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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT

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brick and mortgaging at the require a publicly assessable historic interpretation to be located on the site of the property which will be included before the item is heard before the board of supervisors at the future date. there were a few tenants that spoke they hearing and raised concerns about primarily not the designation but the change of use of the property. the planning code allows for landmark codes to convert from pdr zoning to office as of right. the concerns again were not over the landmark designation but the potential changed of use. the prove or disprove has applied to convert the property to office use awhile that
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conversion is as of right because of the size of the property this commission will hear the office allocation and those items will likely be raised before you at that time, that concludes my presentation if you have any questions, i'll answer them >> thank you. >> commissioners moving 80 on to general to general public comment members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda each member of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes there are no speaker cards. >> any general public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> your regular calendar
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commissions the task force recommendations this is an informational presentation. >> good morning kate with the planning commission staff. in april 2013 we had a task force to collaborative collaborate and advise. the eco district has 28 members that include design and construction professionals and other city staff were engaged forebrain storming session in how best to have this in the corridor approve or disapprove together the public and private stakeholders worked collaborating how best to work.
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during this informational presentation members of the task force will talk about the next step. i have copies of the report here. i'll place them here they were actually part of the january packet you've received the report before. so with with that, i'm pleased to introduce our two gentlemen. bill is the founding principal for the company and bill consults with other architects and developers. he's been there for over 10 members and bill was a member of the green building task force. and is currently working on a
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variety of public and private projects in and around san francisco including the transbay tower. he's part of the managed in san francisco. he previously served on the gold foundation and a directors in the city and county of san francisco. with that i'll pass it over >> good afternoon. i'd like to start by telling a story and i'd like to ask the members of the planning commission to try to avail listing lists the following it's the year 2050 and san francisco is stepping into the second half of our century. we continue to be revoked for our economic change and in
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support and long-range prophets to the development we continue to have the bright spots building neighborhoods. in the eco districts that's part of a network around the world and together we share what is working. we're truly learned we're all connected. the central district has seen ways of change since the thinking of many agencies and policies like our green building code. we've accelerated this with the eco project. people looking for frontiers have been flocking to this city and the increased density we've
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been growing. the streets and cafes and the nights spots and a new architecture style as an architect i call integrated will reach it's pinnacle we've created a modern era. the central district is a clotted loop for wait water and energy lou gehrig's disease for integration together our community has built a cultural diverse neighborhood where people want to be. that's our vision were what i read can become a reality we
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must reserve this for the end game. the first steps have been taken and now we have to consider how to expand for the eco district. all eyes are literally on this area and san francisco has an opportunity to showcase this in the heart of our great city. commissioners i've worked on green buildings including any buildings that are net zero incur awhile transformational those are green buildings and eco building are a big step towards making enlightenment think development normal. this will be the first
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neighborhood in san francisco that will be part of the solution and sustainable. in addressing climate change to provide a systematic design for policy and decision makers. the task force has put forward a series which community building and incur and eco systems and sustainability and implementation. we will not be going through all those subject areas but my colleagues will talk about this a little bit in the eco district >> thanks bill. my job here today is to try to help this become more real.
