tv [untitled] March 6, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PST
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purview of the transportation authority and seeing none, we will close public comment. and go on to our very last item. >> 16 adjournment. >> colleagues, we are adjourned. have a nice day and we will see you later at 2:00 lab. >> so i'd like to welcome all of you to our st. anthony's tech lab it brings people together and we bring our people from the street with some technology in this room and we bring people would want to volunteer we bring them together with people in need.
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today, we're going to celebrate the fact people are coming into to city with the nonprofit and st. anthony's and lots of nonprofit that will be on the link sf. it's a great day for us i can warn you mayor this will be a tech company and this police chief won't have to worry about separating people from a brawl. i want to thank people and the mayor and the police chief is on his way. we want to recognize this is a community effort we got together people selena bailing from the network ministries and from st.
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anthony's thought up the idea perhaps we could find is website or app or whatever it might be people who are using cell phones and using smart phones those days would use that 0 find a resource from the community. they rolled this could be what do you do when you need a cup of shurlg you reach out to their neighbor we reached out to one of our neighborhood sun desk and their engineers are people how needed this service got together and put this together. 40 percent of your guests now are using smart phones that's up from 33 percent last year so people are using mobile device
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to find the service so this is a perfect match to help people help themselves to address the issues their lives. we would like to celebrate that today. celebrate the fact this link san francisco link sf will be something that be will helpful to our guest and helpful to the nonprofits and ourselves who are looking to reach out and make sure our services are known to the people that note them and the point is it's helpful to anybody in san francisco that has that kind of awkward encounter we can lighten that a little bit and people can get the services that will be helpful to them. so welcome supervisor kim who's here today.
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she's been structural in doing this human resources let me stop talking about and i'd like to introduce first mayor ed lee. thank you mayor ed lee >> i'm the executive director of the st. anthony foundation (clapping.) well, thank you berry and i first of all, i'm still laughing at councilmember marcason shoes she wears special shoes that's a great thing. >> berry and i have optimistic come to know each other on an annual basis i have the opportunity to be of service and invite others to volunteer at this wonderful st. anthony's center we're open a name basis for people who have good rich meals and people that care. and part of our philosophy
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supervisor kim and i when we talked about market street rehabilitation we wanted to visit obviously those that had resources but also had the attitude they could help us beyond good jobs and good businesses. those aspects are the foundation of revitalizing market street. we also wanted to find out if there are people who had just a social values that would be shared we found one in the character of the ceo molasses dane who was the first of the tech companies to locate on market street. there's a lot of talk about twitter but zen addiction was the first they indicated they wanted to be here and makayla
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was personally involved with us in talking about the character of the neighborhood market street as well as the tenderloin and what was both channeling yet also opportunities to work with us as a city. so it did not surprise us after his thuflly embarrassing the element and going beyond we want to be part of this community evolution as challenging as it could be taking on the include tell that st. anthony's services and we're responding to chief suralso encouraged with and, of course, supervisor kim and i as well services what about assessed with the use of
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technology and then dedicating to his staff and engineer to develop a mobile website this updates the services and a evolves it for people who can use the smart phone for the surface providers who don't have the phone can use their own cell phones that can help the other individuals that's not for thirty or 40 percent but everyone and st. anthony's is at the heart of this is really happening i know barry this is at the heart of what you wanted to do it's not about serving meals but the whole services. for us at city hall it's about again another great indication that follows the announcement
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yesterday of comboolg all the technology companies that are reggie that as they evolve they wanted to visit others. here in the mid-market area that's challenging and every entity that's been here for years will tell you that but we have better solution we're using item to become part of the answer. so i'm proud of this relationship that we have in addition to creating jobs and helping us to be transform mid-market we taking on values that is a those that are additionally champed we've got help for you. all the engineers and mikhail can go over the details but
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that's an invaluable access point if you can get that to individual they'll have is a speeder ability to get the serviced and that trofrmz into a more examination at city that's smart about it's businesses and for the people who need those services. i think for supervisor kim and i, we live for this brick and mortar the old with the new with those that have with those that don't have. i'm very proud of what their employees are doing because when you look at what they've done with the c pa they're walking in and meeting and greeting people in the communities they're working in. and helping them transform their lives this is what this should
