tv [untitled] March 12, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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>> all right, good morning, everyone welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday march 12, 2014, happy day after your birthday supervisor avalos. >> i am mark farrell and i am joined with avalos, the day after his 50th birthday and i want to thank the clerk of the
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committee, miss linda wo ng, as well as the members of sfgtv covering this meeting. do you have any announcements. >> be sure to silence all cell phone and devices and speaker cards will be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk and it will be on the 18th unless otherwise stated. >> thanks, madam clerk, could you call items, 12, 3, together. >> authorizing the department of technology to accept a gift of $600,000 in cash from the san francisco citizen's initiative for technology and innovation in order to provide fryer wireless internet access for the public in concern parks and recreation facilities. item two isresolution authorizing the department of technology to accept a gift of
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equipment , software, and services from cisco, inc., with a total value of $270,000 in order to provide free, wireless internet access at various locations in san francisco. >> item three is,resolution retroactively authorizing the department of technology to accept a gift of equipment, software, and services from ruckus wireless, inc., with a total value of $701,894 in order to provide free wireless access to the internet along market street. >> okay, thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, and this is an item that i had introduced a number of months ago and i want to thank supervisor avalos for being at our initial announcement last year, something that i am excited to bring forward today. this project actually started three years ago and in the office as a supervisor, and started with a long term family relationship with an employee of google, and with this gift, we are going to be able to provide free wireless internet access in 31 of the marks and plaza in san francisco and the total gift value is over $600,000 and includes a five year project between the steve of san francisco and sfcity for installation and maintenance of
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these wireless facilities. and it is funded by an sf city member, google inc and thes a one way gift for the city of san francisco. through sf city, google is going to provide the funding and the department of technology will perform the maintenance and the rec and parks department will be the host and ultimately the park users in san francisco residents will be the beneficiaries and we chose the 31 sites that are going to be deployed on a number of criteria. and one, those that would best close the digital divide that we will continue to see here in san francisco and those sites that will provide local groups with internet where it was unavailable as well as parks and plaza to have the highest number of visitors and the highest number of sites with the broadest reach across the city and i want to make sure that we have sites in every district across san francisco. and spread it out as evenly as possible.
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>> wireless internet access this our parks is a growing trend across our country as well as throughout our cities and urban land scapes and becoming an important amendy for residents across our country. this internet access should be part of the near term goal and providing the access across san francisco and since the announcement of this program, we have the city has launched a number of initiatives throughout san francisco. and there is an amendment to item 2, that we will be considering as well as weed slight tweaks, item one, as well as slight tweaks in three just somewhere as clauses and a few speakers and i want to take a moment to thank a few organization, the rec and park department for all of their hard work and it has taken a long time and many man-hours rntion i want to thank you and our department of technology and mark this is one of the first things that you worked on into your new job last year and
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thank you for your hard work and for margo who did an amazing job and i would dare to say spent more hours than you spent since being in office and so thank you for all of your hard work and first i want to bring up mark our chief that runs the technology to speak about the project itself and touch on items two and three the accept and expense. >> good morning. pleasure to be here, again. supervisor avalos, and i think that i am the bearer of good news because god knows that it took a lot of effort and energy to mobilize everything. and so the risk of destabilizing, the number it is not 31 parts, it is 32 parts because that is part of our testing phase to see how we
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would build the plan and secure our goals, we actually did the first, you know, it is 31 parts squares plazsxa, so we decided to do union square on top of it. and just as a test pilot. and it works very well. and this is all part of a you know, a simply to accelerate the broadband, and ever since i read the studies federal studies that shows that we can correlate for every 20 percent of broadband penetration there is a correlation of 1 percent of gdp growth and i realized how important it is for the department of technology to support and do everything in our power to accelerate the initiatives, such as the parks,
