tv [untitled] March 6, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PST
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years experience in this business. >> 3,000 cars are circling because of these tnc and they also are encouraged discrimination by the rate the customer feature and you never know because the neighborhood that you are in or because you don't fist bump, and director cannot get the tnc because she has been red lined and she followed all of the rules, i urge you to seize regulatory control in any way possible and don't wait for the cpuc. they don't have the regulators. >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> i have been in the taxi business about 35 years now and i have owned metro cab for 20 years and if one of my drivers gets hurt tonight i have a
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million dollar coverage. i am going to emphasize mr. dolan's points, public is going to be paying for these injuries. no doubt about it. one of these tncs could have a minimum of $15,000 of liability insurance and if he crashes himself, or hurts himself, public is going to be paying for it. mark my words. >> what is your name? >> richard hibols. >> thank you. >> my name is namshirm a and i am driving for the yellow 20 years. i am not here to praise you mta because they did so much damage to the taxi business, and you start (inaudible) and you think about the mta revenue, but they will stop over the (inaudible) how are we going to trust you? before us and we actually used to go to each taxi company (inaudible) we are going to the
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airport, but all for $2, this is ridiculous, before she lied, and your mta investigators are making (inaudible) to confuse (inaudible) not working (inaudible) they do not... >> thank you so much. >> want us to fight for our rights uber, they do not have full coverage insurance. they are criminals you never check their driving record. (inaudible). >> please be fair and let the next speaker come up. >> please be fair sir.
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next speaker. >> i am with the desoto taxi cab. >> mc... >> and we are driving a cab in san francisco for almost 32 years. with all due report i would urge you to take the blinders off what we have here is a situation of just (inaudible) and we have this dishonest rhetoric at the very heart of this issue to call these companies tncs, is bogus to call them ride shares is ridiculous. they are taxi cabs and they, and you, by allowing them to operate, you have created a two tier system where you have the people that have the money and the cab companies are caught picking up the rest of the people that is what you got
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here. you have a situation of defacto regulation because you have an extra 6,000 cars on the street that are taking cab rides away but also polluting the city that is something that you need to take into consideration. also, as the women from the puc had said, hailing a cab... >> yeah. >> last point. >> hailing a cab needs to be reinterpreted. >> thank you. >> cloe cocran and andrew green, and tarac hussen. >> president of the natural veteran cab company, i would like to make three kick points, first you cannot have an industry where on demand transportation which is regulated competes with transportation that is unregulated what is going to happen is the unregulated are
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not going to survive. >> the regulations as they are laid out with respect to the cab industry or layed out by the city to serve the interest of the public. and it is important that you formulate those in that way, and the third thing that i would point out is that the puc, has not shown any interest in regulating public safety in the interest of the people of san francisco and it is important that you represent the people of san francisco and make sure that those regulations apply to all the providers. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors, thank you, for having this hearing, now, and i would like to call your attention to something that was very missed in this, and is don't wait until we lose another great child, or have a murder in one of the cabs or have someone raped because you have someone that has not been had a background check. i would not be able to sleep at
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night, i urge you to act as quickly as you can and support the drivers that have devoted their lives to driving the taxi. thank you. >> kevin stol, constance and galani sturit. >> next speaker it does not have to be that order just come up please. >> my name is michael madox and i would like to address two things for safety and that is what this is all about. >> were you on the list? >> no. >> i have my card, it was back there. >> you have to wait your turn until your name is called. >> next speaker? >> i can't repeat the names, come forward in your name has been called. >> yes. hello, and thank you, supervisors and supervisor mar for your superior leadership,
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my name is douglas oconnor and i drove for uber and they hired a friend of mine with a dui and he has a history of citation and dui and multiples the private investigators took eight to ten hours to pull all of the records out, they falsely advertised to me, and solicited me to get rides from this individual and i had to research this, and my friend was driving under uninsured from the policy because he did not qualify for the policy because of the dui and dirty driving history. so, what we need to do is that complaint went to the district attorney and had to be forwarded to the puc and as a result, the puc has taken five to six months to investigate this matter and i met with the puc investigator at the end of january, and first of all she does not have the courage to show up to this hearing, and secondly, she did not even know
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if he had a dui or not, we had to provide the records to the investigator she could not go to martinez and pull them out himself. >> could you share the information with my office, please? >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, i am the general manager of the cab companies of san francisco and provides thousands of rides to the customer and the wheelchair customer and we have a smart phone technology and it is working wonderfully and other than the fact that we are short of drivers and we need your help to bring back the drivers to the regulated market where there is safety and concerns are met and fees are paid and we have experienced a great shortage of drivers which is why we can't fill the ramp orders which is why they stopped calling us, this will end in the taxi demise and only tnc and there will not be service for the most important residents at one level playing field.
