tv [untitled] February 25, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PST
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>> call the roll. commissioner president buell. commissioner low. commissioner bonilla. commissioner harrison. commissioner mcdonnell. and commissioner levitan is due to arrive momentary. with that, i want to make a few little announcement if you have that i electronic device thank you, your honor turn them off their disrupt during the meeting and any conversations please take them outside if you want to comment we do request you fill out a blue card underlines the president announce otherwise each person will have 3 minutes to comment on each item.
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as a last reminder please address accident commission you should know that they don't respond to questions during any public comment? no order to allow equal time for all. at the end of the comment if he e they may request staff to respond or not. with that on item 2 which is the president report >> just two quick observations in the interest of one off our supervisors commissioner mcdonnell i want to expedite comboet through as many items as quickly the zoo committee has all of the evidence on occasion from meeting at the zee and at city hall we'll meet anothers city hall for the next meeting.
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that concludes my comments >> that i comments from 9 president report seeing none, we're on item 3 the general manager's report audience deploring borrowing groundbreaking we're hosting a groundbreaking on saturday on march 4. it's been opened and san franciscans have enjoyed the festivities we love that park to death but thanks to a over 71 thousand san franciscans have voted for improvements and prepare the park for the next generation of park lovers. when the project is completed you'll find no courts and
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restrooms and designated areas like irrigation improvements and access. because the community relies on the park the first phase is construction on the nestling part of the park then when the north side is reopened the south end which the playground will close if you understand that. we're very existed for the groundbreaking and the incredible renovations to come. registration for awe our spring classes begins march first and our programs remain some of the most affordable featuring hundreds of classes like at
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summer tree and mountain biking and an art and successor camp in partnership it's a poetry in partnering folks can registration on online or invest sf dot park. thanks to supervisor cowen the green legislation passed at the board of supervisors on february 4th. the legislation essential extends the benefit district to mixed use neighborhoods. previous legislation had only allowed commercial districts but now residential neighborhoods can participate in this tool. and it is going to be a great tool for park groups to support enhanced ongoing operations we're currently working with the
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dog patch and very very much look forward to working with other parks but important and exciting piece of legislation >> crab festive what makes those great their assessable to everyone regardless of the ability to pay last year, we provided 8 thousand scoopers to resident equal to one million of fund kids learned to swim. on thursday, february 27th to the crab festive a precedes benefit our scholarship program and allow resident to access our camps and it's a delicious and fun time. lastly our city beef pole.
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according to the just released district pole presented by san francisco chamber of commerce 38 percent of the folks building san francisco parks are getting better. this is the determine the confidence and parks are one factor that contribute and 50 percent of the respondents say the city it heading in the right direction and it scored as high as any program in the pole. the results of this poll and voter wisdom in approving park bonds our success is due to the thoughtful of our resources and park space. those parks contribute to the quality of life of san franciscans self-interest as you know 2010 our parks evaluation
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scores has maintained over 90 percent average and in 2012 our park system r5i7kd in the top and that's for the urban areas. and 20 percent of folks support the park bonds and all this hard work and partnership is bearing fruit. that concludes with actually this months voluntary that will conclude the general manager's report >> thank you. >> probably the most important thing in the city. i love the plant and flowers and all the things ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in in th
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thousand tons of mulch but it was a lot of mulch and that concludes the general manager's report. anyone want to make comment seeing none, public comment is closed. and we're on item number 4 which is general public comment up to 15 minutes pick, pick right now i have 5 cards commissioners, any questions or comments? if you could please come up and we'll start
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>> hold on go ahead. >> thank you i'd like to directing your attention to the screen. with the commission i want them to know with the native program of the rec and park department is causing great cage to our city parks. those 4 issues that we feel are important to be brought to our attention weld you to see it's destroyed over 18 thousand trees and when that happens carbon monoxide is released as a greater weight of the evidence we want to preserve the thickets for our wildlife. weld you to be aware of what's occurring in grand canyon the
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toxins they're planning on targeting down trees we lose our sunscreen and want to preserve the thickets and the habitat for wildli wildlife. the killing of those trees those are the only reason their killed is poor stability we find a cowboy mentality we do what we want and to heck with the rest of them. that plans to restrict access of closed trails. a child should not been able - should be able to experience an unfences city parkland and dog restrictions are restrictions as well. this is the tree that was cut as
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an example of fenced-in parkland that recycles people from experiencing the true areas the sign are saying we need it our way why are only native species protected? >> you are at times. >> i'm sorry. thank you for your time >> hold on joe. >> good morning commissioners. >> morning. >> i'm joe light hires i'm currently the president of the board nonprofit corporation who's mission so to promote and protect the traditionally social
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environmental and historic aspects. as you know on january 23rd an action was discussed to allocate $200,000 for the improvements important the camp. to the letter from the recreation and parks department note camp mediating supported this action and the changes taken place that have the reasonable to the board had not seen the proposals of the plan. the next meeting of the board was held on february 5th and the department manager general manager phillip and recreational manager took the time to attend our meeting and tell the board the details about the funded
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allocation. i'm here to confirm that the friends of the camp appreciate the interests and in particular the sponsorship of this allocation as i understand commissioner mcdonnell as well as the san francisco recreation staff to use the fund to maintain the camp and improve the campers experience. at the february 5th general manager characterized sf rec and park as the three legs of stolen support the cam. we welcome in this case a certainly amount of hi personally. we're the shorter leg in this met for but whatever volunteers
