tv [untitled] March 4, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PST
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theatre. thank you. >> good evening, my name is clarence isaac. i have lived in san francisco for 30 years now. i have attended the marsh since it's been in san francisco. to me it's an extraordinarily great place. to me it was astonishing and belittle i -- brilliant on your part to come up with what is best for the community. the developer i'm sure has a lot of money in this and he has a vested interest. at the same tone he needs to understand the environment he's moving into and the neighborhood
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he's moving into and needs to accept the decision you made that is you must be a good neighbor and treat your neighbors in a way that is not going to perhaps affect their ability to survive. that's what this is all at stake. for that i thank you for taking efforts to make sure the marsh doesn't thrive and survive. i think we can coexist. thank you for allowing that. good evening, my name is joy and i'm speaking on behalf of the housing association. i'm asking you to comply with the last hearing. the last california code 56689.5 is
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inapplicable. i read the law. it's unapplicable on numerous ground because of the process not having been completed. the board of appeals has made it's findings base on substantial evidence and there is well grounded on the planning of the city and the mixed use for special stores. it's a restaurant and i would tad developer really has though challenge. i support a building with four floors and maybe 10 units and i also support affordable housing. real housing for middle income residents, not below market rentals that are still out of reach for low income renters. as a city we need to respect the land. high priced modern buildings with out landish
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i'm here for the marsh, for the community, for san francisco. i'm here to reiterate that the findings and conditions that you set out in desert ones that we are asking you to continue to find valid because they are. other people have been more effective in their speaking than before and i just want to say that i hope you continue to hear the depth of concern of the neighbors and the citizens that live in this area that we don't just start being blah blah blah. the message that has never changed and that's what we want you to remember as you uphold your fine decision that you made
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in december. >> my name is isabelle barz a. i have lived for 16 years 1 block away from the marsh theatre. i'm a resident for 16 years. my son works with a problem with the marsh especially myself. i have been a state employee for 29 years. i thought i was middle class but now it turns out i cannot afford the below market rates talked about now. the hoa fees. it's all a sham. i hope that the board that this appeals committee really makes a stand for diversity in this community, not just the residents, but of small
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businesses. i have lived there long enough to see the place where i can take my vacuum cleaner to be fixed gone, the place where i can get small items for communion, baptism, all of those things that involve family life, they are all priced out. i can see we don't need another restaurant. we need small businesses, things that support the working class and those that would imagine holding onto the middle class. the mark -- marsh is a great institution in san francisco as a whole. i would hope this appeals group supports it's decision of december and please support real affordable housing, not a
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couple of buildings and the rest for the wealthy. >> good evening commissioners. my name is ross eld manet former board of appeals and moved a block away from valencia street. i want to thank you for your decision in december. the board of appeals around the process had really failed. there are potentially significant impacts on this process on the precious institution next door and although lip service had been paid for those concerns and no one came to the address of this body and you did. i think you did the right thing. you stuck to your guns and i would like you to continue to do that.
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>> good evening. my name is john levine. you can see the buildings that are cutoff. mine is 1823 landmark victoria. ian -- i am one of the most impacted by the 5th floor and the building blocking my views. i think i want to speak more to the question of preserving a neighborhood, a neighborhood which sort of defines what san francisco is and a cultural institution which does likewise. i think that this has to be a consideration taken into account when you look at decisions made as to
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why this building conforms to the marsh and fits in with historic district and to be a good neighbor and not a thumb in the eye of the community. >> good evening. my name is gabriel medina for economic housing community for low income family districts. we expressed concern about this project earlier. i want to express the need for affordable housing. we are very much interested in having below market unit on-site at this project. any consideration you would make having to first consider that and we did advocate for community institution, the
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marsh. they do serve low income families of many different races and we are very happy to sustain them in the community. third, we would like to make sure that any new development that happens would include a community serving business. there is a lot of pressure for the commercial rents for local community services and we want to make sure that any consideration this developer, this project does include some consideration for the consumer businesses so families and parents and children have a place to buy goods and services. saying that, we hope this commission will take into consideration to preserve opportunities for sites because they offer opportunities for our residents. that i would support supervisor campos letter as his support ours as
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well.a good evening. my name is sherrie steiner. i live a block away from the proposed development. i'm here to urge the appeals people to uphold the appeal that has already been decided by yourself and to reiterate the many voiced support for the smaller building with the same amount of units. i don't understand why the developer is saying, well, if we have one less floor it's going to be more expensive. why is it going to be more expensive for him to build four floors instead of 5? it doesn't make any sense and the concept of well, we're losing affordability units
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doesn't make sense. i do believe you made affordable housing in the city and i wish you would uphold it. thank you. >> my name is alice mallorca. i have seen lots of changes. i want to say that i'm very open to change and i encourage change and i'm happy to see valencia going through these changes. i want to show you going first here is the original building with the five floors. this is the marsh. here is the new building with one floor down.
