tv [untitled] February 21, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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the units. >> i think in reality this commission will deal with this and it is a big component of the genesis of this task that the mayor there are real people living in those units being taken off the market and the loss of the units should be evaluated. it's not in the code but by all means deserve consideration that this commission will weigh in on >> that is important there was a lot of discussion on this. i way i want to think about it the default mechanism if the unit is illegal by the planning code we'll encourage them to remove it. the default mechanism is to try to legalize it >> the other issue is the -
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it's typically you're in an older building subject to rent control but if it's illegal will they still have the same attempt rights that exist in the building. when a landlord is going to empty a building the illegal ones have to leave because they don't have a standing. maybe the city attorney can answer that >> cascaded stacey from the city attorney's office. we probably want to discuss that and kitten back to you >> i know when people - the reason that people don't know if someone is evicting from a unit their illegal they take the money and leave.
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>> we're trying to collaborate with the rent board so they know the the zoning process how how legalize those units the rent board can give information to reach out to us and that is a step in the right direction for the building. >> and it could be adapted or put into consideration they need to know about those swagsdz and have a policy around it we could have button b input on. in general no one has been evicted but we don't know that if someone could be evicted >> part of the mergers ease
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other things if their subject to rent controls all of that information will be packet with all the information whether it's a traditional merge so by a case by case basis we'll look at that that. >> those be other units information will be interesting to know. do we know what's in the pipeline i have a few projects identified in this memo referred to but is there a pipeline of avenue and other projects and how many projects are there out of the curiosity >> i don't know the numbers off the top of my head. there are not many that will meet the thresholds my hope is
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this the an incentive for the developers to do smaller projects >> the other issue we'll talk about one of the housing assessment found that 18 and 20 thousand unit vacant opt i don't know if the tax collector will sent out surveys to ask people. we can't by law make people represent their units but sometimes many there are unit where people can't afford to fix their units there's a variety of reasons. if we knew something we could tackle that but obviously 18 to 20 units that are vacated is a huge number. so that's just a thought on that
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>> i think this is actually a great step in the right direction around policies. >> thanks let me add a couple of thoughts. on that question of the incentive so it would clearly need to be potential project sponsors that will volunteer to do 20 percent on site. some of the questions how do developers find out about this and how it is laid out this priority progressing manifests into realtime. about a timeline or a comparison timeline but i'm hearing i think there's a deserve for more guarantee of a permittion >> i know liz mentioned earlier we've been moving those project to the front of the cue for assignment but after that point
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they go through the phase. then it will come to the top of the pile when responses to memos came in contact. resourcefully like 5 to six months per most for projects. we'll know more as promises go come forward >> i think the more we can promote this as atkins an opportunity i've been getting e-mails from the department i'm not sure the department knows the best way to meet developers. is there also a priority for on site with the inclusionary - >> i think there's a lot of interest from the commission on
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updates and hearing what the progress is. i think item 12 the other and the item refers to issues that can come back to the planning commission. i'm not when the online tracking system i think the affordability in at that number of rent control unit lost i'm not sure what the stooping scope would be maybe there can be some discussion at the time it's been developed. i think it's great news that locals can be hired immediately and will help move those policies forward. commissioner moore.
