tv [untitled] March 3, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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the day and afternoon and midnight watch. after i read the reports make two more copies then the 3 sergeants in each of the sectors get a stack of the police reports so they're having a bunch of auto blue jeans time after time it's their responsibility for the mission of the day we have a mission of the day the mission of the day they will give their car is to spend 60 percent of their time in this specific area dealing with auto break-ins we have the mission of the day dedicated by
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what was happening a lot of stolen cars maybe the mission will be using the license reader card. there are a myriad of admissions of the day that is dedicated by the crime so instead of randomly driving around the areas then we have beside getting the reports they can use the crime data warehouses which gives up to the minute results in what's happening in the district. so we are policeing a lot smarter than in the past. then last but not least is partnership with the community. fortunately the sfd pd is a
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young police department so that's all the officers know pro-active communication with the partnerships and with the community is virtually in improving the quality of life so the media is a key component to the outreach of the community. time after time when i come in the dbis at night have made a graffiti area or burglar arrest time after time people call in because a they've seen suspicious activity so we get the input from the community we can't get the job done without partnerships with the community. of course, we have our community
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please advisors board. i would be amiss not speaking about this. every district has a police community advisory board and they select a project to work on. a challenge i had for a while was coming up with a project that implicated every constituency in the district. we quickly decided that bicycle theft was a huge problem in the park district as throughout the city. this was going to be our project doing something about biweekly theft. we were aware of the warehouse
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with hundreds of unclaimed bicycles because nobody knew their serial number so thousands of bicycles. so to make a long story short with collaboration from save our project received funding from the board of supervisors 75 thousands of funding and as of february 18th san francisco now a has a free citywide bicycle registry program called safe bikes. we'll hold an anti workshop on marches 18 to learn a recommended way to lock our bicycles and 5 hundred bicycles have already been registered so
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that's a really fruitful project that is resulted in a great service for the city and if i may i'd like to ask any members of parks community please advisory board to please stand up (clapping) and those are most the neighborhood associations and merchant associations almost all of which are represented by members of the community police advisory board and with that -wh
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that - (clapping) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you're going to san francisco (laughter) be sure to wear >> i want to thank you very much champion carr relays it's thorough and there's a lot of insight into this. one other thing i want to do before public comment and questions we start with this meeting patrol special officers their assigned throughout the district there's one officer fittings singer who is new i want to introduce him to the
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community officer fittings singer and with another officer takes care of the patrol officers so they're here tonight (clapping.) now, it's time for public comment regarding issues so, please line up and a call public comment >> item 5 public comment members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole. on the police commission of order nor commissions or anyone are regard to respond to the public. individual commissioners and the occ personnel are to refrain if
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entering into comments with the public >> good evening and welcome. >> i'm isabel wade i'm a 57 resident on buena vista park i want to thank you all for being here. i wanted to bring to your attention if you weren't aware about the serious camping situation mentioned by the captain. it's roll out of hand. in the last year frankly it's been really unacceptable and it's still unacceptable. i wanted you to know there's a petition with over 5 hundred and 40 names that's the electronic part and hover seven hundred names of resident around buena vista park who don't feel the conditions in our park are adequate and save we need our
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help. some of the activities that are good morning we appreciate from the captain and the station but their clearly not enough. maybe we need more swap teams. certainly we'd love to have two permanent officers. we'd especially love for them to be there in april when people are sleeping in the park. it is just unacceptable and against the law to have camping in our parks we would like this addressed in as many was as we can. we want your help is of right now you need 25 tickets for the person ticketed to move on to the next level where they motive get some serious enforcement
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most of the tickets are throne away under the park it's important to give the ticketed we have to give some message. but if the number of tickets before the next level of embodiments could be reduced to 10 maybe we could have more serious enforcement that's half of year before their slapped on the wrist that's notes adequate. if you could write the commission to the district attorney i understand it's in his district and recommend he lower the rate from 25 to 10 maybe that will help our parks and the other parks where there's serious problems. the second thing i wanted to give another possibly teepee think technology is moving in the right direction but would we
