tv [untitled] March 1, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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>> good afternoon, everybody let me please call this meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission at the 1:40 p.m. sfgovtv requires you to speak into the microphone otherwise the public can't hear our discussion. call roll >> commissioner president courtney. commissioner moran. commissioner torres. conditioning and commissioner vietor are on their way a you tell me 3 is the approval of the minutes from february 11, 2014.
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commissioners >> move to accept. >> any public comment on the minutes of february 11, 2014, seeing none, public comment is closed. i'll call for a vote all all in favor, say i. opposed? the item is passed >> that concludes my presentation. >> is yolanda lewis here, please. >> good afternoon opportunity i'm yolanda lewis i'm representing the coalition i want to remained the coalition that the bayview area is right lane on you to have the benefit policy resolution that all life that are directly effected receive a benefit we want to make sure that in the infrastructure project that are being taken under account with the water and a sewage we look
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at opportunities to - there have been great things on recommendations but we want to see more of those implement and this includes contractor implementation imposing on about economic sustainability and looking at at the significant impact and the qualities at looking to take care of 80 percent of the sewage so this upgrade project that the community benefit is put at the forefront of the proposals and recommendations that are take into account. and insuring there is a true financial benefit to mitigate some of the innerer qualities through the upgrades >> for those of you who aren't away supervisor avalos was
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joined on the city town hall steps and talking some of the infrastructure some of the things you raised pr i think it's important to watch this go so there the legislative progress they're looking for workers anyone who is looking for a job any classification of any orientation they'll be embraced with open arms working under the master agreement working on the master projects you're talking about and there so much work come up we want to keep reaching out to the community. thank you very much for being here. any other any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam secretary >> item 5 communications. >> commissioners. >> i'll entertain a public
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comment if no observations pblth seeing none, public comment is closed. madam secretary >> item 6 is other commission business. >> commissioners. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. we'll move on to the next item >> item 7 is the report of general manager. >> thank you, mr. president. we have a couple of honorees who are retiring we want to present them to you as a special recognize of their long years of service first one is gail. if you could stand up >> you look two young to retire and don't go (laughter). >> gail is one of our watershed keepers she's one of the first female wolfed people
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(clapping.) but beyond that gail is what we call a legacy she's multiple generational and dedicated her life to the preservation of the waters the environmental values of protecting our water salt lake city sthooe she's gained admiration we called that on her in the rim fire and she did so even though she's getting close to retirement but she did so. she's helped us change the base of our watershed keepers a face that people know and want to associate with. and because i can't get this right your father and great grandfather >> my grandfather and father. >> all worked on our watershed
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when it was the spring valley water company. we want to wish gail a good luck in her retirement i know she'll be around while but thank you on behalf of the city and department her husband is a efforter it's all in the family (clapping) and also their boss john is here to recognize him (clapping) with that gail i have a little plaque for you come to the perfumed >> good afternoon sister. >> hi, and thank you. it's been such an honor and privilege to carry on the legacy. my father loved this land and taught me this watershed is so important so i'm carrying it on and keep insuring i still visit
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congratulations. nice meeting you, sir, >> good luck. >> and while we're you shuffling the chairs anyone who hadn't seen the profile of gail the first paragraph is killer and i commend that to you. so we have an excerpt from the newsletter but it's profile is gail and it's a very nice article telling her whole history of our association with our department. so moving on mr. president, next is missouri shall s missouri
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shall is a chemists chemists and he's been with the city since 1980 and working with the plant he's been a chemists he's a fine individual and a acknowledgingable and working on this project he's a respected and committed employee to our department. he's approached his work in a professional manner i'm sorry to see missouri shall retire and congratulations from all of us missouri shall (clapping) >> good afternoon. >> ma'am, and commission thank you for the principal of service. it was a great honor to serve the city and it was wonderful
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>> thank you, congratulations. >> so next item on my reporter is the water report mr. rich i didn't. >> thank you, steve assistant general manager for water the slides is an update on our water situation looking forward. you know, the total reservoir storage is about a million arc feet but we are dealing with 3
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hundred thousand is directly available for our hetch hetchy reservoir. we're working on another project to make more water available for drink. the precipitation is good 40 in february in terms of the precipitation but still just a drop in the bucket to where we would be at this point. again, i included the table of our assistant storage and the current storm in cherry lake is 2 hundred and accomplice acre and that's a significant amount of water. the two grafts you you've come to see and appreciate is first precipitation again, the red line is above 1976, 77 but been stable in the last few weeks we
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should see on uptick from the stormwater this weekend. similarly the snow pack is way below normal so we have a long ways to go in observer system. some of the management actions flaw just to receive january 3rd amendment we called for a reduction in water citywide. this graft is basically over the last couple of weeks people have responded positively and the numbers are tracking where we need to be at a thirty percent reduction. on the twelfth the mayor hair asked us to reduce so we're recurring water in all
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departments. last friday the general manager declared on emergency for contracting purposes in particular for construction and rehabilitation of the lower cherry aqueduct it can take the water from the cherry to hetch hetchy. it was last used no 1988 some was effected by the rim fire but we're working on a project to use the water in the system we'll have to filter this system but this project will cost if if the range of 10 to $20,000. but at this time of year that's a huge amount of water so this is a huge project for us we've talked about what we need to get back to october 1st level. we're also working in support of
