tv [untitled] February 21, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PST
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file? >> item no. 12. it's the 10-year capital plan. and in front of you -- >> i would be glad to move the amended item with the same caveat that in terms of dealing with the 265 program. >> okay. if that's clear, it's been moved, is there a second. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? the ayes have it. the motion carries. the next item, madam secretary read it item 13. motion to calendar public hearings on april 22nd #shgs 2014 and may 13 #shgs 2014 to
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consider the adoption of retail water and sewer rates on may 13 #shgs 2014 for fy 2014-15 through fy 2017-2018, effective july 1, 2014. >> i would move that accept that we have that discussion when it comes back to us. >> okay, it's been moved with a caveat. is there a second? >> second. >> second. is there any public comment. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? the item carries. please call the next item. >> city clerk: item 14. motion to calendar of a public hearing on may 13 #shgs 2014 to consider the adoption of wholesale water rates for fq
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2014. >> i will move that with the same caveat. >> is there a second. seconded by caen. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed.. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? the item carries. next item. >> city clerk: item 15. public comments on matters to be discussed in closed session. >> is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i will entertain to discuss the matter listed. it's been moved and second. is there any discussion. hearing none, i will call for a vote. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed.
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>> we have now returned from closed session. it's been moved and seconded not to disclose. all in favor say, "aye". >> the motion carries. commissioners, any other new business. item no. 27. i hate to do this to you. i have a couple items. >> i caught wind of the last local agency formation commission meeting the other day i know there were some conversations for this commission to not set rates. i would like a summary of what was discussed during that meeting because if time passes we want to refresh our recollection as it relates to
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exactly what was decided and what was not because i'm not entirely sure the information exchanged was entirely accurate and we are getting a message from the lack local agency formation meeting and i would like to know what the agenda looks like and would like to have a conversation about what kind of calendaring works after we have added more items to our calendar. the other item was we had some conversations about a joint meeting with the commission on environment. i think we are all in agreement that that made some sense. we just weren't sure about the timing of it. i think the general manager was correct in his effort to be a little bit more deliberate with the schedule and i think we'll learn that meeting will come to us on or
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about the second meeting in april. we look forward to seeing that notice. and finally for us, given lots of the conversations we are going to start having robust conversations about a lot of the value and the relative value and a lot of the things we do especially in communities that are in need whether they are arts grants or job training or internships and apprenticeship and i would like to have an at some point to have a presentation to this commission within the next few meetings specifically related to the areas of horticulture, and looking on specifically areas of the southeast sector and most specifically at the
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94124 area codes. these are discussions that i would like to have encapsulated. because the organization are at the collective bargaining table and i know i would like for us to be a little bit in front of it. that was all that i had. commissioners? >> yeah. in response to april date for the joint meeting, i this i -- think we just approved a budget hearing in april to set the rates at that time. i don't know how that plays out if that means putting to have meetings. maybe there is two meetings in april, maybe it's that one meeting and one is the other. i don't know, donna, do you recall because i think we
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just prood -- approved a date. >> yeah. april 22nd and may 15th. >> so that needs to be resolved. >> unless we can fit. i would only be guessing but i would say you wouldn't want to restrict yourself to less than 2 hours. i think it's worth mentioning. one of the things we were trying to accomplish is making sure that folks understood that there were a lot of appropriate venues to air out a lot of these things and it wasn't that these folks just had to lineup and come in here. that environment is a great resource and they have a lot of talent there and what i was hoping to be able to achieve in addition to other things, right, was to make sure that people made sure there was a completely
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acceptable forum to engage a lot of these topics and relive -- relieve some of the pressure. >> was there a topic? >> i know commissioner talked about food waste topic and we wanted to talk about sooner -- solar and committing a new customer base and puc grant opportunities and i have a sneaking suspicion that the folks there in that department and that commission will have a plethora of ideas for us to consider, right? i would assume -- >> i think that was it and we also talked about how the fiscal cliff or whatever we are calling it plays into our relationship with the department of the environment