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>> there's more innovative ideas like supervisor wiener is looking at sdiven indication that r are you in communication and helping him on the input and reporting back to us. >> yes. i'm going to report bogging back but we're working with the supervisor and p that will allow the existing sentences in the concern sections of the castro. >> but it has merit and ultimately how could a test case be applied citywide. it's special if it promotes affordability >> that's correct. if i might the experience that i'm familiar with is that acceptance of this this is
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challenging for some neighborhoods to accept if it starts in one neighborhood where people see it doesn't create a serious combat than more cities are willing to accept this that happened in second amendment >> commissioner sugaya. >> it's a good start but it's procedural so it's do not on the leader to come to the department with something. so this itself is not going to create housing it will make a easier to a produce heirs but we're mayor ed lee at the mercy of the developers if you want to call them that to actually come forth with the properties and the financing and all that
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stuff. that leads me to k a comment i think on the 20 percent that commissioner wu mentioned and director ram it would so many that the city would be thinking about and this is what i don't know about the next step in terms of the larger task force or whatever the process it about actually being able to over real incentives for developers and people to increase the amount of affordable housing from 20 percent on up. one suggestion he had to the director is perhaps you could think about some kind of property tax breaks. we have the mills act which is state law that people can take advantage of the lower taxpayers
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rate then they have to maintain their 3r079 under contract. so there could be something similar showing some ideas about take relief. and another kind of and i don't have any other bold ideas like that but actually will effect the goal of the thirty thousand that the mayor has which i assume is in this next process >> yes. i'm happy to take those suggestion there was a long list of suggestions that this group tom dewey and i came up with. and know i think this is an opportunity to think boldly some of it will require legislation and some dialog but any sense is
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there's a willingness to go forward with the dialog. i'm neglected to do something to let you know that ms. what do i didn't was promoted and so you will see her in a different capacity >> wonderful. thank you and congratulations >> commissioners that will place you under general public comment not not to exceed 15 minutes puc public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda i do have to
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cards. >> (calling names). >> commissioners, what i'm about to say is not normally discussed here i'll start with the first people. i brought people to this chambers and awe you met them in person. and there's some deliberations at the highest level in our codes for the macaroni to the federally recognized. a lot of the fluff you'll discuss here will be revisited. so and the first people who were here they are land was stole let me tell you after 1927 it was
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possible to kill american people indian and get a meager $5 for the scalp right here in san francisco. and in the two minutes given me let me say the state of california sent people to kill the indian. you need to read the history to have some facts for cultural competency. so this land was stolen you can go back to our early records and i have some having worked that he presidio i have some records that clearly tell you how this land was taken and by whom. so today in the year 2014 having you have this convoluted
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discussion about density but the bottom line is quality of life issues and how, you build sexually assaulted - how can you build housing. we have from midway 2 thousand gallons of gas it was 22 gallons of carbon monoxide. you can see what you're doing in the environment. so when we talk about cumulative impacts that let is it be the environmental impact report or the studies we can conveniently not address cumulative impacts in a detailed way.
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i can go on and on and i want to thank you for letting me address the public >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon again dr. jackson. i would to make statements on legal listing apartment. my house burned in 2008. and what happened i bathed that house in 1968 it had a downstairs basement where people did the cooking but there's there there was a kitchen upstairs and the kitchen upstairs burned from the fire. do you know they didn't want me to build my kitchen back upstairs where i will because i'm too old to be walking upside
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down the stared. being 80 years old is not that great well, i'm 81 now. i've also had this question when redevelopment came into my community in 1968 what do affordable make we don't make $46,000 a year. i'm on social security i only get $12,000 a year how am i managing on $12,000 a year. you're not planning for the people. i've been here for 719 years and i've worked here. i'm talking about the people who live in san francisco. you all plan for people coming from the last 20 years. san francisco is not the san francisco i knew back in the day
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it don't look like san francisco. i want you to think about i have someone to check to see how much the people earner that will hear not that come here and work and take our money out of here my tax money. the thing is someone is not watching and i don't mean just you. before my minute was up there was a mandate passed by the board where the commission would hold their meetings in the community. before you start making decisions in bayview hunters point i want to come out to bayview hunters point so you can hear what's happening about the health of san francisco. thank you all very, very much
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and a make an appointment to come out to bayview hunters point before you talk about the shipyard and all the toxics. here in san francisco you don't do anything >> sue hester. i'm using this comment to ask the commission to ask for a public hearing. i was shocked today when i client find out that things were not in the file because the planner on the case had never downloaded them into the foil. i need a hearing on how the
