tv [untitled] March 16, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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high school level, we actually see that our plan is to move further away from foods and more towards sfusd produced meals for our students and about 40 percent of our students at the high school are eating at foods that are produced by the sfusd staff and that is actually a much more cost effective model and provides more choice and opportunity and so we are hoping to move in that direction and so with the increased revenue from the participation and the increased number of meals, we are going it see the cost going up but the revenue stream going up significantly as well and we think that it is going to be our estimates are that it is a more cost effective model when they are all rolled out. >> we see, some of those estimates? because that is what kind of questions that we asked when the designs were rolled out is exactly that. and i would be very interested in that and, i mean that i understand that with the... which is i want all of these things to be piloted and tried, but i understand that we are actually participation is going
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down in the meal programs this year. and so that is a big concern. >> and so i will just, i appreciate what you say about the three meals a day and i still have my and i know that it is inchanting the idea of the super but i am nervous about that if it is going to work so i would like to see if what we do done really slowly. but i am as you know, very, very interested in it and committed to commanding our breakfast programs because i actually think that is beside it being a core academic achievement strategy in my mind and there should not be anything else besides that, but it actually is probably the best way for us to increase revenue and therefore, balance out costs, because we are under-serving and under reimbursing our breakfast programs by huge amounts, i mean, basically we are only do a pitance. and so, any way, i just, i you
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know this contract just gives me an opportunity to put some of those questions on the table and i think that we need some more information as we go along. because this and you know, the wonderful designs that we saw, and this, and then we don't see anything along the way, and i am uncomfortable with that and so i want to know about that. >> thank you commissioner wynns and i think that your points are well stated and well taken. and it is not our intent to move in any direction that will cost the district any significant financial investment beyond what we are already projecting. and until the board has had an opportunity to fully engage and have a discussion about what those costs may be, but there is really something interesting that is happening in our community and in our eco sphere if you will in that the folks out there, including private
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philanthropy are enchanted with what is going on in san francisco, and the sarah and williams foundation is just one of those foundations, or organizations that have said that we are willing to do something that we never get a chance to do which is invest so that you can explore about a vision that is bolden and really, really captivating. so, this is an exciting time for us, but our commitment to the board is that, of course, you are the decision makers, and we will bring you that information and we appreciate you putting those questions on the table as well. we hope to be able to answer those, hopefully in a very positive way. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> are we ready for a vote? >> yes. >> casco >> thank you. >> wei. >> logan. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza mcdonald muraser. >> aye. >> wynns.
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>> aye. >> fewer. >> norton. >> aye. >> q. superintendent proposals none, tonight. >> board members proposal? s we heard that earlier. about giving the 18-year-olds free muni, and the item s, report on the city and school district. >> would you report on that please? >> we had one item on the agenda which was an update on, and it says here on the supplemental appropriation and really it was how we are doing and now with commissioner fewer was eloquent in her enthusiasm for the how well we think that we are doing, and i think that it is surprisingly well, actually. in the percentage of students that are on track for graduation and so we did have some, or a lot of, we had a staff presentation, from sfusd
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staff that was great. and i think that really i do want to say that, in my mind, one of the real reasons to have this committee though it is sometimes frustrating is that we get to present what we are doing with the school district. >> and so that, that, most of that data, in fact, all of it, i think is some things that we have actually reviewed at the board here before. but, so that was the item on the agenda and as to the sort of shoring up the support for the supplemental appropriation or at least the one that we had last year and that is probably the political purpose which was accomplished and then should we, and the next meeting is march 26th but at that meeting, what are we going to do with that meeting? >> no. >> no, we are going to do after school for all in april.
