tv [untitled] February 28, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PST
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so when we talk about relocating facilities where it goes becomes a heated decision within san francisco that's one thing but you also have limited areas to put in transit facilities if you get outside the boundary those concerns have been discussed in various tjpa discussions. the other key thing i want to say the rail director will make a presentation on this. if the challenge of long-term vision thinking and all we want to achieve and people on this board know about shorter projects with a shorter timeframe and how do you make
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increment projects and now delay them. as we venture into long-term vision making i'm a planner i think i'm in the wrong line of work but i believe we have to find the balance i think the nervousness coming out of caltrain to that agency we have aggressive schedules for immediate modernization projects and how did or does this fit in trying trying to balancing those interests are important >> thank you director lee. >> director harper. >> i'm glad to see this the city of san francisco would be extremely remiss if they weren't doing this human resources i'm
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revved i would have liked to seen it happen years ago because this project that we're doing was greatly energy jisz with the prospective of high speed rail. that prospect has been severely diminished. i think we have to do this to replace that energy although i think high speed rail is coming it may not come for 25 years that's the reality. the only way to proceed with our project is to somehow do something like that with this holistic thinking that can replace that kind of energy so i think not so much, you know, trying to preserve what we're doing but to incorporate. i think this is necessary for
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us. this is the kind of, you know, if you want to think in terms of you know of p-3 stuff and what - hydrahow are we going to be able to do phase 2 nothing rivals this with presenting a ponlt for being able to do that that has to be looked at holistically and i wish i luck and certainly that you can ranger for a clean blackboard and is we if we can't agree on what could happen and it's easy to bring up the politics we can't do this because of those people and those people don't like it.
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let's see if we can agree that on a plan of what is necessary in my prospective and you're headed that way you're thinking in the big terms that the city of san francisco is known for and really needs to continue >> thank you director edward reiskin. >> first of all, i want to thank john ram and his staff for bringing this forward. josh stated elegantly why this work is important to the tjpa project and the city and the whole region i think it's really of critical importance. as the director harper said this is our adolescence we need to
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continue this afford we would be neglect if we didn't seek answers like director martin luther said we need to find opportunity as a result of this work we would be neglected if we didn't and place the land the trains we're spending 4 to $5 million to land the trains at the transbay center that's why the work is critical. this is work we need to do i agree with some of the comments we should have done it earlier but some things that happened recently like changes in the technology and economy may have helped it's very good people
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don't want to delay the work we want to get caltrain's electrified and get the d t x build but the decisions we're going to be making are going to shape the city and region for the next one hundred years. so this is the time to make sure we ask all the right questions to get the best possible land use transportation plan and strategy and ultimately projects that san francisco needs for to that end i'll finish where director martin luther started there's been a lot of great work done by the staff and consultants of the tjpa and caltrain and caltrans we're going to need outline those folks including the people too
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active and constructively engage in this process so it's worst our effort so we can achieve the important goals this process it for. we as the board some direct that and strongly encourage accountability staffs so thank for bringing this forward and thanks for putting this on the agenda it's the most important work we do on the board >> are there any other comments. in fun, i have some quick questions bach because of the terminology. so the stub i understand elevated freeway is what we see and i assume the stub what makes
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it a stub elevated freeway >> i think john can answer it. >> it's just the end of the freeway that's that. >> i was getting e-mails and innuendo what that meant. >> it goes in the city and it stops. >> i also want to clarify for the sake of the public i know that planning was able to go over this presentation earlier. a lot of the land value it gets confusing over the 280 and, of course, the railway yard the city doesn't own those parallels i want to clarify where we're expecting to get some of the land value, you know, to our public projects here in san francisco >> josh again that planning
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staff. you're correct the city doesn't necessarily own the parcels in question and director meddling appointed the land is not caltrain but we haven't done a full investigation of the freeway corridor and there's probably still more work to be done on the railway yards themselves but should those projects be undertaken there would be have to be within win situations certainly not in the interest of caltrain's to make contracts without a gain certainly the underlying prosperity owner will have to gain as well. we'll look at the ownership stakes and what is what the pie
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is to be digest up and well past the end of this study we'll start to answer those questions that will carry on for some time and hopefully, people will see the gain >> part of the answer the extent those go from under freeway parcels and the development the city can capture some value sdlo through property tax and the mechanism we normally capture. the city doesn't have to own it to capture the value mostly of our land use plans have created the fund for other improvement >> i was hoping i could talk about the proper. >> there's multiple ways to capture revenue the transit
