tv [untitled] March 8, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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same time the vision of a pro get and the determination of a woirs he wanted to make sure our father addressed great grandparent will live their life with district and faith those are the block we're breaking here today. everything i've said about dr. george davis can be said about kathy davis (clapping) as we all knows kathy is unstoppable and unflapable building you don't want to get between kathy davis and
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her vision. when she whacks the traffic at the capita the traffic parts as if missouri's was in the building (laughter) and she reminded me in putting the financing together one of the loose pieces was $20 million that redevelopment agencies in the past recollection is dollars we had to go to the difgdz those were owed and due and the governor was not going to use them to use for other purposes but to use on this project so contacting thank you for a carrying on the vision and
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keeping up the fight and doing it with a spirit and style of elegance i've never seen so from the state to you dr. georges memory (clapping.) >> okay. we want to get to groundbreaking and nancy pelosi has to get somewhere else. >> do you have time>> of course, i have time i want to recognize supervisor william kennedy's work. >> okay (clapping.) i can relax a little bit. while we thank supervisor dr. kennedy are in the house and she was our fourth president (clapping.)
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okay. all right. so i want to bring up unknown but before i do i want to announce there's great people in the house to thank. we do have let see commissioners from the oc ii the director of the public housing and c l and we have community partners such as a mr. walton and ed williams and dr. honey cut and dwayne jones and then we have department heads mohammed the man of the hour for me he made
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this happen and barbara smith the head of the housing authority and ann is here (clapping) so we're going to have supervisor cowen come up because - oh, another supervisor in front. we're so proud to have her in our district and she said he did i was her master of thesis and every time we need something she's right there like sophie we appreciate her and glad to have her with us >> good morning. i'm glad the speaker put the breaks open kathy that is what happened when our the baby on the stage and
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keep me to two minutes. it's going to be more than two minutes ate an amazing day to celebrate. you know, i really want to talk about what exactly we're here you've heard about the 20 years but what 20 years has brought us is one hundred and 20 units of senior housing that's right here where we are today. it's not only been a dream for 20 years but it's the exciting moment for the community. as i look at i see so many community leaders and people who have been with us at the beginning that is about respecting your seniors. thank you
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(clapping) and it's out of this place of respect that we stiefr to build a safe and beautiful place for them to stay in the community that we were raised in and raised their families and community they continue to see their children and great grandchildren to be strong healthy members of society. they'll get to see their grandchildren and great grandchildren more often they have their elderly to guide them a continuum of life in the bayview hunters point community we're about power and moving forward collectively as one community as our ancestries has down in the past this is the african-american community no longer will people have to seek
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outside of the community for housing in minded african-american community our history has been past down to us nor years and once we put the final screw in the building we'll help to preserve that tradition that dr. davis fought figuring out and william kennedy fought for us all the way until the day they went home. thank you for the opportunity not only have i inherited a great opportunity i'll carry this past the finish line we'll see this built. there are a couple of people we must give praise to. we got to recognize the executive director that has received one more kathy davis
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the president of the board of directors and my right hand and vice president ms. orly and treasury caesar hold your applause so my heart is heavy we've got to acknowledge staff and to recognize san francisco police captain o'sullivan this is an amazing day i want to give to kathy davis a small token from the board of supervisors think of it as an early house warming gift to adorn the wall next to what she received before you'll only need a small place
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it has a small frame i get it (laughter) >> but the sentiment is just as big congratulations of groundbreaking of the dr. george after 20 years of hard work you'll dream is finally finally final become a reality so the board of supervisors extend their huge thanks so it's done (clapping.) okay. so it's hot in here. >> yeah. >> you should have seen this yesterday wee it was freezing cold and raining down because we
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were in this tent and reverend told me not to worry about this. we are going to do the ceremony in a minute but i want to let you know we have some award to give to the people on stage and people out here that's been outstanding. in the interest of time i'm going to say our name and why you get it and we'll move on. this award we'll show the first one and all our distinguished guests don't you think she has go taste. doctor george it has a heart and this is an african symbol by gods embrace all will be well. (clapping.) so we have one for you
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congresswoman (clapping) thank you. okay. we have one important mayor ed lee the fix it mayor, i call him. you need something and he fixes that (clapping) oh, senator leno my hero (clapping) mal malia cowen our advocate at city hall and mr. tony salazar the man what the handshake (clapping) brenda wright who made this
