tv [untitled] March 16, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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your money and you're done but getting the fair market value of the prompt so getting the revenue from the parking is additional. wait a minute you're making you will say pay for this you have to pay something for the parking we may have 80 consider the land value to the parking to be deducted. they're saying well, the housing density if it's not reduced if you're able to do the x number of affordable units i'll - we'll pay for the parking. we are getting almost a double dip - i hate to say that >> sounded good to me. >> are you finished and yeah.
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one question to jonathan. i'm still concerned about the port i understand that $8 million aluminum sum i understand the parking spaces to the port have we yet vetted at any point holding onto two floors like the ground floor commercial and the floor of office above that's income for the port >> the developer get ahold of it we're not going to have a lot of say at this point so someone has gone past. >> there's good ideas that have been floated at the port looking at the affordability the
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particular challenge whether this year's trust uses and uses restrictions so as ricky highlighted we went to the state legislator to look for the narrow expectations to the trust rules everyone above the ground floor would the affordable housing so we're trying to get the best of both world double dipping as ricky said. we're sell it for a credit as if we are selling it for the commercial land but we get a credit and we're essentially saying yes you can do the affordable housing above the ground floor. the uses on the ground floor of parking which has been a lack active use and even the retail
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opportunities we can study those further and report back to the commission at our pleasure before we go ahead and issue an rfp and have a developer on where had we ask our developers to accountability the feasibility in regard to port revenue. >> so wire saying above the floor retail parking is not included. >> that's correct. >> and then the guidance would the mo u not include any possible combination so since we have someone from the mayor's office of housing can they not speak to this and the solicitation. i'm chime in arrest as - if you could also address the process
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questions i think ricky did a good job but if you get speak to where the mayor's office of housing fits in the process that comes next how you develop the rfps and how this fits in general to the what the office is doing with affordable housing throughout the city. this is one piece of the puzzle >> i'm the director of the mayor's office of housing community development. i can't say how we're so excited since you guys will hopefully paragraph the rfp. it's important to the community and, of course, to the mayor as well as to the dire need. in terms of process for the rfp as ricky mentioned we'll be providing a code back to the opportunity i community with the
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hope to specific that the ground floor use b will be for parking and in their submission to the rfp will say we think this can be designed and fined so those are the developers plans that will have to be compliant two to this their rfp response anticipates the ground floor use for this parking garage >> then you talk about the process in terms of neighborhood groups and community groups having the opportunity to weigh in on the rfp process. >> that's unusual for us as part of the selection process for the fact we've been seeking input from the community it's unusual so we're making that
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commitment because of the community keen interest in the project the port may or may not be familiar with the facial developments across the streets is a the hope is we'll be continuing that particular good work in developing the quality of work in the neighborhood that will be hopefully, a welcome site. >> maybe looking at the process it appears that the physician will finally get back to approving the lease. so as your developing the rfp is it possible to get a relational document so we can look at the aspects we think are important it sounds like we're giving the housing authority to manage the process of selecting that but getting the right input into the
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rfp so if we can see your rfp to we can consider that and we'll are more than happy to accommodate that. i know the staff mentioned making sure we're going back to the commission with periodic updates but the commission questions that we'll be happy to provide >> this is an exciting approach and i'm happy we're looking at solutions. we keep referring to the seawall and before - the rest of my comments perhaps if someone could define what someone means by seawall lot it's not up against the water it's set back a ways so perhaps -
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>> i'll - >> it's not on the waterside. >> those are west of the embarcadero their cut off from the waterfront. before they used to be used for warehouses that supported maritime activity but they're no longer being used so their cut off from the waterfront they're not having the purposes so they could be used for other things so seawalls are this package of land there's on 4 of them on the northeast waterfront so a good example is this seawall 322 dash one is at the corner of broadway and front it's almost like two blocks from embarcadero to the