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>> frank sahey and ed saley and jim knight and trevor johnson, and marian, fotioli. >> my name is cory lamb and a cab driver for desoto cab but i wanted to address the puc as they need to figure out what to regulate is absurd. in the united kingdom in 1635, so the idea that they have no basis for regulation is pretty disgusting. and i would like to point out the fact that as a cab driver, i have fees that i pay to the cab company and the city and the city has for all, and with all dao respect has been negligent in respecting my needs, and the needs of those provide me an opportunity to work. the holders as well as the
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companies and so as respectfully as possible i would like to urge more action from the city and not less thank you so much. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> just, please come forward if your names have been called. >> yes, thank you. >> and my name is david barlow and i am also with taxi cab workers. and my topic just one topic basically is taxi cabs service. and in the capitals and in the cities around the u.s.. there are standards for taxi cab service that have been developed, 80 years, hence, previously. and those are safety, and reliability, and pricing.
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these drivers are all suffering but one of the biggest points that have been missed tonight is the hotel business and the billions of dollars that are invested in restaurant and how many people are there employing in the city and all of those people, who are going to be paying, two or 300 dollars to get a room in the city of san francisco and in the coming years there will not be enough tax to service them, they will not come to the city of san francisco. and have to get a ride from one of these private cars, that is something that is going to lead to the demise of our beloved city of san francisco. and there are other issues here, but i think that is the big issue that is being missed. >> thank you, sir.
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>> next speaker? >> hi, i am john hann and i have always been a san francisco cab driver over the last ten or eleven years and i am one of the many who was courted by one of the tncs to use financing assistance based out of houston lender and i participated in this program and got as far as being approved and the only thing to do was pick out which car that i wanted and i have to say that the idea of owning your own car and working when you wanted had a lot of appeal after years of being a cab driver. but i had to stop myself and check the insurance before i pulled the trigger before i found that the personal insurance company would not cover a uber lift or a side car or anything like that. so i have the choice of committing felony insurance fraud because the process went such that they were going to register the car as a personal
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vehicle and i would then have to get personal insurance without disclosing. >> if you could summarize that, because i think that is really important, continue. >> my recommendation to the board of supervisors first of all when i see a hummer with a pink mustache that is not green fleet, there is no disclaimers that say, if they say that all you need is personal insurance and that is not true, the department of insurance issued the statement and there needs to be a required disclaimer on the web sites. >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> good afternoon, my name is david smith and i am a san francisco cab driver, and the cpuc is also the same licensing organization, state, organization, and that issues
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the tct, which is a complete joke. and it is a phoney taxi license and never been able to control it and it has been ramped for only 20 years and now they created the tnc and how thiser going to control it, i don't know. >> it is a mess. but you have all of these running the fleets and charging the gates and leasing cars out like a taxi cab, but it is illegal with the tcerebral palsy to charge a gate. and you have the lincoln next to the park and basically the tnc parking lot hub, we don't know if those are tnc commercial vehicles are taking up all of that parking? they are the taxi hub.
