tv [untitled] March 16, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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to give you an opportunity to come up ~ and please take the podium. i know that all of us would like to hear from you. (applause) >> thank you, supervisor yee. i'll be brief because we are here to hear -- we are here to hear from the community because the community has been shut out of the governance of city college and that's why we're here. i do want to thank all the co-sponsors of this resolution. what we see here parallels what we're seeing in michigan. i mentioned this before, but i really think it's worth repeating. in addition, in michigan, in addition to the right wing policies of voter suppression and elimination of women's rights, they have a law called the american [speaker not understood] manager law which does exactly what's been done
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here. the elected representatives are removed, a manager makes decisions in the dark. and what we see in michigan isn't leading to better management, it is leading to worse management. we are seeing the signs of that here. some really poor management decisions have been made. the board of trustees left the district with the budget surplus of several million dollars in june. just a few weeks before they were removed last july. management has taken that budget surplus and squandered it and we are looking at a $23 million deficit, $23 million, because they have not done their job of student recruitment. this is a job that every publicly managed community college and school district does, universities do it, recruitment. they are not doing it. they are failing. they are also making bad
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management decisions in pay as student fees, supervisor campos mentioned. but pay raises. these pay raises have been given, double digit pay raises in the time of budget deficit, were made in violation of the district's own policies. this is not -- this is not a way to get accredited by violating your own policies to give managers double digit raises. some administrators are being paid now more than administrators have ever been paid before at city college. finally, what happened yesterday, the use of force against students has never happened before at city college in the 77-year history. (applause) >> district funds were spent to
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bring out san francisco police to use force against students. this was a really poor management decision. and whatever else you can say about it, it shows -- it makes the point that supervisor campos is making here, that without oversight by the public, there is no accountability in the management. the students need to protest because there is no forum, there are no board of trustees meetings. so, the only outlet students have is to protest, to try to get their point across. (applause) >> leadership -- what they don't understand, the value of democracy and the value of public oversight, it's that leadership and management learned from the public. it learns what the public wants. it learns what the public needs. it gets ideas from the communities. the board of supervisors know that. the school board knows that. the state legislature knows that. and we know that is true with
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city college. so, i thank you very much for working to get public ownership, public oversight of city college back. thank you. (applause) >> thank you, sir. we will now hear from dr. greer. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much for this much needed bill that we will pass. i just would like to thank everyone who is here today. it is so wonderful to be here to hear your voices and to give real input from experience. so, i'm going to be brief and i hope that the letter that i had written just tells everything i feel, everything i think up to now. and we want to move forward from that position. (applause) >> i just want to make three points, and they have already been made, but i just would like to add just a little bit
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of more information to it. and look at the pros and cons. if we look at what's happening now with the administrators that are at city college, the pros is that we -- well, if we had the faculty staff and students, we would have recruitment that we know how to do. we would have more students coming to city college and we would even do better in a time of crisis with trying to increase the enrollment number. what you have on the other side is that you have a group of administrators who don't have the leadership, do not have the experience to go out, recruit, and bring students back to city college. if we talk about the $500,000 that have been given to the group to make sure that they do
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better recruitment, if our faculty -- if our staff had that amount of money, we would reach the highest number that we've ever had in terms of enrollment. (applause) >> what has happened so far is that the monies that have been given to the administrators has not gone for good. i think it's even gotten worse. i didn't bring the numbers, but the last time i heard the numbers were even lower than what we know. we also have students who are complaining about the closure of classes. we have departments -- appliance-026-7041 ~ (applause) >> we have departments who are talking about how the students are there, but for some reason they're making it so difficult for students to stay there and then also to increase the numbers. it seems like there is something going on that we need
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to stop. and with this new resolution that would do it. these people need to go. also, the board of trustees, which is a board of 7, compared to a super trustee and the number of one, i mean, how ridiculous is it to have a board meeting with one person? [laughter] (applause) >> it's undemocratic, it's unbelievable. and, in fact, students in terms of the demonstrations that they have done want to be heard and they always were heard when there was a board of 7 compared to a board of one. we really need to get the board of 7 back so that we can do our job. plus our student trustee. (applause)
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>> also, the master plan. i was only at the meeting in chinatown for a short period of time, but it is so like this group of -- i would call them the t word, but i won't. these groups that come together and talk about a master plan that doesn't include the community, that doesn't hear the voices from everyone in the city and county of san francisco. it's ludicrous, it's ridiculous. and, so, this is what you have with the one super trustee. i say all that to say that we need to pass the resolution that supervisor campos and the rest of the board of supervisors has put forward so we can go about the business of educating at city college. that's what we're known for and once this bill is passed i'm sure we'll be able to get back
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and do our job. thank you. (applause) >> thank you. i know that trustee mandel man could not be here for this portion of the proceedings, but we he want to thank him for his leadership as well ~. i saw chanel williams earlier, i don't know if she's here. but why don't we begin public comment. and let me say that normally i give people three he minutes, but we he might lose a quorum so i'm going to limit it to two minutes so everyone here has the opportunity to say something. and before i begin, i also want to acknowledge besides the students, a very important player in all of this has been the faculty at city college. [cheering and applauding] a i just want to -- i want to acknowledge their dedication and their commitment ~ and their perseverance. so, i want to read a few names.
