tv [untitled] February 26, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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bring up is girttrude [inaudible] 2014. she also dedicated her life and professional career to the city and counto of san francisco where she worked for [inaudible] hospital. she will be laid to rest this friday. also want to recognize the untimely death of a young woman named mr. carl av hix. born october 181960 and passed away february 15, 2014. she was a mother and a business woman spirfckly a entrepreneur. she was a native san francisco and [inaudible] made significant contributions to the city and county of san francisco and leave a legagy with their family. they were loved and will be messed h. >> thank you supervisor cohen
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>> colleagues on the back ofhering we held a budget and finance meeting [inaudible] today i introduce a number of hearing request to dwil down a solution jz service tooz reduce the homeless population in the city. the first is housing aungez frz had homeless which will [inaudible] including the discussion of support housing and transitial housing and other aungez option. the second is the housing ladder thmpt city government should provide affordable housing authority for the homeless and formally homeless. requires further and better [inaudible] housing opportunities for the cities homeless and many homeless residence. the third folks on the [inaudible] we know how difficult it is for homeless [inaudible] once they have been evected from a
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housing unit so it is critical for the city to have policy in place to discourage these evections if possible thmpt next set will focus on the cities subpopulation of the over all homeless population in the city. i'll be hosting hearing to drill down on service and solution frz homeless population, seniors and veterans and the [inaudible] and youth. research and data suggests housing optionerize sth most cost effective [inaudible] incarceration rates and emergency service. many studies compare the cost of the housing program [inaudible] public cost savings associated with the [inaudible] i do believer as most people [inaudible] the best way to help individualicize to provide housing. this hearing will help have a [inaudible] focusing on different options
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available and proven successful and cost effective. in tirms of the housing ladder due to [inaudible] the cost of construction och new housing, i want to explore the housing ladder and how to turn it into realty. it advocates [inaudible] more individual squz more areas. if homeless are becoming self sustaining we need to keep them in place so help find long term options to keep them housed and out of the cycle of homelessness. look forward to working with the mayor office and housing authority and [inaudible] turn into realty. in term ozf the subpopulations, i want to focus on being a planned put forth [inaudible] seeks to reduce family homelessness and family wait list here in san francisco. to work with city staff [inaudible] discuss
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programs that are successful for homeless veterans and [inaudible] i want to ocknowledge all the work [inaudible] has done over the last few years. i also want to work with the housing and non profit surface provides to insure the youth population are not subject to the cycle of poverty. [inaudible] our city including sexual orientation [inaudible] found a significant portion of the homeless pop ygz is [inaudible] i want to work with the service providers to discuss solutions and [inaudible] i want to thank have supervisor wiener and [inaudible] for the [inaudible] i do believe if we continue to move the needle forward we can continue to revus the number of individuals living on the city
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streets. i [inaudible] work with our federal agency, cities departments and non profit service provides and community leaders and [inaudible] work together to reduce the population to have productive [inaudible] held the other week that focus on not just ideas, butd solution tooz the future. i don't think we can sit idle [inaudible] look forward to working with everything wn that is finding a solution >> thank you supervisor ferrule. supervisor kim >> today i'm introducing a resolution, which is the first of its kind. our office has been working very closely with the harvey milk club and [inaudible] the original members of the screaming queens. to [inaudible] the 100
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block of church street after the [inaudible] the [inaudible] a haven and continued to do so for many residence they have no where else to go. [inaudible] their home and made it their home is the transgender xhoo unty here in san francisco and a key figure in this history and community is vicky mar lain. a key block is the 100 block. home of transgendered [inaudible] that rocked san francisco in august of 1966 and preceded the famous ston wall rite in new york city. in the 1960 san francisco became known as the [inaudible] counter culture movement where people came from all over the countries to be themselves. [inaudible] ostericized by families and xhurnties in the
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u.s. transgender and transidentified people [inaudible] being further ice lailted within the ledge biian and gay communities. [inaudible] performantance art and work to survive. it was [inaudible] at this time and transgender people rp not allowed in gay bars. [inaudible] one of the few places in san francisco where transgender people can come and [inaudible] drag queens [inaudible] female imperinateers and built the community over many years. sfrl to the stage is [inaudible] begain her 50 years stage career as a [inaudible] performer and became known as the girl with the [inaudible] spine. she was featureed in
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documentarys [inaudible] vicky pioneered transgender inclusion and widely viewed as a figure that held the community toorpth and widely credit to insure the ledge bien and gay community [inaudible] not allowed in gay bars. she models transgender empowerment and mentor to many [inaudible] she chs designateed as a grand marshal [inaudible] ibthe pride por aid and [inaudible] vicky died at the age of 78. in 2011 och aids related health complications and left a void in the neighborhood and transgender community that struggled and celebrated with her for 6 decades [inaudible] vicky mar lan. vicky mar lain will be
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the first transgender person recognized in the city of a street of their own. i want to recognize some member ozch our community in this room tonight. i see fuleasha [inaudible] jashman [inaudible] and also [inaudible] also want to thank [inaudible] who work with the harvey milk club. they obtained 1500 signatures in person and on line and 2 thousand dollars to pay for the street renaming. [inaudible] supervisor coms and supervisor scot wiener. i want to thank the community for being here today, but also for initiating the street name change. fuleasha who was a community member of this movement often
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talked about vickys impact on the community and the gay community. she nob nub a memorial exhibit at the [inaudible] featureing flerfb before seen footage and photos and artifacts including her gold dress at the [inaudible] really excited to support this as it moves through had process and looking for would to the day when we [inaudible] and recognize the first transgender activist on one of hour streets in san francisco really welcomeing her home. >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor mar >> thank you. i know it is a later we will celebrate blank history month. i'm introducing
