tv [untitled] March 10, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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people to apply it's on sf mta slash brt and encourage people to apply. i think i'm going to a defer the upgrades that i have on the passengers survey and the pedestrian safety we'll be in a better position at the next meeting. i want to note we're having a press event likely thursday morning to make announcements with regard to pedestrian safety so we're very much having an from the direction that you give us on february 4th with regard to vision zero and you'll see more on the budget and the budget decisions discussions in terms of funding the budgeted.
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that concludes my report >> members of the board questions or comments. >> yes. mr. chairman those are for items discussed only by mr. reiskin and this is for inheriting weaning and madeline. >> is he here? mr. wiener you want to come down? sorry. good afternoon >> hi, yes madeline the founder of folks for polk this is the first year we have developments
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on polk and people who have come together in an effort for this and having made the acquaintance of folks like you, however, one thing has not changed the people who actually stymied progress with nasty tactics and still around for polk student. i had an experience land use & economic development committee last week i broke my hip awhile bicycling i visit the merchant and i don't want to go into the details physically intimidated me and repeated bad things. those are people who are unchallenged and they're not using anything but personal
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power i want to urge the city to protect our pedestrians vision zero is an excellent vision and we expect to fulfill one of the major points on the plan for the city kooifts have to be protected and people getting angle is not enough to cave in on that >> thank you. mr. wiener's and those are for items discussed by mr. reiskin >> i would like to rebut the speaker before me. when you talk about disgusting people people who across the red light and make obscene gestures
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>> that's the last people right. >> that's the last people that turned in speaker cards. >> i have senior report this is the - members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. >> okay (calling names) charles monster. >> good afternoon. >> i'm charles i'm a member of the california alliance for retired americans. i want to give a shout out to the riders and the clerks of the transit workers that make muni run and they deserve all they get in the coming contract. i don't know if you saw this
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week's guardian there's an interesting article in there about the takedown of a sdablthd person because we motive have not paid emphasis $0.75 fair. i don't see anything in the budget about the continuing shack down all over the. i can find a way for you to put those into our budget and save lives. in europe and asia they have traffic control officers at very dangerous intersections those people save lives not harass lives. it's easy to get money in this town bankers are getting trillions of dollars by the american taxpayer and making record profits they can afford to give free muni to seniors
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chicago can do it and you ain't got the money for that. a bunch of lying going on her. you want to take it off the backs of the people many run the system not montgomery and downtown interests that want to spend $240 million to get the buses downtown 5 minutes faster. or extending the number 2 line where it used to be thank you >> thank you free muni for everyone. >> (calling names). >> ms. hail. >> those are for items not on today's agenda. >> is ms. hail here. >> yes. good afternoon ms.
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hail. >> good afternoon. i'm involved with a number of groups and one is relies for its purpose on the older americans act it doesn't allow means testing are require any income level for the services it funds. they recognize because the hazards of old age can be visited on anyone. if you lose our relatives even if you have money you need a place to go to socialize if you're not able to cook meals and you have to have a place to go to get meals. there are 40 meal sites in the city and this is those are major places for people to go and get nutrition meals there's a
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variety of other services in critical times in the people's lives. i hate to see any means testing going on providing a service for only low income people. i'm also on a committee that's applied to the worlds health system h o to make san francisco a little friendly city this would be a great first step and also the middle tenant institute gave san francisco a rating of 11 because as a good city that has had successful aging because there's lots of services but transportation was too expensive. i'd like to urge you to not further increase economic and
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inequality in san francisco and fund muni for all >> thank you very much. next speaker please (calling names). >> yes. i apologize for taking about this turn i meant to talk about the free fair for seniors. i'm a senior citizen i'm trying to live on a fixed income in san francisco. i have medical problems, i go all the way through the medicare coverage gap every year and that's around $4,500. and i spend the last time worrying about money and i think the - there are a lot of seniors
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i know who are living on very low incomes and i think muni should be fro for seniors >> two last speaker cards. >> good afternoon. i want to continue my update on the cars. this is getting serious. it's not only google but we see articles in the left-wing sierra monthly talking about driverless cars and to the right the consumer reports is talking about driverless cars they look at this the only wonders of driving people in truth know they don't last week to drive and right now you can go on
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driveless cars and you'll get a nice hype so they're thinking suburban you get many our car and drive it to the free but for san francisco this is the interest of all our problems. here if you have driverless taxis you dial-up and the car comes to our houses and you wouldn't have merchants dictating policies they'll be no need to park in front of stores but we really find when people have to pay for every ride they drive less and use muni more and bike more. we have to kind of welcome this thing. i think google did the outreach
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for the other magazines but they're showing their interest in san francisco and when it finally happens and people want to know how to run muni without partnering fees you may have to have a little fee for the taxis and people who doughnut want to ride on muni and the rest of us have an easier ride thank you very much >> herbert wiener he's the last person who turned in a speaker card. >> mr. wiener. >> herbert wiener i applaud the student youth fairy wish they'd fund the whole mta budget. i want to have some points of clarification now barbary coast
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is in disputing inputs over the mta barbary coast has the effective promise didn't have a conflict of interest i want a clarification. and verbal approval of the new fire bus and the board of supervisors and other borders i need clarification on that >> i'm sorry. >> peter mendosa your next speaker please. >> good afternoon. mr. mendoza. >> sorry are you okay.
