tv [untitled] March 12, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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it can be something everyone is proud of. that's one of the things i hope that happens. as far as t as far as the greenhouses you mentioned you can't have a contract forever. the contract person who occupied having been that lease forever so we need to bring the themes up to current and those opportunities to talk with the community and how we can make things better. some of the sub tenants that are part of the greenhouses are could go on excellent job. we're not saying to change them out but go through the process there are city rules we have to follow. we're going to have more of this conversation when we present the actual facts of what's out there and the money and the process we
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would like to move forward to get the community input on how to move forward >> so i looked to the again conversation. >> i think one last thing we just find out that the retreat was cancelled and the retreat ways based on what the southeast commission wanted and we're trying to facilitate their wishes they wanted a retreat so the facilitate our is sick the south east commission should tell everyone their retreat is cancelled so if there's an issue with the communications we'll talk with the commission to make sure that information is out
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there. >> yes. >> so your report sir, i'd like to say i'm the one that requested the commission and told them they need a workshop most of them are new and i don't know who you have to facilitate but do they have the information. see what's happening i'm seeing, sir everybody is getting the information and not the right information i know that mr. reilly does a good job but he was not there in the beginning to if you want to what the facts are called me. my brought information and your staff has not given me the information back but he need to clean house >> so one last comment.
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we've asked john to talk to a couple of people to make sure we hear their history and we will, you know, as part of the presentation we'll address that as well. or the john >> seems like there's a conversation problem. >> so moving to the next speaker. >> commissioners. first and foremost like me to brang to your attention i attended the last southeast commission meeting. where the chair and some members on that commission really did to the have their facts right. yesterday, i met with i would
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say the most important people representing your commissioners and we had a dialog of very robust dialog. and i think the time has come that chronically the imperial data we state exactly how the san francisco public utilities commission has to be run. if you look at the 18 oakdale the word is community we need to dip that. nobody is saying the san francisco public utilities commission has not expanded money we're saying that if the commission had the responsibility to maintain the
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building have they done a job. you all can evaluate your performance. we don't want to go black and white arresting or create differences if we have intelligence we should sit down and do it the right way. in the last 3 years members of your staff commissioners have assumed too much. they've tried to do things without any meaningful dialog are the community that's not acceptableable. why is it not acceptableable because we live in the the united states. we're not going to allow the aids to come and tell us what's yellow. we know that it. we're not going to allow people
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to waste our taxpayers' money or try to waste the taxpayers' money trying to divert their money to other facilities. while the commission is doing nothing. i serve this nation. i serve 3 general's i'm pretty well educated i know what i'm top of. do you want us to go into litigation we can do that but i prefer a holistic approach with a realistic dialog >> thank you, sir. next speaker mr. woods. >> good afternoon. my name is robert woods i've been in the community since 4975
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since i graduated college and i've been in bayview hunters point ever since and part of the working structure as far as working in the community. i don't make a dime for the work i do in the community. before i respect to bayview hunters point when i first started working for the city of san francisco before they even sent me out to tearful of the cities business we were giving a training lesson in terms of the politics of the community and what you should be doing and every situation that you was going to fix in that communicated we were instructed
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on how to deal with this. i find that a lot of the people you've put on commissions on the commission out there they're not trained at all other than there being a a crone i didn't from somebody's office and they're doing there doing the bidding if not this agency for those who come out there who are doing business out there. they are not trained on what's going on or the history. i think you need to add something in your budget that before you send anyone out to the community to represent you. and you're going against the will of the people. you have this kind of dialog
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every time you key up your mike because people will come and they'll challenge this group and they will challenge any group that you send out there if theirs not kathy on the dialog of what the community has been dealing with. i think that it's time that we need to start talking to each other instead of dictating to the community. the community knows what's going on. but we need to start a dialog. and you need to train those people before you put them that in that kind of position. when you talking about the community that has been over located they're to stop or raise
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hell. if things aren't met to what they're trying to do. so i say to you send people out there that has sensitivity for the community. do send millions out there who has their own opinion about everything and don't know what's going on in the community. thank you >> yes. >> can i ask a clarifying question. my understanding is that the mayor makes the appoints to the southeast commission; is that correct >> yes. ultimately it's the mayor. i mean we give recommendations but it's the mayor. >> the appointments; right? >> yeah. the appointment. es pencil said the oeshgs orientation is key to have new
