tv [untitled] February 28, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PST
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>> director edward reiskin. >> that was great to see the accomplice numbers and a lot of san francisco folks getting work. my question is more on the next phases of work. i think the last monthly report anticipated passage award in february i think this structural concrete and mayor glazing are those on track >> we just opened up the concrete and will be bringing information to the board. >> so they're off by a month. >> no, the concrete we opted what february 11th. >> this week; right? and the glazing we'll bring you some information in march. >> okay. thanks. >> and i also want to congratulate the team on the
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full excavation 4 blocks especially on our are are early integrations everyone. >> i wanted to note following up on steve's prosecution prosecution we're employing a lot of people in san francisco but in construction alone people in will you will i and a canada and oregon and more in parts of the country so the project our project is really providing a lot of economic benefits not only to the bay area of california but to the rest of the country we're proud of that that concludes my report thank you. >> and that brings us to item 6. >> actually, we have a member of the public we have - >> i want to be brief on the
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construction update. i was at the cac two days ago i was surprised at the early excavation zone 4 is not as deep as zone 1 because of the 10 foot elevation so the first thing that's strange or weather that introduces an interesting thing the floor height on the east and west is 5 feet higher than the platform level between the east and west the real reason i'm addressing the board we've got to about how to cross the bay. we can e messenger a tube or we
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can tunnel. and the real question is is that if you're going to e messenger a tube you don't have to go deep you dig the trench and if you want to to your knowledge it will be much deeper the calculations we have based on the 65 foot took us down to 895 feet shows a bear minimum on embarcadero and the eventually the are entire region has to decide whether the issue is if you want to go to treasure island you have to go bart and the only way to go do this is
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tunnel boring we're going to have to take the scenic route down main and police vehicle make a left. i'm sorry if i was too 0 technical i hope this make sense >> thank you, mr. la before an. seeing no further comment general 6 >> this is the opportunity to address issues not on the calendar seeing none. >> seeing none, we'll move into item no. 7. >> it's a presentation by the san francisco planning department and 280 feasibility study. >> and directors director ram will go present this item. >> thank you. i want to thank the board and staff for accommodating two presentations today, we have both the planning
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department on the railway generated study and the feasibility study there was a feeling they're both time low glad to accommodate both. >> good morning director ram with the planning department. i want to thank the staff and chair kim for putting us on the calendar we'll be better that with the scheduling next time. we're here to present a study where which has a very long name the feasibility study for the rail. to look at the combination of several projects flaw along with the land use with the
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effectively look at the cornea the city for land use and transportation to see how they could move forward essentially with the next development of transportation planning in that part of the city. i'll brief make a few comments then i'm going to turn it over to john and then susan will talk in more detail about the study and compounds of the study. we think it's timely to look at with the combination of high speed rail and the potential for this area to be potentially the next area of land use we think it's important to look at this in a comprehensive way. one of the most important aspects it builds on all the work from the agencies including
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the tjpa and the purpose then to look at the specific issues of the combination of all the systems and land use. that before i i'm going to turn it over to josh i want to thank you our team on working on the presentation and look forward to working with all of you the study is a part of two years study and we look forward to working with you all on the outcomes. i'm going to turn it over to josh >> good morning board members i'm sure you're aware of the planning department has worked closely with the tjpa and other agencies both the transit center and the downtown extension we're
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we've been working on plans to bring high speed rail into san francisco. those transportation investments are important for the future of the city and those pieces are closely intwined and to augmented you funding sources it important. this was adapted by the city in 2012. at the same time we were working on that plan the planning department received funding under the tjpa at the urging of the mayor's office to lead a brief analysis of the development opportunity and capacity to build on the fourth and king rail jashdz because the properties in san francisco holds spitting value that would be tapped to help fund the
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improvements as well as create an ongoing revenue source to fund caltrain. there are other non-financial reasons including an important deserve to connect mission bay and the eastern bay front and commit the railways into the neighborhood and provide jobs in a transit oriented location. we published a memo as a result of the study and given some significant changes on the site upwards of $2 million. we've since worked with caltrain staff to further have more somewhere to make more efficient use of the railways. we all kind of were grappling with the realizations and the
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high speed rail into the city. that central realization we're at a major transition and we have to step back and look at it how to build the city and that we should undertake those projects that seeks to improve the existing thank goodness conditions and transform the city that is the fruch of the city as it is is now a tackled infrastructure and some construction points and access through the area into one integrated neighborhood. hopefully, we'll find more efficient ways of building the infrastructure and findings new source of revenue. and even more infrastructure south of townsend street on the