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west. so in the future that's why the use restriction is being listed for a given period because in the future mar 7, 8, 9 activity may demand those spaces become available to the port again so for now their land places that are isolated and cut off from the waterfront >> so thank you. some of the other questions i have and many have been answered but confirming in terms of developing the mo u a number of community groups were xhounld am i correct under the proposal from the neighborhood design to have a hotel on the site is that part of the project and then are
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they requesting no low income just moderate income and senior housing and including low income and in our meetings with the barry coast association and the telephone graph neighborhoods we've reviewed their 31st letter in there will and answering the questions to the best of my knowledge they're asking us to look at the housing and they're requesting that those be examined and at least at that meeting we agreed to explore those and the housing office additional to explore those we
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have those in our staff report so that's the first issue. the other >> but we're not including low income. >> no. all the things they've suggested are the things we at the housing office are looking at those to explore in the rfp and the participates that bid on the rfp to explore >> but i'm getting at they requested no low income as i read it we'll explore the potential for lblgs as well. >> including to go over and respond to the conditions we have in the staff report to the january 31st letter that meeting went well, and very if i concerned so the march 10 letter took me by surprise we went to
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our viruses group and to vet that we've not heard a lot of opposition. >> then the design they've referred that request they wanted a hotel on that site. >> they indeed studied image looking at the plan picked up open the fact that's an allowable use for the instinctivecy method they presented to them in february they noted in this study the only reason they weren't recommending affordable housing when the d c a w written it wasn't an allowable site. >> the port was not included nor our public body so it's hard to speak to what their intending
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other than what we've seen as presentations but we were deliverability included. >> was there not a hotel in the site a. >> there was a hotel that was primarily on lot 2, 3, 4 on the corner of embarcadero and davis and broadway two blocks or a block and a half and this was part of the proposal. >> that's the one i'm happy we're looking at avon this site thank you all for putting that forward. i appreciate that >> what's the disk of affordable housing. >> there are are any definitions affordable housing it's usually defined through the linoleums program and the housing office refers to low
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income housing that means resident or first names at 55 or 60 percent of the medium income that's translating from a family of 4 to 68 thousand or so it's a up to 68 thousand for seniors that's up to 42 thousand i believe. that's the low affordable housing level we're talking about. i believe for purposes of the legislation a that's often low very low and moderate affordable housing and that's up to one hundred and 20 percent so that's essentially the household's of that could earner for a person of 4 households 1 hundred
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thousand or more. >> we're speculating because a developer has to look at that but it's not improbable you can have low and moderate income in the same building. >> the capital funding sources for affordable housing are unusual they particular and it makes it challenging both to acceptable all the program and usually for example, if you want senior housing you have a third of the metropolitan building and it's hard to have the subject you're trying to serve. so those are low income families >> has the office given
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consideration of the site. >> we're trying to explore all the possibilities the deprivation of what's affordable. so proposition c the housing trust fund passed by san francisco los last november is one hundred and 20 percent below that's the deprivation for the particular project we'll have to be serving at the one hundred and 20 percent below >> would you confirm the dollar amount. >> so in terms of the income groups so the port understands it was one hundred and 165 hundred and for the senior or a if one or two percent household it's one hundred and 80 up to one hundred and the 3 dollars.
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so this would be the range of or the highest income group. i want to make sure we address the concerns we raised. another point is parking and they indicated trailer park 200 underground parking is not considered we understand we'll consider that and that will be an option potentially >> we completed the staff report and we are going we will consider undermine parking. there's some concern as always on the kinds of soil about the feasibility of a parking structure let listening alone an underground one but it's a good source of ongoing revenue. >> thank you.
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and then yes certainly moving forward that will speed up the process of trying to pull it into another process. another question i have though and wanted to be clear. my understanding is if and when a developer is selected for the site as part of the process work with the community and seek input >> yes. as part of the rfp we'll actually make it specific that the community selecting the nonprofit will be expected to be seeking community input through the advising group it's typical to do the early fenway through the design phase and the entitlement phase but to be responsive to the community and what's being designed.