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so what we're illuminating on this slide is sort of a more detailed vision of how district water and district energy systems could look. this is age imagined vision but i want to touch on a few points. district thermal systems are used around the world and they're typically public-private relationships and allow the sectors to work together to create benefits for everyone. in the case of district thermal it's common for there to be substantial private investment we don't only thing how this one will play out but certainly a lot of very intense interest
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because it creates a tangible benefit. in the case of district water this is a case of a district system that creates economical value a high-level of recycling and no outside water uncle bus the public leads this effort. we had a cooperate effort with the san francisco utilizes commission they showed an interest in terms of meeting the public's water objectives. we sort of picked out those two systems because their somewhat easy to envision they're creating heat for the largest
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area and it's easier to imagine the benefits. turn to another area economical landscapes newark of working on this people are interested in the heating systems but didn't want us to get lost in the high infrastructure systems because there's other types projects this is a good example of a greening effort that creates for green space in the area and more public open space it's assessable by the visitors to the area. the interesting thing about this in comparison to the district heating that's a relative low investment but high in values. this provides balance to the other types of systems we were
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looking at before we want to make clear i know if john is here but we don't want to get lost and create big pieces of infrastructure it's about creating something valuable to the community. that's all i want to cover today. back to bill >> thanks. so the eco district requires collaboration and a partnership between local community to create a vision for the area. as kate said i'm an architect and i'm currently reviewing the road map reviews at the clinton developments i've reviewed action plans for the city and zoning area of denmark and oakland and similar to the south
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of market in sedating many and i trail. the task force have addressing those areas to the changes and governance needed to connect the dots. a again example of the thinking in the real world is water reuse. i'm working on fremont and it's a 8 hundred foot and when it's done it will be the tallest building west of the mississippi. we will have a reactor and it will flush all the toilets without reused water and take advantage of a grant. the fremont new headquarters will and the transbay terminal
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have water reuse systems and they're by no means those buildings nearly and by putting those systems in is scary and the legal systems they can break but that's the new frontier. sharing resources is generally illegal and many of our planning policies are to prevent that kind of thing from happening. the infrastructure community will address many the obstacles at present that prevent property owners from thinking differently about infrastructure resources and communities. the next step in the eco step is to create a project that helps shared award for public and
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private leaderships. those issues are complex that's why we must all do this together. we have bringing this project into reality. i think i speak for all when we establish this committee that will formalize our district. this will help for the final determination and put the organization in place to create the eco district >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? >> good afternoon. i'm virginia and i'm with the yerba buena alliance and the yerba
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buena is home to the cities art and cultural city we have the hotels and the moscone convention center and we're here to speak in support of the eco district task force. we feel the opportunity to foster the new community initiative is a really interesting opportunity for the city and yerba buena. so we support it and we're interested in the project. thank you >> thank you. any further. sooepdz. commissioner antonini. yeah. i have a question for whoever wants to answer it it has to do with the water system i said the thermal in place and quite a bit in new york where
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they'll have a thermal system that's shared in the ear. maybe what's the purpose of the second water to have a recycleable water for the elevators businesses >> yeah. right now for the project that gets a lead certification the way it's done is to cap the stormwater from the rain and use that in san francisco we don't get enough rape to do much especially in large landscape areas but to look for the nuisance waters and there's a lot of water in buildings third year that has a within time use we want to find a way to use that two or three times. the only way so to repetroleum
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it so decentralizing the water use to do that in every single building when you have a bunch of topics i don't not put in one centralized system we can't do that yet the puc put that together but right now in my discussions with the vendors who want to do that that's a scar i didn't idea for multiple dealerships but that's the intent >> yeah. sound like that's a good idea and . >> use non-portal in the building flushing the toilets and irrigation and all that. >> ongoing thank you and i assume you're looking at things like mid block openings and
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creation of open space where possible to south park that's a pollutant area between the builds and where we have land. >> yeah. in fact. >> the ordinances can cooperate and create open spaces. >> most definitely i believe many the neighborhood connectivity and what it does to create a place and space for walkable be neighborhoods. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. a general question. the underlying plan was there that you take a look at that did you accept everything in the central corridor plan does the project challenge those? i'm asking because i'm not a big