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work order many i think there's a list. we didn't get into it in the budget but there was a list with the work orders with the multitude of departments but that was one thing that you raised. >> just a point of clarification, we have included in your package the budget on the cca with the energy efficiencies in there. and i think to exercise that, you actually need customers. >> you mean, that's what jason brought to us? that's important. i want to red flag that. because a lot of issues are happening and the minute we leave i'm going to be doing something else. >> barbara hale in the budget power, in the budget summary to answer questions in the document in section 5 of your agenda, that packet of answers includes a memo that
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describes in greater detail the opportunities for receiving funding from through the california public utilities commission energy efficiency programming and it describes there, it goes into greater detail the issue that mr. freed spoke about during public comment. it's an area that we had evaluated previously shared thoughts with mr. freed on given on the comments he raised in public you asked for it. it's described in the memo in the packet. >> can you summarize? >> under the california public utilities commission rules you can under cca go to the city and ask for funds. the funds are collected through investor on utility ratepayer bills. they bill for electricity and includes extra funds for the
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energy efficientcy program. the city is already doing that and we are part of the effort to increase energy fisherty and the department has implemented though funds and we might want to find out how they are spending those dollars that they have receiving to benefit city san franciscans. because we are a cca career choice aggregators, because we do that, it is assumed that you operate the cca at some point. you can't be a cca that only provides energy efficiency services. you have to be energy efficient and the underlying supply. that's the vision. it doesn't, it's not really available to us unless we are
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ready to demonstrate our plan for a full cca as well. >> that doesn't completely cover what we did last time? >> it doesn't completely because they did receive funds prior to cca. they received energy efficiency funds. they are spending those dollars now with cca customers and non-cca customers and spending that on energy efficiency on the gas side and not just the electricity side. but they have ultimately operated their cca. >> we have a chart that comes right after the agenda that says outstanding commission questions response report. that is item there is no response. i wasn't aware. i do on this issue because i see it getting hot. i see it and i
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want to be really really airtight. when these items are raised i want to make sure we have an error tight response and expect these items are going to be raised. >> it's also on the budget and it's listed there as responded to. it will no longer appear on the summary sheet that concludes the commission regular agenda. >> so i would suspect that given what took place at the last lafco meeting because i know there is discussions. the board i think has different authority than we do. the good faith than -- that we are required to engaged in. >> i don't know what the lafco entities are. >> i just want to be way in front of that. you understand. >> yes. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so one point of
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clarification. they are asking us to participate in writing an rfp. please, the position i'm taking, lafco, the position i'm taking is that we will share the information that we have. my main focus is coming up with a plan for our financial situation. and it could be some cca or whatever. but it's just not cca in how you make cca work, i mean, i could be part of a solution once we evaluate other big ticket items. so we want to be helpful. the other thing that we are making very clear is that the current cca assumes
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that $19 million comes from heche and that was one of the reasons that shell, we were able to get a lower cost from shell because we had $19 million in reserve. if heche is free falling in 2 years, after two 2 years we are going negative. once you go negative, all our assets already frozen and that $19 million won't be available. if it is and i think going to the other question, i think it's the educational moment and one of the things that we wanted to do when we meet with the department of environment is really have the controller budget analyst, the mayor's office to look at what we are saying and i really appreciate you accepting our projection because once we get it validated that we have a
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problem, we have a plan to solve the problem and not people thinking this is a made up crisis to not do these things . >> so i will be perfectly clear for the record. my intent is only to make sure that people can't come in here and make misrepresentations and lead us on a wild goose chase. the whole idea is that it's good stuff but it's not where people wanted to get. now we are in a completely different situation. the reason i asked for us to red flag every single item so we are just airtight. we'll be running around in circles chasing down the what ifs. i hear you loud and clear. any further business? >> i hope not. >> this meeting is adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ]
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2014. i'm supervisor yee and i will be chairing this meeting. to my left is supervisor campos and katie tang who will join us. lisa miller is our clerk. and we would like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, jessie larson and joshua alexander and record eefrp of our meetings and make the transcripts available online. are there any announcements? >> yes. please turn off electronic devices. if you wish to speak, please fill out a card. >> >>supervisor norman yee: madam clerk, please call item 1.