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are noted and such as curtains and other things are to be divided and when the camper store is to be operated. we look forward to working with the department for this year and any way that will promote our shared mission. thank you >> thank you. victor >> good morning, commissioners i'm victor. >> victor can i have you - >> i'm vic for for i am fighting for my life i've been a resident directly cross the street from the upper douglas dog park when i moved there it was a baseball stadium and unbe known to me behind the residents i think it was turned into a dog
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park. eye i have no notes i just learned about this meeting. i'm here fighting for my life some of you have been annoys to me on the phone but i'm not getting unaware. the park has been close can we we've had our peace back in the neighborhood for 6 months and not being reopened for some brazen problem. the meeting i went to i don't know the name of the person tenant only a few minutes by your supervisor yee the park had one hundred dogs per hour barking i live directly cross the street from the park and like living in a cannon and the
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echoing of dogs barking has made me ill i had a stroke and i have a cancer of agriculture evaluation when you can't open a window to your home without obey overwhelmed with dog barking. so i have no air i'm organized to give you i'm here to plead not to make to open didn't and not have an off leash dog park i love dogs we have a family rescue dog but we have a skaufrt notes. i'd like to know if there's a place where people like me in the position of having to live on a dog park and being told by
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a supervisor in district 8 i'm the only one claiming and only call the police. the police have been many my apartment 15 times. i need some help it's killing me. there's nothing anybody can do about the dog barking i support the unleash but ♪ a deeply populated area. my phone number is 41566204. i need something to help. one last thing i met supervisor ginsz beggar who offered me the opportunity to call him, i called him 20 times and never got a call back. i come in peace but fighting for
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my life >> (calling names). >> good morning. my name is ann shiesh and i came again to talk about n e p and the significant national resource this is a program and criminal plan in their opinion. and i ask to give you some handouts and those are about herb's herbicides that are used in parks. this is the "x" track it's used attempt all around the world of the culture but also on
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vegetation with other kinds of vengeance which people think it preferable and supports a fact that on the other side there's an article about a doctor who was doing research and a lot of the workers of the cultural workers have birth defects when he published it he was intimidated and threatened by the chemicalss and think by chemicals from the extracting an
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article it's from here it's kind of complicated describes how this chemical works and possibly effects and it s one person has one eye in the middle of forehead and that is also another one in english would sound tennessee i didn't eyes. there is stuff called neutrality crest effected cranial in short that's a sort of development of the head and face facial mussels and bones it said with little of it we use it as a last resort but it's used attempt i know by
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experience there is no skews to use any of those 4 herbicides and n ap is the one that's used mostly >> is there any one he will who wants to make general comment at this point please come forward we have room for one more person. >> good morning. i want to make reference to the letter dated december 5th from director of operations in which this was to codify the park closures hours via the board of supervisors. i think some of the language we were out of the state and got catch up late the way it was
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written it basically same side unless you were on one list established in 19 and 2000 your park will not be able to be enforced this is to reaffirm this is the hours are importingable if you're park isn't on it maybe they'll make it and maybe they won't that's an issue. for example in sunny side park the hours are questionable. i know this is not a finished issue we hope it is not and hope there is some leeway in which we can continue to discuss this those of us who worked hard to get signage in the first place
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now it won't mean much. i want to bring that turk and i want clarification if this process is still flaw and will we know if one-size-fits-all and have that discussed will may or may not be able to retain those hours of operations >> we'll get that information to you. >> ongoing we are at times for item number 4 this item will think continued later in the agenda. we're on item 5 which the the consent calendar any public comment on item six? seeing none, this item is closed. commissioners >> entertainer a motion. >> all in favor, say i. so moved. >> we are now on item 6 the san francisco zoo.
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>> become commissioners tim woe of the philanthropy it's my pleasure to give you an update if i could have the power point. >> so first of all, attention it was 25 strong we're 70 thousand over budget for the year our attention is weather driven it was good for our attention and the past couple weeks of rain have dam end that literally and we'll give you an update about the february totals one high mark is february 17th our president's day we had 17 thousand visitors the hoist in
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history. moving onwards one of the railroads e.r. reason is this wonderful edition to our zoo on february 6th we have a new giraffe she was one hundred and 70 pounds and she is growing about an inch a day her mother is 5 year-old and both mother and calf are doing well. we're have a tiger that turned one-year-old on february 10th. sue motrin tigers are one of the most indisregard in the world.
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the slide she's enjoying an ice birthday cake and treats and open the next slide she had a bubble bath in our pond. we held a press conference this is julie listen and her namesake and major patron who spoke about tiger preservation and the tiger cub person for the children in attendance. birthdays are an opportunity to teach children about conservation matters this is our 10 year old girl decided rather than having present she wanted her friends and family to donate to the zoo and she's gone
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through the adapt an animal from the zoo. i wanted to conclude the report with two forward-looking items first of all, back on danny. this is our south america building as we're in the process of renovating that building and update our species for the final structure for the next slide bird species on the bottom left the iconic is a try south america rape effort animal and the blue tloetd ma can you that's one of the animals that is representative of the illegal animal trafficking and birds in particular in south america it is the third item after guns and drugs so the ma can you is a
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true symbol of that migrate. with this reptile species we want to focus on animals mixing in the zoo like in the wild. those are tree based animals the giant somebody else i didn't monkey frog on the right they can live together it's a teeny snake and big frog. those are some of the keying species and that's scheduled to gun construction. i want to conclude two upcoming fire department we have the top i can't fire department february 26th honoring pamela jiern and our signal
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