tv [untitled] March 5, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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the pedestrian in green p those are locations for future event undoubtedly therefore we won't see these costs reoccurring again so what remains is the game day operations related to public services we put together a pretty good framework based on speculator volume and you'll see insurance the green a lot of that effort had to do with insuring the delivery of the crews project i would think that piece of pie is cut in half to focus on a special event coverage policy. all this analysis leads us to
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building where a future bid would have to go to account for the reduction in costs by saying those costs won't be repeated. but to my earlier simplification point we think that earlier funding would be necessary i think our discussions to the event authority how we can craft a plan that sort of meets now we know what we know test. we've had this event once. so that concludes my presentation if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> you know what would be good to know i know we've look at money in our budget to cover the costs if you have the ability to provide the information how we
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breakdown the chart by year perhaps you can have a line that would have, you know, a measure of like each part of this pie chart per year having up to a total for all the years. that makes sense the environmental costs the regulatory environmental cost were done in 2011 then in 2013 so if you're able to provide that i'd like to see that to get a sense of how we spend >> i make a good point which is part of why the virile regulatory you requirement is to large is because wisp studying the 14 teams the millions of
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speculator events. >> i think we approved the eir in 2012. >> we certified it in this event. >> great. i don't have other questions they may come up after the. any other presenter >> why don't we open this up to public comment anyone who wishes to comment step forward and line up on the left side everyone will have 2 minutes. >> go to the podium there. >> thanks. >> hold on a second. okay >> thank you. i'm thomas from district 5.
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$20 million in general fund costs seniors and the disabled can ride muni free for $6 million. part of the problem i think there's a lot of responsible people to the hit to the general fund for the supervisors they're doing a better oversight and so they're not doing a better job in anticipating those costs. i think there has to be more oversight by the board of supervisors so they'll not be is another hit like this on the next proposed project. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i wouldn't normally wear a hat and i'll take it off for
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respect but i'm a big support of america's cup. i sit on the chair and beverage on the council for san francisco traffic and the in coming president for the hotel council. i'm here for the hotel resorts and have a passion for the america's cup was it did for this great city. i was asked to come yesterday and i want to read a few comments. i've read the economic impact document that i read her and prepared by the institute clearly there's no question the s c 34 didn't meet our expectations but i can tell you the city did gain economically and we seniors as the world greatest city brought a
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fantastic sport to our shores. the skeptics b will retain but we're clearly support this city a hosting ac 25 and i believe the majority will do so. we should congratulate the former mayor newsom and mayor ed lee and the supporting people for supporting and exports and imports in support and now is the time to not sit babbling back and now is the time to sit back and reflect what we can do better for ac 35. if we don't do that we've wasted a lot of money let's take the resources and plan a successful ac 35. our business personally we generated a incremental revenue
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- >> thank you very much. next speak speaker. >> near, far whatever budget you are an america's cup about go on and on. you're here we'll have america's cup anywhere in the world through the years and the budget, budget b will go on and on. if i could i'd like to have a america's cup on the moon we'd have lots of money and their would be lots of room. i'd like hold the city hall meeting for the city to let them
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know i hope america's cup comes down and the budget sure does grow. the budget does real grow. and we're going to have the land that the america's cup land and we're going to have a city plan. and i'd give america's cup budget to you. on the ocean blue. >> thank you. >> thank you walter next speaker please. i'm representing the san francisco giant they were the speculator folks and i was the operational manager. the osmosis gave us the opportunity to expand our
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operations beyond the scope of work and we were able to reach a global audience we were a lead-in the industry and community. this helped to generate a number of hiring and those were employed for the san francisco resident and it allows us to advertise with our community partners you'll hear 234r from today. we got incredible advertisement to our city and we were broadcast in a way i've never seen before the influx of visitors we saw sales and increased attention at the giants game and in the at&t park as well. the waterfront was activated and the local world series in 2012
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and the america's cup in 2013 brought hundreds of thousands of people to our waterfront. they supported the local businesses and people gained a new appreciation for our waterfront and it created a renewed interest. while the economic benefit may not be as great as some had erupted it's clear to us that the benefits generated by america's cup and far outweighed our expenses we want to see the america's cup book in san francisco >> thank you very much. next speaker please. morning i'm eric i'm the vice president of live nation's and we share our positive experiences with america's cup. through the past event we've host over 19 different events
