tv [untitled] March 5, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PST
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not played a role as other jurisdictions. i think that has been a mistake in the sense that there is a lot of potential for lafco playing the role of ensuring good government, best practices within city agencies. in fact that's what other lafco's do. they provide oversight and provide ideas on how to more efficiently effectively manage and provide government services. and it allows for agencies like the board of supervisors to use resources other than the general fund to conduct issues and reviews. the perfect example is what would with the issue of garbage and waste management where lafco was instrumental in helping with that. what this does is it simply allows us to be able to proceed with expanding the scope of that work. in that sense it brings the san francisco lafco in
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line with every other lafco in the state of california. i also think that to the extent that there are specific concerns about how the individual position has been filled will be filled and how that will be managed. i can tell you as chair of lafco and i know the commissioner supervisor avalos does the same thing that there is a lot of time and care that goes into managing lafco staff. when i was chair of lafco as is the case with supervisor avalos, it's very careful monitoring of staff, scheduling and all of that. i think that it's really imperative to move this item forward. i don't know what the hesitation has been but i know that we are sort of tying lafco's hands by not moving forward and i ask that that
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happen expeditiously. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: thank you supervisor campos. i do agree with the change of the scope of the position for the senior program officer and i believe the cost and savings is very justified. the question that i do have, again i do understand that we as a board of supervisors we are not here to -- i mean lafco is here to serve and there are members of our board who serve directly on lafco, but die want to know given the current state of affairs what are some of the things that we are directing lafco to work on and i think that the component that i'm a little bit concerned about which i know that frances did address was extending the term of employment for an additional 3 years given this. i was wondering why we could not consider doing this on a year to year basis. again, i know
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that discussion are supposed to happen to determine the exact duties and what will be coming out of lafco and then at that point you will be determining the length of time for the employment, but i want to know here at this point why we could not take that on a year to year basis. >>supervisor david campos: i don't know what ms. shea's response would be. from my point it would be very impractical. the scope of the duties determines how much work the person will be able to do. if you have a situation where the process requires lafco to come back every year and we have seen this happen. there are delays and maybe when committees meet, when something gets scheduled. i think what this does in the best way to do it is that to not do a five or 10-year term but actually for a 3-year
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period so lafco doesn't have to come back every year to make sure that the definition of the responsibilities of the individual are broad enough that the person is busy. so i think that 1 year in my experience having been chair of lafco, doesn't make sense. it doesn't mean that lafco will indeed use the 3 years, but having that possibility is important and to the extent that lafco needs to shorten the period, i think it's more appropriate for lafco to make that decision given that we have members of the board of supervisors that are on lafco. if someone feels very strongly, i think there might be a vacancy on lafco. if a member feels so strongly about that and they are able to serve through lafco to do that. i don't think it's good
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public policy for the board to micro manage lafco that way. i think it's better to give them flexibility. that would be my response. >>supervisor katy tang: i appreciate that response. i'm not here to micro manage lafco. i just want to understand the nature, the scope of the work to justify the 3-year extension is really my question. >> i think supervisor campos hit the nail on the head is to give lafco that freedom that at the time actually this was put together and as he also pointed out this has taken some time. we weren't quite sure of the scope of work and lafco is still having those discussions. at the time this resolution was developed they hadn't passed cca at the board. it was really to give lafco that flexibility and give it that sensibility that there would be that staff person through that transition
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period and really let lafco make that decision whether they wanted the staff purn -- person on for one or two or 3 years. that 3 years would be a time to make that transition. >>supervisor katy tang: my follow up when will that discussion be happening in terms of determining the length of time that person will be serving at lafco. >>supervisor david campos: i think that lafco as i understand and supervised or avalos is the chair and breed is the vice-chair. they are waiting for the board to provide the authority to have that conversation. but, they are not going to be able to have that discussion unless they first have the authority from the board to actually expand the scope of work. i think that once this item moves forward, i would
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imagine lafco would have a discussion. i don't know the exact date, but i assume that's what they are waiting on. >> yes, that's the intention as soon as this passes is to have that conversation at the next lafco meeting or soon as possible. >>supervisor katy tang: okay. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: so, i guess i'm the only standing person from this committee here. i recall this discussion last year when it came to this committee. i certainly was in favor of the changing the scope of responsibilities. and my colleagues at the time on this meeting had many variety of questions about it and so it was determined at this point to continue this item to where it is today. i also
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have some concerns in regards to and much of it is going to be the result of your discussion that they will have once they get the authority to have the discussion. but it's more on what's really going to happen. what really is the work here. i think maybe one 1 year is a little short. by the time you have determined the work, it's okay, let's go back. but at the same time, i think supervisor ankh -- tang's concern is warranted. i will see what kind of reaction i get from this. is if we allow enough time for that discussion to happen and allow enough time for the work to get implemented so by the time you need to come back you have a better gauge of what you would like to have as you
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move forward. i think one 1 year is not long enough, but i also feel that 2 years maybe long enough. >> sure. if you would like to amend it to 2 years, we can certainly do that. >>supervisor katy tang: i would like to make a motion to amend p 2 line 23 to say it will be an additional 2 years from june 30, 2015. >> 2 fiscal years, because we are in the middle of a fiscal year? that would be one 1/2. >>supervisor norman yee: i would like to change it to two full years. >> we would leave it until june 30, 2016. >>supervisor katy tang: when
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they say 3 years, they mean three 3 fiscal years? >> yes. >>supervisor david campos: i think because it took so long to act on it, it's probably a few months into it. yes. >>supervisor norman yee: it's been at least 6 months since we've heard it. >> okay. just change it to two. okay. >>supervisor norman yee: yes. with that. public comment? >> deputy city attorney. if you want to keep it at two then it will be three. this resolution extends through june 2016, it's 3 years even though practically it's 2 years and 4 months. >> okay, we'll just leave it alone.
