tv [untitled] March 6, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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>> herb theatre,open rehearsal. listen to the rehearsal. i think it is fun for them, they see our work process, our discussions, the decisions we make. it is good for us. we kind of behavior little bit when we have people in the audience. msk (music) >> we are rehearsing for our most expensive tour; plus two concerts here. we are proud that the growth of the orchestra, and how it is expanded and it is being accepted. my ambition when i came on as music director here -- it was evident we needed
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absolutely excellent work. also evident to me that i thought everyone should know that. this was my purpose. and after we opened, which was a spectacular opening concert about five weeks after that the economy completely crashed. my plan -- and i'm absolutely dogmatic about my plans --were delayed slightly. i would say that in this very difficult timefor the arts and everyone, especially the arts, it's phenomenal how new century has grown where many unfortunate organizations have stopped. during this period we got ourselves on national radio presence; we started touring, releasing cds, a dvd.
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we continue to tour. reputation grows and grows and grows and it has never stopped going forward. msk(music) >> the bay area knows the orchestra. you maybe take things for granted a little bit. that is simply not the case will go on the road. the audiences go crazy. they don't see vitality like this on stage. we are capable of conveying joy when we play. msk(music) >> any performance that we do, that a program, that will be something on the program that you haven't heard before. string orchestra repertoire is pretty small. i used to be boxed into small repertoire.
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i kept constantly looking for new repertoire and commissioning new arrangements. if you look at the first of the program you have very early, young vibrant mendelson; fabulous opener and then you have this fabulous concerto written for us in the orchestra. is our gift. msk(music) >> and then you have strauss, extraordinary piece. the most challenging of all. string orchestra work. 23 solo instrument, no violin section, now viola section; everybody is responsible for their part in this piece.
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the challenge is something that i felt not only that we could do , absolutely could do, but i wanted to show off. i can't tell you how aware i am of the audience. not only what i hear but their vibes, so strong. i have been doing this for a long time. i kind of make them feel what i want them to feel. there is nobody in that audience or anywhere that is not going to know that particular song by the fourth note. and that is our encore on tour. by the way.
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i am proud to play it, we are from san francisco. we are going to play that piece no matter where we are. watchin. and hey entices we welcome a new week and new most that's welcome some new flavors. this friday kick a off 2014 with live music and analogy games at broadway's stereos in the union square and meet people and now and the price of admission is leaving our digital things at the demeanor. we will have a donation book
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>> the pledge of allegiance? >> president mazzucco i would like to call roll. >> please do. >> president mazzucco. >> present. >> vice president turman is in route. >> commissioner marshal? >> here. >> commissioner dejesus, in route. >> commissioner chan? >> present. >> commissioner kingsley is resigned. >> okay. >> and commissioner loftus? >> here. >> present.
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>> commissioner you have a quorum and also with us this evening is the chief of police, and the office of citizen complaints. >> welcome to the wednesday march 5th rkts 2014, police commission meeting and please call line item nup one >> consent, calendar, consent calendar, occ document, protocol, quarterly report, 4th quarter, 2014, request of the officer ecummins to accept a gift of $100 from mr. bill larson thanking him for recent acts of kindness, he will donate the said check to the march of dimes organization. >> also a request of officers cummins, carew caraway and durkin to accept a $20 subway sandwich gift card for the mrs. halloran for the recognition of
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the officer's kindness toward in a family in need 6789 >> you have in your packet, the occ document and protocol, and are there any corrections or concerns? >> no, corrections, but i just wanted to point out that i did notice that there are some documents that were late in production, or were not produced yet at all and i want to flag that. >> okay. >> as something that we want to monitor. >> and i see that we have the captain here so that we can work on that. >> okay. >> and with the reference to the request of officer cummins to accept a $100 gift that he will turn around and return to the march of dimes and the officers from apparently central station that are getting a $20 sandwich gift cards, i would like to ask the chief, could we avoid doing this and just having these officers just say no? >> well f they would like to have it, this is the process by which they ask to keep it. >> okay. >> and well, commissioners you
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have all of this in your packet, is there any questions regarding the memo. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> thank you very much. >> please call item number 2. >> general public, and the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. and not to the commissioners or the personnel. >> under the rules of order, neither the police or the occ personnel or commissioners are required to respond to the questions presented by the public or make a brief response. >> individuals commissioners and police and occ personnel, should refrain from entering into debates or discussions with the speakers during public comment >> please limit your comments to three minutes.
