tv [untitled] February 23, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PST
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cream it's another establishment that sells liquor it's a concern for noise and liquor and loitering. i did get a letter printed out and had a few neighbors sign it what our concerns would be. that's all i have to say >> if you want to leave the letter for the record. >> any further any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> i think this is a good project and it just is making the establishment more competitive by offering beer and wine it sound like the hours most of the business is going to
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occur during the day with a few extra hours on saturdays and sunday. i frequent those places near me they have bore and wipe and most of the time it's lunch maybe someone will have one begin but generally especially, as it gets to the later part of the evening it gives more so choices to customers i don't see that as a negative if people having want to have beverages with their meal >> commissioner sugaya. >> i favor the project i don't think people will use this as a drinking establishment. it's small and family run and i think, you know, they may have an occasional glass of beer or
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wine but it won't operate the way the neighbors think. i'll go ahead and make a motion to approve with conditions. i think it was 6 to 6 monday through thursday and a 7 to 9 friday and a saturday >> second. >> commissioners, on that motion with conditions. >> commissioner hillis. president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes names. this places you under the budget and workforce program. is an ax
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>> we're here to ask for your action on the networks two years budgeted. we've had two other hearings and keith last time mentioned the proposed new editions to our budget before keith makes a detailed presentation he'll highlight a few things. just as a reminder we're continuing to see revenues increase due to the development activity we're proposing to use those revenues to hire more staff to support the activities. i might mention a couple of things. yesterday we presented a budget to the star presently commission they requested that we consider adding a position an additional position to address the historic
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preservation work program. we remember able to accommodate that and we'll be adding a position in january so for the next fiscal year it will be a half fte address a full one after that. we've made an additional position it's about monitoring and activities that are that grow out of development projects or agreements that the request from the two - either follow-up companies of approval or modification reports or the reports that are required out of the agreements their increased subsequentially so the full-time excuse me. halftime positions to become full-time so we can count for the monitoring
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activities. that's a slight change from two organs i'm going to turn it over to keith we're asking for your action and it's due to the mayor by the end of the day tomorrow. thank you >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm keith the it manager for the planning department it's my pleasure to present the report for the next two years year. we'll go over some relevance trends. the proposed revenue and expenditure budget and the grants and capital budget and the proposed workforce program that includes a few changes. as well as the fee elimination proposal and the fee calendar. so starting with the trends.
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i've not made any changes over the next two fiscal years than was presented. last friday, i attended the 2014 annual briefing on the advisory committee and that meeting was with many experts and the economic itself it was that the san francisco economy will continue to grow over the next 3 years which vaults the information over the next two fiscal years. moving open to the revenue budget i didn't make any changes go everything has stayed the same from two weeks ago. moving onto the expenditure
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budget. director ram has mentioned the one change increasing the fte of the monitoring position and the compliance position from a half fte to a full-time position. it will start in october around october that's when we hire that position it's a three-quarters of a position that will be full in the next fiscal year. moving onto the new position the proposed budget includes an additional of 11.8 ftes in the fiscal year 2014-2015 and that will have more in 2015-2016. i have adjusted the monitoring and reporting position that is
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item 7 on or about this table from half an fte as you see it's a .7 fte that analyze to one. director ram mentioned director ram agreed to add a position in the budget which will be .5 fte in n.y. 2014-2015 and that request was made yesterday so this change is in the rk9d on this table by the new revised position will be leveling .78 ftes in 2015-2016 and 16 ftes in 2015-2016. in your commission memo appendix one gives us the detailed work
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program the entire staff will be working & on and the changed is reflected in appreciation one. moving into the grants budget there were no changes made to the grant budget which sheila presented it two weeks ago you expressed interest in knowing more commissioner moore. in your packet you'll see a memo from sheila updating you on the grant program we'll provide i with a memo every year giving you an update in conjunction with the process. this next table is the capital request presented to the capital committee. there are no changes from the
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last time that i presented it. the next table is the summary by the 5, 6, 7 work dwifthdz in the department. the departments base in fiscal year 2014-2015 was 1 hundred and 4 ftes that included temporary positions so the position changed we're proposing it will increase the departments count to over 2 hundred and over 2 hundred and 3 in fiscal year 2015-2016. that work program summary includes the changed of the monitoring position from a halftime to a flurment position. in appreciation one in the historic section we relabeled item f that was pref called
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position clean up and we renamed it to position coordination. p is question was raised from commissioner antonini what that staff will be working on in prior years there was a heavy amendment and the work will be tapering off a little bit in that area. this next table is the fee eliminates proposal we'll be submitting to the mayor there was no changes from the proposal that i submitted two weeks ago. i worked with the department secretary and make sure this was to be heard on may 8th there will be a required meeting for the fee legislation at that time. and finally the remaining budget calendar. yesterday, i did deliver this
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same presentation to the historic commission and tomorrow we'll be submitting the proposed budget to the mayor. i want to hand you a comment letter to the planning commission documenting the comments that were made during the 3 hearings of the departments proposed budget to the historic preservation. the request for the landmark work program i've already discussed. the commission unanimously recommended approval to the planning commission. you'll find a draft resolution summarizing the plan be itself. at this time, i respectfully request you approve the budget for the next fiscal years so we
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can deliver this to the mayor tomorrow if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> let's open this up for public comment any comment on the budget and work plan seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> i feel that today's presentation clarifies all aspects so i move to approve. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. 4 i'm in agreement it's encouraging when we look at the report from director ram talking about the key indicators in san francisco as a top rate market and projected to increase jobs by 2 percent this year. >> and adding 68 hundred jobs last year. i think one of the things that's been a problem is the amount of
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time the process takes to move forward now we have the revenue coming in we can now build housing and other aspects and cut that time in the future would be my hope >> just to clarify this adaptation or adapting a recommendations for approval would be the historic preservation remittance. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fung. commissioner wu. and that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and now update on the tracking it's an informational presentation