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civic drought in the laegs legislation there's legislation that came out that accelerates the subcontracted water system of the 4 hundred and 72 millions 2 million is for drought relief set aside. so we'll tracking that and as well as the water conservation and looking forward to our schedule this is the contract with our wholesale customers march first, we'll wait to issue an estimate see what the storm wrinkles to us by april 15th we
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issue a fire permit and determine what water is available to our customers we may come to the commission and ask for a formal declaration but that's a step we don't want to propose yet. and that's where we currently are if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> commissioners - mr. vice president. >> how does when the water comes down from cherry and has to be filtered does it come down in a separate way or conditional. >> water goes through cherry tunnel down to the powerhouse we generate with that the lower
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cherry aqueduct moves it down to the river my it is discharged into cherry creek and flows down pedro that feeds on don pedro but the water bank only does us good if we're down country so if we're not getting water down we wouldn't get any water supply benefit. >> i believe part of it is weighed be mixing with our hetch hetchy project so it would have to be treated. >> yes. any of the cherry water has to be frirltd and we're working with hicht the cherry water is very, very good as good as hetch hetchy but it
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doesn't have all the watershed supplies so we may operate it in slope process just the hetch hetchy water and just the cherry water and have disfix in between. either way we'll extend the water so far as possible >> we'll have to filter it if we mix it. >> yeah. right. >> thank you. thank you, mr. ricky >> mr. vice president that concludes my report. >> so i see mr. erick if there's no other any public comment? there are no speaker cards >> a very good afternoon i'm eric i'm representing the local. i'm also one of the members of
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the sierra club bay chapter committee and i want to take you back to our last meeting. and also a or some of you may have seen in the newspapers a report about deacceleration i want to make sure that that report took comments out of the context and made it a lot look we were supportive of deacceleration we don't support of the bay area deacceleration project that's still the case. let me read from the sierra clubs guidelines deacceleration shouldn't be used for water supply needs that can be reached from other water efficient practices. so a project like the bay area
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deacceleration he promise is not necessary. xhifl we over estimate how much water we were going to need decades ago we thought we needed more. and so what that statement from the sierra club and all the groups that contacting you deacceleration should be the absolutely last thing on the list in case of emergency on the water supply speaker san francisco and the san francisco bay area have not scratched the surface even though san francisco is good on skepticism we've not remotely scratched the surface. i'll remind i a couple of years ago tommy your wastewater director put out a great report
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on replacing the toilets in with urban composite toilets we could save lots of water. that strategy alone and then we haven't remotely scratched the surface of permeable pavement and will wetlands restoration. i'm reminded our labor representative on the commission those are local jobs and their ongoing they're not a flash in the pan using a deacceleration plan that only hire people temporarily this will save the plan and not use too much
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emergency so knock them down to the list and don't compare them with the water shortages that's not acceptable >> thank you for being here and thank you for the union. >> mr. president, the sierra club is that about the technology or about water supply that's not based on conservation. >> it's based on the fact that when we are talking about water supply and energy and deacceleration is related to both we need to be using strategies that are working with nature. and not using did 20th century approach manhattan to get an approach >> will that effect us generally. >> extension is a big part ever that currently, the technologies
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use a lot of energy and produce and regardless of the technology used or the type of water are filter you've got to have the water released into nature. the fact you're doing something on a bay it's essentially going to subcontractor. the point is when you have a choice to conserve instead of manipulating nature that's the choice i need to make so the distinction the club is making and all the other organizations is not only extension but we need to approach in the 21st century the different mindset and baker. >> with nature in a cooperative way >> i get the points but there's two points many our comments
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before you develop additional water supply do you want to be looking softer approaches to have a sustainable supply and the second is around deacceleration technology vs. osmosis is the same and if it's unacceptable it's a water supply project is it equal and unacceptable for this. >> the point is use aggressive technologies when their necessary for example, if you have a central valley community that you have automatically practices that's messed up the supply then, of course, we need to use something aggressive to reclean and restore the water to its former pristine state but
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this is really a different situation and sierra club as support and will support a deacceleration project when it's an emergency situation. what we've got is clearly not an emergency we can clearly save 7, 8, 9 million gasoline's a day if we much more aggressively produce watersheds restoration and come posting toilets. you know, we haven't begun to do those things and for us to assume the big problem is not that we're loort deacceleration but that's not on equal but we need to look at this as a last
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resort >> the question is using the technology as opposed to to the technicalities. i don't think that this commission as considered deacceleration from other water supply. i think that's part of the triple bottom line my consideration you fly away those considerations >> if i can - can i respond for a second. i would tend to agree with the commission but often they do and commissioner torres a couple of years ago or about a year and a half ago asked to have a really robust process around the deacceleration issue and today we've had only one presentation in san francisco and one in the east bay and not had a good strong process or communication
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with staff to see if the deacceleration make sense and we need more information >> thanks. >> is there any other any public comment on this item as i understand madam secretary and a item 8 is the update. >> good afternoon, commissioners. thank you for having me here. can we put on the overhead projector please. technology is avoiding me
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