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journey to downtown this area has the promise to become a significant core of the city and this transitional issue has put san francisco on the cutting-edge of the urban movement and available to transform our waterfront with the transition of the embarcadero freeway and hopefully, we don't have the earthquake of the previous and/or to force this conversation but a right earth shaking infrastructure investment in this location and that in and of itself should cause us to relook at the area. this study susan will walk you through will look at the additional issue like the studies to date but more importantly to explore and
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reenvision this area and look at a better city for tomorrow i'm going to turn it over to susan >> good morning directors i'm susan i'm from the city of san francisco of san francisco's planning department. i'll talk about the feasibility will study. i want to state and thank those involved in laying out the caltrain's and tjpa and high speed rail and california harriet authority and the various departments in the city. myself and the planning department will continue to engage with those individuals throughout the project to insure the best outcome. i'm sure our aware of the infrastructure plan many the area and in addition to those plans you better than that anyone else understand the hole
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in the ground tasseling called the tjpa and we're happy to have that going on. as this infrastructure continues to process through application those projects will layer themselves upon each other and create a spider web it effects the opportunities of the others to date understanding the impacts have on minimal. this project will look at the project holistically and in addition anticipated housing and job growth the city needs to understand the ways we'll be able to improve the environment while we're going to look at job opportunities and fund promises in the pipeline. some of the future includes barriers and they'll be
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discussed further but generally, you, see them from above. please not on the upper left-hand side this is the separation that was anticipated for the high speed rail and the 16th street there's been work from the tjpa pled on the analysis and the opportunity to remove that barrier in the future. some of the other barriers are the railway areas. the goals are simple they are to determine the best methods of the construction and coordinate the improvement 69 upper environmentalist and increase job growth needs and potential revenue sources. i want to state up front it's not to do work that's completed but to assess the continued
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validate and in moving on to understand and built the net infrastructure. to step back a bit there's been a lot of work completed in this area and no one, you know, is going to think otherwise we have the high speed rail and the caltrain and other plans that have been done throughout the see. i can will see see the area and understand it as a whole is imperfect to plan and not react after the fact. so what does the proposed projectile set out to complete. this is t this is the first time we'll try to study 5 components an
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individual downtown rail extension value engineering study, transbay terminal loop, reconfiguration or a relocation of the 14 rail generated and the placement and that other opportunity. i want to state there is an individual one here and we understand that tjpa will be doing an additional value study and it is not ununcommonly common to have multiple studies throughout a project of this size. the contact will also aid the city sporting tjpa and caltrain's and other agency. looking specifically at each of the components the first components being the i 280
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project this slide clearly shows the barrier that i 2 in the slated section is on the area i it's a 1 point mrusz barrier two places to cross the section. the city has been really successful at taking down other boulevard the embarcadero and the obamacare takeoff and the opportunity that has come to the areas with boulevard those sections. as stated before we're building on work completed this is two options utilizing the boulevard of on slaetdz i 280. if we were able to move the
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elevated section we go could better improve the bicycle and transit and other transportation areas my case mission bay but to get back to the spider web area other options for changes exist. specifically looking at the anticipated work anticipated with the boulevard component we're be looking at replacing this with a surface boulevard and making special attention to the traffic impacts to the bay bridge, the i 80 and as well as to market and obamacare takeoff. and we'll be looking at to reconnect those neighborhoods and the benefits connected with the boulevard. that second component is the
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value engineering study. there's been a lot of work done and this slide shows the current alignment. understanding what the current price is and understanding the needs of the city in this area as well as other construction project worse anticipating we want to make sure we review the alignment and construction methods of connecting high speed rail and to the tjpa and see ways to reduce you costs. we would like to build on the option previously study and with any good analysis we want to make sure we said the consistent that are listed on the slide. that third component is a transbay loop track it is currently designed requiring it to reserve out reducing the
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capacity. previous study show a loop track to be beneficial but an earlier design is for the platform it could enhance the operation of the tjpa and it is important it includes updating the tjpa plans and it is work out studying because of the benefits that may out weigh the potential costs associated with that. and by the additional costs of the loop we may be able to decrease costs in the area for an overall net gain. that fourth component is the reconfiguration of the rail yards it's not barrier to the neighborhood limiting access to the area. there a have been sorry we'll look at 3 options reconfiguring