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thing happen (clapping) okay. now the other one this one is for something at the front who doesn't think he is going to get an award he was the only sponsor besides wells fargo so we've got one for you coffey (clapping) okay. i role want him to speak today but this is the man who at dr. george's funnel said we've got to olsen lee. he's the one (clapping) and then we've got one forestall worth sport she goes to the
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mayor to get it fixed and that's ann (clapping) okay. so. those are all our award he's open the stage but there's 52 names on the back of the program and if your name is there your special and we have something for you. we have a table in the back and a groundbreaking award that says thank you for stand by us we wouldn't have made it without all of you standing by us there are 2 hundred and 50 more but we picked 50 to say thank you and show our appreciation and dr. davis said you thank people and feed people so don't worry about
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stay safe, about staying in your home after an earthquake. and today we're going to be talking about the neighborhood support center to help people find new resources when they stay in their home. ♪ ♪ >> we're here at the urban center in san francisco with sarah karlewski, deputy director of spur. we're talking about the shelter, a safe place to stay, exhibition at their center. and part of being able to shelter in place in your home is to be able to find a place nearby where you can get the services that you might not have in your home. and that's what this little neighborhood support center is for. >> that's right. >> what are some of the services that might be provided in a neighborhood center like this? >> yeah. so, we think of the neighborhood support centers as really being homes away from home. so, after a major earthquake
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there is going to be a lot of confusion. people are going to need to try to meet up with other people. they're going to need a lot of information. so, a lot of what the neighborhood support center is going to provide is that information. basically we're going to be like a hub where people can come to get services, help, information, et cetera. what you see here on this table are a whole variety of did you ever rent things from tools, some walki-talkies. this helps people know what is going on in their neighborhood. over here you have a whole variety of water and canned goods. we're really hoping that people will stock up for themselves at least for the first 72 hours if not more. i know that i have a ton of canned food and other sorts of things such as water within my own home. and everybody should, but
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there's going to come a time where people are going to end up running out and needing more. so, that's what we've got right here. >> so, this neighborhood support center, this doesn't look to be a major city sponsored fully stocked space. it can be a small commercial space, even somebody's garage as long as they have the information, a guide of information, who to call for what, communications equipment, some power, have a generator. >> that's right. >> thinking of lights and charge your cell phones and so on. and probably be operated by volunteers. >> volunteers, maybe members of nert could help out, people who live in the neighborhood that have some building skill could be helpful. so, if there is a structural engineer living nearby or even an architect, they could really help people kind of understand what has happened to their homes and what sort of repairs might be needed. >> here we are with some of the things that you might find in a neighborhood support center.
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one thing we learned from hurricane katrina, people really rely on their portable electronics and their phone. we say here's a charging station tied up to the generation. the essential coffeepot. >> yes. >> maybe a computer, you can check your e-mail with. >> yes. we have our charging station here. and then over here you can see we've got a whole variety of things, including the all-important different tags. so, lawrence, do you want to talk a little about the tags? >> sure. people want to know what do these tags mean. is my building safe or unsafe. these are the city owe initial tags. staying in your home doesn't require that you get a tag. it just means that you use common sense and maybe get help from people who might be around who can help you evaluate whether it's a safe place to stay. >> you might want to know because regular city services are disrupted, you might want to know when trash pick up is, if you need to get clean water, et cetera. also in the neighborhood
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support center, that kind of information would be available and we've got a little of that up here. >> trash pick up resumes regular schedule on wednesday. >> that's right. >> please mark your human waste. >> that's right. >> so, this is kind of an information center, communication center, also a center that hopefully will show people how to relate to their neighboring communities, what else is happening city-wide. and, of course, this is sort of the ubiquitous form of communication. my cat is missing, call me. >> exactly, because a lot of times, even if you do have a cell phone, and people do if you're really trying to save some of your precious energy minutes, et cetera, or it's not working as well as it normally does, it is helpful to have a message board that you can get information to other people. and, so, that's what we're showing here. you can see people are going to be looking for their pets. they're going to be looking for rides. people are going to need to be sharing resources a much as