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be all be there will be more opportunity not only open market street but throughout the rest of the city lincoln them to up great service centers like this. thank you >> (clapping) >> thank you mayor ed lee. marvin exam at i put observing those two together. next i'd like to ask supervisor jane kim to come on up and say something >> thank you mayor ed lee for your comments. i like to think mike might have shoes are progressive. first of all, i want to say how much i appreciate linda they're one of my favorite businesses in san francisco. in naivete when we pass the mid-market tax issue it was at a
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time we were at a high point of unemployment mid-market at that time, p had the highest vacancy rate in the city so we're lucky if that zen district attorney came in first. it was a company that immediately released that it wasn't about what was giving back to the community but about developing good relationships. the spokesperson went out and invited people into the offices of zen district attorney they hired too young people in the tenderloin neighborhood and they walked down taylor street and said they were working for their
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summer jobs at zen district attorney. you know, people don't realize how small this community t is some folks like to come into our office and boast about what they're doing but i want to say that where the rubber meets the road when you're in your organization i want to say just last week i was visiting the tenderloin school and they immediately said we love zen district attorney they're here every week and it occurred to me others have said we love zen district attorney and at st. anthony's they said the same thing. we asked about everybody else and zen district attorney
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appears every week. that's a commitment. if you are a business role model i wish you the best. when we invited you to mid-market many of the folks in the neighborhood worried about they would create an isolated island and zen district attorney have shown us they know how to partner in the neighborhood. this is an exciting initiative and this is a great way to access information. now we're able to have the residents that don't have homes that can find the best way to access data so thank you very much (clapping.) next i'd like to invite chief sewer to come forward and say a few words
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>> thanks berry. this is just to echo the comments she presses me all the time we're not demanding enough out of the cpa we can do more but i never envisioned there would be an app that came in for every san francisco police officer thanks to the mayor. i carry around my veterans referral card and i have pockets full of those cards to hook people up but it's not like a computer and for zen district attorney to put in their resources to come up with a one stop place to get the unfortunate to the services by the grace of god and have this
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like on a day like it is now and have the services it is perfect timing and depreciating district attorney thank you. st. anthony's we don't give you enough credit we're the city of st. anthony's but for people who are able to connect no realtime it's that much better and it didn't get much better than that >> thank you chief sur. >> next up. thank you, sir >> i dropped somebody's mike. thanks so much for the very, very nice work mayor ed lee and
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others but first of all, i want to thank berry we are new to this neighborhood. we've been to the tenderloin for 3 years you can see our offices and i want to thank berry and the tenderloin for inviting us into their family and a allowing us to help and having good neighborhood is is very important we want to thank the tenderloin for visiting us in and giving us an opportunity to make a little difference where we can were we're a software company we believe in the demarcation of software and making information easily assessable. this is the example of with the leading products and the great recommendation. i don't want to talk about our
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great neighbors but i want to embarrass our engineers that have worked on the project because this is all about them they've put in they're free time and pride to build this product and embarrass kim we hired ken a lot of 3 years ago ken came out of blourld university and persuaded him to move to san francisco. he found a place on 6th and mission the week he moved in there was a murder in front of the of his belief. this is has been a great opportunity it become an opportunity to embrace society
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and embrace the neighborhood. so i want to thank ken and his team i can do so much as a ceo but it's about you guys. come on up >> thanks hi, i'm ken i'm a software engineer and i'm one of 7 volunteers it's 7 people that have been contributing for 10 months. so we're building a joke like mobile site that's going to connect users in the tenderloin for food and should recall the and medical care. 10 months ago we didn't have a good intell us by in order to build something like that we have to understand our service
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providers. and we work here everyday. i lived in this neighborhood and this is a unique opportunity as part of the community to learn more about the people who live her and access the web through mobile for purposes. one of the things we did was cross the street we went over there because those people know the popular phones so the iphones or the gallon i didn't see. spending time in the store and through our ongoing contribution we've learned about the community it's not the studio type so through federal subsidies there's a lack of a mobile popularal that's where me