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>>supervisor norman yee: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. is there a recommendation? >>supervisor david campos: so moved. >>supervisor norman yee: with no objection, this motion passes. thank you very much. item no. 3, please. city clerk: item 3: 140133: appointment, san francisco health authority] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending january 15, 2017, to the san francisco health authority. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 2, succeeding brenda yee, term expired, must be a nominee of the hospital council of northern and central california, for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending city clerk: sf 31234 1234 >>supervisor norman yee: ms. yee, you are here. you have not been here for a while. you can make a comment. >> no comment. i have done it for 2 years. i think it's a reappointment. >>supervisor norman yee: can you tell me what you have done? >> i have been the board of
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san francisco health plan and learning what the system is all about. the second year you are trying to help make decisions. now that i pretty much acclimated to the system, hopefully the next two 2 years will be beneficial in being a board member and commenting and recommending ideas to the san francisco health plan. i have to commend the staff for all the hard work that they do. we share a common goal by taking care of the low income population. i think this is beneficial for both. >>supervisor norman yee: have you thought about as you move on to your next term, the things you would like to pursue? >> i always follow the footsteps of what the ceo provides. i follow what they recommend. if there is anything that is above and beyond or doesn't seem right,
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it's my job to basically ask questions to make sure that san francisco health plan is very transparent. >>supervisor norman yee: colleagues, any questions? thank you very much. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, is there a recommendation? >>supervisor david campos: yes, i would like to make a motion to move the reappointment for ms. brenda yee for a positive recommendation. >> john gibner again. this is provided understate law and requires that the members of the commission either must work in the city or reside in the city so that charter position usually requires a
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waiver position does not apply in this case. >>supervisor norman yee: motion passes. thank you. congratulations, once again. bye now. madam clerk. item 4. city clerk: item 4: 140134: [appointment, graffiti advisory board] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending april 10, 2015, to the graffiti advisory board. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 14, succeeding debbie shea, term expired, must represent a business that operates in san francisco, for the unexpired portion of a two- year term ending april city clerk: sf 41234 >>supervisor norman yee: ms. deedey workman. >> good afternoon, i'm with the san francisco chamber of commerce. the chamber of commerce represents over 1500 businesses in san francisco. i would like to thank you for considering me in the graffiti advisory board and i have had the experience to interact with it and it would be my honor to serve on it. i joined with san francisco beautiful as executive director. san francisco beautiful is a
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longstanding civic improvement in the city. i was executive director there for 11 years and i had the capacity to address graffiti issues and support graffiti abatement across the city and giving funding to community groups to clean up graffiti and also includes giving a grant to the san francisco police department to use cameras to take pictures to document and track graffiti vandals and data base. i'm not sure what happened with that project, but i was working with officer puts at the time at the police department. i have been with the chamber since 2012. i work with san francisco partners and community groups everyday and work with different sizes and deal with the challenges
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and certainly graffiti is one of those, and i will work with to get input and i believe i will be an effective advocate on the san francisco advisory board and i also happen to live in saint mary's park and i have raised my son there and i have to deal on a personal level with graffiti issues. that neighborhood has gotten much better. it's a personal issue to me as i'm a resident of san francisco. i have a lot to give to the city and the graffiti advisory board and i have a lot to offer. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any questions? supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: i wanted to say she forgot to say she's a resident of district 9. thank you for being interested in doing it. >> thank you very much.