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center captured additional revenue from the rezoning of the parcels and impact fees and additional community facilities the taxes that go to tjpa project and other infrastructure. as director edward reiskin pointed out just undertaking those for example, xhooerts project would make the area is better and just like taking down did embarcadero freeway changed the waterfront helped and studies have shown it increased property values by thirty percent. there's mechldz like in the financing district or other ways to capture the broad value
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beyond the immediate development >> and part of the scope of the study is examining the boundary. >> yeah. we would look at that and the whole financial economic piece that will be a major component. >> a portion of the area surrounding the freeway is the mission bay redevelopment plan we've captured a lot of the property evaluation the increment and that's one of our 3 sections how is that interaction over the long-term. >> we'll have to study that we don't have any answers yet you know through some initially exhibitions we've had some of the examinations with the landowners and there's
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improvement to be added and probably value to be grapd the transbay development. >> and this is it before my comments we've gone over the plan of climate change i'm curious. >> the initial maps that have been done show that the area around mission creek is one of the most vulnerable areas and the railway yards is a low pointed out in the top grafb we need to grapple with that and protect our investment and what we should do as part of those projects to safeguard them for beyond the next one hundred years. >> that will be part of the study. >> yes. >> would i remind me again how
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it's being funded. >> through a p da grant and the second phase we're still luke to secure the second phrase wheel we're hoping for tangling funding. >> i think it's important for us to examine the possible scenarios as we continue to move forward with two of the most important projects what the elect causation of the caltrain's. i'm wondering about the finally, my priorities are the input to the final plan we have many residents that live around the areas and second, of course, is moving forward with the
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alignment that allows the electrification to occur at the fast rate that we possibly can so one the initiate to provide a revenue stream or whether the alignment is a more efficient route we all want to see d t x and the alignment happen we could maybe bring those two together. understanding, of course, that caltrain has is started to move ahead with electrification and the last piece i want to reiterate i hope we can connect with the waterfront project we're looking at the waterfront so as we examine peer 70 and the
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proerptd warriors stadium on pier 33 and i'm hoping we can insure there's dialog between what is happening here with the two 80 and caltrain and doing to make sure we're strengthening our transportation infrastructure to support the increasing density in this city those are the things i want to see moving forward. i agree we're looking at all the possible what the universe looks like and the electrification are able to occur here in san francisco >> thank you chairperson i am following up our engineers work with the team i do want to ask
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for the boards help the contract for the anticipated planning work is may our funding runs out in june of this year. so we need new money not money from our existing pots but new money from the san francisco tjpa or the transportation commission to continue to have our consultants work with the city and the various stakeholders as the cities presentation indicated they're to have a number of advisory committees so i need director martin luthers assistance and director edward reiskin in particular to get new money to continue the work and a my understanding is that the mayor's task budget director to start to address some ethics of the phase one and phase two are
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they aware of this need? >> they've been working with us on phase one and 12 but i don't know if they're aware i can ask our cfo. >> good morning our meetings have been focused on filling the phase one that's near term we haven't discussed funding our consultants to work with the city after union of this year but we can certainly bring that up at our next meeting. >> that sounds reasonable. we need a budget; right? and a proposal we can work on getting it funded >> yes. we have that and could a provide that i know lewis is here to the tjpa and because we're asking for new money we may need our help i'll accepted
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you the information. thank you >> seeing no further questions or comments we'll open this up for public comment. >> i'm aware of any public that wants to comment. >> director ram final comments. >> i want to thank you all for your comments. i'm personally excited about this as a planner but as someone that passing has the practice cattle and this represents the city for the next one hundred years. we're all on the same page with timing and funding of the could he projects move forward. it's not in anyone's best interests to result in delays in the electrification that's
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critical but we're about figuring out to make that happen and not preclude land investment that will become the future of the city. i want you all to know that slowing down other projects is not what we're about it's about as quickly as possible and look at this bigger picture at the same time. thank you all very much >> thank you director ram and others. and we'll move open >> item 8 is a presentation by caltrain on the programs. >> good morning michelle. really thank you for the opportunity to give an update on caltrain modernization program.