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>> good evening, hello, my name is michael and i am a gay advocate and blogger. and i am here to talk about two things. and they both relate to the recent indictment of some police officers, and in october, of 2012, in this building, i mistakingly took a picture of a supervisor in a bathroom, within days, i had two sheriff's investigations on this case. the sheriff had one of the investigators coming to my house and i got e-mails showing that there was a big effort made by the sheriff to investigate the taking of a picture in a bathroom. within a month's time i was arrested. i had $25 bail set on my head for taking a picture. there is all range through so
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fast, the investigation, the indictment and, then the prosecution, okay? took eight months to resolve. why does this case, move so quickly through the justice system and yet these rogue cops or alleged rogue cops are allowed to carry out a campaign against the residents in sros and it takes years to bring them to a count and finally indict them. there is something wrong here when all of the resources that can come in for someone after taking a picture and then the cops with get away with a lot of alleged crimes. in april of last year, i filed a complaint with the office of citizen complaints about lack of disclosure, by the chief, on his website, regarding some gifts. >> ten months later, i got a letter back finally, from the
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occ. acknowledging that they have received my complaint. and they found some evidence, and they would like to set up a meeting with me. so i can go into the occ. and look at what they have uncovered. and we may eventually have a hearing between myself and the department. ten months, ten months, to investigate a relatively minor complaint about a sunshine matter and lack of disclosure at the police department website. that kind of delay is why it is one of the reasons that the police department and the occ have a real credibility problem with a lot of citizens in this town and it is going to take a lot more than a single press conference to say that the department is all shook up to regain some of that trust. and i asked that you consider
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expediting complaints with the occ, thank you. >> next speaker? >> good evening. >> i hope that everybody is doing well. >> just to go real quick. listen, we all know how i feel and i hate crime, and terrorism and corruption and i love hard core law enforcement on all levels. so, you know how i feel, and you know what i want, and bring in the hard core law enforcement like i want, all right? and keep standing tall. >> okay, next speaker. >> ace? >> okay, how are you doing, sir? >> good, and i will mention to the chief in the hallway, i didn't come to beat a dead horse down but i did come to say that there is a good example and there are a few bad apples in every fixture of life and there are a few bad actors in the community and don't feel bad and i come mend everybody that is going forward with this
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issue. as you see here,vy been documenting the police commissions and meeting for a long time and i go back to we have african american shots by the policemen in our community. >> and it seems when the police shoot the black people and there is no give back to that. but i do appreciate alleged officers, thus, on the camera. and coming to the chief coming forthwith you. >> but i want to show a parallel. and i have a history of at least ten, and the police have participated with the rogue communities, and they have problems, and all of these different issues that we participated as an activist, and but they call the police and the police come in without no knowledge and you know what, because there is no community police and i told you that sir, this is nothing that you should
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arrest me for. but i was on the police commission, excuse me, the police african american police relationship board. >> and i have an article here when the mayor men was talking about way back in 206, and we have been up on the record and here i am asking for an internal investigation of northern station, why? >> well, you guys changed your captain more than we change the underwear, this particular captain i do not have a champions to sit down with them but i have the problems with the police and the officers if you run through the tapes and i did not get nobody and i just was there and the asked for who was on the advisory board and couldn't get the list. and the black history month and trying to get a list there and i am going to my archives and i got a list and no cooperation
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from the northern station and so i am going to ask for investigation, the officers down there and we have big problems in the community even with me. and i come up here telling you all, how good of your officers are and i worked with it is first mayor who was the chief of police and i was the first black on this campaign and so i will go back with the rank and file with the chiefs of the police, and i am really respected here it is your lower and sometimes of the officers and perhaps your new officers that are come ng and i am requesting that you pull over your community police. >> thank you. >> you have been chomping at the bit, come on up. >> i would like good evening, i have not been around for a couple of weeks i would like to district attorneys a couple of issues, i remember a few years ago, mr. president, and jim,
