tv [untitled] March 9, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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so perhaps i should point out this is not a pilot which does it become permanent this is not permanent. the board of supervisors could take this out of the code but it's up to this body to decide where and when we use it and to the extent we bring you further locations they'll be spot locations this is not on ongoing process they'll be shopping in your consent calendar >> any members of the public? >> yes. (calling names). >> next speaker is - >> melody is first. >> good afternoon melody.
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>> thank you special thanks to roberta boorm getting you my statement. i misunderstands that sfmta to say it doesn't plan to extend the number of streets for the overnight vehicles the stress and strain is numerous i don't want to break the law. no sleep is no stress there's noting no more to park the poverty and stress those lead to bad decisions and there's 24 hour moving notes and street cleaners and thieves and drug dealers the engineering hearing notices are posted off telephone poles we don't have a full six to eight weeks to execute a plan because in 7 days the meter
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maids maids start ticketing and telling. after the board passes the signage the police start pou pounding on the doors. and vehicles are sabotages our tires were shot with a gun and this protocols. per penalties this we can't get rest and are perpetually stressed. this enforcement feels like take care rich and i haven't done anything wrong. thank you >> next speaker please.
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(calling names). >> good afternoon. >> i'm nick. so i've been here and met with you in person. i volunteered the coalition of homelessness i live in district 5 i'm against this open the panhandle. i think i want to lou let you know, we appreciate the work of mta to be able to ask sfpd to issue warnings first so the vehicles aren't towed right now, however, i feel this is clearly not an effective policy move that's not an effective sign they have locations where the signs where the people go around the block were there no signs its displacement and not getting to the rotate of their problems
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and people are being displaced into other areas to the limited scope of this is in and of itself a limited process. i think with the expansion there are needs to be a clear vetting process. i don't think it's fair that a community can come up to people president streets and people are living in their vehicles on the street so the people who are house their voices are better heard. i think you can appeal this roll out we're working with the office of hope and working with the interface community and a churches and other places that have safe programs for people living in their vehicles so before displacing people and
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people getting their vehicles towed we work together and entity even though solution solved with the parking program >> is ms. noel. >> i'm sharon noel and much like nike think expanding this ban displaced people and has consequences. this is the last stop before they have nothing but the streets. before we look at implementing for restrictions and the displacement of more people we need to taking into consideration the work we've been doing to trying to find a viable solution not one that keeps shuttling people around >> thank you. next speaker
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please. dean. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i'm a legislator aid. since the program was pledged in july emphasizing we've heard from many residents we've been contacted about the numerous health and safety problems with the offer sized vehicles in the sunset reservoir. while the program was successful other areas have been inundated with over sized vehicles near schools. right now the originate sunset surrounds the middle school and parks. at the same time as our office is asking for the expansion we're continuing to work on
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alternative solution for the people vehicle housed and we're working with the many community advocates about the pilot programs in other cities in san francisco and we look forward to a report that's been in progress between students from the university of southern california and project hope. we've had an impact on the easter sunset i want to thank sftv and other folks. we're committed to work collaboratively with all stakeholders on this issue. so thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker (calling names). >> good afternoon mr. johnson. >> i'm mr. johnson legislation aid to supervisor breed in district 5. i'll reiterate what we said at
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the board of supervisors hearing and the mta meeting. there are unique unique circumstances in the panhandle the park is frequented by bicyclists and dog-walkers and pedestrian see. the path is often overflowing and there's discussions about creating an additional park. large vehicles parked on the street are a safety harassed to people of the park and supervisor breed supports the issues in the panel. there are other issues like the homelessness and panhandleers. i think there are special circumstances on the panhandle and for that reason the supervisor asks for your support there >> thank you very much.
