to this, but a single family house who does not have to do an environmental. do they have to do it now because of this? >> i am trying to think. so, i would do my planning colleagues to answer that question for you and they are both on vacation right now. >> the idea was to merge the two requirements so that there would not be a need to go through environmental and so if you are in the blue zone, you are in the reg. >> and in listening to all of your comments, it is unlikely that people will want to build the homes in the blue zone. >> it might be zoned for single family. >> i don't think that is the case. but i will ask them that. >> and the questions and we can. >> i will ask them that. >> i think that the chunk of this...
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>> yeah, so that i think this is a great conversation that you and done a great in explaining it to us and we you have given us a lot to work with. >> and we will get together, and we will come up with a map to deal with these questions and then bring it back to the commission and my feeling is though that we do not have anything resolved by the next commission meeting but i am open. and i think that we are in the three meetings. i am obviously table that to whatever you feel that you are ready to do the final presentation, but, appreciate your testimony here today. >> thank you. >> all for your very good questions i have been given the instructions because we are running the possibility of the latest meeting ever we still have the abatement appeals, if we could wrap this up and take a five or a ten minute break and we will get into the abasement. >> so, the suggestion was that we probably do need to hear, 13
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i will continue number 13, if there is nobody here. >> okay. >> and so we should go to number 1 3. >> right? >> okay. >> so, if we could go straight into with the item 13, and 14? >> yeah, we believe that we need to hear 13. if you would like we could continue the rest of the items. >> that is fair enough. >> number, 13 is the discussion and possible action regarding a proposed ordinance,(file no. 140009) amending the housing code to allow the storage of tenants' personal items other than automobiles in the garages of homes, apartment buildings, and residential hotels; and making environmental findings. >> commissioners rosemary bosky this was amended and we
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recommended the amendment and it referred to the sprinkler requirement and this particular section clarifies the housing code and it never restricted the garages as far as bicycles or other use and that was provided for elsewhere in the housing code but it does clarify it so that the property owner could not just look at that particular section and misread it regarding the whole code and so we believe that with the amendment that also allowed the individual to understand the building of a certain size if you put your personal belongings in the garage and it does require the sprinkles and so it does refer to that, and the supervisor had no problem with that and it is fairly straight forward. >> okay. >> any more comments on that >> great. >> and do we have a motion? to approve this item? >> i move that we support it. >> second. >> do we have the motion and the second. is there any public comment on
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this item? >> seeing none, i will do a roll call, vote. >> president mccarthy? >> yes. >> vice president mar? >> yes. >> commissioner clinch? >> yes. >> commissioner lee? >> yes. >> commissioner mccray >> aye. >> and commissioner melgar. >> yes. >> okay, the motion carries. >> and so we are planting to continue the rest of the items on the building and inspection and agenda. >> commissioners, questions and matters? >> we have to approve, or can we if it is okay with the commissioners we could pretty much continue the rest of the items. >> okay. >> commissioner mar? >> okay. >> yes. so we will continue the rest of the items and go for adjournment. >> yeah. >> so, we are up to item 18 adjournment, and is there a motion to adjourn? >> i move. >> second. >> and all commissions in favor? >> aye. >> and none opposed and we are
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now adjourned, it is 11:55 a.m. and we will try to readjourn in the next five to ten minutes for the abatement and appeals board. thank you all. >> hello san francisco this is the places to be and this week is no xefk exception without further ado, here's not great weekly buzz. this monday february 17th take a tour of the digital garage referring in union square the morale will grace the stairwell of the city club normally closed to the public it will be the
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first change to say the morale by digital garage river free of charge then on tuesday join the key club and attend their molls meeting bring chose or karaokes and join in the fun. and on sunday heads to the treasure island at treasure island this year the open market flee market from sdierpdz to bakers and more plus they'll have outside exhibited and the scarf did care hunts and get the fantastic verifies the san francisco. and that's the weekly weekly buzz notify at at the and
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good morning and happy new year. >> happy new year. go 9ers. all right. (clapping) well, thank you all for km i know there are symso many departments ease our newly scorn or sworn in actually 4 times sworn in and our fire department and mary from treasure island and our commissioners that have been sworn in and about to be sworn in. today is a great day where we've got 44 appointees people who are upping upism in taking open this fantastic responsibility in representing our city in being what i have also said we need
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con did you notice to run this fantastic city. so i want to say thank you your recreation and parks department some 16 different bodies for our city and county of san francisco. and let's say it runs the gambling bit of how we manage a great city like san francisco. you've got people joining in the arts community and people joining in our bay adversities committee representing a community that i think we have to pay attention to and we'll up the ante on ourselves to do more. you've got people in building inspection you've got folks that are going to top responsibility in fiscal entities, you've got advisory council committees and preference and people that are
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going to help us entertain more of our adversity and resident whether in the arts or treatment we've got folks for the oversight for the puck promise when they provide for money important the bonds we see that the projects get down, health care and housing, local business which is a big farther of ours because we want to promote more of the success of a local business we've got people coming into help us and small business owner, of course, is treasure island. this is running the gambling bit of responsibilities our city has taken on i want to personally thank alleyway all 44 of you joining me not only will you
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help share in the from successes but the flag we get from the public and i need more people to share in that responsibility (laughter) but i also say thank god thank you too because f this is one of the greatest cities in the world and for you to take up personal time, personal effect and sacrificing sometimes with family and a friends is credible. this is what makes our city special. you look at all the city's and great cities it depend upon their citizenry to bring out the best of our resident to hear and be those effective conduits. i'm going to ask you to pay attention to the responsibility you occur in our bodies of work
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but pay attention to issues looish like affordability and housing and people being hurt or the folks on the streets or the need to produce a better health plan and health care. all the things that make our city great no matter if you sit on entertainment or arts paying attention to the quality of life for everyone is important. for me it's about collaborating and you be thinking freely. this need not be your issue but if you pay attention you'll find of the conduits whether you're fire or local business you'll find the conduits that make the collaboration better. thank you for thinking outside the box and thank you for being
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responsible citizens that take up the cause for all of us. let's go and precede and if i can i would like you all to stand. and when you raise our right hand i would like you to repeat individually each of our names and the entities upon which you are about to enter for this fantastic responsibility. so i ask you to please join and raise our right hand after i please repeat your name and the committee or body you'll be joining. i >> i state your name. >> thank you likelihood and
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>> lee row housing authority commission. or not advisory council. >> bond oversight. (inaudible). faye >> be (inaudible). rubin santana advisors >> joan i didn't advisory committee and a rebecca ryan's sense oversight bond. >> entertainment commission. >> bayview citizens advisory committee. >> (inaudible).
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theodore miller >> james mccray junior building inspection commission. >> all right. >> do solemnly swear. that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic that i will bear true faith and alliance to the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california that i take this obligation freely without any mental restoration
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