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a motion that impacts the [inaudible] i would like to thank supervisor co00 comps and avlose. [inaudible] for broadcasting our board of supervisor meeting by a community radio station. previous [inaudible] k pooor poor peoples radio [inaudible] they have done a excellent job of [inaudible] giving the public porent access to our work here. also, many people say that radio is one of the best and most effective communication techniques whether here in grass roots communities around the country or globalally. it is important
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community that promoteds the arts and a icon of the western addition fill mor dist rict in san francisco. there is a great mural that depicts the histraff of the blues and jass and african american inflines in the city on the wall of the hamilton reck center on eerie and steiner and on the side of post street. it is a amazing mural that expresss many figures in the community. i hope this will open a discussion of the porns of community radio orphafter-the loss of [inaudible] a few years ago. we have to support the critical institutions that help us engage our public access to art representative in the city government and committee meet ings is critical and community radio is a great resource to get people more involved with
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their community and more aware. we are moping a community radio station that will broadcast or meetings in the past will have a [inaudible] expericize ibthis time of program. i would like to thank. [inaudible] for working with my staff and sfr visors breed and her staff on these ishuse. i look forward to bringing that more information to the rest of the board as we move forward. also, people may have heard that last week my significant [inaudible] commissioned by the california endowment showed 3 quarters of california [inaudible] warning labels on sugary drinksism warning, state of california drinking beverages with added sugar contradicts to dibeasty
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obesesty and tooth decay. [inaudible] that supports center [inaudible] fb 1 thousand that he introduced last week. it isologist supported by the center for public health advocacy. drinking one or 2 sugary drinks a someday increases the risk of dibeelties by 20 percent and [inaudible] for children, this danger or ringe increases to 55 percent with one sode sody a day. as a father i know how challenge it is for my family and other family to have information they need [inaudible] this measure would
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support the effortss going on the la city counsel and state wide. i urge your support to help us require the soda industry to set the record straight on how harmful the products are especially to children. also i'm interdouching a resolution with the support of community based groups like the nicko [inaudible] many others in the department of public health. behavior services that declared march 2014 problem gamblinging awareness month. [inaudible] also, i wanted to say i come from a family of gambers and many parts of my childhood remember filled with family trips to reno and tahoe and
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vegas. i know that is common for many chinese immigrants as well. [inaudible] alsotory comp nation that play this up in low indm communethies that is more prevalent. [inaudible] 6 to 8 million americans including 1 poi 2 california meet the requirements for problem gambling. problem gambling is defined as the type of gambling behavior that causes problems in any area of life. [inaudible] speerlual or emotional. one of my friends [inaudible] he would be in vegas and reno and getting on the floor look frg coins as he tried to find more money to
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through into the slot machines he was playing. problem gambleing has been [inaudible] by the american psychiatric sogez with similarities of alcohol and drug [inaudible] includes gambling to escape borden, pain or loneliness, lying to loved ones to conceal the extent of the gambleing [inaudible] achieve excitement. barrowing money to gamble and trying repeatedly over time to win that money lost. populations at high risk are seniors youth, college student, veterans, people of color like african american, latinos native american [inaudible] i [inaudible] raise awareness in the munt of march [inaudible] lastly, i wanted to mention
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that there are amazing schools and arts projects coming up sponsored by the pta and public school students. the [inaudible] main stage production of [inaudible] will run from february 27 this thursday-march aket and it is a reproduction of-i don't know if you grow unwith monty python, the life of brian and also monty python and the holy grail, but it is a new cultural version of this nob nub 8 performances over the next 2 weekends and [inaudible] middle school students as well and you can get more information at www.sf [inaudible] you can get more information by cacktding my office or going the
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washington high school web site or calling at 750-8400. i and my colleagues support city hall i encourage to support these [inaudible] >> thank you supervisor mar. supervisor coms asked to be rereferred >> i for got to thank every member of the board of supervisor that cosponsored my [inaudible] it sends a clear message when the entire board supports something like this jrfxz thank you supervisor comps. that concludes the call for your business >> thank you very much. madam clerk why don't we go to [inaudible] a >> at this time the public may come in generally up to 2 minutes with the item
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[inaudible] including the item 19 and the [inaudible] not allowed to items already subject to public comment or been subject to public comment to board committee [inaudible] not to individual supervisors more to the audience. speakers useic translaishz assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. [inaudible] please state and remove the document from the screen should rern to the live coverage of the meeting >> we are going to start our blank history month at 3:30 we have 4 members of the public that gives enough time to get this done >> dianne fine stein says
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[inaudible] what a slap in the face of we are change and alex joans of [inaudible] when i learned about the 911 being a inside job june 2, 2009 [inaudible] i gave a speech. you need your carpets cleaned in [inaudible] not because we had the authority, but i thought it a slap in the space to do [inaudible] our text today is [inaudible] wife and [inaudible] committing adultery against her and for a woman to put aware her husband and be married to another she commits adultery. jesus answer for divorce-from the ginning of creation god made them male
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[inaudible] it is abomination and goden the day of judgment will confront you to promote homosex yellalty. god can for give for that sin, but to promote what god says is a very wicked thing and jesus said every [inaudible] it will give account on the day of judgment. now, i speculate the day of judgment will be 7560 days from had jubilee year [inaudible] he was right on a lot of things. he knows the kings jamess bible is the right version. 5 seconds. >> thank you, next speaker.
