tv [untitled] February 25, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PST
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with this reptile species we want to focus on animals mixing in the zoo like in the wild. those are tree based animals the giant somebody else i didn't monkey frog on the right they can live together it's a teeny snake and big frog. those are some of the keying species and that's scheduled to gun construction. i want to conclude two upcoming fire department we have the top i can't fire department february 26th honoring pamela jiern and our signal event on
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april 25th honoring the hearst family a long time supporter in the city and a last year we had an auction and that concludes my presentation >> is there anyone who wants to make any public comment on this item. seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners that was discussion only we're on item 7 the recreation and parks department budget for fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. >> good morning, commissioners
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katie. good morning >> i'm here this morning for the commissions approval for fiscal years 2014-2015 before i get into the meat of my presentation which is focused on the general fund i do want to note that your commission packets included information about the open space fund this year in order to meet our charter requirements under prop c. and if you have any questions about that information if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. so i'm going to start this morning with a revised to your outlook you'll notice this slide as changed since january and primarily the changes in the non-salary cost increases that has decreased from 432001.2
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millions for 2015-2016 and the primary reason the mayor's office are saying they're not going to ask us to absorb the costs for the next fiscal years so that's a significant boom the one hundred and 90 thousands of salary cost increases we'll cover in the budget are driven by wage hike for employees hard and park and the clubhouse and the employees of the tour and that's required by the cities minimum compensation ordinance. all told we're solving for a $1.4 million in 2014-2015 and a 1 had the million deficit.
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we're able to have savings in the next fiscal years this will leave us with $2.3 million to make ongoing investment in our budget. we also have almost $2 million in one time revenue we expect to come from the stadium we propose to vichltd invest that in one time uses. the year over year growth we've seen in our budget starting in 2008 and 89 will allow us to balance our budget for the next two years. so this slide which i know is a little bit busy gives an overview of the departments
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revenue 2013-2014 the current fiscal year the base budget is the amount the department proposed for last year and the new property budget for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. we're expecting revenue growth across the board and our parking garages permits and facility rentals as well as a one year there in our stadium are the reduction in revenue you see is preliminary from a small change to green. you'll note the revenue from the stadium falls in 2015-2016 pr this represent a small payment from the san francisco 469 and
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in 2015-2016 the revenue will be zero, of course. i want to note the numbers are earlier projects from the controller's office and as they get more solid information the projects will likely change. so the details of the revenue we're proposing to using the budget additional revenue from the still lake and golden gate park and misdemeanors and from the japan's tea garden and revenue from the coit tower and increased coit tower slater's and revenue if additional bike >> segue ventures and we
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negotiated our diesel with the union square conciliation we'll have additional revenue there and parking garages additional revenue from observer facility rental and athletic fold and special event permits, some additional revenue from outside land is for property mfshth they negotiated a couple years ago. our recognition and awe civics program continues to grow the number of programs we offer and the number of people take advantage of those programs i want to point out that is the net of the scholarships we continue to subsidizes and we're fund raising for your scholarships that supports our
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recreational revenue for the next two years. i noted some significant revenue for the sponsoring if you happened and the stadium revenue at $2 million. we are expecting a little bit of savings on our workers' compensation order and our fuel and gasoline prices are down. so all told between the revenue growth and those little bit of expenditure savings we'll have about $2.3 million to invest over the next two years for our strategic priorities. we presented those priorities to the commission and community and park advocates. the one change we've made to the list is to focus any of the
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changes on administrative supports for the delivery of our customer service we use to those priorities to create a proposed list for investment for the next two years. before i launch into this slide i want to give you the key to the slide the items on the following slides that are in blue are one time investments. we consciously tied those in. so our took up priority is park safety and in support of this priority the budget proposes an investment in two additional park patrol officers and one pa dispatcher to help with the enforcement of the new hours a
