tv [untitled] March 3, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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we will transform the space and there's rock and hip hop dances this is san francisco official block pirate you, you know, that's going to be great for more information visit us an san francisco >> call the meeting to order. can we please rise for the fledge. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president mazzucco i'd like to take roll >> please do. >> president hwang. commissioner turman is sized.
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commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route and supervisor tang is in route and commissioner loftus is accused. thank you very much spectator we have a educate situation we don't have a quorum present yet this is a good ole fashioned town hall meeting we have several commissioners out of town in order to do official business we have to have four we have one action o action item about accepting a grant. so this is the first time wife you done this we didn't think so many folks would show up. we are going to start this would your district captain and the chief and the members of the staff. the first thing we have the
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commissioners talk about themselves where we're start with doctor marshall and as other commissioners come in as we get to four we'll make it official >> dr. joe marshall i run the meg gay boy's club been on the commission forever. we've been here several times and i live in the hate >> i'm tom commissioner hurtado you've been here 6 or seven years i'm a native san franciscan and we've rated our kids in the city and i was appoint by newsom and reappoint by mayor ed lee. i used to do those community meetings now i'm an attorney at the law enforcement but i was a district attorney and being a
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united states district attorney we like to come to the community and meet every wednesday and hear if the same folk at city hall every wednesday night. we don't get a prospective in the community. i see different faces and hear from the captain and everybody that's involved at park station. it's great to be here. i know the last time, we met in parks station i remember there were voices here and thanks to the chief bring forward our worries and opinion. we'll go into the chiefs report
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>> i'm with the chief and this is the chiefs report. >> good evening, commissioners. public i'm greg suhr the chief of police this is my third year as chief. i actually worked for your companion forever when i first came here but prior to that, i was the grocery deliver guy for the cal and when all those people are asking for congratulating on street since i lugged groceries up and down the stairs i love any time at cal i a bit what the boss and it was cool. so, anyway i love being back here. 0 so far we're doing great with with crime it's down in violent
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and property crime and a homicides we've suffered two homicides one homicide is too many but two is a low to the that we've posted at the end end of the february. on the flip sighed we've lost 5 people to pedestrian collisions and our campaign has been education awareness and unfortunately enforcement with sized being up 50 percent across the city. we need everybody to slow down. i'm going into comments we're active with the community and children implicit san francisco are a big proprietor. at the end of did he december we became the first police department where every officers
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is equipped with a smart phone and google transmission services and criminal justice information compliments from our district attorney. we're pushing forward to give our kids a positive path i knows that's dr. joe's life we employ kids got about 3 hundred jobs for youth last year we're committed to the kids. that's a big strong suit to our campaign i'll defer the rest of my time to. we have a director's report and now we have there's some music commissioner caan >> yes. and the commissioner is in route so we'll have quorum. good evening. i'm angela caan
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i've been on the police commission for 3 and a half years and i live in the inner sunset. happy to be here. my day job i'm an attorney with the asian law caucus for immigrants. i work on immigrant rights issues and care about the police commission it's important to have a partnership with the l.b. c and also the chief of police which is why we're here tonight >> occ director's report director hicks good evening. >> again good evening president mazzucco. commissioners caan and marshall
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chief surand captain corrales relays and members of the police districts i'm joyce the director of the office of sense clients we have senior director waergd mcmahon it's important to be here tonight. we're known as the occ. it's the third largest last night agency in the united states only surpassed by new york cc rb and the chicago oversight agency. it was created by a board of supervisors initiated chart amendment in 1982 that was adapted by voters in 1982 but
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operationalal in 1983 and 31 years old. we're originally an officer of the san francisco police department but we were later placed under the jurisdiction of the police commission as an density agency the police commission is a siphon body as the office of sense complainant our function is to assist the police department in being a bridge with the public and police in matters of the misconduct and police policies. your mission is to insure police accountabilities by having unbias is and timely investigations by making recommendations on policy policies and also by conducting mediation. we investigate siphon complaints
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against san francisco police officers and make recommendation on police department policies. in cal law enforcement agencies must have a mechanism to receive and investigate sense misconduct and in the office of sense complaint serves that. we're staffed by a difference group of civilians who have never served as police officers. the majority of our staff is divorce and the balance is attorneys and other support staff. we misconduct investigations to find out what happened. we follow the evidence by the interviewing the person who brought the complaint the complainant and interview the police officers and witnesses. we have subpoena appear e power
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to compel testimonies and obtain evidence we get additional evidence from the police department from their reports and other documentation. we also visit the site of the alleged occurrence and a while we're conducting site visits we obtain videos. we aim to complete our investigations within 9 months and we must complete them within one year were when we pretty an investigation and make a finding of whether or not the findings of the police was in and out of policy and whether the police officer violated the rules or storl laws. the standard of proof it the preponderance of evidence.