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and because, in and so i don't know what we are going to do in march because the staff here is not, there is a conflict, actually the after school, for all, principal's meeting is the same afternoon. and so, that is going to be postponed until april, the third and wednesday in april and is that when it is or the fourth? >> i think that is the fourth, and thursday in april. and so, why don't we then have an update on the next board meeting because we will know exactly what it will be on the agenda. >> and most of that comes from the board of supervisors. >> yes. >> thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> and commissioner maufas? may we have a report from the curriculum committee of march third, 2014. >> we had quite a full agenda, we had two action items for charter school renewals and, one petition to grant alternative or deny a petition,
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for gateway high school charter school. and then also for to grant alternative deny the renewal petition for life learning academy charter school. and i just i don't want to just say, what the action is at the committee took, but i really do want to talk about what was presented. there at those meetings. and we did hear from the gateway community, and consisted of teachers and students and parents and alum who were able to report back really after attending some of the nation's top colleges and in attendance at the curriculum committee meeting where the principal and vice principal and executive director, i know that the curriculum committee has a few pending questions for gateway, one was regarding for myself and regarding the restorative, justice practices and that they had said that they had looked at sfusd to incorporate at their school
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site, but you aels had a comment and you wanted them to respond to that question and we have agreed that we would like for them instead of just referring their responding to us at the committee level we want to send that to miss casco, so all could hear that response and do you remember what your question was? >> not at this moment. >> excuse me for not remembering and recalling that. >> but, i know that all of the commissioners will receive some of the supplemental packet answering those particular questions. vice president murase did inquire requireding the enrollment time line and it was noted that the gateway community has definitely agreed that that was a misstep and that they have rectified that to assure the community that it will not happen again and they have included in their charter
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petition, an enrollment time line, that will align with sfusd schools and so that is something to be noted and i believe that is with the concerns that we may have had regarding all of the ability of all students and sfusd to have fair access to gateway's wonderful history and academic rig or and i wanted to mention that and that the committee moved to the full board the positive recommendation for that particular petition. and also, we heard from the life learning academy, and if you don't know about this school, it is located on treasure island and it has been there for the entire 15 years, and it is served the particular population, and i do want to read from the website. and it welcomes the students into an extended family which motivates everyone to give and receive support and develop the responsibility, judgment, build academic and vocational and the social skills necessary to be successful. many of our students that have not been able to be successful
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in our traditional high schools and even our smaller high schools find success at life learning academy. and it truly is what i would say, an extended family for many of these students. and their experiences there are life transforming. and something that is particular to note, that executive director, dr. delane said in the history that they have not had a fight at the school, which is amazing. and so that really does speak to the idea that this is the community that builds trust, and support for students who have struggled before. and been extremely what we would term as off track and on the road to graduation. but, what was wonderful to see, is were several students and several current students that were on track to graduate, and were very, very proud and we are also saw some alum who are
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off working or actually at city college now, in their post secondary academic careers and i wanted to acknowledge that work dr. delane came on her birthday which was generous of her. and the committee moved forward to the board a positive recommendation for that petition. we heard, and i will be brief, the three informational items that the committee took up which was the school quality improvement system and joe, our executive director for state and federal programs came to present and in that system it is three principles, college and career readiness for all students, two, differentiate and recognition of accountability and support and three, supporting effective leadership and instruction. this particular update focused on principle to the differentiated recognition of the accountability and support. and what was really good and is that we had a break down of what that looks like. and with the three areas are
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under the principle comes the school quality improvement index, the social, emotional survey and climate and culture survey and we will develop those over time and we had an update on that and we also had a mid year update on our lea plan with dr. coffman that was submitted in 2013 and a five-year plan that was approved for the department of education in all of the years that he has worked with sfusd he believes that this year, the strategic plan and the lea plan are in alignment and there is an ongoing, sort of disconnect, right? between those two. and he really says, we have come together in three emerging themes, co-here ans, collaboration and capacity building, and he says that the report reflects a radical shift
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in how we operate and so that is something to be noted as we have operated in siloand now we are sort of moving as he termed one whole cloth, and which is nice. lastly, we had the information of jrtc. and i am going to take the blame for not really being very specific. with the mr. san der son about what we needed to see coming forward and what we did get all and of the commissioners did get was a binder of the curriculum which is one component which is to see what is the current curriculum being used by the instruct ors, but what was requested and i missed this. and president fewer, was really able to articulate it. and we will know what will be expected at the curriculum committee meeting which will be these three questions, does the curriculum provide academic rigor? are we able to provide analysis
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if jrtc curriculum alines with sfusd rigorous standards? can we assess it for content and knowledge? and are the students absorbing that knowledge, necessary to pack the course with validity? or could they possibly, three, get that knowledge elsewhere? those questions will be hopefully answered by our staff at the next curriculum committee meeting and that is my report. >> thank you very much. >> and any announcements? >> yes. >> and just very briefly. i wanted to say that commissioner maufas and i attended the first book give away on march first book. hundreds of teachers lined up at 9:00 in the morning to get into the sports basement store on 16th and bryant and special thank you to the sports base sxment they were incredible and opened up the store for a week, and they were, and they had
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42,000 books, in the loading bay at the store. and it was just an amazing event, to see all of these teachers lining up so early to get the free books for their kids. >> wynns? >> thank you, i just wanted to and i actually made a presentation at the california alliance for school based health last week and the conference was in oakland and board members there and i really wanted to give credit to and thank the staff from the wellness center of mission high school who were there actually i was talking about the clinics and the wellness center and my talks so they were very happy about that and so i was glad to see them there and i wanted to acknowledge them and i wanted to say one other thing which i am sorry that i was out of the room and if we did the svac presentation and i think that we should note that the state has received a waiver letter from the secretary of education.
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and so, the threatened we will not give you any money if you don't actually provide the no child left behind required test this year has not materialized. in fact this is really good news for our efforts, and not the state's efforts in which we participate to evolve to a better assessment system. so if anybody was worried about it not to worry now. >> thank you. >> any other comments? >> yes, commissioner maufas? >> thank you. i just wanted to reflect on one attending event that i did last night with the superintendent. which was the plan ahead celebration for our work, and i am going to leave out one of the supporters and it is the pearson foundation and the gap, sfusd and our other parter superintendent? i may? >> hersh and associations and pearson. >> thank you. >> and really coming together, under the leadership of dr.