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as a software engineer and designers were able to, you know, be triblt in a way to give back to the community to give me eastbound access to the web and services they need. for service users it's a basic thing not a net. those are a basic phone (laughter) (clapping). >> thank you, ken. so, now i'd like to ask this lady to come down and she's from the gray foundation >> you might be wondering why we're here we're the newest partner we have a history of
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mid-market and tenderloin we were here in 2007 we moved here, no 2007 and i was creating a history and a timeline of digging up my old e-mail from mayor ed lee that awarded us for city grants and i hope you remember that that was a county grant challenge program. we support our social impacts through research and education and current programs. we have a program to create artwork and experiences. the reason why we're involved in this project is to help to deploy the budget to the streets. you see the screen we're developing a partnering with the
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tenderloin area to be on the street you everyone else touch screens it's a way for develop mobile foendz to access the project. we're going to be embarking on this journey so look for announcements on what we end up with. i'm excited to connect the dots we've worked with tech companies and community organizations and i worked with tenderloin technology back in the day. i'm excited inform now work with the technology lab to create the projects out in the street. thanks (clapping) thank you. >> every time we gather at st. anthony's for whatever we
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realize the most important person in the room is the guests so we want to ask one of the users of this technology and one of our guests edward to 0 come down and say a words. >> i'm a resident here. i came across this link sf and i use the technology to show me where the labs are. i also ended up finding a job going on a job interview which is act bat which is nice to find some technology that i actually use. that's important for us to have smart phones. a lot of people like myself we're out of luck trying to find food and housing and clinics
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that's important to find folks by using the technology i found that job that's pretty much a blessing thank you very much (clapping.) thank you edgar. that concludes our press convention today look around the tech labs and enjoy yourself. >> this the site library right now and so in designing this site we wanted to connect users and trying to figure out the categories there is food and should recall the and technology. you know, it's like if you're
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looking for shrltd we can search raw and how the gps works so the things that are immediately available to you, we provide. so you can see her there are a variety of facilities some things offer hydrogen and additional shelter. there's the kind of people that we indicator to we can get walking directions. we want to make getting somewhere whatever need you have it's sufficient. we hope to connect you in the same ways. if we find this is the location i want to go to and you want to
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reach out and say herself are you guys open if you want to speak to someone you can call right from the app. we try to provide you with the option you can go to the website and get driktsdz we're hoping the website will yes, ma'am pour the community. (inaudible) is that for finding services >> i guess that would be a possibility we're not focused on that we're not trying to make this - we're hoping this is a model it's free we can start anywhere from any city they can
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have their own deployment and multiple the work we've done there and spread the technology. >> is there - from looking at this it looks like you have the stuff involved what's the next step. >> you see this is not like a weekend project this is a combination of 10 months the team met a lot and worked on the project we love. people are using this site and a depending upon on this site and make sure we valued our assumptions and make sure this is assessable before we look ahead. it's a prototype we're not here to make a splash and mopping
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move open to something else >> but it's up and available. >> yes. >> how long has a been. >> we've been slowly the site has been up for a month but this is an ongoing effort; right? so we've been reiterating with the tech lab this is not a finished product we're going to continue to work on that >> great, thank youout. >> hi, i'm japanese with the san francisco public utilities combination sometime people call
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me sewer girl our systems has served the area for 1 hundred and 50 years we're planning you understand public health and our environment don't think that so come in down and see how watchi. and hey entices we welcome a new week and new most that's welcome some new flavors. this friday kick a off 2014 with live music and analogy games at broadway's stereos in the union square and meet people and now and the price of admission is
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leaving our digital things at the demeanor. we will have a donation book project so support our local library. then on sunday chiblth 2014 at the embarcadero from 12 to fit we will transform the space and there's rock and hip hop dances this is san francisco official block pirate you, you know, that's going to be great for more information visit us an san francisco >> here. >> dr. murase. >> here. >>
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