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>> thank you so much. next speaker? >> my name is tony from flywheel and as was mentioned in this hearing, it is deployed in over 1400 cars in san francisco and it has always been our vision to modernize and approve the service of existing regulated safe taxis in the city and thes working we are proud to be working with all of the best fleets in the city in the month of january, the service time is just over four minutes and ten seconds. you may have seen recently there was a comparison on the flywheel and we beat them by two or three times and so our vision is working and our rider participation is growing over day and the numbers will can't to improve as the fleets participate.
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thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, this is in the public interest, my name is david snyder for informational purposes only, i am a co-founder of united taxi cab workers but also been a jack of a number of trades photographer, lawyer and newspaper reporter and all of that kind of stuff. but this as another vehicle for hire and ride shares, something strange, ride shares, ride shares you start charging, i think that is a classic definition when you charge isn't that the classic definition of motor vehicle for hire? the average taxi driver will work or drive about 36,000 a year. carry between 6 and 9,000
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passengers. that is real heavy lifting that is not pink fluff. >> thank you so much mr. snyder. >> thank you, my name is walter blake derby and i started driving the taxi in 1979 and it is changed and i am almost ready to retire and i am grateful about everything because i really like it and i have to write a book about it because basically, the 200 million, what would you do with it, put the ads on anything, and i got it on my facebook for two years, the tnc, you can do it. you can shut them down. they are running around the cannabis all of the time and you can shut these people down and you have to shut them down and take it back to the full board and tell them to shut them down now. >> that is my only message. shut them down now, it is not safe, more people get hurt and it is wrong. i love you guys. i am going to retire, but games
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people play, it is a classic thing they did. if you can't win the game start a new game. and that is what they are trying to do saying that pier to pier, this and that, goit pier to pier tamales and i make them on the other side of the port-a-potty but you can trust me because it is an app. >> any way, supervisors my name is ben and i am a taxi driver here for ten years and i want to thank eric mar for having this hearing because it is very important you know, i am, this harowitz and google venture and all of these start ups and i am glad that it did not get to everybody in government and that you guys are here for the public's interest and here to
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listen. because we have uninsured vehicles on the road and people dying and that is criteria for a seize and desist order and any of these tnc drivers that do not have full insurance, let's get them off the road right now. >> i am going to call a few more names. >> austin, peterson, mc mars, bill manci, folkerson, phd and chris, and peter witz and richard malgu. >> i have been a driver for two years. i just, yeah, i don't have medallion i am just driving, i drive for him i have uber and side car and lift, and all of the other s in the cities i have it in my phone and my own
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car. i love to drive for dosoto and the taxi cabs and i don't feel like it is fair the way that we work, people taking our business, and they told you that we lost 15 dollars, and we lost more than that. way more than that. my friends, he is lucky that $35 home, and $35 for san francisco, you cannot pay your rent. your situation is really bad we need you guys to help us. >> actually sir, previously a woman said that she is down 30 to 50 percent, how much? >> 30 to 50 percent, i am sorry, i have to say, it is more than that. >> okay. >> it is more than 50 percent and one more thing, please. >> as drivers we have no right in the city we don't get any benefits if we need to use the rest room, i am sorry, you have to work and get the tickets and go and use the rest room. >> thank you.