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(calling names). good afternoon. >> hello. in our neighborhood we have another set of circumstances we don't have a lot of trailers ours are mainly the big moving vans that are full of graffiti. we have people parking big trucks and vans of garbage and come up with a little truck and a load those are people running their businesses on the street we are taxpayers we live in a nice neighborhood. yesterday we were walking and there were 40 or 50 bags of marijuana bags they through out we dragged them out of the way. they're blocking the sidewalk. there was human feces on the suitcase used toilet paper. in front of one trailer there
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was a homeless person who wanted to fight my dog because my dog barked another him. he had urine. we deserve more than this. we live in a nice neighborhood and we're not out to evict the homeless just our neighborhood nice. >> which neighborhoods are you referring to. >> i'm sorry. >> we live on alderman i didn't by the brand new playgrounds. thank you. appreciate it. next speaker >> the last person who turned in a speaker card. >> good afternoon. >> i was hoping i wouldn't have to speak and everything would be in your records we've been fighting that and i'm the president of the association. we've had this problem on
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alderman i didn't i don't know how how long we've having had dumped cars and the public safety for children walking down that street interests trash and used food and rats returning around around. we can't see this area because we've got those oversized vengeance we want visibility. last year, we had no parks posting there for any vehicle. since that time we've had two problems to recall we've had things dumped there. on the other side of the street someone comes everyday. dpw comes by twice a day and, yes all the marijuana was there but that's simple compared to other things the marijuana we could call the police about but we ask you to consider our
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boulevard. thank you. >> jane martin she's the last person. >> good afternoon. i am here to talk about the budget but i was really dismade to see the list i live by holly park and i wonder what is the lovely of support. in a time homelessness is increasing and we hear about organizations and families living in their cars with the children. i know this is a big policy issue the housing solutions and at the mta board should be open the right side and poison this until there's time to figure out how to serve our families
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>> okay not necessarily here to address the board. questions or comments. director heinecke >> there were other speakers who mentioned there are things in progress i want to talk about the timeline and if someone knows about the requested delay what it looks like and what's the pros and cons. >> andy again. the one most promising prospective is this notion of using church parking lots for refugee. no city i know of has a solution. and has the person from supervisor breed's office the masters class is coming up with some point outers but it's not likely this year or next year
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we'll have a pilot and apart from that it's about findings a refugee for folks to park and not be subject to parking regulations. this board could consider that the staff has no recommendations. we've asked the coalition where people could park but we have no recommendations on that. the timeline if you approve those locations today it will take sometime to bring work orders forward but certainly in the first locations parking control officers will issue warnings for a month and the low and behold police department will hold off for a month of
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transition but probably this summer when improvement happens. so again, the perspectives of solutions the safe parking program perhaps but that's a ways off >> just one little so if we pass this today that wouldn't prevent you from working with the homeless folks if they have proposals for the deregulated areas. >> we on behalf of your staff want to find a way to make this more supportive of sfoekz who are vulnerable pardon the challenge of any kinds of common sense our curbs for the common sense one person can spoil it for one person. so we'll ask for price for campers but, of course, if the coalition sairsz says those are
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locations we'll move to see if they make sense for the folks living in their vehicles >> director heinecke. first >> for the people does the current proposal cover the areas and thank you for coming down but thank you in particular for you for your dedication on the issue and clarifying that for me. the second thing will the proposal address their concerns about business vehicles. i mean so someone would be recycled from parking a large perhaps graffiti filled commercial vehicle for more residents vehicles >> it's dynamical it doesn't care what the use is and it's my
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understanding donates the all vehicles. >> any comments. >> i appreciate our sensitive clearly that is an issue that effects people's lives it's disappointing we've come to this i hope we continue to find other solutions apart if being pushed to the curbs where people are living in their cars and the quality of life for everyone. it's certainly we need to approach sensitively and you're doing it as sensitive as you can i hope we can resolve this issue than parking regulations that's a critical place we have a responsibility to maintain
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>> any directors. actually, we need to go back to the meantime approval; right? and a could you read that >> so the motion. >> i have a motion on the pending resolution. >> so the motion would amended the resolution to restrict the locations of 20 and 23 e 22nd street. >> all in favor, say i. i want to say a few things. i happen to see during the holiday a church up in napping pa and sonoma they make the facility available they bring in showers to hope the people in vehicles that's a productive idea and knowing the faith community there is some faith organization that is willing and able to do that. it's a terrific he service. i recall when we began that most
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of the vehicles out there were monthly commercial verdicts; is that correct >> about half the vehicles we spotted were and half of the vengeance have been cited so far. >> i support a much longer pet to give a person a warning before being ticketed. it's difficult to put everything together in a short period of time >> so would this - for those open somebody's trailer you've got 5 or 7 days but longer periods. >> your staff can certainly take that direction. one the complications we're working with the police department and there's a separate agency we can schism and a work with them. and that's certainly our intent. if it is your pleasure we work