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approve. we don't get statistics i've been looking for buena vista for example, my block had one hundred 50 calls would he do like to get even though statistics we could get for at budget time for officers. i have a report from the central market benefit district that's how they report and it's an excellent model i'm glad the chief is here i'd like to give it to you and you'll perhaps pass it onto the commission >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hello, i'm kenneth emancipation proclamation at the scene. i attempted the last meeting the big movie of the coming by the. thank you for attend those meetings we've seen an
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improvement in the panhandle and that parole officer there at the albert lake is a temporary fix. so i'm here to the commission to talk about the resources that the park station has. this is a sorrow problem that's escalated in the last year and we are as the commission look at the resources and the chief look at the resources there's clearly a need in this district to change the model so we can have leasing sxhanl throughout the year we want the resources in place to continue that year-round >> thank you very much. >> basically, i live in the on handle the block and a half from
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buena vista and panhandle most of the time, i can't visit that because people are shooting up theirs pounds and pounds of dirt and the poor park workers they say please appeal on our behave and thanks sir, we haven't seen an impact but as the tenants said it's temporary. the resources that this predict has compared to other cities that have parks of a similar size it's quite small and one hundred and 50 officers are assigned to that park our park is twice the size. on the other hand, we need more officers and people there on the other hand as the community we need to address the homeless
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issue. that's really the way we're approaching this by default we end up with encampments and not putting in the resources so i want to say there's a greater issue i'm a clinical skwik and i work with the homeless the point is i see people who are really kind of off their meds who are a danger to themselves and others. you have people patrolling at 4 o'clock in the morning there's no outreach and we as citizens are allowing this to happen. people need resources and help we we need safe parked my neck
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door neighbor won't allow his little girl there because people are shooting up. we can't allow those things to go on we have to create a strategy important handing the lewd folks >> thank you very much. >> up for you down for me. commissioners i'm richard the chair of the korea committee of the buena vista committee. we serve about 45 hundred households on all sides of buena vista park. i'm honored to be a member of the district parks police community board and a couple of my colleagues represent
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districts i see the chief on a monthly basis. we certainly acknowledge the decades old issues in buena vista park rewarding the camping and other related problems i don't want to lose site of the rec and park department gardener see and the rec and park department proposal with very limited resources. there's more work to be done and we'll continue to support that and hope you'll support it with the budget from the mayor's office. we don't want to lose site of the fact that the captain and all officers and team at the pack station do a tremendous job to keep our parks and neighborhoods safe.
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i want to say kudos to officer friedman in setting up the bikes program that the captain talked about. they took this is this the idea things thanks to the captain we flushed it out and find out that officer freedom is an expert and he got us to understand the link between reggie serial numbers and the departments ability to get a stolen bike back to its owner. he can't be thanked enough for what he did in the leadership of that program together with morgan the stave person from the nonprofit partner in the community. morgan put this together and got the funding and helping to set
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up the data they both deserve a citywide thanks. that's monthly it. we ask you it's everybody would works in city hall and city government understands its budget and resources we're getting into budget time and everything is working on it and the mayor will be prenlt his budget to the board of supervisors. we ask you to please give as much support for increased resources foyer the department and for rec and park department in their efforts to continue to a address the illegal camping. i work with the castro merchants association and wanted to echo the comments of support for the
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special patrol police and especially officer fittings who became the leader their beloved and valued by symptom people especially the late night community when there's issues of safety and so forth. i hope you'll continue to recognize that in your relationships with them. we've been sending you a letter and i appreciate the opportunity to mention the topic tonight. there's some conversation about marketplace in the police department the board of supervisors and the mayor's office has given us an unprecedented amount of officers with over one hundred officers at the academy i think we're slated to have 3 classes a year of new officers and the
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possibility of largely officers from accountability departments we're hiring officers and their hiring and testing and we're training. the good news is we're hiring and the bad news it take a long time for the officers become the captain morales it takes them two to three years before they work by themselves but it's all good news >> hi, i'm sharon i want to speak briefly about the buena verify and the ticketing the homeless. i think further cripple listing with making the penalty of getting under 25 camping tickets