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$1.5 million of replacement of hazard trees and within electrician to address lighting initials our parks and the repair of irrigation systems that have been damaged and also an investment in the creation of an operation center for the department to facilitate staffs response in cases of emergency or disaster. our next priority is environmental sustainability and this budget fund 5 urban forestry staff and environmental signage for our parks. some additional maintenance staff a project to install low flow plumbing fixtures to save water. as well as some materials and supplies for our maintenance
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staff. we're proposing to invest 6 hundred and 45 thousand dollars in recreation and awe kwifkz promising program to init's families and children to become nor physically active finally we're proposing to invest in two new krourment and exam staff to hire gasped next year's and rec staff and all of our vacancies more quickly a new i t position for notation and technology including ability for the public to enact with our department and make services more efficient this is an ongoing process that has an opening fact like day camp register and program
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registration where we're planning for the citizen technology for the exhibition at the palace of fine arts and staff training as well as some funding for materials and supplies for park volunteer projects. then we're also proposing to fund an initially investment to upgrade our management software that's one of our poor business platforms. so we're really pleased to be able to prop those investments in our strategic priority and we really building that the additional fuchd will help the department improve our delivery of public safety and active living and customer service. so we submit our budget to the mayor's office tomorrow and then begin several months of
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negotiations with our come parties in the budget office and then, of course, the mayor will submit his budget to the board of supervisors on june 1st. and i'm pleased to answer questions >> commissioner levitan. >> citing i didn't this looks great. i had a quick question on the projected revenues on the parking in 2015-2016 down from 2014-2015 why is it it's - >> the biggest change as you recall four or five years ago we entered into an agreement with the public utilities for the long-term lease of the garbage and we split that pavement over
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5 years we're coming to the i said of that payment so our revenue is going to drop in 2015-2016 and it will be in the base budget and there's some additional cost in our parking garages are increasing so. >> right. >> so that as well. >> i was wondering about the construction around union square we did some loss of the parking spaces. >> the project in union square the actual construction that will impact the garage i'm told is starting this december to that calendar copes mostly out as you know the commission approved a one-time pavement from mta and we're drawing on that revenue to offset the loss
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of the parking spaces. that helps use it offsets >> thank you. >> commissioner bonilla. >> i know over the years we've had a great need for park patrol staff my question is well, it's two part. one what is our current need for park patrol staff and my second part is couldn't we have done better in terms of increasing our park control staff because adding two seems miniscule to me in comparison to what the no evidence has been over the years so is this set in stolen this proposed budget? and if not could we do better in terms of
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park patrol staff? >> commissioner i'll take a stab at that it's a excellent question you cut right to the heart of the matter. we've been hard at work park safety is important and with the passing of the hours legislation will be important keeping the parks safe for visitors and keeping them free of some things we've been fortunate to have our new park cohesive bob who comes to us with over 2 decades of law enforcement management and he and denny and i have been working to reenvision parking control we have about 24 ftes we
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have a lot of vacancies at the moment which gets to the need of additional resources to hire staff which we're in the process of attempting to fill. the currency staffing will allows us to have somewhere between 25 patrol folks. we have formula last day a proposal that will shift park proposal and assign folks to each park it will call for 0 doubling of our park resources. we've had conversations with the mayor's office. i'm not sure based on all the priorities that the mayor has to balance how long it will take us to get p there in addition to
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the park patrol enhancement we'll move to our previous park patrol that will add two or three 0 more park patrol officers. it's not all we need we have the issue we have 80 teaspoon talking about shifting of priority but we have lots of needs and we tried to category our needs and balanced our investment in those four priorities and also for us is the urban forestry the lack of staff really another important issue and frankly a health and safety issue for the trees approaching 9 end of their lives. i know you're going to see an
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improvement and every larger investments in park control >> our need is for how many park control staff. >> the model which will allow us danny what's the number for the park control service area. 50 right >> we have how many. >> we have 15 ftes and this will bring us to 27 and we've no longer be responsible for candle stick so that helps. >> that one concern has come to us repeatedly i see in the budget new items we're expand open which are great but i think we have to make greater strides