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drawing over 25 thousand attendees and those created many jobs we wanted to hire as many folk as possible. we were responsible for over 75 thousand dollars for labor union and other figures from non-labor and police labor also. feedback from the music environment was overwhelming. >> thank you. next speaker please. i'm marcus i'm with the first maintenance company i want to thank america's cup for the great opportunity they gave us. america's cup were a family
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owned business and my father started the business 50 years ago. america's cup gave us the opportunity to provide generational maintenance. they also what was so great they allowed us to start working with other partners of the venues that led to jobs and opportunity for other. we had i want to say we used mission hiring hall. we used the good will and a number of job training programs we had about one hundred people we hired from the city of san francisco. at any time we were running 45 to 50 people. america's cup went to bat for our company with our partners
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when our partners said we don't know much about first maintenance company america's cup said give them the opportunity. from that work we started working well, nation and when we were able to expand outside of that we got a job at knob hill and hired about 6 other people in your company to purchase equipment in the spirit of my father i wish he could have been here he passed away. thank you so much for the opportunity of america's cup >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm a partner with macaulay's catering we were lucky enough to partner with the
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america's cup partners alliances and some teams. the summer is our slowest time of the year so our staff is very, very quiet person able to generate 494 many job shifts with the america's cup. we are employed a lot of people. we were thrilled to be able to keep our folks going through the summer we were proud to be part of an aspect last year fended so we would be happy to see the america's cup come back >> thank you chair farrell what was your company called again. >> we're macaulay's. >> okay. thank you. morning i'm john with the
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traffic association. first of all, we want to thank the city to bring ac 34 to san francisco. because of everything it did for tourism helping us do our job this summer and what the city did to the legacy. it helped bring visitor from northern california and travelers from other locations but at the same time it created a long term effect by the creating aspirations to come to san francisco by showing the boost of san francisco to superiorly television sets it placed san francisco on the bucket list for people throughout the world to come and visit.
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please bring them back. thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker please. good afternoon, supervisors i'm mohammed i'm one of the owners for the security service. i'd like to start by thanking and commending the city for their support for the america's cup for making it happen. we were irnl contracted in earlier may we were talking about the construction fees of the project and we took over providing security guards for the project we basically covered the america's cup park and a bunch of venues they attached to the project. we also provided the opportunity was provided to us we were able
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to service other companies like prada n prada. same thing with the giants they brought other businesses that employed euour security guards as well. pretty sure speaking everyone that met the requirements it resided in the city of san francisco was employed and admiral security if you're come and are good you'll get a job. local hires were 60 percent. we worked with the sfpd and we submitted our first source list we worked for the maifrz and we
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worked at other job sites we absorbed guys and trained them. - >> thank you a followup question and i and working with all those entities like tie-dye it's important this is part of our first source of agreement how many workers are you retaining. >> thirty percent. we usually meet great new people are able to replace people that are so, so. we do work for other entities that exist in the city besides the america's cup >> thank you. bring them back >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. i come from pier 23 cafe i've
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been on the waterfront for thirty years. i support of the america's cup very much we had the best year and had a lot of fun it was a lot of work it was everyday a different day and new excitement and things to anticipate. we had a biggest work staff that we've ever had we hired quite a few of the people that worked the entire time during the america's cup starting with the predicaments. i definitely think that more live feeds throughout the city would expand the enthusiasm for the america's cup if 43 they come back. some people were confused you but it seems like there's an easy way to expand the information. i really was expressed with the
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fact we didn't have any delivery problems at the restaurants the traffic was taken care of the knowledge bark was closed off for parking but didn't impact our business. so the organization that was put the into the america's cup 34 can be mimicked and can turn out to be judges - just as productive >> i'm allen i was the supplier for pier we hired about 50 people on the ground through most period of loading in and out. they were primarily local 16 labor and people with the prevailing wage.