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with the police to have 2 months of warning or something like that >> a longer period it is too short so can we ask director reiskin to talk to the police department. >> what is the current plan. >> 5 days isn't it. >> we have a month of warnings before it goes into effect that's routine and there's a period - >> those are warnings given to each individual. >> yeah. it's not in our control and i'm not certain the police may say this is the first incident so we encourage the police for more tolerance. >> so the first time around brown us and the police department put notices on
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vehicles and there was a notice in advance and that's what the chair is talking about. before the warnings are issued it sounds like we want to have notice adequate notice and give warnings before citations so you so we can make that timeline to make sure we give adequate notice to folks; is that correct >> that's correct and again we'll continue to work with our liaisons through the police department to have the adequately forgiving time but the officers for the implementation time we've got control over that. >> i wish we had more information about the people who are living in those locations
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but i'm not sure we can could that who you are working with closely. >> the hope and outreach team. as you know the homeless outreach team are strapped we're hoping to fund them better but the identification and tracking of displaced team it beyond the scope >> in this case we have a resolution as amended on the floor. >> move it. >> any further discussion all in favor, say i. opposed? no. you guys have it >> item 12 is acting as the mta and the parking community to have an agreement wore 80s on sftv vehicles plus to 5 years items and directors there's no member of the public who wishes
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to address this matter. >> director reiskin. >> yes. gail has been the director on this and will give you a report. >> good afternoon i'll be belief i know you have a lot going on today. this is a contract for advertising on vehicles and other mta property. the current distract expires june thot this is year term with two, 5 years terms to renew. the high birtdz was tighten outside whors our current contractor it has a annual guarantee. the two main differences in about four or five years when the subway opens we'll be bringing an advertisement
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electroprogram to you. but those numbers are not before you today. the second is that currently, we have a program of 15 window wraps when i say that the entire body of the vehicle have an ad. we have over a thousand vehicles so the proposed contract would be a minimum of 15 and up to thirty and it will be fixed by the director of transportation. tighten outside has offered to put $325,000 a year extra into the magazine if we keep the minimum of 15 vehicles. and just finally this contract includes the moved advertising policy that you braufd last year if we were to wrap up all our
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vehicles that's a small jump (laughter) would advertisers be interested >> we have one that's not smiling. >> there's probably a maximum of what the advertisers could sell their expensive they cost the advertisers but if we put in 40 i think tile outside would agree it that. >> but that raises the question but to ask we're focused on the contract than the advertising policy but when the full wrap came out there was issues of safety issues but we've heard none correct. >> that's my understanding as well.
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i want to say there's going to be a limit of the selling. i think we cannot get the market but in terms of the wrapping of the materials the material is porous and better and better every year so you hardly notice it we don't want the wrap but it is incremental revenue for us. plus mr. haley loves the wraps because it avoid graffiti. director ramos. i - >> i don't appreciate the wraps at all. the regular transit riders it's not fun to get into a car that's
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wrapped. i appreciate the, you know, the incentive to get the revenues but i really want to make it clear it's not fun and games to ride wrapped cars and to get into something you can't see out the windows this is strangely when people found out i'm a director they talked about the parking. the one thing i would like to - i want to make it clear this is totally like we're happy-go-lucky i didn't thing there's trade offices we should be compensated for. people wait for cars that are less full the ones they can see out of. the designation sdooinz signs are critical.
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we're not doing a good enough sign to read a car where it's going when you see it pull up in the front you can see the header but walking up to something that's a streetcar and looking the signs that are on the sides you can't see them when they're wrapped i want to make sure we're addressing that >> the wraps do not cover the insignificant over and over the bus number. >> no, i'm talking about the designation signs on the vehicles and this is the second time i have a problem communicating this i'll just take a picture. >> but the contract provides that the significant ma. >> if the electronic designation size on the side the ones that role those are the ones you can't see.
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>> we look forward to the picture. >> i have a question does this include the billboards at the bus stops. >> that's the contracted that's a separate contract. >> so is there any public comment or dispute about this contract. >> public comment. >> i think the reason we're having a long discussion i brought up the window wrapping i saw the video the quality of the material is improving to its easier to see outside. i'm not a huge fan of the wrapping but emphatic the fact we need the money i'm going to support it i i was in sync power and there was no signage on the vehicles but they get fund from
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the federal government maybe we'll get to that point >> i'll second it director reiskin but also to thank the partners so thank you to tighten which is ably producing this revenue for us. >> any second all in favor, say i. opposed? the i's have it. members of the board we're at a point we've got to do a break and do the closed session we have a session on labor we can do that because we told the young people we'll start the budget around 4. would you like to do the closed session now >> moving to item 14 which is appropriate to whether or not to
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