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the cut off point before a misdemeanor it's cripple listing the homeless situation it is only losing resources there's 6 thousand homeless people so moving from the parks to doorsteps and back to the doorsteps to the parks isn't working and further penalizing it isn't working. i think it's not the way to go about it that are we need more resources in the community and more resources and have services there like where the homeless youth alliance we lost our space where people could come and use the restroom and get in touch with family members without that without the resources or a place
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in the hate or some kind of services the problem is going to keep on growing and growing and the more tickets people are moving from point a to about disabled people lgbt youth youth that have absolutely no place to go those are veterans and i think we should take into account before we do more of the same >> next speaker. i'm sure we have so someone hearing no one public comment is closed. the commissioners will have a couple of questions but i'll state it's kind of nice it's been a while before we have been in the community but it's great to hear the grassroots and hear
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about buena vista park and you see there's quoting concerns about the homeless in the park that's what makes san francisco great but we have to do some balancing. i know it's a tough decision but we have to do what we can to keep the park klein. i'll contact the park folks about some of the issues and i have a couple of questions and thank you, captain for preparing the detailed are presentation. i appreciate the community turnout maybe you're here just to be here but so i wanted to ask you captain we've talked about the homelessness and things that's been our focus i
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came this morning from the crisis intervention that occurred in golden gate park it's a 40 hour training for officers to become part of the a elite team they very specific skills how to deescalate situations and also to the second part is to refer the person's is to the rec services so learn about the best ways to hand off the person in need. i'm curious captain how many c it officers do you have how frequently do you use them. you're one of the first captains i met with a couple of years ago >> yes. commissioner. we had it on the slide i neglect to pout that on the midnight
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watch we had 3 crisis intreengs officers on the swing we have 4 and on the day watch 11. we are also looking to fill our quote when the training comes up because we are enthusiastic about the training and anxious for everyone to get the training. i can't tell you of any stance when a call for 0 trained office was made unless i happen to hear it on the radio that's not something i would be informed of but i suspect they are being utilized a little bit >> i think we're at the beginning step where the crisis
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intervention it's happening and thirty officers are being trained we need to work citywide to make sure that the officers are dispatched in some of the park situations so for that officer it have spelled out knowledge. >> we're 25 percent staffed at the park as - >> we have the staffing and now it's a matter of making sure that skill is used not only her but at the station. and which we had a good feedback and we all agree there's this problem and there's a good discussion about what is a longer discussion what's a longer idea and you have any idea of long term strategies its
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fourth district at large to have to move the enar came a time >> what i would say about it is obviously homelessness is people have been grappling with that in the city for decades. and it's a good question. there are people that knows we get complaints about people living in their vehicles so we have some enforcement there but there is the theory is it better to sleep in a vehicle or in a doorway that we enforce in the park and are we enforcing people in the downward. it's a great philosophize
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question but i have to repeat what i said earlier we have it do the citations and send a message this is not acceptable we're not criminal listing homelessness but sleeping in the park and camping in the park and open container in the park and unlicensed dogs and smoking in the parks. we have to enforce those infractions this is not acceptable. i think back to when i was in charge of institutional 0 police and san francisco hospital. i would say once a week we got called from the psychiatrist services they would say send
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everyone you have on duty. the mental health people threw up their hands couldn't talk them into it the choice of last result the cops had to come and overwhelm them with the sheer numbers to restrain the person. the particularly i'm making it homelessness is for social scientists to deal with someone other than the police. we're the last end of it the professionals don't find is a situation to the issue then i send my guys into the park at the 4:00 a.m. to wake up people
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and cite them >> i think part of the communication team with the department so there's a unified idea so we can say why don't you keep cutting funding for for local crisis when we know there's a need and two more quick questions a language capacity do you know first-hand what the language is. >> it was on there. >> i can answer that on the day watch we have 3 certified spanish spectators and one certified sign language and one certified arabic speaker and one certified goggling lick speaker our
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