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>>supervisor norman yee: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. is there a recommendation? >>supervisor david campos: move this item forward with positive recommendation. >>supervisor norman yee: no objection, motion passes. thank you very much. congratulations. item 5? city clerk: item 5: 140135: [appointment, citizens general obligation bond oversight committee] hearing to consider appointing one member, term expiring november 21, 2014, to the citizens general obligation bond oversight committee. vacant seat 2, succeeding robert muscat, term expired, must be active in labor organizations, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending y clerk: sf 51234 >>supervisor norman yee: okay. michael seville. >> thank you. it's my honor to be able to join the city. our city's ability to improve our capital infrastructure is one of the most important issues for our city. as san francisco continues on its economic revival and the transparent
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manner, the voters of san francisco have declared it's crucial for the government to keep up with our evolving city. having spent much of the past years with labor representative, with local 21, i now serve as a director of research and communications for local 216789 . i have worked with the city on impressive capital project including the water improvement plan and san francisco rebuild. through all of this whether meeting with engineers, architects, elected officials or before the civil service commission i have been informed about how to handle large scale projects and understand the contracting process of the city will make me a valuable asset to this committee. as a labor attorney i have been able to work on mous and work on all civil
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servants on both concepts and delivery. i am proud of labor's efforts over the past couple of years such as the city has one of the highest bond ratings ever. it will run as efficiently and practically as possible as this commission is tasked with working on audits and the whistle blower program and i will work so the city is run free and unwarranted of practices and procedures. thank you for your consideration. i will be happy to answer any questions. >>supervisor norman yee: any questions? seeing none, lucky. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any recommendation? >>supervisor david campos: move this item forward with a positive recommendation and thank you to mr. seville for his interest in serving. >>supervisor norman yee: with no objection, the motion passes. congratulations.
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okay, moving on. city clerk: item 6. item 5: 140135: [appointment, citizens general obligation bond oversight committee] hearing to consider appointing one member, term expiring november 21, 2014, to the citizens general obligation bond oversight committee. vacant seat 2, succeeding robert muscat, term expired, must be active in labor organizations, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending y clerk: item 6. sf 51234 singa, c'mon up. >> good afternoon. my name is kroout singa and i'm interested in becoming the city advisory committee in the renter seat. i have been on the cac for the last 2 years and also served as the vice-chair and i found the role to be very interesting and rewarding to have the opportunity to strengthen the neighborhood structure in the planning area in which i both lived and worked. i also bring to the committee over 15
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years of professional experience specifically in multimodal transportation planning and establish products to improve transit access for land use and economic and social development. i currently work at the san francisco department of environment where i manage the commuter transportation programs and outreach services. my interest and experiences also is not only limited to transportation. i understand the factors that contribute to making a complete functioning and vibrant neighborhood for residents and visitors including access to basic services, amenities to parks and schools. on a personal level, i grew up in san francisco and lived in the area for years. i also work in the planning area and
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understand the multi- modal areas and in the current and future developments that open over the course of the year. to conclude i'm interested to contribute to the market octavia community and in a way that is sustainable and cohesive and long-term impact. >>supervisor norman yee: any questions? >>supervisor katy tang: no questions but a comment that i appreciate your contribution. i think you bring to the table a really great integration with your personal and professional life. i think you would be a great continuing addition to cac. >>supervisor norman yee: there is three other seats. which
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includes kenneth wingard and dennis rifdz and jason henderson. they are not here, however they have reached out to my office. two of three gave us written statements. the other one we spoke to. do you have any opinions about this? >>supervisor david campos: i don't know if there is any public comment. normally i want to hear from folks, but i think we did get statements from the bulk of them and it seems that everything that i have heard that they are doing a good job. i don't have a problem moving forward but i would defer to my colleagues. >>supervisor katy tang: thank you supervisor campos. i did have the opportunity to meet with jason henderson. he did have the opportunity to meet
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with us and i would allow him to don't serve. and i heard from mr. wingard who is out of town. i don't know if we heard from mr. richards. >>supervisor norman yee: we made a connection in my office with him. he was planning to submit a statement. i don't have any indication whether we received it or not. >>supervisor katy -- we did not receive anything. >>supervisor norman yee: we could either just by looking at the resume have him fill the seat or we can just continue that one seat if you like. seat no. 5. dennis richards.
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>>supervisor katy tang: i see that he is continuing in his role. i would liked to ask about some of his absences at meetings in the past. so i don't know if there is anyone who is here for public comment to speak on his behalf? no. okay. okay, i guess if you are staff for the cac, i'm wondering if there is any explanation or if you can speak to his contribution there? >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is alexa smith at the staff department. your question was specifically about dennis richards? i upside his office, he works for sales force and he's been called away for travel very frequently in the past year but he's indicated he's moving to semi retirement and that
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will no longer be the case in the future . when he's able to attend the meetings he's generally thoughtful and consider -- consider and things through the issues at hand. >>supervisor norman yee: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> would you like to make a recommendation? >>supervisor katy tang: i would like to make a recommendation to move forward all of our candidates. singa, wingard and richards and henderson. yee >>supervisor norman yee: any objection? no objection. motion passes. this moves us right where we will ask you to leave. we are
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going >> the committee voted unanimously to move items 8 and 9 with a full recommendation. >>supervisor norman yee: can i have a motion to not sdoes -- disclose what happened in closed session? >> so moved. >> so the motion passes. madam clerk is there anything else? city clerk: that concludes everything for today. >> okay. if there is nothing further, this meeting is now adjourned. thank you very much.
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