tv [untitled] February 28, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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expanding the code to establish the codes are likely to effect the small businesses. a city defined as a corporation that is ordinary by another corporation. in this example this policy could have effected jack spade when it established a company in the mission. based on the businesses that are located in san francisco it may not have a long term effect. 12 or more corporate family members qualify as formula location because they had the same trade name in the u.s. the final key change to apply
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the deprivation to land uses. the estimated number of establishments that fall into the land use categories that supervisor mar will add. expanding the application of formula retail could effective a more bigger number of applicants. those cover the types of businesses that people think of retail but are not covered by the definition like as long as and gyms and audible u automobile sales and gas stations. an estimated 20 thousand 6 hundred businesses in san francisco most likely fall into one of the land use categories. 4 percent would potentially be called formula retailer.
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changing the definition would be the international chances in the uss unlikely it have a long range effect. on the other hand, expanding the formula retail control to other land use controls could affect more businesses. that concludes our summary and ann marie is going to talk about the next step >> thank you that was a lot of data i intend for your close attention. we'll continue to refine those drafts documents. the next piece of our report will be the neighborhood case studies they'll allow us to dig
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deeper in particular neighborhoods. we'll able to add important equal active data cloo include a number of feedback from the saichgsz data and be able to track formula retail over time and do time series exploration that motive help us to understand the formula controls impact areas over time. so for these case studies we'll be looking at areas where we have the best data like the savings data is better in some areas. we have characters and geographic representation.
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that's a our framework for picking the neighborhoods and we'll look at how to assess the neighborhood factors. again, i wanted to show you the upcoming schedule it, it's a good way to remember the schedule is the last thursday of every month. the last time, we held our stakeholders meeting that was in advance of the committee meeting. this time we'll be having the stakeholder meeting after today. this is to unifies we're earlier in the period for today's work. i want to leave you and the public with resources our website is up and running you can look at san francisco planning department from formula retail and it's a category of
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our work and also a larger resource like the office of the controllers published report on formula control and working with the president and vice president and secretary to bring the controllers before this commission with an update from him. we also have posted the study of the realtors and the older diversity study. so beyond the study there's decision points coming up. it's intended to inform the public and board of supervisors to look at the chances. at the conclusion of the consultants study we're going to make recommendations as early as april 24th and if we can get more time from the board of
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supervisors we'll wait doyle a month and present our policies at the end of may. and that concludes my presentation thank you very much for your attention >> thank you very much i have one speaker card. dee dee workman >> good afternoon, commissioners dee dee from the san francisco chamber of commerce. first of all, i want to thank the department and the department staff for carrying out this study on formula rail we've been working closely with the data that's available now it very interesting and helpful. i think it's the kind of data we've been looking for in terms of setting the foundation upon which the policies will be made. i want to say that in this
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report there's still this kind of approach where commercial mixed use districts that have no control are being compared to districts with formula control so your charring union square and stones town to had a street. i don't think it's that useful frankly. we know that the footprints and the square footage is probably bigger in stores in stone town than the smaller commercial corridors and so on. this next step where the attention is to drill down and look at the neighborhood corridor this is key where the conflicts lib lie and the tensions about how all kinds of retail both formula and non-formula impact our
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corridors. we don't hear people talking about stones denouncing town but not the shopping malls this is about our neighborhoods and, you know, people who live there whether their getting the kinds of goods they need as residents and consumers where their affordable or diversity of goods they can caesar's access within their neighborhoods. so this next step is really important to get to the heart of the matter which is the best use or mix of retail of all kinds large and small in our neighborhood commercial district. we'll be prarpg in those focus groups and thank you very much >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm paul wormer. i want to follow up on the
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previous comments the neighborhoods and formula retailers are important not all formula retail is the same and therefore the impacts are very, very different. this study doesn't quite get to dealing with that that's something to look at. one of the reasons it is important san francisco through it's various agencies and policies is engaged with the bay area plan and concepts of walkable neighborhood so people don't have to get in their cars. how neighborhoods are provided services and what sorts of services are a big deal. it's a big deal because the retailers that provide the lowest cost services tend to use a very large square footage and
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so you're going to be looking at economic comparisons and economic benefits. i'm not how well, those understand the impact of traffic to a fro from the slightly more expensive store on the impact on the quality of life. how much of that is capable of come apprehending the formula retails effect the ability of that neighborhood commercial district to serve the neighborhood residents and achieve stated goals of reducing c m t. the second thing on the definition of formula retail i would urge the expansion sooner rather than later and i'd like to note that something that struck my eye.