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members to talk about the history. john you mate want to talk about you how much time you've talked about the history. i've asked john to reengage the community and is if he can incorporate that as part of the orientation to give to the commission. you mention the roll is, you know, specified in the administrative code so - >> yes. i think that's very important and that's true actually of any commission. you have to give somewhat of a history but thank you you for your comments. last speaker say, i building idle >> hi, i'm idle wilson born and
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raised in san francisco it's the best city in the world also take advantage for outreach. i'm the co-chair of the mayors disability council wanted to extend an invitation to all of you to come to our meetings every month added city hall in the same room. every third friday at the 1 to 4:00 p.m. excuse me. i sit on that side. our meetings are for people in san francisco who have disabilities. we're a vehicle for the public to give input about things that gone here in san francisco. i'm extending an invitation through public comment here's myocarditis and it has the back on the back of there it tells us about what days and times our meetings are
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>> so it's the third friday every month if 1 to 4. >> n yes, in this room. >> and your dad comes too. >> yes and maybe send a not of invitation to your meeting i got an invitation from dr. jackson. thank you for coming. >> any other public comment? seeing none, we'll move along to communications. any comments yes commission >> madam chair in the letter summer we had a memo from jerry and i had there was about merced issues to make sure that the
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staff copied rec park i want that a standing request i'm always interested in what they have to say and the recreation and parks department should have copies of everything. >> any other comments? communications seeing none, are there any that i any public comments. move on to other business we're a quiet bunch today. item 7 report of general manager >> so the first and only thing i'd like i'd like to update you on is the water supply. ellen >> i'm going to speak from here my arms aren't long enough to
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move the computer screen. i'm santa clara a gm i'll be covering the water supply. so a summon our water supply the total reservoir is 69 percent of maximum and only 13 feet is available for water supply we're up a 3 hundred and 4 acre supply. the month of february was quite good at the hetch hetchy gage when we were one hundred percent and in the local system over one hundred percent of the average. demand has responded to our request for reduction we're showing a 12 percent reduction
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since the announcement on january 31st. and as mr. richie has continued to do is provide units on each commission >> excuse me. can i ask a question on the 12 percent reduction. >> well, we keep track of the discoveries so we have the city and county of san francisco and the customers as a group that we provide the reports on our website if you go into i think there's at sf water supply you can be connected but prior to that we provide the updates in other area of the website about us and who we are. so this is the current reservoir storage as of march 9 we've covered the highlights and one
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thing to note we have inflow into hetch hetchy so we were able to take water out of the banks this was 4 percent. if you look at the precipitation chart we'll see the end of early march was significant. this snowpack is about 33 or 35 percent of the snowpack. we saw a 10 percent increase as a result of the storm of february. in march we've received an inch nature but the outreach is less over the week we're seeing a warm temperature this weekend that's important for water use and hope people keep their
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irrigation in the off. based on our current forecast for hetch hetchy the july storage will be above 1977 that's one of the lowest continues for hetch hetchy so we indicate on the hill we'll be above the 19 condition. we need another 19 inches to fill the hetch hetchy and that's 6 nature inches of precipitation but we can fill hetch hetchy by july 1st. that's quite good. just to review our management actions july 31st was the volunteer and the mayor followed up. our general manager declared an energy important the lower
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aqueduct that will increase water supply we're moving forward with the project and hope to have it operable by october 1st. i think is it this week >> thursday. >> free bid is thursday at the 9:00 a.m. we expect a contract by early primarily april. we've been watching the state drought legislation we have an elevation of water management funding 4 hundred million and another 2 hundred million for brought relieve. our san francisco ground water program and system in san francisco. on march third we sent our
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update for the water supply availability to our customers and that update said to continue to have a 10 percent reduction in place. we don't anticipate that being reduced anytime steno soon. april 15th we'll have our final estimate of our water supply for the hotel customers and this will be reaffirmed our - our water supply we may delivery a storage of water under the code peculiar. any questions >> no questions. any questions from the public? no. thank you very much. it was a - yes
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>> i read where secondary water is going into the facility. and i want to know what's the secondary water the way it read we were drinking that water at our facilities over there is that a fact. is that true. or do we have different water it concerns me because i know when it was discussed earlier by the greenhouse secondary water was supposed to be going to the greenhouse but not the facility building but the way it read it was going to the facility building >> so you're talking about the southeast. >> yeah. i'm talking about the southeast.