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please, as i read your name, if you can come up. and if you can line up to our left, your right on the aisle. vivian munn. harry burstein. judith [speaker not understood]. and i apologize for mispronouncing your name. edgar torres. emilie lee. tiffany louie. vincent yu. lee levitt. alan benjamin. angel van stark. robert fitch. go ahead, please. thank you. go ahead. my name is vivian munn and this is the first time i'm speaking in front of city hall and board of supervisors. i'm a little nervous, but i am i faculty member and i work at
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disabled student services department. i'm here today to speak in support of this proposition. i mean, thank you for introducing this piece of legislation. we he need to bring back our elected board of a officials, trustees, in making decisions that will affect the success and well-being of our students ~. i'm surprised to hear what jon lee wrote just now, disclosed about the budget mismanagement and the 23 million. what i do know is that, you know he, we have a whole bunch of highly compensated administrators and the college has hired exorbitant vendors to do a certain amount of thing. but speaking from a person who is down in the trenches, i'm a direct service provider to my students. i teach a special class to students of disabilities. and the students who come to my class learn study skills to help them succeed in college. what really upsets me is that
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the people who are a special trustee, he he doesn't understand what's going on in my class. he doesn't understand what's going on in my job. when my staff leaves -- i have 8 that help me. when they leave, they are not replaced and that's a cut. is my time up? >> no. so, i'm upset that, you know, there is no input. there is no way to -- for me to let the administrator know that, look, i'm losing students here. i'm not serving my students. it's crippling -- i'm crippled in my job, in my ability to do my job because i don't have the staff because they are not -- we are not being allowed to [speaker not understood]. >> thank you. once you hear the initial sound that means you have about 30 seconds left. thank you. next speaker, please. (applause)
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yes, my name is harry bernstein. i'm an instructor, part-time instructor at the ocean campus in music. i just wanted to address one small point in your measure. you say that the super trustee has been in charge of appropriating funds from two voter-approved bonds to build a performing arts and education center. but without accountability to the will of san francisco taxpayers, there has been a citizens bond oversight committee for these 2001-2005 bonds since at least 2006 with an annual report. intention of the committee is to verify the voter mandated bond money is distributed and spent as the voters wanted. in 2012, the much needed performing arts and education center was close to final approval when it was delayed by
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two interim chancellorses and finally either suspended or canceled by super trustee ar dwell a ~. that's $50 million from the bond money and about $38 million in state matching funds. ar gel a has said his mind is made up on this so, where is the bond oversight committee ~? here is my point. city college financial officer ron gerhardt recently acknowledged that the committee couldn't meet a quorum call because it had nine vacancies. that's the oversight of the monies from the city of san francisco. how convenient for ar dwell a who is therefore spending the allocated money for purposes not approved by the bond measures. we need an action and investigation of this and return this oversight so the money is spent properly and we get this facility. (applause) >> thank you. i have a few more names. carol meager.
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roger scott. anna azavedo. rose buyers, and sarah thompson. my name is [speaker not understood] levitt [speaker not understood]. i am a retired teacher from the school district and i'm representing my former students, many of whom can't be here today. they went to work or they're at classes at city college. and i want you to know this is an invaluable project that we are working on and i'm a part of the same city college movement and i'm also a union retired division activist. ~ save city college i want to say we must have the immediate restoration of the elected board of trustees and request immediate removal of special trustee ar dwell a. and i urge the legislators, mayor lee, and the remaining board of supervisors, all of them, to join supervisor campos in reversing this current queue day tau. we are in a democracy. thank you.