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in this issue brief they clearly make the point that a s ap is formula retail and the last weeks report in the upper fillmore a s ap was listed at notice formula retail. there's a quality data issued somewhere and i encourage you to be rigorous about demanding the highest quality data in report if you let it slide people don't pay attention and i get bad data. i want to highlight that because there were the presumption of not having the graduated definition of formula retail it missed the key report -
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>> sir, your time is up. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is a pamela i was here last month and i'm here now. the small stores in the local neighborhoods does not hire they don't offer health care or benefits. macy's to give you a few target and wal-mart they do. thank you >> excuse me for the benefit of the doors opening and closings if we could stay away from the handicap bottom 3 of the past speakers have all been hitting it don't lean up against the
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door. any any public comment on this item? >> hi, i'm tom lee i live in chinatown and my family live in chinatown we don't own a car many folks in chinatown don't own a car. we had to drive her - her friends drive us because they're low volume source of things we can't get in our neighborhood. basically, the choice is the big store you guys have great values to protecting people knowledge in your neighborhood. okay. thank you >> thank you. >> any public comment on this item?. okay public comment is closed commissioner antonini >> thanks a few rejections on the record that was very good. i think at the very gossiping
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while you went into details about having areas that do and don't have controls but it seems like the controls with our highest amount of formula retail and a highest amount of shopping those areas long predate the controls to u dell and in the financial district are loaded with lots of formula retail because they draw from an area far outside of san francisco where people within san francisco so f even if there were no controls we wouldn't have seen the proliferation and the proportions in those areas it's important to note that. and the other thing we noticed what surprisingly but we know that 14 percent of the formula
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retail are headquartered in san francisco and we've been a fertile area for businesses to begin and grow and don't want to discourage them because many small companies today are that he point of having 4 or 5 or 6 outlets and people may not time to open a business in san francisco because they've be restricted. if you went to new york city of the 14 percent you'll see that with the basis firms when you walk around the block you'll see companies that have many stores in san francisco that's a successes story for us. and then i think the barrier - we reported that when he went up to the level of 50 brandishes or more it take into account 75
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percent and even the number of 21 or more it would include i think 80 percent. so i think there's a case to be made for raising the bar 11 is tends to penalize the smaller relative establishment and really the birthing in terms of competition that might be capable will be the larger brandishes because they're the ones that have the bigger footprint. the public prepared this report sub i cannot the fact it formula retailers hire minority and give benefits. so we want to make sure we don't discourage formula retail entirely because a lot of people are independent on them for
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employment. we found the biggest single factor was the popularity of neighborhoods and this make sense because of the economic cycle so that's a big reap why the charges were square feet sociothe are hire like in union square as opposed to a financial district because there's less traffic. and the delineation of neighborhoods i was surprised to see chestnut and a lombard lumped together chestnut is more tentd to union. what happens on lombardy street is different than what happened iowa what happens on union square it might not more
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appropriate for larger retailers like parking than on chestnut. so those are some of >>yes. my observations and having formula retail as an anchor is important because your nardz like geneva avenue we'd love to have formula retails there it might bring people into their neighborhood and they could discover more right of stores per we're motorcycling in the right direction we have to be careful we don't offer regulate whether international or so subsidy subsidy >> i'd like some averages on the wages in san francisco over
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and over on the chart. you have an average for a all workers in san francisco i assume that means all workers including people - all workers means related to retail and restaurants; right? not all in the entire city >> i believe that's for all workers that's an average weekly wage. >> - >> all workers by privately owned places in san francisco. >> in retail and restaurants. >> and finance. >> so we're saying the average is 16, 80 a week. >> yeah. >> it seems outstanding to me that's $42 an hour.