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the areas and conducting a desk and the potential of relocating a portion of the elements within the rail yards or a in the future relocating the railway yards >> i'm sorry to interrupt the pink is the development and the purple is the railway yards. >> this is the alignment and the pink is opportunities that exist for potential or a fees development and the purple would be the operations of caltrain's. this is work preliminary completed through caltrain's and the city understands the importance of the work for caltrain's and the operations as
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an efficient manner as possible is important. we'll be looking at those would be the starting points to this work. and please note that the tjpa is requested the city of san francisco to look at the possibility of realigning the station into the right-of-way currently it's a little bit outside they building that can be done so the alignment is shown or shown in the graphic may or may not be able to be changed but that change for redevelopment is increased. so looked at that anticipated scope of work to determine the area to meet the needs and look at 9 alternative locations for additional storage and we don't believe this is going to happen overnight so as pieces of lands
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become available or operations can be shifted how can we take advantage of this valuable piece of property. the fifth component as the pieces of land understandinging those place making opportunities. so as well as reevaluating the adjacent are parcels of the parcels that will be available for the other components and understanding new revenue and value capture. i wanted to point out that everybody is looking for revenue stream for caltrain and some of the other important infrastructure into the area and this potentially could provide that. as mentioned the first two benefits previously but the other four benefits and various
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other benefits associated but the 4 on here the generating of revenue and other capital ongoing revenues and generating additional ridership and helping with the san francisco housing need allocations and other priority areas and helping to provide for the sea level rise. the anticipated scope of work is quite simple for the component 5 it's understanding the potential land use scenarios and specific to the zoning work. this work allows the land opportunity in the areas. as with good studies there's public involvement we're looking at the potential of 8 focus meetings we'll have an advisory committees so we'll have a
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technical advisory committee and they'll obey come back to various board and to provide board and commission yuptsz to provide to stakeholders. the schedule it was released we're starting the contract in may or june phase one the the k345u7b8 investment and the next is the preliminary analysis of those alternatives and that's between december 200117th century and june of 2016. it's the end of the presentation on the railway yard studies were are there any questions >> thank you. directors any questions or
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comments >> well, you that first of all, i'm so pleased to see this is happening and those questions are questions we need answered. i think none of us know if you're going to find solutions or better ways of doing things i want to say at the outset he i'm not pretending i know you're going to find anything but i think we need to look at all of this just a few comments i guess i'll offer. first and most obviously this is only going to work if you succeed at the understanding the needs of the tjpa and caltrain and high speed rail. it has to, you know, work for all those agencies any options you find so i hope the process i
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hope the staff of both agencies are fully and deeply engaged in the work you're doing we we end up with something that works for all agencies. second a private the railway yards are owned by the private company with an easement by the caltrain's i hope this fully engages the private owners. i also it's not part of the scope of the study but the question of how caltrain ultimately extends to the east bay is really important and part of the - it's part of the mix of that spider web of issues you talked about and it's long been planned that would unhappy happen our section die crossing what was going to be after we
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get the d t x done i hope in a board level that is part of our thinking. i'll stop there >> director lee. >> we'll move down this way. >> sure so, you know, it's also a hard topic but you progress the projects and it's hard to sort of a it feels like going backwards so in that light caltrain we have been coordinating is tjpa on the current alignment this exists it's a request but i am generally aware of the years of work that tjpa had done on the different alignments and the evaluation on the loop it would be helpful to get a presentation
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from staff i realize i've only joined a couple of months ago but there's a public general understanding and it would be quiet valuable to look at what's been looked at so we build off the work that's been done we get the understanding that's role important. and then the second issue is that so with the looking at the fourth king study you know this has been a hard topic for caltrain we have to land our train somewhere and you mention there aren't if i can put this this is where the tjpa also struggles with 3 couldn't we have our facilities in 3 counties they like our train and service but not our facilities.
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so when we talk about relocating facilities where it goes becomes a heated decision within san francisco that's one thing but you also have limited areas to put in transit facilities if you get outside the boundary those concerns have been discussed in various tjpa discussions. the other key thing i want to say the rail director will make a presentation on this. if the challenge of long-term vision thinking and all we want to achieve and people on this board know about shorter projects with a shorter timeframe and how do you
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