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bringing wiwi to san franciscans. so to give you a little bit of detail on the parks, we have, a government in place during the committee, with, you know, rec and park and all of the difference of the stake holders and required, and we have a base line plan with the project management in place and we are reasonably confident that we can complete our first 31 parks this summer. and then, we also have, so that is speaks for the acceptance of the google 600 and some dollars. and 600,000 dollars and then we also have to accept the
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donation of ricus for access points and cisco. and that is all part of the for google what it is it is the 31 parks, with the access points given to us the equipment given to us by cisco, we plan to accelerate the wi-fi in some of the spots in public buildings, including by the way, this beautiful building, where we think that they are. and there are gaps in wi-fi. and i will give you that, so we told part of the larger plan and to provide a digital blanket on installing more fiber in the city and providing a finished project of connectivity for our citizens. >> thank you. >> any questions? >> okay. thanks for being up. and next we are going to have
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kati from the rec and park department. >> good morning, supervisors. i am katie and i am the department director of administration and finance. and i am here this morning to express our enthusiastic support for the acceptance of a gift from sfcity and google, for the installation of free wi-fi service in 31 neighborhood parks, rec center and plaza which span all of the city districts. this gift actually has two key groups of beneficiaries, first and foremost, free wi-fi will benefit our park visitors and we hope encourage greater use of our park system. secondly, the gift will enhance rec and park's digital capacity, allowing more rec centers to provide business connectivity for our staff and helping them to work more
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efficiently and effectively. we are pleased to partner with the department of technology in implementing this gift, the gift expands the city's community broadband network and as you mentioned supervisor farrell will own and install the equipment and will operate the service and we are very appreciative of the time and resources that dt has devoted, to making acceptance of this gift possible. and so, with installation of wi-fi on our parks, san francisco, will join cities across the nation, as well as state parks systems including california, texas, and minnesota. and national parks including yellow stone, and the national mall in washington, d.c.. this gift is an excellent example of the benefits of public/private partnerships, enableleing rec and park to provide innovative and enhanced public service and we are really grateful to google and to sf city for their gift and we are thrilled that we are going to be able to offer this
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to park users and we support your acceptance of this gift. thank you. >> and any questions? >> okay. >> thank you very much and thank you again for all of your hard work on this. >> so last we have richard lee, i believe is here. from our director of environmental health from the department of public health for the safety and equipment and the installation. >> good morning. so for this project recr and, park asked the department of public health to evaluate the possible radiation exposure to the general public from these antennas what we did is recommended that rec and park do the same things that the other cellular carries do in san francisco and that is to hire a third party consultant to do a report on the three different types of antenna that are being proposed to be cited. so that is what they did.
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and so, they hired them and then edison provided us the reports for those three antennas, so what we found was that essentially that people, that it will be no, is there will be no over exposure to the cellular radiation, if, people are within, i mean, if they are, you could only have the over exposed if you are within two to 20 inches of those antennas and that is almost impossible. so essentially to be over exposed from those, you have to be at that antenna, which is 25 feet up on a pole for like 24 hours a day, which is almost impossible. so therefore, what we conclude, then, is that there is no over exposure to the general public. and that is what we found, and one thing though, that the things that usually occur after
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a cell site is that we do a measurement to make sure that those levels are at that levels that are estimated. and most cases when we do that, we find actually that there is a lot less exposure than what is predicted. so in this case, we will expect that there is not going to be any over expose sure. >> great. >> thanks. >> i will make sure that my son does not climb up 20 feet and hang out there all day long. >> any questions? >> okay. thank you very much. at this point, we will open it up to public comment, is tle anyone that wishes to comment on 1, 2, 3. seeing none, public comment is closed. so just as a brief recap. again, after three years it is really exciting to bring this project forward finally to the full board of supervisor and here in the budget and finance committee meeting, and to open up free wi-fi access to now 32 of our parks, plaza and spaces here in san francisco.