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>> so at this junction we're only trying to get the feedback for the port. >> i just ask if a 3 year mo u if the staff, you know, could fill us in more than twice a year on this one every 3 months. >> we can make that commitment and sometimes those projects go through a deep study that's not really - >> let me suggest something you come back with ricky he referenced a lot of poenlts of come back to talk about with us. outline it and we'll look at the timing once every two months or
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4 months it doesn't have a standard >> can i - i think i'm going to kind of end this item we're got an emergency down the way. so if he can have a vote commissioners >> no further questions. >> i have a motion on the floor all in in favor between the port and the mayor's office of housing and the community development regarding development of avon seawall lot all in favor, say i. opposed? seeing none, the resolution is approved. next item >> item 12 new business. >> any new business. seeing none. public comment?
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>> good evening, members of the port i'm frederick dies i'm representing a group of neighbors in the neighborhood by the name of open space waterfront. we're going to go filing an action to stop this process because the neighborhood itself has not been invited of the activity much less the conversion of the lot and a judge overthrow a seawall lot to housing and we'll pursuing pursue this vigorously and the neighborhood is not agreeing to this this is done behind closed-door i want to put that on record. i support your process to do and monique but i think you're going to find there are thirty
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thousand properties unoccupied in san francisco vacant today with the consensus the united states consensus pointed out in 2010 so this is a fabric indication and i'm not guessing how come those houses are not utilized for housing italian-american talking about two or three but thirty thousand not utilized in san francisco. thank you for hearing me out >> thank you. any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners new business? any announcements >> so commissioners on new business i apologize for being out of the room with an emergency. i wanted to assure you the long list of new business is underway and we'll be getting back to you on all of that and the only item
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of new business prior to leah the room was to bring the rfp draft back before the seawall lot 30-dash 2 >> and a prolific update to the commission. >> it triggers along the way for the update. >> okay. >> thank you. >> i move to a adjourn the meeting in memory of the host of the dating program. >> all in favor, say i. the meeting is adjourned. thank test.
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commissioner president courtney is excused. it's confusing there's a pecking order building it or not. the item the approval of the anybody's of february 25th for our regular meeting as well as march third for the joint puc meeting. any additions are corrections >> i'll move both. all in favor, say i. the motion carries >> item 4 public comments this time we take comments on any items not on today's agenda. i have two cards dr. jackson did
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i want to speak at this point? >> good afternoon pencil jackson here. i'm glad i made a statement to someone about the training that's supposed to be going on for the south pacific commission no one let me know that it was being cancelled i just fount and whose is in charge of putting together for the southeast facility commission it was only supposed to be from 10 to 4. because of the fact that most people and even you commissioners are not aware about the south east facility commission why it was
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established and but you all i mean staff your body here seems to think they have control. and i think they need to be a discussion of who has control of the southeast facility commission as well as the green house gas. i know since be 1950 the sewage plant has been in my community. i want to thank you commissioner caen for the support you've given to my county. i'm sad that i can get e-mails as of october of last year. when you have decided to take away programs guess so from the community that was given to the community back in the 70s. and it seems like to me you're
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trying to do and not i individuals but you know who you are is take control of everything we've fought for nobody ever give treasure island anything but what you're doing and have done is taken away since 18996 i wanted to know where's the money that should be going to the south east facility commission. but i guess you don't want to deal with the facts and the truth. and maybe that needs to be at about investigation. so the monies can be trailed to what has been happening here in this city from the mayor's office our office and this
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public health department and cities planning you've been having contact against bayview hunters point thank you >> thank you. to the general manager >> so one of the things we're planning to do is to give an update on the whole southeast facility and actually john is going to go over the history so we're on the same page and i do agree with the center was built for the community and also the structure of the commission southeast commission is to represent the community and but as part find this presentation we want to talk about what is actually in the administrative code and all the legal documents. we're also talk about the money that was collected and how much to operate and the actual other things we're doing in the
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community. the other thing i want to point out is since i've been general manager we've been trying to do a lot in the community i can talk about what woesh doing currently but the question is is it enough no. one of the things we wanted to try to do is empowering the south east facility commission is talk about how they can help make the plant a plant of where it can be something everyone is proud of. that's one of the things i hope that happens. as far as t as far as the greenhouses you mentioned you can't have a contract forever. the contract person who occupied having been
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