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in that area imwe're all about parks; right? and imthat's our mission. and i think we need to make greater strides in addressing that particular need to insure that we our parks are going to continue to be in good condition, you know, well maintained and operated so i'm going to be horrify i'm going to make this a mission of mine to make sure that so long as i'm commissioner we see more strides in gaining more positions >> i appreciate that. >> here's my opinions both in
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context that's increased access to a folks in the community to all services across the entire department. a broad question you don't have to go two deep the revenue as far as uncle increased fees >> there are no fee increases in that budget. >> thank you in active living like be obesity etc., what are the plans to reaching out to protecting community where obesity is 450e8gd how it that going to a show up. >> that's a really, really important focus for us commissioner i'm sure you're aware of. thants to the reinvestment all see us continuing to increase
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the active living where obesity is the most and we'll be proud to present to you the work that this department has done to add free programming all over the city particularly focused in areas of underserved access and free zumba classes and free after school activity programs we're in gov. to the active living eating and some part of our city both on the eating does the healthy eating but active living we're well aware of the steps it's less than a quarter of citizens are getting the activity we're spending hours behind the screen and through
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partnership with kaiser through partnership with our scholarship fund through our reinvestment hopefully, you'll prove we've been augmenting the fro and low-cost recreationalal programming tavrthd the obesity epidemic >> thank you i'd love to have that agenda and particularly given the upcoming children's if you happened and the relationship between those resources and the greater alignment. >> we'll be very producing to make that presentation to the commission. >> we'll try to program it as we get more information. >> any public comment? ? >> we have 3 cards (calling names)
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i don't know if i'm saying that right if you could please come forward. >> again mark, carolyn and or establish. >> hello. my name is mark olsen so i'm going to talk about my history i'm just my personal story of what had been at that time, restoration has done in this city and bend you'll see that from my prospective it hadn't done a whole lot.
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so about 10 years ago - >> i think we're talking to the budget is there testimony that relates to the budget. >> yes. i'm getting to that. so about 10 years ago my brother and i worked for the parcel we dug up icing plant and worked hard and we were under the impression this would bring back wildlife and improve the quality of this area. when i went back there i found out nothing. it's just there's trash and no wildlife there at all. when i learned recently that millions of dollars were spent
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on this project i was dumb founded and shocked that so many money was spent on a project that seems to be based on some ill founded reasons and don't get me wrong i love i love the nature areas in san francisco. i love market street davidson which is where i live and golden gate park and i really, really appreciate all the work that's been done to create trails there and things like that and make the place liveable but i don't think that millions of and hundreds of thousands of dollars should be spent to cut down trees to establish plants that don't appear to be well, that don't appear to dramatically
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improve the quality of the landscape thank you >> thank you. >> next speaker >> i'm carolyn johnson. the president of san francisco effort alliance. we could find the money for 10 more park patrol officers if we cut an item in the budget that's extremely unpopularity the nature areas program the current budget allocations $1.530 million for that program and that has been spent and that's what he was talking about pr it costs over one million dollars over a year that could be better spent. the program a very controversial
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and not backed by scientific community and the more people learn about the program the less they liquor it. the natural program yourselves herbicides and they ignore citizens objections. the natural area posts signs in our areas in the natural areas telling people to keep out of the one side it cuts down trees and destroys vengeance and worse of all the program which people view as sdrufg and for aboutish. thousands of volunteer hours there's no record of psyche and more unpopper. it should insist that the
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program improve this was a bust it cost $4.4 million of park money and as far as i know it hadn't attracted any wildlife at all. i want to read to you a petition we circulated on line and we got over o a thousand snchdz it pr it says stop nap from destroying thickets and using herbicides. one 1 is = lane kerney trying to keep the park natural is a
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failure. it's based on junk science and it's destructive and there is no oversight in this program it's a failure time and time again - >> thank you. >> ann tarnish. >> i will continue about 1.5 million spent on nap i thought - but here i continue reading the comments only from san francisco the petition as i have understand by now the petitioner mayor ed lee to stop nap it's over on thousand snchdz and many comments. patrick kessler i was
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