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summer is slow this is an opportunity to keep more people on and add people to our staff. my experience was that people didn't said what it was for awhile and once it got legs it took off. i had a lot of people around the country talking about it. this is a great opportunity to build on something and moving forward it is better management to move forward this is san francisco it does well, and you can't imagine the impact when someone in a different country sees this kind of thing. so we're a small business but it made a huge impact on us >> thank you next. >> i'm peter garza i represent
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the regional council. america's cup. america's cup made a lot of promises. america's cup didn't fulfill their agreement upon commitment to the workforce agreement. the carpenter were monitoring our scope of work uncovered violations we invited the office of labor standards and enforcement who were structural in rover $160,000. in fact, that check is written 2013. in turn that was distributed to workers and those who worked at the america's cup event. we support the low and behold community workforce we are
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supporting the legislation by supervisor avalos, breeding, supervisor campos and supervisor mar and supervisor yee for local hiring and construction projects on city owned property that incorporates apprehending language it affords opportunity to local community members that point the trade for a lifetime. we're not here to blame anybody we're her to make sure that the workers are treated fairly and with respect. if you remember nothing else please remember this san francisco should, the last line of defense for workers and their benefits >> thank you. next speaker please. >> i'm lizzie have a company on
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the pier. at the beginning when they said we might get the america's cup from that moment my business has improved i've been in business for 25 years were we make up horticulture and we are in pier 40. the america's cup they had the race committee coming to us and we were in the right place and we were very proud to have made all the ration pursuits the responsibility was made by myself and my team we have a lot more business because people said you made those oh, that's wonderful. what we got from the america's cup was phenomenal. and in the rest of the bay area
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i came from sal obsolete and this the energy in this little industry of booting changed be from people to who have a boat and the enthusiasm is growing in its ability to appeal to your grasped moth and kid who wouldn't have seen the america's cup. it's improved the industry and i'm so proud of the supervisors in the city of san francisco for the good work you've connected the two the pedestrian traffic is phenomenal between pier 22 and pier 40. continue you're good job thank you. thank you very much. next speaker please. good morning supervisors. i was resolved in the america's
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cup tremendously we built the lecturer streets and built the america's cup sports bar it's a fantastic venue. i won't go into all the folks we hired from the construction union and construction workers all the way through the bar through the entire event. i'm here to speak about the education we had during the america's cup. once we got to the finalist we had terrific traffic across embarcadero but if we had important boats in the water the numbers would have absolutely been where it was to be huge. unfortunately from the low quantity of both the it didn't attract the excitement not like
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the end. i hope we take this education and use it again for the next america's cup i hope we have it here and ask america's cup to guarantee more boats in the water that's my request thank you other speakers wish to comment on this item. okay seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor avalos >> thank you it's great to see there's a number of businesses here represented here today that bend from america's cup. i know that as present by mike martin and the budget analyst report about 28 hundred businesses had contacted the authority through the bus portal we don't know how many of those got contracts or work out of the
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event there is is disconnect how we're tracking and monitoring that i want to see that better >> let's have the america's cup back again and how we are going to track and monitor it. it seems like the outreach has been there especially we're tracking 28 hundred contacts open the business port california. one thing i lost in the shuffle the revenues that were generate we never talked about the oracle what bend oracle got out felt event. certainly has we're going forward in the negotiations it
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would be go to know that we can ask oracle. we we were going to be given 66 years of lease for larry in the original version that wouldn't have any sense going forward but do we have any estimate mr. martin about the benefit for this event. i know theirs to say that's a trade secret but surely they made a lot of money it's not just a hobby he paid for out of his own pocket >> supervisor mike martin. i actually will be quiet surprised if there's nothing more than a 6 figure loss.
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they referred to the champion of having the honor of putting open the necklaces race and while tailors ways to get back money they spent more than they took in. once you load on the team costs that's part of the syndicates the 872s were expensive to build and operate. you'll see the comments in the media finding the derivatives that will reduce the number of people on the boats and actually put down on the water and getting more syndicates they put out the money without return >> the boats were put together by - and a
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