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>> to my knowledge there's no secondary water going to the building. we've talked about going to the greenhouses and other stuff >> but it is stated the facility building that's why i want to make sure i said i was going to ask that question are you giving e giving you secondary water in the building. >> where did you say you read this. >> it was a report from the director to the commission. on it was notes going back and forth about the secondary facility and it was in there. i wanted to make sure i don't drink water that much anyway, >> you should. >> i'm not going to drink our secondary water for sure. >> anybody have knowledge and
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well, there's no secondary water going into the building but i'll talk to here later about the communications. >> so where am i here. is that the end of your report >> that's the end of my report. >> any other public comment on the general manager report. >> moving on to item 8 madam secretary. >> items 8 a, b, c consent calendar, are considered to be routine removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. >> commissioners what's our wish. >> second.
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>> general public any comments? i'll call for the vote all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries. item 9 >> item 9 is public comments and matters for closed session. >> could you please read the items for closed session first. >> sure. closed session item 11 is existing litigation thomas cook vs. the city and county of san francisco east all and the next is san francisco vs. pacific gas company and 3 is the city and county of san francisco vs. pacific gas protect and item next is the city and county of san francisco of protect vs.
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>> is there any public comment on the items we're dealing with in closed session today. seeing none, may i have a motion to assert >> motion. >> second. >> session. >> we're back from closed session i'd like to report on whafd item 11 was settled item e 12 no action and 13 no action and 14 and 15 no action. may i have a motion whether or not to disclose >> i'll move not to disclose all in favor, say i. opposed? any other new business. >> madam chair one quick item
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to request of staff we've done a lot of engineering work on what to do with the mountain tunnel. the engineering report on that i've read it makes sense it recommendations that we basically build a second tunnel and decommission the first that's twice as expensive i request staff we have somebody other than who wrote the irrational report do a kind of a challenge investigation. the reason that you go to the separate tunnel is because there's problems if you try to repair an existing tunnel you take out of service a couple of the a year. i'd like to given the amount of money and probable is what we're
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spending on the reservoir so i would like to take a hard look at technologies of hard communication or methods of staging or anything that can, you know, avoid the necessity of going to a second tunnel and lower the cost and at the same time very clearly that, you know, we need to keep the system safe and reliable that's the instant issue. >> have we seen the different alternatives to the tunnel and the cost i mean have we - >> we've identified alternatives based on the designer and i totally agree with the commissioner we need to
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look harder and bring someone else in to really look at is there any other opposite we haven't looked at because this impacts our system and everyone is concerned about the cost of this option. >> yeah. right they've identified three or four different ways of addressing either totally redondo lynn or they're trying to estimate the costs for one conclusion we need to challenge that. >> good no idea any other thoughts or comments the meeting is adjourned at the 242. >> good
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>> good morning, everyone. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the transportation authority finance committee and i'm cohen and to my left are katie tang and commissioner david chew. the clerk of the committee is mrs. erica chang and i'd like to take a moment to acknowledge and thank jim smith and nono for their wonderful work at sfgovtv and helping broadcast it meeting. are there any announcements? >> no announcements. >> could you call 2 of 4, the consent calendar. >> items 2 and 4, these items are routine and any of the consent calendar items may be removed ask considered separately. >> would anyone like to sever any of these items? okay. seeing none. is there a member of the public that would be
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