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>> yeah. >> mendosa good afternoon. >> good afternoon mr. chair, i want to objection and thank the staff i filled out a speaker card for the earlier item and i'm not able to write there was a mishap so i appreciate staff and you letting me speak. i'm with the independent center in san francisco. i'm here to speak on behalf of our agency in support of expanding the free muni for youth to you include people who are seniors and people of sdabldz. many of our folks live on low income and the cost of living in san francisco is very hyphae many people in our community really have to make hard choices. as we know the food access is very difficult in san francisco and many people have to choose
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whether to go without food in a lot of cases and a rent is going up so transportation especially muni is really important so i see people with disabilities they can fully participate in your community wlo whether or not to visit friends and go to work. all aspects of life many of us use public transportation. please remember that people with disabilities are the most transit dependent we don't have cars. i want to leave you with a letter i have 10 copies for your review >> thank you, mr. mendoza. >> that's it. >> so next item. moving directors to our consent
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calendar all items are considered to be routine please remember 10.1 d no parking at any time is off the agenda but i've received no other items that are to be considered separately >> any further destruction all in favor, say i. opposed? >> all right. moving on to your regularly e regular agenda overnight restriction for vehicles. but please be advised the board is considering a modification with respect to illinois street the description was illinois street bodies between 167 and
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24th street staff requested the modification that the areas between 16 and 20 and 22 and 34 that will exempt the modification >> so should we had an amendment before we begin the communication. >> i recommend the staff proposal and - >> good afternoon. good afternoon directors i'm a cycle employee with the assignment with the mta. i'm the project manager for the vehicle overnight oversized parking restriction. i want to give you a few comments. you know that for decades there's been problems are over sized vehicles parked in the
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streets of san francisco noise and blight and, of course, as with anywhere in the city competition for parking. we use none of tools because they're not adequate to address the offer sized parking in the neighborhood. so a few years ago the board of supervisors look at the problem and recommend options. so the mta carried surveys and a policy research brought forward a recommendation that resulted in the board of supervisors adapting a new section of the transportation code in the fall of 2012 that's section 2.54 that same side where duly posted vehicles longer than than 22 feet or taller than 7 photo or retailers in combination thereof
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so vehicle objects may not be parked between midnight and 6:00 a.m. again where the sign it's location specific and the board adapted the tool and this body adapted want transportation cord for violations that's $110 for the court house. it's on the boxes but we are certainly impressed and have been asked to respect the social sensitive to this lee allow this is similar to those used on the boxes to manage parking things like size size and weight and time of day and location of vehicles. this new tool is similar but it's mondays to have a special sensitivities for people living
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in vehicles they vehicular this new dimely based restriction is when the board of supervisors adapted the transportation code they impressed concerns when you took upbringing forward some of the locations you likewise impressed concerns so staff limited the locations so we could watch the effect evaluate and bring back a report and a further recommendations on further use of the reciprocation if we do. that observation period was last year chiefly in the sunset district we were working with the station wagon and the nature of this as an overnight parking
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restriction they don't have standard patrols open duty and the officers are left to enforce this so it requires coordination with the police department. so we came to you in november with our recommendations and made a report to the board of supervisors gao committee. the elevation report is on line i encourage members of the public who is interested in this topic to look at the evaluation where the restriction use was effective in discouraging the inappropriately parked vehicles, however, likewise, the concerns of the phone number folks who might be living in the vehicles we didn't track and monitor