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its means that accident probability ever that conduct outdoor is in terms of the probability is greater than 50 percent. if after we conclude our investigation we find that an officer has violate a rule we'll forward that finding to chief surfor further action he can impose up to 10 days suspension and a more serious violation the police hearing has the jurisdiction and they will make a determination on that type of case. but in addition to having the power to recommend discipline to the chief or the commission the agency provides a nondisciplinary with or without route and that's mediation.
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we had 59 meditations this represents most of the asia cases our mediation program allows complainants to resolve is cases in a deposition form it is to bring parties together in an effort to achieve mature understanding we have a pardoning partnership with the bar association that provides us with neutral mediators in addition we conduct those mediation in english and other languages what the assistance of open treerlt. the mediation program is volunteer that means both the officer and complainant must agree in order for the mediation to go forward. in 2013 eligible officer
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participation was 87 percent our mediation program is known nationwide and last year our mediation don sal search-and-seizure sar with the receipt of the dispute revolution of california. now, some statistics about the complaint we received in 2013. we received said hundred and 27 complaints and this represents a 2 percent reduction in complaints over 2012 with 4 hundred plus complaint. last year, we sustained allegations in 6 percent we found misconduct in 6 percent of the cases we closed. we found proper suck in 25 percent of the allegations and we found that 2 percent of the
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allegations were unfounded. the largest percentage of allegations were from misconduct vs. miss misconduct and unnecessary force was part of the angeles we sustained 5 allegations of unnecessary force in 3 cases one of the cases involved 3 officers whom we sustained on unnecessary force finding. moving to the demographics of our complainant in 23 complainants were african-american and caucuses were 37 percent and another 19 percent declined to state their race. african-american were 6 messenger and latin-american were 6 percentage and 2 percentage my understanding.
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they speak canning necessary and mandrin and spanish. two of the investigators of the office of sense complaint were spanish. this is important to the occ because the largest number of non-english interviews we conduct are in spanish. for languages other than the ones mentioned we obtain translation services we had 289 intakes in superbly 3 in canning necessary two in mandrin and one of the ethel united states post office languages pea one in korean and one in russian we're located on the 25 van ness near the cornea of market we're on
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the 7th floor. during monday through friday we receive walk in complainants between the hours of 8 and 5. we also receive complaint by 12 and e-mail and affection. we're working on an online filing complaint system we've hopeful that will be up and running. for after hours we have an answering service and a our divorce have been known it on the weekend to make a complaint for very serious complaints an individual can file a complaint at the desecrated police station and those complaints are forwarded to us as well at the hall of justice their forwarded to us.
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if you would like any additional information about the office of citizen complaints we have officer mcmann available and he can answer question >> we now have our quorum so we're still a toll meeting and commissioner dejesus. i believe the police shut down down bart i'm sorry i'm late. anyway, i'm from san francisco i've been on the police commission for 6 years i think. i'm appointed by board of supervisors and also grateful to a come to the community to see what issues we have. i know we meet once a year but
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we come once every 12 months i'm glad to be here and i i'll for being late >> thank you commissioner dejesus there are there any announcements we need to make. >> our next schedule meeting is on march 5. >> now that we have a quorum the adaptation of the minutes for the meeting march and are there any delegations or corrections hearing none all in favor, say i. >> into line item 3 ladies and gentlemen, a lot of times the police department gets grants florida state agencies so the commission has to approve the accepts of the grant.