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(applause) ~ >> thank you. i just want to note that we have been joined by supervisor mar who is the vice-chair of the committee who is also a co-sponsor of the resolution. next speaker, please. my name is edgar torres and i represent the department of latino studies as well as the diversity collaborative. and i just want to let you know that the department chair structure is constantly under attack. it is attacked when we're -- as i speak. we are asking 21 chairs to be reduced to what are going to be called discipline coordinators. what you have to know about the department chairs and in particular the diversity chairs is that we were created out of a profound [speaker not understood] community. and that we try to give voice to under represented populations. we've been doing that by, you know, producing courses that engage at-risk students, students that are at-risk before they even start school
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by attracting immigrants to take our courses. and we've been doing a really, really good job. we serve latin american latino studies serves around 20,000 students at city college. the diversity departments probably serve the students of color which probably represent 60 to 70% of the entire population of city college. so, this attack is forgetting the fact that the majority of the small departments are -- base their curriculum on grass root connectionses with the students. none of the small departments have received anything over the last 30 years for free. we fought for every single class that we teach. and it's not a fight where we receive money from the district to allow us to teach. it's fights that come from the bottom up. the department chair structure is exactly well suited for that
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kind of environment where we have a little bit more input into the decisions that are being made so it gives voice to the smaller departments. and i hope you can see that and help continue that. thank you. >> thank you very much. (applause) >> i'm going to read a few more names. [speaker not understood]. lalo gonzalez. [speaker not understood]. sg&aerctionv, supervisors. ~ good afternoon, supervisors. [speaker not understood]. yesterday we had a rally that supervisor campos was attending and speaking at. and in the chinatown campus, because -- to address this very issue about the lack of community voice and input at city college currently. the college is currently going through a planning process for the next five years of institutions, talking about everything from students success to infrastructure, technology, and in previous years the master plan which is to guide the school in this
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long-term vision took a year long process to plan. currently they're trying to rush through this process in just four months. we are very distress today hear that and we heard very late because they had done a very he poor job in outreach to the community. at our rally yesterday we had a really diverse broad group of students there, community members from the immigrant community from seniors to credit and noncredit students, and really those are the people who should be at the meeting planning this master plan, but they're not. what many people, many students had not heard about the master plan process. so, we're very concerned because in a time of crisis at city college, it's more important now than ever to actually have more community input and weighing in. because we're at such a critical juncture. and we're really concerned that the administration is pushing forward this plan without adequate -- without taking in really what city college needs and hearing from the people who are directly impacted by the plan. so, we really want to make sure
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that the value of city college are included in that, diversity, lifelong learning and education as a human right. so, the administration is trying to release a draft plan in mid april. at the hearing yesterday, at the meeting, they did not say there would be -- holding any more meetings. at the very last minute the chancellor said that they would start holding more in-public sessions. but i think we he need to continue to push the administration to do what's right and actually hear more input from the community that has not been included in this plan. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. (applause) >> and the next speaker who can speak in chinese can get a little more extra time so i can translate. >> you get to have a little more time. [speaking through interpreter]
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so, i'm learning english so that i can, you know, find work in the future and also so i can communicate with other people. i'm taking tai chi so that i can be healthy and also to decrease my blood pressure and just have a healthier life-style. so, i'm here because i'm really passionate about these classes and they're very important to me and i really want to support, you know, making sure esl classes continue at city college because -- for our seniors and just for the whole immigrant community. thank you. (applause) >> thank you. we have a few more names. kayly [speaker not understood]. nancy ay. michelle madden.