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planning department staff handles e-mails communications from the developer submitting documents they must be permitted out in the file swlz the e-mails themselves. i'm familiar with going through records. and it was shocking to me that when i reviewed the files i did a thorough review the foils. i didn't see anything that my client had found because she was cc'd on an e-mail transmitting an e-mail to the planning department. she was scratching her head. i realized that the planning department staff has gotten protective of developers lazy is another interpretation and
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casual about the e-mails. the e-mail policy itself needs to be discussed because beyond the scope anyone from the public expect up know that the record includes e-mails and the people have to ask for e-mails. i'm used to going through public records. the paper record is one thing if it's a case of 25 years old it was the only thing that existed. right now the public records includes e-mails and no one print them out pardon me some people don't print them out because we have a lot of junk e-mails. i send them and other. there's a lot of substance stuff, too. i ask you have a hearing soon not one of the things that's a 5 year planning process and a
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presentation of the ultimate planning department presentation on staff. soon how is e-mail printed out and handled substantive e-mails on projects. your staff should have the ability to do that now and i ask that everyone be directed to print out in the file all attachment from developers immediately. there's there's no excuse. >> further any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners that places you under our regular calendar and item 3 was pulled off. so case no. 2013 c of 16ed
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guerrero street >> before we start i want to introduce you to another member of the staff tina joined the southwest team she has a degree from ucla and a masters. for the past 3 and a half years she was worked at navel basis and prior to that she was an urban designer with new york and southern california so we welcome her to the department >> good afternoon president fong i'm tina chang. the item before you is a request for conditional use authorization at the 16100 guerrero street the 16 hundred
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square feet restaurants permitting the sale of beer and wine on site. type 40 liquor license is being pursued. the currency hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. the project is open the southeast corner from the neighborhood. the building economists of a 3 story building on 28 street but the fronting on guerrero street it's in an rh 2 zone and it characterized by 20th century 1 to 2 family homes. it's within a quarter of a mile from the subway and it transfers the liquor life insurance. the type 1 liquor license is for
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the subject use conditional use authorization. the shopping facilities includes a variety of subjects including the valencia located 4 blokes north and a moderate scale on mission street. a couple blocks to the east. both offer a variety of restaurants cafes and personal establishment. to date the department has received one call in support of the project and one in opposition bylaw it impacts the sale of alcohol to the neighborhood. with respect to parking no off street parking is required for the commercial transit district.
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in order for the project to proceed the commission must grant the permit 72644 to expand american people existing restaurants for the new alternative cafe on 16 one hundred guerrero. the department recommended it with conditions and it desirable the project is a small locally owned business and no coffee shop has been there providing convenient neighborhood services. the project includes autopsy applicable versions of the code. that concludes my presentation if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> is the project sponsor
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available? >> good afternoon planning commission and concerned neighbors. i'm a single mom i've been living in san francisco for 18 years and today, i'm here because i'm applying to apply for the beer and wine license to enhance the cafe. i said the concern of the tenants and homeowners and with that in mind i'm here to propose monday through tlurs there's from 6 to 6 and friday, saturday, and sunday from 6 to 9 o'clock. the benefit is it is a family oriented 1r50ir789d a place where the neighbors can go for wine after a hard day of work.
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inform generate employment for 6 to 8 people. they give me a lot of compliments with healthy food and relaxing atmosphere >> thank you. >> i have some people that agree with that and some don't. >> if you want to leave it on the podium. >> thank you very much. >> okay opening it up for public comment. >> hello, i'm a resident and co- homeowner of the neighborhood. and i've spoken with a few
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neighbors in the community and we oppose another establishment that will sell liquor. i just - we have numerous already in our neighborhood. i don't think we need another one my concern is my kids ride their bike around the block which in the corner of where we live or the park guarantee across the street i will definitely have a concern who is entering and existing the establishment and the noise level i was told it's 6 to 6 and now 6 to 9 and parking is a concern to us. weekends we especially live a block away from mitchells ice
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cream it's another establishment that sells liquor it's a concern for noise and liquor and loitering. i did get a letter printed out and had a few neighbors sign it what our concerns would be. that's all i have to say >> if you want to leave the letter for the record. >> any further any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> i think this is a good project and it just is making the establishment more competitive by offering beer and wine it sound like the hours most of the business is going to occur durin
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