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they possibly can. another thing that you can see here is they're going to need to be fair tools and some of the things that people are going to need in order to be able to stay safer within their homes. so, we're just showing sort of a gesture to that with all these different tools here. but then also tarps, people are going to need to cover their windows if their windows are cracked, if their roofs are broken. so, ideally, the city would be able to know where all these neighborhood centers are and help deliver some of these supplies. >> they could come from a neighbor, maybe not. thank you so much for allowing us to come in and share this wonderful exhibit. and thank you for good afternoon, everyone and welcome to our first full budget and finance committee meeting for
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2014. on wednesday march 5th and i'm supervisor mark farrell and i'm joined by mar, and supervisor john avalos and london breed and supervisor wiener. i want to thank the members of sfgtv covering this meeting, jennifer and the clerk of the committee, ms. linda wong. madam clerk do we have announcement. >> silence electronic devices and complete speaker cards and items will appear on the board of supervisor agenda unless otherwise stated. >> madam clerk, call items 1 and 2 together. >> item is a resolution approving a performance contract behavior health services and the department of health care services incorporating the mental health act in transition for homelessness and health services grants, program for the period of july
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1, 2013 through scombrun 30, 2014 and authorizing the behavioral service so sign at greement ed agreements. resolution authorizing adoption of the fy2014-2014 annual update to mental health services act program and expenditure plans. >> okay. thank you. we have sims ons to speak on these items and thank you for being here. >> hold a second. can we make sure we have our mic lit up. >> is that better. >> so the first item, the performance contract is a zero dollar contract that basically includes the conditions and requirements that the department needs to meet to get these different streams of funding, the federal funding, the past grant comes to serve
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services for homeless individuals, the mental health block grant is broader, and that comes through the state as well and the mental health services act funding that comes from the state controllers's officer month so they have their own mechanism of funding authority and go through the regular budget process. the state recently let the department know that we needed to get a resolution from the board, adopting the performance contract. it's not a contract that has been required for four or five years. the state recently transferred from the department of mental health over to the department of health care services, all the over sight for mental health so in that transition, there was a feeling that the state that we needed to update this. so it's about data reports and do you want me to update -- the second
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item, the mental health service between 2005 and 2006 and we have plans and the annual update is the requirement to provide an implementation update so be update all the plans at one time and just as a side note, very soon i'll be back to present a resolution for adoption of an integrated plan for the next three years which is all those pieces together. but this is just for the annual update. >> okay. thank you very much. colleagues any questions? okay. we have a report from our budget analyst, why don't we go to that now? >> good member dhar farrell, this is a zero dollar contract. it sets up the conditions by which the city accepts funding for the prop 63 and other federal grants for mental health services and it's
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fiscal year 13-14 and it's retro active and the board has approved $30 million in the 13-14 budget. they'll have to be another approval for the 14-15 approval and the estimate budget for 14-15 is $34 million. >> thanks. i presume given that the 14-15, we'll have the resolution before us, so it's not retro active. >> that's the goal now that we know the state is going to ask for it. >> i can't wait to have these come to the board of supervisors. colleagues, any questions. president mar. >> i wanted to ask mrs. simmons, i know the budget items will come later for the department, but do you have projections for what the state's mental health funding will be coming up this year with the governor's budget, do you have any projections right now?
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>> overall budget, i don't. for these three fundings, the information is in there and it's my area and that's what i can speak to. >> okay. and i know with discussions about laura's law and even within the mental health commission, lots of debates and discussions going on that it seems like an important -- your budget items but the state's funding of mental health services are reestablishing a lot that was cut over the years and that's critical so i'll be looking forward to the information that you and others provide later. >> we're launching a planning commission and i'm sure the board has looped in on that. but being around individual that's have been difficult to end gage into services so i think the laura's law sits into that discussion and it's a tool that we have to work with folks. >> okay. thank you. colleagues, any further
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questions or comments. okay. thank you. at this point we'll open up to public comment. seeing no public comment. public comment is closed. colleagues we have two items in front of us. can i have a motion to move to the full board. >> so moved. >> we can take that without objection. >> all right. madam clerk, do we have any other business in front of us? >> no, mr. chair. >> all right. we are adjourned.
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>> good afternoon, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors land use and economic development committee. i am scott wiener, the chair of the committee. to my left is supervisor malia cohen, a member of the committee, and our committee vice-chair, supervisor jane kim will be joining us shortly. we are also joined today by supervisor david chiu. madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> yes. please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the march 4th, 2014 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you. and i'd also like to
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