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when i was here in december, what i showed you is what we were hoping that we were recommending what would happen. yes we have a large building on valencia but it's steps down. it fits into street. as you see along valencia between 20th-22nd street it's victorian. it all fits within the historic neighborhood. personally i was static when you made the decision. that it was well thought out that it was too massive of a building. it was where kentucky fried chicken was. the building was massivement i'm willing to compromise and take the 4 story building. just stay with what you have. don't make it bigger. thank you.
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>> good evening. my name is ron jones born and raised here in san francisco. i would like to speak to the quality of life i think the marsh offers. for 4 years i worked at the recreation and the zoo. the marsh would allow the one place to go. i honor your previous decision. it's a quality of life for those that can't be standing here in front of you. i hope you stay with that decision. >> good evening. my name is lisa valenzuela president of the neighborhood association. i'm here to reiterate again
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and again as others have done before me that you uphold your findings of the hearing of december 11th. it seemed to be fair, seemed to be the right thing to do. what i would like to speak to is the fact that a building like this actually is out of character for the neighborhood if you look at the buildings that are there on valencia street. it doesn't have a single detail outside of the building which kind of contrast with a lot of victorians. but one of my main concerns is that a building like this really begins to erode the community that we have in the diversity of the neighborhood. i live on a little street close by that was actually built. the houses there were built the same
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year that the seventh cavalry lost battle at the big horn. these have always been houses for working class people. there are other houses that supported others but again if you build a building with a lot of units in which the same people in the same economic class are the only ones able to afford them, you really erode the diversity and community. so please uphold your findings that were made at the december 11th hearing. thank you. >> hello. my name is sue le back and a resident of san francisco and am the secretary of the liberty neighborhood
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association. i'm here like my neighbors immediately before me to ask you to thank you for your december 11th decision and to ask you to please uphold and confirm that decision. the fundamental message i heard that day was that this building is inappropriate to its specific spot. that is the message that we've been giving since the very beginning way before this issue ever came into these rooms but were happening in our own neighborhood meeting where we hosted the developer and made that very clear. it was so satisfying in december 11th, to hear the decision specifically what happened is we keep asserting appropriateness which is part of what the planning code
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requires. we kept trying to assert inappropriateness as the other side asserted appropriateness and the evidence that those before us ever had was pictures that we would bring and try to show our case. what happened on december 11th, is that two members of your board who know this spot had firsthand understanding of this space and not relying on the pictures and indicated very clearly that it was inappropriate. and so, thank you for that and please continue to uphold that. i may run out of time but i do want to say on the issue of affordable housing, i can't say. okay.