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>> the board of supervisors recommending to accept and expend the grant in the amount of $71,060 from the governor's of services so far the anti human trafficking task force. >> thank you and you have a memoranda regarding this grant this is one of the grants from the governors office regarding human travkz the police department is working with the city attorney's office and the attorney general offenders office it's a huge concern and this money is used used for the investigation any questions. any any public comment on this item? we save public comment any public comment seeing none,
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public comment is closed. do i have a motion >> second. >> all in favor, say i. great. now call item 4 >> champion gregory to address the commission on police activities in the far district discussion. >> i'd like to say a few more things about captain morales you're very fortunate you have the most senior champion of the san francisco police department he's served in any capacities and is an experienced captain from the united states arm core and we're very, very fingerprint to have him as a member. i don't ordinary do this but we have this captain
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>> thank you very much commissioners. >> what are you going to do. >> you want us to move. >> if you'd like to go ahead. i'll start off with welcoming the commission, commission staff chief surand deputy chief and the director hicks to the parks police district and thank all the members of the public who braved this weather to come to the meeting. i want to amplify on chief surs comment i was his boss once when we served at central station and
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i was his boss when we served at narcotics. my only regret about those two periods that i wasn't nicer to him (laughter) all right. on the slide you'll see the sf pd mission statements we've posted conspicuously in the station as a constant reminder as our commitment to the difference of san francisco and our commitment to provide service with compassion and integrity and my personal
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commitment my personal assessment is my commitment to make every neighborhood in the district saver and to enhance the quality of life with the resources i have. you'll which ever hear me say we can't do it, it's motive responsibility to do it with every resource available so that's my commitment to the public. the park district is sunday night by 5 other police districts as you see richmond, carville, mission, northern and eric garcetti site and it's called the park district but you'd think it would be central wouldn't you its centerlinely
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located but that route you have to change the northern and changes the name of concern so through the good if he out and go with tradition it's the park district center of the city. now we have portions 5 supervisorial districts in the park district. as you can see some of them are real small areas primarily we work a lot with supervisor wiener and supervisor breed with whom we work well with they're supportive of our endeavors and their quick to forward concerns they get from higher constituents regarding police
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manner their quick to forward an e-mail and expect me to take prompt action it's a healthy i didn't relationship we have. the district is divided into 4 geographical sectors and the folks are assigned sectors. i'll get into more detail a little bit later but as you can see the one park jefferson speaking it the twin peaks and the 3 car is hate street and the fourth is embarcadero area in the eastern part of the district.
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now a critical component of our success is community engagement. we accomplish this in a number of ways we have a monthly community meeting we host at the station the second tuesday of every month i refer to it as a community meeting slash gala we try to have fun and to encourage attendance we have guest speakers i give a report in the district and open the floor to the public to let me know their concerns and then iowa what everybody is waiting for it is relaying raffle we raffle off door prize which i spare no expense. two of the most were dvdss and one ways entitled moran's from
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outer spaces and by these we provide refreshments that are mouth warranted delights that help the taste buds of the awe tends if you haven't come the second tuesday of every month 2:00 p.m. in the park station community room. another way we reach out to the community is my much discussed newsletter mailed to 1 thousand suburbs the arrests made the crimes that have occurred in the district and a lot of public notices we put in it.
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and it's very informative newsletter if you would lib to like to submit let's know we need our e-mail address we'll add you. the park station website wwwdot park station does we're proud of our website it's a great website. we provide a variety of information nonprofit resources, safety announcements and information of what's going in the district and important forms you might need a link to the newsletter you can go to the website and hit the link and get the newsletter. the website is updated every week so we deal with current events like street closer and a
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muni reroutes. hundreds of people visit the website every month it's a professional website and i might mention that officer freud man who is operating our equipment is my webmaster at the parks station does a great job. also and this is i'm real sthuftd about this we have a bike theft batterer feed we're the only station with a twitter feed you can go to twitter at the sfd bike theft. we commute with the folks and show pictures of recovered bicycles so you can look at the various bicycles
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