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>> also let me continue electronics and appliance stories like best buy are aging 2141 an hour in a store like that. >> i'm not sure your looking at the slide show. >> right but if you must not 1650 by 62 and by the average that's 41, 25. >> and that's the highest retail that's significantly higher than. >> i'm beau my tv it seems really high and then the average
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of hourly wage jumps from 16755. >> i heard i say it includes more than retail but the specific numbers are the weekly numbers for just the firms he was talking about like electronics and awe appliance stories we have - weekly one for all firms at the 61 hundred and a single firm those tends to have a lower income at the $9,182 weekly you know the annual no objection is 50 thousand. >> it struck me that the weekly salary seems to be hive especially, when you drill down into what that means on a per
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hour basis i'm going to admit it but. >> its higher with the firms with multiple you sites we can dig into the data as firms that have the highest at the $2,200. >> it struck me as a funny finger. the other concern parallel to what mr. wormer and other and workman including union square and the whole retail establishment the whole area in the figures it kind of skews the numbers for the pricing especially, when a lot of the concern about formula retail is really focused on neighborhood lying like fillmore street and as commissioner antonini said
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including lombardy seems funny if you're looking at chestnut or union and because that's where the action is. mayor maybe people wlo who have concerned about the port and gir dell port having retail but those are the areas that allow it and it seems like the focus should now be more on the nc d areas >> i think your point is well-taken for the next round we'll look at how the controls are working but what is the roll the formula retail play in the city they tend to be larger stores therefore maybe ate a more appropriate area to be in union square and other places. but >> prayer by the chaplain. >> the overall picture it's
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well noted. >> i want to share a couple of comments. one i want to remind myself not to jump to conclusions that is a phase one of part 4 series but it's easy to start to jump to conclusions. i will pout if i'm reading this right that 12 percent of all businesses in san francisco are formula retailer whether you think that's you enough i'm not sure that number was available before. picking up on sxhargs point i think it's okay. we have areas that allow for formula rail but you recall we actually this commission in a split vote disapproved of a hardware store
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and they're not looking at fisherman's wharf. we're pushing them to search for parts of san francisco that are applicable but not practical. well fisherman's wharf i think there are 0 folks in the city that maybe use that that's the least the area with the few it bedrooms and garden we're shifting to improper locations. also the larger firms vs. the smaller firms and the smaller firms having the better benefits they both have their merits and again ail this information to me is interesting but not useful without a significant report and
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the departments recommendations >> commissioner hillis. >> would you judge a couple of questions to follow up on the jobs. i mean, i thought that was kind of seemingly the most troubling just the data wasn't that hard in one of the issues i raised same one commissioner sugaya did but if the data is coming if the state unemployment data i don't know if it captures a pro take care if they're reporting it not necessarily as wages that maybe the owner or supervisor that's got a good living wage and that data may not be captured there. if we're not confident in some of the data to not report it it gives information that may not
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be suitable. on this issue of areas that don't have controls. besides kind of downtown and union square and fisherman's wharf what else is out there that doesn't have controls that are commercial retail districts or - >> okay. on the overhead we're showing a map we discuss in more detail last time. if you can see the areas that are pink which is kind of this primary color those are places where retail formal is not
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permitted but month most commercial districts are not permitted and the places in orange are a cu requirement those are the areas with controls. that leaves the blue areas along the waterfront and the spiritual parts of the city in the downtown area and then down in district 10 you've got the largest areas without formula retail controls >> it would be good to know kind of the morality districts that don't have controls like fisherman's wharf and south of market those are the mission street are the big ones. >> their semi industrial areas. >> maybe break them up i think there's places we may want to
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institute control like king street but it's kind of overrun with formula retail like mission street it's a product of retail. downtown we shouldn't think of it as formula retail land we should i'm not advocating for controls downtown but it would be good to encourage 0 more local businesses downtown i don't know how to do that that's where people are coming to visit and they came from houston why are they coming to san francisco. i don't think you should have cus you have formula retail downtown how do you get local
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businesses downtown. we're concentrating open the neighborhood commercial districts i don't know that legislation is going to do much harm or, you know, it's pretty benign with the legislation that's been proposed by you take up commissioner antonini's comments to include subsidy 12 than 11. if you're loonlt the overall policies. then the other issue the timing is takes to get a cu approved by it seems like a long time for a formula retail question to be answered which probably sdournlz formula retail. it would be good
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