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vi when. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is tiffany louie and i'm a student at city college. my parents immigrated to the united states, it was city college that provided language and job skills for my mom and dad to secure careers in san francisco. i am finishing my last semester at city college and will be transferring to u.c. in the fall and my brother is currently at city college pursuing a degree in chemistry. so, you see city college is a stepping stone for my family. i'm here today to speak briefly about the negative impact to the student body, the payment plan system has caused as well as to request to reinstate the board of trustees. on november 12 of last year administration sent out an e-mail notifying students of the implementation of the payment plan system starting this semester. this payment plan system has contributed to dropping enrollment and makes it harder to stay at city college, particularly for students who
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are most vulnerable including low-income students, working class students, and immigrant students. there is no proper notification of the payment plan other than that one single e-mail that was sent out to students. there is no regard for students where english may not be their first language, where they have no access to computers or the internet, and the fact that many notices and e-mails sent out to the student school e-mails do not go through because of the internal computer school system. more over, implementing a payment plan system while the school is undergo accreditation issues clearly show that the priorities of the administration are not in the interest of students. we need to reinstate the democratically elected board of trustees because students absolutely need the opportunity to make public comment and voice their concerns on issues like these that matter to them. if we had a board of trustees, i would be submitting this very comment to them, but instead i am in front of all of you to express my concerns. thank you. (applause) >> thank you. next speaker.
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yes, hello, board of supervisors. my name is lee levitt and i'm a council and faculty member at city college and [speaker not understood]. as the last speaker said, the priorities are not only skewed, but the policies that are being implemented especially by the board of trustees are illegal. consider this. if lawyer i ellison wanted to shut out people from management, he could do that. but our administration ~ [speaker not understood] who makes a six-figure salary from public money decide that had they could lock the doors yesterday to the main building on campus at ocean campus. (applause) where students show up to enroll for classes. they show up to see my counseling colleagues for support. they show up to pay their bills. so, essentially, he is shooting us in the foot. he meaning the collective administration is defeating the
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purposes of sustaining city college. my other point is i have students from different -- we have two different departments and from child development where we primarily train the vast majority of early childhood workers in san francisco, yet they have to do a lot of perpetual development. many of them are seeking through a associate degrees which carries value in the profession. and, so, our students are often middle aged working people with full-time jobs and families. and if you cut classes, if you just try to monkey with their schedule, that really hurts our students. and, so, this is what the administration has tried to do. cut classes that don't benefit students at all. thank you. (applause) >> thank you. next speaker. supervisor campos, my name is alan benjamin. i'm a member of the union, office professional employees local 3 and of the executive board of the san francisco labor council. i want to thank you for your
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leadership for being there yesterday with the students at city college as you have been throughout the year. the payment policy -- the new payment policy is just one of many policies implemented with a conscious agenda of throwing out students, particularly students of color, low-income students, of cutting classes that are not "essential ~ as decided by accrediting by the [speaker not understood]. that wants to dee fund this full and a fait accompli, we don't have the funds so we have to shut it down. that's the same agenda we in the union see in dee funding public services and morals fostering and promoting privatization. and to do that they need tutorial powers.
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they know that this city and this community, we love city college. it's a jewel. it's one of the most important gains, it's the backbone of our democracy, the heart and soul of our city. to destroy that, they cannot do that with an aloe he electricitied board because we would speak their accountable whether if we don't agree with a decision, they're answerable and they can be removed. that's the heart of democracy and you have to impose, like they do in michigan, or like they've done in greece because it all stems from the same banksters mentality. they have these special e-u commissions to impose policies where even the governments in europe cannot make the decisions. those are made by committees and banksters beholden to imf. this is the same agenda. (applause) so, we need to -- is that my first or second? >> time, okay. thank you. >> thank you very much. (applause)
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>> [speaker not understood] clemmons. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. demetrius [speaker not understood]. next speaker. hello, my name is angel van stark and i am the youth commissioner for district 8. and in light of recent events, it seems that this situation brought up another problem that has been facing some of my constituents in my district. and what i'm talking about is very little publicized -- the valencia garden incident that occurred in november. and this is because of what happened yesterday at ccsf. and i would like to bring it to everyone's attention that things like this shouldn't happen. (applause) people should not be forced
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to protest because it is our right to be able to voice our opinion regardless of where we come from or regardless of what our economic status is. but i am not here to criticize the police department. i am here to offer solutions that were brought to me by the same constituents that voiced these concerns previously. the solution that i proposed is to the supervisors and to the police commission and members of the general public, is to analyze and revamp a section in the general order which, for those of you who don't know, is a portion of -- it's basically the rules that the police officers abide to. and the section i'm specifically referring to is 1.8, which defines community policing and two components that talk about mutual respect and partnership and shared responsibilities. i would strongly suggest that inclusion of points of accountability outlin
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