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>> jonas i have some copies. good afternoon, commissioners. good to be back i'm here today to update you on the tracking system i'm kelly i'm a senior planner with the department for the last year and a half i've worked open this i want to introduce isabel lewis here in the audience it the project manager and we report to thomas. so the presentation i will run through is the same you have before you in hardcopy form. this will be a bit of a repeat but some of you haven't seen this. the project this will be a joint
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project with the dbi the consultant team is the software company and a local firm named 21 tech. a little bit of background. back in 200506 they identified the need to ugsd the systems we've done studies that resulted in 2008, to 2011 we develop and implemented the departments action plan that k345i7bd over thirty items and one was this tracking system. for the past two years we've worked on the design and implementation of the project. one of the main goals of this tracking system is to presiding provide an all in one system
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multiple databases into one. the data information with the building department. it has a tracking system but doesn't include the application for the tracking. it includes the multiple system for the miscellaneous permits like fire and a police we have a separate database for our historic properties and case intact etc., so they'll obey merged into this main system. the staff and the public are elements. and a component excel is the term for the public portal. we're prelim a system which
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allows us to transfer, however, many we'll be doing over a hvd layers to excel and that will be a huge improvement, as far as, information to the public. we have designed a single point of entry for the poub public to access this system we've got this web page. if you know which permit or planning application you're looking for you can go directly to the permit tracking page that looks like this. it's the citizen access page it is a more user friendly of the back office system and leased
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within this page you can see the various functions and the schedules etc. there's hard copies here on the table if you like just an important note is that this system is a tracking system it is meant to track projects the main source of information for property information will remain the property information map this was development many years ago and if you need general information about a property you should still obvious our map at the starting point and you'll see what we called pi m.
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the system will require an accounted so you have to log if you need to conduct a transaction like paying a fee that kind of thing but all the information will be available without rentals to do a simple search for information. for instance, and again, because we don't have a single database available for the public today one example that the public can search for both the dbi record is for example, a condition filed within the timeframe you can energy that acquire and get a list of the applications numbers and it will put you into that project for the
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information. just a couple other important features is for the ability of the public to file applications on line. the billing department allows this you can get a permit on line but not enabling available for planning we have selected a you historian of applications but we're starting out with the higher level we thought the ones that make sense we that this is a huge convenience and currently you have to schedule a meeting for the applications so with you knew system you public can file an application at any time online we also can allow you to schedule meetings online. and the system is electronic review and processing.
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so if an application comes in trolg they can the astronomically be issued like product assessments we can issue a letter without a hardcopy. we're trying to do environmental good also letters of determination things like that. another benefit of the system will be a huge amount of transparency and information to the public we've designed it to track the mrathsz at the detailed level. you the public can't see a lot about what is filed but you can go to the planner or the supervisor to get the information this has detailed information you can click through that is available to the
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public. for instance, in the analysis phase of a project you can see any of those steps. everything from planning to clerical starch to routing it to the supervisor and back and forth this will be helpful to the public to see what steak it going on and how long it's taking. also all formal recommendation will be 20i67d to notices and letters anything we've issued publicly you can click on the link for the documents. here's an example of 0 gene shot of the test system that shows details. each planners name will be
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linked and any comments about this step in the workflow will be visible here as well. the reporting piece of the system is another significant enhancement and it includes performance reports obviously there's a lot on our minds of the backlog we'll be able to track the backlog more frequently and we've designed the system to break the backlog into the relevant pieces like whole thing it gets routed to the manager and the planner starts work those are aspects of the backlog they track the pieces we can combine and track. lots of additional land use we can collect that information and
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it includes all the written documents like case reports that contain information about a project can be automatically generated with those automateed reports. as i mentioned it is a web based system that will be available for staff and the public anywhere, anytime that you have the connection. it offers easier assets great for the staff they'll be able to have mobile device and information that will be available in realtime. we have been doing public outreach in a variety of ways
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the building inspection and your reports and we assembled a small group of 10 to 12 people and rodney represents that we've used that group for testing and we've made presentations to anyone that be interested like the stakeholder group. we're currently developing a testing system we're doing training and we'll be offering training to the public as well as staff. lastly the timeline. i mentioned we're finishing the development and starting to test is this spring we'll be doing training and hopefully, the system will be ready for a launch this summer. most of the planning work go
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will be done by mark but the data is another aspect of this system i didn't know how much this includes so this work for deploying d is still underway we need a few foremost to get this copied into the system accurately. we'll continue to work on that and know in the next few weeks which it can be launched hopefully, this summer. that concludes my presentation if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> let's take. first my questions on the tracking system. >> i'm interested in any
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technology digital technology. we do have in the bayview precisely park contractors center. it's start of the arc computers and fiber. i'm wondering if to accommodate the thirty thousand unit planned in our ear if the planning department can schedule a couple classes because we have a large classroom with computers, you know, like 40 or 50 computers. it would be ideal for the planning department to schedule a presentation at this center. the san francisco public utilities commission contract
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center to we could understand better and be educated on the legion and a few other things how the building inspection and planning department wish to move forward in the various fields that, you know, attending the building the building - the department of building inspection meetings and land use we've seen from time to time many things are ♪ sync. this process didn't happen yesterday it may have taken three or four years before it got to a place. so it's not easy for the law man to go on the computer and understand the process.
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so again, i'm asking you that we do have a state of the arc contractors center we don't have another center like this it's in the bayview. if you don't know about that i'm bringing up it to your attention. there are two people who can give you a tour one person is ben. so when you call you can schedule a meeting. i know bring as many people as you want 50 to one hundred people and i can bring them >>
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