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>> are we using the over head throughout my presentation so i precit remain on the screen until such time as i remove the final itemism my e-mail is sf open government bs @ spc i attended a city of board ethics commission meeting and brought up something i thought was more urgent. this is a copy of the form 700 and all elective afissions are required to report anything they got from somebody to the state and this was the particular one for our city library, lieuese hurarea
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for the year 2009. on the right is the bottom of the sign where he signed under penalty or perjury that what he turned in was creck. they found him in violation of the law and here are the numbers. he reported zeer aef and what he had to report on the correct one is 35065 there. 2011, zero. 5400. a total of 14 thousand he lied about. the library commission set out illegally a notice saying this
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was a book keeping error. as if he isn't smart enough to know 15 thousand dollars of gichts were not reportable >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon board of supervisors, president chew. i want to thank the offers of the [inaudible] you did a wonderful job. what we need to do is get the information out because none of the people in the [inaudible] know about it. you put a lot of work and effort into it so maybe we can put more effort and get the word out because it is no good if no one can use it. we have this situation, the tern is suggesting to decriminalize heavy drugs like heroin and ocane, for peoplet thaare
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selling it. i think that is a terrible idea. that's a state wide ballot he is enforce{there are some in the room going to the [inaudible] maybe you can think about that when you go down there because that is a state ballot coming out last year. the last name begins with c. i do the walk of tours [inaudible] is everyones diskricate. we need to put effort into the do [inaudible] march 27 we are having a special project with martin sheen coming to celebrate 10 years of [inaudible] our day time [inaudible] i hope you can support us and will be your office to drop off information. thank you so much for the work
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on the homeless situation and you didn't say anything about shelters you talked btd affordable housing the court: thank you, next speaker >> my name is christopher [inaudible] i want to discuss the decay of our common bonds. the process guaranteed in 134 measure to create and sustain social cohesion is a shared experience. particularly, shared [inaudible] can be that shared experience. a fire or flood or blizzard can bring outd warm and generous feelings of support and the actions to help the people. this can last beyond any immediate test of
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survival. another experience for most of us is the military draft. bad food and no sleep and hard work and screaming drill sergeants i provided the comage enemy and pain. this created a common bainds between the rich and poor, between the proud and pukestren and the learned and the learning. this brought a sense of common understanding, trust and humanatee and we can find that trust again with a civil draft where we are all required to provide some service to the benefit of a whole. the democratics heavy waets in the room can you call mrs. pulosey and call [inaudible] not to close down the side walks. we
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do have a [inaudible] thank you. >> thank you, next speaker >> good afternoon [inaudible] i would like to state some of the statements you all have made today about affordable housing. there is no such thing as affordable housing in san francisco. that was coined by the redevelopment agency in the 70's you need to look at what the [inaudible] if you don't make 48 thousand dollars a year, you can't get inthose buildings. i would like to nob nab who is head of the nob nub needs to be looked at because he made the decisions that as of 2015 the [inaudible] also [inaudible] can not make these policy. whether the meeting is held about housing authorities, the vice president of the u.s.
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dan quail came to the san francisco in 1992 and he came to [inaudible] view because there was a program we set up called resident management counsel and that is training to be managers and [inaudible] all the things to take care orphthe housing authority. [inaudible] i would like to say this, precautionary [inaudible] not applied to those that live in hunters point. i would like to also say [inaudible] i learned what that meant a month ago and i say that has been practiced against me and the blacks [inaudible] i see a part time [inaudible] used with those that are in [inaudible] thank you very much >> thank you very much.
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