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fan of the project itself >> i think in many ways it compliments it. there's a district sustainability chapter but that laid out the eco district and the task force report is to help inform the policies that will be created for that charter hates yet to be written. the intent is to now get working on the sustainability chapter that can be embedded into the draft before it's use for adaptation >> thank you. i'll make a comment i don't need a response. one of the scary things that was presented private investment. one of the reasons i'm not a fan is eliminates the pdr zoning
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that was admitted under several planning efforts and to use that kind of language applies and we've seen developers coming into the area and buying up properties in the pdr zone and expecting it to be rezoned. this in the face of hearings that we've had which we're being told there's an increasing amount of pdr type outdoors being requested in the city and as a matter of fact, it ends up being a shortage of actual shortages like merchandising sf made kind of things can took place. at the same time, we're eliminating those areas in this area the eco district is saying that it will establish a locally
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based program for middle wage earners and low income workers to support the serviced. if that's the intent you have to challenge the underlying plan. thank you >> thank you commissioner moore. >> i have another question. lecture i think the gentleman representing taco brought to our attention and that's the expansion of moscone he was concerned about the impacts that particular building will have it on the general disposition are you concerned i hope whatever
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concerns he has that that particular building expansion is particularly aware and sensitive to your objectives particularly because the large facilities those are millions of square feet that project could be paratransit in the beginning of the typical infrastructure i leave that hang out but you perhaps an actual participate in the discussion >> i care about the green spaces i can't speak in the specific project but the opportunity is there's a lot of development including moscone and digging up if the streets and that's an opportunity to put in resources awhile it's happening so we can connect some dots. >> well, the type of hard
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infrastructure the electricity and water you'll need separate conduits and piping. and not been able to realize with whatever the developer and the particular parts are being put in. >> even if we don't have things to connect it to present an opportunity to not be reactionary. >> does that include putting aside other new infrastructure supplies and how you access it and how it cease the sidewalk. i encourage you to take it as far as you can >> i wanted to follow on on some of the questions that the commissioners have asked. i see this thermal map that looks like a lot of the upstairs
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are under streets and some of the generation or recycling the symbols where their thermal and water those are on private sites is this the way of the concept or how the diagram turned out >> it's conceptual. >> i wanted to try to understand what happens if you're a private entity but don't participate are you still on the other system and does that raise a two-tier system. what happens when you skip oversights so if you don't have this opportunity what happens to the site that's skipped over >> those are great questions but the idea in moving this process forward is to provide a
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framework so people can begin to answer those questions so there's a better notation around the route and how that's done. that's the idea of moving the process forward. i think a nonprofit task force going forward sounds like a good idea. the plan is very infrastructure oriented i think as districts are but this community buildings aspect of it it a matter of who lives there now. it's the 1re789s that get created the new construction because you have to do new infrastructure it creates pressures we want to be aware of so the first principal about equitable development its not about jobs but make sure that people can remain in their homes >> as someone who lives in the
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neighborhood i support that completely. >> thank you director ram. i wanted to thank the task force i've been working with kate. the next step we're recommended to this task force is it actual is the point where the tangible real ideas what about forwarded it's been fairly conceptual up to now i've talked to kate how to make this thing real for your purposes and it's important to think that the issues you've raised the public and private land other cities their exist on both. private developers have provided for example, district energy on their property for a cluster of building or part of the neighborhood. those issues we can only address
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from the public-private task force so it's important to look at the governance issues and make the neighborhoods work together on the issues >> thank you supervisor wiener had asked if we held the item until oh, he's here. >> supervisor wiener is in the chambers moechg on item 7. the assessor elements to the planning code >> good afternoon from planning. i have comments from public. excuse me. before you today is a organized
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proposed by supervisor wiener it is a dwelling unit and a half-mile buffer around this district apparently, i have a map that shows that area in the area that's effected by this. so as you can see there's an area around supervisor wiener's house 5 hundred feet around it that's clued from this ordinance. we support this ordinance with some modifications. before i start my presentation i want to acknowledge supervisor wiener here today that would like to speak about the proposal >> thank you. to do you have and commissioners for hearing me today. and, yes thank you for the
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explanation of a lot of people ask why the hole in the map it's 5 hundred feet around my home under california law i'm prohibited from levying for that zone. commissioners, i want to thank you for considering this item today, it's an important step forward in the castro area in terms of our housing crisis which we know is throughout the city and feeling with a special intensity in this neighborhood a neighborhood where i have resided for the last 17 years and i have the honor of representing in the board of supervisors. just to be clear that's confusion in the decision i know, you know, there are two separate pieces of legislation and supervisor chiu has legislation i'm co-sponsoring to