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>> >> good morning supervisors thank you. my name is andrew green and i am a taxi driver here in san francisco and i would like to thank miss diashi for being prepared, the california public utilities commission sent a representative who stated that we can't make decisions on the fly, yet her inbility to state the foundation on which the cpuc's decision to authorize the tnc businesses was made may be evidence that the california public utilities commission did indeed, make a decision on the fly. a decision that had a devastating effect on the lives of san francisco taxi drivers in which it gives you good reason to implement an immediate order to the tnc businesses to seize and desist and that means, immediately, tell them to stop. right now. because the cpuc did not make a
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decision based on clear and thorough, thoughts. and thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> i am going to call a few more names and i am getting to the bottom of the list, richard magoo and jacob davis and michael madox who i know came up earlier and mary mcchoir and paul good fader and sharm a and jeffrey rosne and bary corn gold. >> the taxi cab is in the big cities and moved to restore that and it has been kind and for the last few months 4,000 cab drivers with angry face. and angry find, this is not a joke. so, if you have to restore that
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and i have a slogan since 1998, that you can have 20 different color schemes but it is going to be just under one umbrella. and the taxi cabs. and so the taxi cabs that we have issued are more, issue for the gay marriage before the proposition 13 because they thought that it was the right thing to do and so taxing those other people is 25 percent each fare they pick up from tomorrow. >> thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> my name is constantine. >> did i call your name? >> i asked you to repeat, but... >> thank you, so i did. >> no problem. >> about insuring a lot of people told already that there
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was a cap between the revolution stops and uber, insurance starts and so there is no insurance and those cars driving around, and as we know are killing people and so we don't want to pay for it they should pay for it. that is first, second just one thing that i want to let you know, (inaudible) people is here and there are some medallions in the company that are not taken and the drivers not coming so when the heavy rain comes, those uberlift and side car people don't come to work, they don't like the rain they are afraid. the only people who work us.
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>> these are the taxi cabs fees, downloaded from the sfmta website. we paid thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars in fees, we are struggling, we are dying out here. and the cab business is dying out here. and if new york and new orleans and all of these other cities can shut them down, why can't we? tmc is just another name for taxi and they do exactly what we do we pick them up and we charge them and we drop them off. please don't get it confused we are not blind, you are not blind, and tnc drivers do not have this. this is what a taxi driver has to have on top of everything else, experience and skills. don't get it confused. the industry is dying, and it is gapsing for its last breath
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and be regulating an unregulated business, if you regulate us, regulate them exactly the same, no difference. thank you. >> thank you supervisor, mar for having this meeting, we appreciate it very much. >> i am a medallion holder in san francisco and i have been driving a cab for 24 years. and i am going tell you something now that the taxi industry that the companies will go out of business within a year if you don't stop these people. they are driving around with no... and i seen them living before me with no expenses whatsoever and we have huge expenses. and i am making less than half the money i used to make and now there are 4,000 uber type of cars on the streets and only 2 though taxis so look at the difference, they are making the
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money and we are not. taxi drivers are quitting in droves to drive for uber, and other companies. when our industry has to survive and it is not going to survive the way that things are going it has gotten worse and worse and the city has turned a blind eye to all of the laws and regulations. >> thank you. >> >> they claim that they need the pricing to get on friday night and i don't think that is the reason. >> under the normal, rules of business, there would be a point where there is no longer any cabs on the street and you got the business down 50 percent and so, it does not make shens that uber and lift are still putting vehicles on, but the reason that they are putting them on is of course, to maximize the profit and they
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can maximize the profits only by the surge pricing and it goes with the entire package, and of putting more and more cabs on the street, and they can afford to pay these people, three times and nine times and six times more. than they would order thaterly get. the number one thing that you have to do is limit the number of vehicles that are allowed to the street, and go from there, thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker? >> hello supervisors my name is jim knight and i am a driver for dosoto cab and so when you get in one of these vehicles, a tnc, there is two drivers, really and the physical driver behind the wheel and the driver that you don't see which is the company culture. the culture is very important. for instance if you get on a
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golden gate transit bus and i am, impressed of how professionals they are,. they are advertising themselves as a party on wheels for 20 somethings and they have costume and musical instruments, and you know, the drivers rated on their ability to chat up the customers, all of this stuff, kind of mitigates against the safety in my opinion, thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> frank fahe, taxi man. >> for shame, invest tore ors in this criminal enterprise and if they were not for you they would not exist, i will talk about the billionaires that invest in them, they don't need to charge, they are free because they are put out there by you. to gather data. so ron con
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