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>> thank you. my name is elizabeth zit erin. i'm a lawyer and lived on mission street for longer than ha architecture -- has been live. i have been in that area for 34 years. mr. fung you asked a question about the requested step down and mediation to hill street, nothing was done on that score. there was no step down, no mediation, none discussed none proposed from this developer. i never practice law in this area but a few things about this process is clear to me. you made a decision in december. the next hearing was for the purpose of determining if their written findings come portd with the decision you made in december. you did nothing to say they didn't
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and they seem to have come portd as everything seems to think they did and you have a briefing on this one issue and that is all that is here today. the people in the neighborhood are distressingly used to feeling abandoned or betrayed by too many people that are supposed to be representing us. i just want you to know that a lot of people thank and applaud you for having the courage of your convictions and want to encourage you to continue to have the courage to stand up to bullying and pressure that has crossed the line of appropriateness in some cases. finally i would like to ask the developer and architect for the zero parking transit friendly building which transit lines they erode here this evening are whether in fact as when they come to our
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neighborhood they drove in their private vehicles. thank you very much.ported >> hello. i think those issues regarding transparent about people who move in knowing would be really important. i'm not employed by the marsh, but i assist and teach classes there for adults who want to create word. it's silent. there is a lot of come -- comedy. there is people that dig deep to tell us stories and they are going to be
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vulnerable and we try to create a sacred space for them to come and trust us and put their stuff out there and we work with them to develop it through the community in a whole way. i think we are talking about in terms of the marsh, we are just asking to protect the sound with the marsh. we are not asking inform are any changes to the building regarding floors. we are trying to protect the art and artist and children and adults there. also i work in it and i need to hire a lot of techs and they can't afford to live here. the reason i'm saying this since it's all our problems, i witch the developers would see that since they are moving in we are going to be neighbors, the marsh can draw people to eat
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in their restaurant and hang out before a show and we need them to work with us. i hope you will support that. >> good evening. i'm john barbie resident in the adjacent neighborhood for 35 years. i would want to commend your earlier decision unanimous which i thought was very brave and correct. we think that from what we are able to determine at liberty hill neighborhood association. the units proposed are already small and overpriced and not very livable. it's a very strange way to address the housing probable for san francisco. the affordable units is one or two at the most. that's pretty
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negligible. we had someone with his own resident dense -- residence across the street. that is historical resource. what they are not compliant with residential guidelines and we think it's correct and brave of you to finally give us someone better than lip service. it was really wonderful to hear that and to finally hear our code pretty much upheld as it hadn't been before. and we would like to have something that is more compatible with the build scape. thank you very much. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. my name is barbara
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russel. i own property on hill street. i bought it 52 years ago. i think i'm one of the older residents. i own property on guerrero and an 8-unit building on liberty. i'm here to protest even the way this building is. it is ugly. i have seen other buildings on valencia that are nice that are built 5 stories. this makes every effort to cover every space. it's not a good building. it doesn't fit anything in the area. the structures on the street are 2-unit buildings maybe 3-unit here and there. i'm speaking from the knowledge that i own property on twin peaks. a 16-unit building on twin peaks. i was reading last
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night about our supervisor wiener saying one bedroom apartment renting for $3,000. i just have four vacancies. i had a two bedroom that i rented for less than $3,000. this is not very realistic. if they are giving the low price, the woman delores and market, the two bedroom is 5,000 and 3 bedroom is $8,000. even if they cut down in half and made it low income, that's not low income. it's half of that. this is not figuring out the way people are saying that it's figuring out. i have been representing apartments for 52 years. so i think i'm pretty much an expert on it. i am still there. i still take care of my tennants. thank you for
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your time. >> my name is elisa. i live on hill street across from 1050 valencia. our single most important goal over the past 5 years is to get this development to respect the community. this very small project situated primarily on hill street has attracted a great deal of attention quite out of proportion to its size. there have been many voices to added opinions and applied pressure to this board. both the historic preservation commission and planning commission voiced the need to scale down this building. the coalition of san francisco neighborhoods, a citywide eight neighborhood organizations joins us tonight to urge the commissioners to
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keep this building at four floors. this historic part of the mission is special and we want to preserve it. this building diminishes neighborhood character. it is incompatible with the historic architecture and now will add more unaffordable condos to a community that is already reeling from this type of development. over 800 condos are being built within 3 blocks of this site. there is good development and there is bad development. the project sponsor could include 10 units. we are not saying 12 if he really believes that affordable housing is vital. 10-unit would kickoff the affordable housing mandate. at 5 stories this development is a detriment to this community.
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at 4 stories, it becomes an asset. i urge you to uphold your december 11th findings. thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm with the neighborhood association. i grew up on 27 valencia from 1963 to 1974 and currently live on new hampshire street. i just want to say that each neighborhood as you know is very different and unique and in the mission we have micro neighborhood that are blocks apart very unique that way. i think the city plan is too cookie cutter. one plan does not fit all. i think the eastern neighborhood plans talks about not just density,
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but it also talks about the sensitivity, nature of the neighborhood. we have to remember to look at all the other chapters and not just transit quarter piece. so i feel that 4 stories and truly afford able units is what best fits this neighborhood. what i mean by truly affordable units is that immigrant families can purchase or rent or any other low income folks in the neighborhood. we have seen a lot of affordable inclusionary units that are not affordable to people in the neighborhood. there is restaurants that have come into the mission are not here anymore. they are investors and not traditional mom and pops. most of the neighborhood can't afford to eat
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