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currently we're a diesel push-pull system we operate between kilroy and san francisco. the bulk of the service we provide is between san francisco and santa fe and we provide limited peak service is from santa fe so gilroy. since 2004 when we implemented our baby bullet service we have roughly 25 average week day riders and now we're at 53 thousand and climbing. in terms of governance of the caltrain service we're governed by the joint powers board from the 3 counties that provide funding for the service and
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policy gieps so that's san francisco, san mateo and v ta you see the organizations from the 3 that county's involved in that. the basis for the modernization program is our blended system vision i see the major tenants of that is a community driven approach using a two-track system we current have with speeds up to two hundred and 70 missiles with a certain amount of grade separation we have roughly 43 at grade crossings in the 51 miles between santa fe and san francisco. currently, we provide in the peak hour 5 trains per direction we want to increase that to 6
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caltrain's and have more high speed rail for direction for the basis of this vision service plan is the n l t k provided model simulation i'll talk about the l t k model helped us to settle on. caltrain has been collaborating with regional stakeholders and we'll look at the 2012 high speed rail business plan established the basis for the blend approach and that was solid if i did in the - we call that the e i p additional established established a regional basis of support for the caltrain cord ultimately to
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support future high speed rail. then you see here there's an additional agreement between the high speed rail that again reiterates support for the investment program. so moving on to the project that is the subject of the current eir we're working on the draft will be out at the end of this month. it's a one $.5 billion project contained of 3 elements the first is an advanced system we're call c boss and the two other elements that are slightly after that is the corridor electrification program and the vehicles we're going to use with the system are e n us.
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so briefly to discuss this c boss signal system essentially it's a system that has two basic elements the first element is to comply with the requirement of the 2008 safety improvement act. this establishes federally the requirement for the safety lemons you see them and the scrip legal requirements in 9 bullets. the second bullets is caltrain only enhancements to the c boss system that will allow for enhanced safety and capacity. you'll see where we're at in terms of the project itself. we have been moving forward on this project for quest it's fully funded we put a shovel in
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the ground so install the fiber backbone on september 4th of this year. we've moving forward this project is on time to make the federally mandated deadline of december 15th. we'll are testing and commiss n commissioning beginning in 2014 we are in advance of the federal deadline. so then moving forward to the two elements that work in combination to each other we operate 77 miles the scope of work for this project is the first 51 miles between san francisco and that santa fe. it is the intent to continue now and in the future to provide service to gill roadway we'll be
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using diesel fleet and looking to continue our maximum speed of 79 mile-an-hour. the electrified system and the e m us low deliver to us additional it's important to reiterate in terms of the rolling stock we're retiring roughly 75 percent of our fleet 3 will have reached it's service life around 2015 but to keep it until the electrification. so what the plan is you may ask what's going on with the other 25 percent of the fleet we are going to be operating 6 trains per peak hour using the
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electrified u m us and we'll still be using the push-pull services this is a mixed certify and we anticipate to continue to do that for an intern period of time. the overhead system will be 25 k va c. that project to the polls and wires and the traction power that will deliver electricity to the infrastructure. so you know this provides a top level schedule of where we're at. i think we're at a pretty existing junction in this project. over the course of the last 8 months or so we've gathered
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together we've been out on the street procuring owners and representatives to really with technical expertise we'll have contractors in place for the owner reps starting in march my april of this year and we're also bringing on a project director in april who has experience delivering electrification projects. we're really excited about having this particular position filed and in the hopes of making our 2019 deadline. your board took the action to answer some analysis to take the recommendation of staff to pursue a design including but not limited to build this is the first time caltrain will deliver a project but that's the
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methodology that will gusts the best probability of delivering on the 2019 date. we have a line for environmental clearance to be delivered by the end of february not the clearance but the draft eir. once we've got our owner in place we're looking to embark on a period of industry outreach and issue an r f q if may. just to talk about what's the blended system is. and how we're going to blind that high speed rail pr, you know, we're curling anticipating that high speed rail will be delivered in the 20026 temp and ourro
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