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and it was where she was and where she is, but we dealt with that crime lab. and on the rape kit and now we come back and 720 rape kits not been tested? chief. and did a great job with that and focused on it like a laser and i thought that, and i am apparently a snot. and then the next issue, the police corruption. and i think that we got to focus and we have got 1700, give or take. police officers, so we got five. one retired. and it is not a big deal. i was on the phone with somebody on the east coast. he said that clyde i just put
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that... and i said what? he said, pimping chief, and he said, yeah. prostitution, and i said these are cops. we are not that bad. and it happened on your watch. and you know, no it didn't really happen on your watch. it happened on the watch and go down, and layed it off and we put them on ice and you have to deal with it and that is sad. don't you, you are the chief. and it will be all right, though. >> take care people. >> thank you, clyde. >> miss brown? >> hello everyone, my name is paulett brown and i am here concerning my son, and i would like to use the overhead.
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>> he was murdered on august 14, 2006. his birthday is coming up, in april, april 6th. it was an aries. i miss him very much. i come here because this is my therapy, you guys. sometimes, i don't want to cry, but, i need to. this case is not solved. i am still suffering his mother. and i don't want no one to go through this. these are the guys that killed my son. >> they murdered him. >> sit down.
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>> that name right there, thomas, he is a christian name and it is the one that shot him. how long am i going to have to go through this? am not asking for sympathy and i am not asking for anything, i just want justice for my child. and this has been, going on eight years. and i am not here to make you guys feel sorry for me. but, put on a hat as a parent, put all on your parent hat and then you can understand how i feel. and he was only 17 years old. what a life ahead of him. and i am tired, i am literally
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tired this. and this is something that i hate to be doing for the rest of my life but i have to do it, because if i don't, i will be in the hospital somewhere. i do this for every mother out there that is going through this, look at my face and you can see those other mothers. and i had this of my child and of his mother's over his casket. and i needed to do this tonight. and i'm also going back to school to get my mental health license and substance abuse certificate so i can understand why people do things the way they do it.
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but it does not justify taking someone's child from them. it does not justify what they did to my child. >> and i need the justice. any further public comment? >> public comment is now closed. >> please call line item number 3a, the chief's report. >> okay. >> and line item 3a and the chief's report of recent activities. >> good evening, commissioner and public. and just to address a couple of things that were spoken of first miss brown as we said every week, if we can get anybody to come forward the 24 hour, tip line, is 575-4444, and we would really love to give you closure on your case, and as we have discussed before, some of the folks that are on that list, have been in
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and out of custody, albeit not for your son's murder. and so again, whatever we can do, and whatever the public can do to help us. we will do it. >> and as far as the gifts that were spoken of by another speaker, that refers to the 50 lap tops that were donated by hp to the academy some years ago. they were not other gifts, it was 50 laptops. and then, the backlog, captain pray has actually been here to present that going forward in 2014, there will be no backlog and we have a plan for address the backlog that had been acquired over many years, and there was never zeroed out by the commissioner, and so with regard to what is going on, obviously, the events of last thursday, where a couple of speakers spoke of, five police officers being indicted the allegations are serious and the department takes it serious and
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they have been suspended without pay and if found guilty and they are entitled to due process and, held innocent until proven guilty and i will recommend the termination and as far as the other officers, i think that mr. washington described it, we have a terrific police department, and the events of the other day have shaken the department, but again, they go out and do a spectacular job and in fact we closed february out as only the second month since 1963 where there were no homicides in the city of san francisco at all. that said, current events, we did suffer what appears to have been a murder/suicide at a convolesent home and all indications appear that to be the case. so all homicides, which now this year are three have also left hand solved.
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