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agenda[health, business and tax regulations codes - safe body art]1304021.ordinance amending the health code by repealing miscellaneous sections relating to tattooing and adding article 40 to require body art practitioners to register with the department of public health dphh and to annually renew registration, and to require permanent and temporary body art facilities to obtain and annually renew permits with dph; amending the business and tax regulations code by adding fees relating to body art permits and licenses; and making environmental findings. public health departmentt5/2/13; >>supervisor norman yee: madam clerk, please call item 1. sf 11234 >>supervisor norman yee: i believe dr. johnson, from the department of public health is here to present. >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is dr. johnson. i'm representing department of public health branch. the rules committee meeting of january 16th of 2014. the department of public health reintroduced the body art ordinance for adoption. however at that time the department also requests for a continuance for time to post publicizing the new proposed fee schedule for feedback from the general public. i'm here
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to answer any questions from the rules committee regarding this new fee schedule. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: as mentioned this has come before us. are there any questions? okay. is there, thank you. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues can we have a motion to forward this item to the full board for recommendation? so moved. with no objection, motion passes. madam clerk, item no. 2. >> the clerk: item no. 2. item 2: [appointments, san francisco local agency formation commission]1400872.motion appointing supervisor john avalos, as a member, and supervisor eric mar, as an alternate member, terms ending february 4, 2018, to the san francisco local agency
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formation commission. clerk >> the clerk: item no. 2. sf 21234 >>supervisor norman yee: okay. let's see, i believe, is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion for this item to be brought to the full board for recommendation. so moved. motion is passed. item no. 3. the clerk: item 3: appointment, developmental disabilities area board v] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending december 31, 2016, to the developmental disabilities area board v. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 2, succeeding donna adkins, term expired, must have a demonstrated interest and leadership in human services, for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending the clerk: sf 31234 >>supervisor norman yee: okay. ms. atkins will not be here but i understand there might be someone here to speak on her behalf. please come up and state your name.
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>> gabriel rog an. i'm here if you have any questions. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. any questions? >>supervisor david campos: just a quick question. what's the reason the applicant can't be here today. is there a scheduling conflict? >> yes, she's working today. jooe #6 >>supervisor norman yee: is there a problem with her attending the meetings? >> no. she's a consistent attendee. >>supervisor norman yee: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we have a motion to forward this to the full board. >>supervisor katy tang: i wanted to clarify this with
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the city attorney. >> you don't need a requirement for the seat. state law is one of the requirements that 60 percent of the members of the body, i think there are 10 appointed members. 60 percent of those have to be consumers or relatives of consumers or i believe care takers. and so, that requirement doesn't follow any particular seat. right now san francisco has two seats. you are filling one of them today with a member of the general public that will fill in the 40 percent category. the next opening on this board we would recommend that you fill someone who fits the 5th category. >>supervisor norman yee:
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recommendation? >> so moved. >>supervisor norman yee: recommendation passes. so that brings us to item no. 4. the clerk: item 4: [appointments, workforce investment community advisory committee] hearing to consider appointing three members, terms ending february 19, 2017, to the workforce investment community advisory committee. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 1, succeeding liz jackson-simpson, term expiring on february 19, 2014, must be staff and/or board member of a 5011ccc33 organization, preferrably committee members should be providing workforce development services or serving low-income residents and other with barriers to employment, for a two-year term ending february 19, 2017. vacant seat 2, succeeding winnie yu, term expiring on february 19, 2014, must be staff and/or board member of a 5011ccc33 organization, preferrably committee members should be providing workforce development services or serving low-income residents and other with barriers to employment, for a two-year term ending february 19, 2017. vacant seat 4, succeeding dion-jay brookter, term expiring on february 19, 2014, must be staff and/or board member of a 5011ccc33 organization, preferrably committee members should be providing workforce development services or serving low-income residents and other with barriers to employment, for a two-year term ending february 19, 2017. the clerk: sf 41234 >>supervisor norman yee: we'll call the applicants in the order of the agenda. lily wong. >> hello, my name is lily wong. i'm one of the applicants. good afternoon supervisors and thank you for considering my application for the advisory committee. just a little brief summary about
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myself. i grew up in san francisco. my family came here in 1987. i have been here ever since. my family has worked hard to live here and my interest is in this. i have worked to improve the living conditions for city san franciscans. i worked at community educational services for the mayor's education employment program for low income youth in san francisco. i currently work at coleman advocates and where they have a unique perspective on adult work force. i get to provide work force direct services and i get to advocate on a stronger policy or a more citywide level. i try to identify gaps in the neighborhood and try to see what we can do to support san franciscans. i know that my experience and current work more than qualifies me for
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the wic act and i appreciate your time and prepared to answer any questions you might have. >>supervisor norman yee: any questions? okay. i have a quick question. work force investment for our board is many members on the board of supervisors is an important issue. what voice do you think you will be bringing to the table? >> you mean like in terms of population or? >>supervisor norman yee: you can answer anyway you like. >> okay, i think for me i worked in immigrant and low income families. that's kind of my background and both my own living experiences as well as the jobs that i have held in the past and i currently do hold. i think that in terms of disadvantaged individuals in san francisco, those would probably be the strongest
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areas that i know. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: next applicant is james fountain. >> my name is james fountain. i work with the employment youth services. i have been there for over 6 years now. prior to that i was at ll hutch and worked with people coming out of prisons. i have worked with the professionals and do a lot of national advocacy for what's happening and i want to get involved at the local level and i'm involved with the california workers association and work
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