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where necessary went we didn't follow them so we don't know where everyone ended up. we can't telling me tell you about other parking controls. it is a parking control measure and the notion of folks who are adapting to say it beyond the scope. the issues of homelessness they have concerns and we've been trying to he keep them informed and listen to their concerns. we're also working closely with the mayor's office the housing partnerships and engagement known as hope it's for the homeless outreach program and,
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of course, the police department. when we brought those recommendations from our evaluation so far the use of this tool one key point was that we brought you gowns and we brought ourselves gowns to the extent we wanted to find rationale. i'll note that a blanket citywide abandon for over size vehicles would be much more easy to administrator and the general public will understood i may not leave a vehicle on the streets overnight and certainly that will be easy the port of oregon don't that you may not park anything overnight in portland but your gowns is also coming
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with recommendations there are areas in the city that have long-standing issues and there's supervisors that says mta can you help us what the oversized parking problem so your recommendations for the use briefly is this ought to be prioritized and guide by the parking. the perimeters of parks and school yard perimeters and playground perimeters they have a long curb and they park there limited on street parking most of the city feels there's not enough parking. street with vehicles subject to graffiti and dumping and other blight this is a known area and vehicles that are there get covered with graffiti and finally this is an portance.
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when others parking measures for instance, parking meters and time limits are not indicated or planned. we think it's better to be using parking meters they'll help to keep people moving. again, after we brought the recommendations and evaluation we recognize there are other locations are approved by this june 4th meeting and the limited locations was approved we knew there were other locations we've heard from neighbors and community groups and supervisors to please come and address that. the locations we bring you today are a second group of locations that are appropriate and proper for the use of this overnight parking restriction.
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i want to note that while this is not as some folks feel an attack on homeless we recognition that because it's a blunt object there's the chance and like i would that someone living in a vehicle might be affected but i'll say to the extent that a problem exists with parking management managing the streets and hygenic and clean use of the streets i don't personally building that the agency can slug but it's a complex question and you'll hear i'm sure comments from the public it's not a yes or no question. in your surveys before bringing this to the board and again last summer we saw that about half of
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the vehicles that were subject to this restriction were commercial vehicles vehicles not libel to have someone living in them and that's just as inappropriate to have it parked alongside a school yard as a camper that someone will be living in. it's not used to strictly limit this for folks living in them. the code have prohibited habitation vehicles overnight interest that's hard to enforce because the misdemeanor has to be served on the person and it's difficult for the police to act on. as we use this tool and folks
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ask the mta to modified this there's a policy of coherence if this city wants to establish a basis for this embodiment - you have the list of locations before you. i have a map and secretary boomer if we can get the map overhead this may not work but i have to show you on the website of town we have areas around schools just by sunset boulevard and around lakeshore drive and in the richmond district the endless of park presidio and the strip along the area of lincoln park and the panhandle the 3 side again, the park endless and
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the 3 side of delores park and various locations in the northeast mission locations in north katrero hill and along dog patch and the holly park and a couple of streets and feinstein in the southeast we've got bits of other streets to complete the sections we've asked you to approve last june. so the list is lengthy i counted 61 locations that's acquit daunting but in a city of 89 hundred and 50 miles of streets it probably amaze to at most 10 miles of streets. this is in addition that streets that have regulations prohibiting overnight parking.
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so perhaps i should point out this is not a pilot which does it become permanent this is not permanent. the board of supervisors could take this out of the code but it's up to this body to decide where and when we use it and to the extent we bring you further locations they'll be spot locations this is not on ongoing process they'll be shopping in your consent calendar >> any members of the public? >> yes. (calling names). >> next speaker is - >> melody is first. >>
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