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and through a gift from google and sf city. and as was mentioned i think that this is a great example of a public/private partnership, that exists here in our city that we continue to see more of, and i think that it is going to be critically important moving forward but it benefits all of the residents here in san francisco and in this instance, our park users and i want to thank everybody that is involved and this is a long time coming and i am excited that the installation is schedule to happen this summer. and i think that is great. this is one of these projects where a long time in the making but now we can make it happen quickly. so thanks for all of those involved and no other questions, could i first of all we need to do a few amendments, previously distributed on one, could i have a motion to accept the amendment? so moved. and items number two and three, we are going to be removing to where as clauses on those which
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i have in front of me, two, the clause, part of a clause on-line 22, starting with the word which is here by declared to be part of this resolution as is set forth fully here in. could i have a motion to remove that. >> so moved. >> and item three, removing that language on-line 18 ending 19. >> could i have a motion? >> okay, and a motion to approve the items 1, 2, 3, could i have a motion? >> all right. we have a motion to approve, and we could take that without objection. >> madam clerk, could you please call item four 5? >> item five is theresolution authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to expend south of market
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community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of $105,000 for capacity building and tenant counseling services. >> okay. thank you very much. we have sario, to speak on this item. >> good morning, supervisors. good morning. >> mayors office of housing and community development, risario. and the proposed resolution before you will authorize an expenditure of $105,000 from the south of market stabilization fund to provide funding to the housing program, a project of the veteran's equity center, and it is intened to provide counseling to the households that are vulnerable to displacement and as you know there is not a day that goes by without some article in the paper about how much development and growth that san francisco is seeing and soma is in the heart of that development and change. and i think that it was quoted in the sf the other day that 20 percent of the city is seeing 80 percent of the growth that
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is happening. and soma is right in the middle of that. >> the projects of the veteran's equity center is in the forefront of providing services to the low income residents who are vulnerable for displacement. and one of the south of market community stabilization funds is to insure that low income residents in the south of market who are vulnerable are able to find and secure permanent affordable housing. this grant, most issued with the rfp in august of 2013 announcing a total of 165,000 will be made available for the organizational capacity building and senate counciling and case management services for the low income residents and low income workers in soma and this grant period that was stated in the rfp was from october 1, to march 31, 2015. and we were able to make the first 60,000 of the grant available back in october and
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it was appropriated by the board of supervisors and 2013, 14 and what is before you now is the additional $105,000 which is to come from the community stabilization fund and as a note, because the fund is for the a permanent source of funding it is important that the capacity building is built into the work plan and that is why it is not just for the counseling but for the capacity building as well. because this grant started in october we can report on some of the progress of the grants and we are happy to report that bishop is currently ex-siding its goals for the work plan in terms of housing applications that have been completed, the target for, we prorated their goals, just for the 60,000 at first and then their exceeding their target which was 100 applications completed and qualified. and they are now at 103, 133
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housing applications completed and case management goals were 225 individuals or house holds that they were supposed to have completed and now they are at 352. so as i hope that this recommendation that you can recommend that this 105,000 be approved and brought to be full board. >> thank you very much. >> we have a fuller house at this point in time, we have supervisor chui and mar and kim and i believe who wants to speak on this. >> kim. >> i apologize i thought that we would be at item four first and so i was not ready to make it here, i did have comments that i believe that she has covered what this grant stabilization fund is covering. so i will just say that i support this, and bishop is an incredibly important organization in helping to
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stabilize the south of market community as well as other parts of district six and they have been successful in placing 69 families in bmr, below market rate units, and green and ava and nema and alord with the affordable housing apartments and as we know that as we build more market rate housing and many of our developers are contributing on the site inclusionary and it is important to our community that families seniors, have access to these units that are coming on-line and bishop has been successful at both doing the out reach directly in our community and neighborhood and getting applications in and it is a very complicated process if any of you have applied for below market rate housing or affordable housing and bishop really helps many of our residents kind of walk their way through these processes and also, how the workshop at our office hours last friday. and for our residents who are interested in applying for the affordable housing. so this will see the program,
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and however, the program now needs to raise the private funds to the leverage the public dollars that are being inputed into the program. >> okay. colleagues any questions? >> comments? >> all right. mr. rose, could we go to the budget analyst report please? >> mr. chairman and members of the committee, supervisors, on page 11 of our report, we note that the total funds for the veteran's equity center to provide the organizational capacity building and the counciling services are 165,000 and that includes 60,000 as the department stated was appropriate ated by the board of supervisors in the 13, 14, mlhcd budget and this request of 105,000 from the soma community fund.
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