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valinteno and his team and, their team in curriculum and instruction, and our deputy superintendent garelo really to celebrate, actually all of the work and how successful the program has been and as a superintendent highlighted that it is in battle tested by our teachers in our classrooms and in tweaked to where it is really the curriculum that it is supposed to be so much so that it is the department of labor came out to san francisco unified school district and was so impressed that they have actually posted it on the website and it is now an open source throughout the state of california. curriculum, and accessible to all and is it actually national, and i just want to check that, i hear that it has gone national? >> it has gone national. >> that is amazing and that is all started here in san francisco unified school district and so congratulations to us and congratulations to the cni team and the deputy superintendent. >> thank you.
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>> commissioner haney. >> also i attended an event where commissioner wynns and were at the spamalot musical and the school of the arts and blown away and it was incredible and yeah, commissioner wynns and i took a self-ie as well. and so, no it was a incredible, performance of the folks out there and i don't think that they are performing any more. but, they have a number of other performances throughout the year and they have a musical every year and commissioner mendoza was there as well. and so just had a great time. and it was nice to spend the evening with commissioner wynns as well. >> thank you. >> great and i just wanted to report that i participated in read allowed day this week and inthraled or terrified the children with the greek mythology and also i attended a lovely dinner, and the long
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table dinner that is a fund-raiser for the culinary arts program and i just want to give a shout out for the students for providing that excellent meal. >> i want to recognize maufas for her work on the honor roll. and president fewer and i attended the pta founder's day dinner, and so congratulations to the pta and we will be kicking off the san francisco unified school district arts festival on monday march 17th, and march 19th, we will mark youth advocacy day with the department of children youth and their families, thank you. >> and you are welcome. >> thanks. >> and item t. report of closed session it actions. >> okay. >> this was kind of long.
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closed, this is the closed session, read out of march 4, 2014. the board of education by a vote of 5 ayes and two absent, approved expulsion of one high school student, in phase two retirement plan cases the board by a vote of 5 ayes and two absent, gives the authority of the district to pay up to a stipulated amount. the board of a vote of 6 aye and one absent approved the contract for the six site administrators, the board by a vote of 6 ayes and one absent, approved the contracts for 38 principals. the board by a vote of 6 aye and one nai. fewer, amoved the contract for one principal. >> and six aye and one nay fewer, approved the contract for one principal. and the board by a vote of 6 ayes and one nay, wynns,
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approved the contract for one principal and the board of a vote of 7 ayes approved the contract for 17 principal and a vote of 6 aye and one absent approved the contracts for 12 assistant principals, and a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts for 22 assistance principals. the board by a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts for 29 programs administrators, the vote by the board of 7 ayes approved the contracts for 23 supervisors, and the board by a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts for three chiefs. the board by a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts for one deputy superintendent. the board by a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts for two associate superintendents. and the board by a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts for 8 assistant superintendents.
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7 ayes approved the contract for 7 executive directors, and approved the contract for 11 directors, approved a contract for 5 senior deputy general counsels. the board approved the contract for one special assistance, to the superintendent. the board by a vote of 7 ayes and one absent, did not renew the contracts for three principals. the board by a vote of 7 ayes, did not renew the contracts for 2 principals. the board by a vote of 6 ayes one absent mendoza mcdonald did not renew the contracts for one assistant principal. the board of the vote of 7 ayes did not renew the contracts for five assistant principals. by a vote of 7 aye $not renew the contracts for one program administrator, the vote of 7 aye $not renew the contracts for two executive directors. and the board vote of 7 ayes did not renew the contracts for
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one assistant superintendent. the board by a vote of 6 ayes one nay, maufas did not renew the contracts for one director. the board by a vote of 7 ayes did not renew the contracts for two supervisors. the other informational items posted on the agenda is the staff report on the acceptance of gifts for the month of january, 2014, this meeting is adjourned, thank you. commissioners we have closed session immediately after this. >> i love teaching.
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it is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. >> this really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. this is very enriching as an artist. a lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into negatives. >> there are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. that is a really big draw. >> this is a signature piece. this is the bill largest darkroom in the u.s.. >> there are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. >> i think it is the heart of this place. you feel it when you come in.
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>> the people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography. >> we get to build the community here. this is different. first of all, this is a great
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location. it is in a less-populated area. >> of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. it is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. the people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion. >> we offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. we offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. we offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. there is a way for the programs
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exploring everyone who would like to spend the day on this program. >> hello, my name is jennifer. >> my name is simone. we are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. >> c'mon, c'mon, c'mon. >> actually, i have been here a lot. i have never looked closely enough to see everything. now, i get to take pictures. >> we want to try to get them to be more creative with it. we let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. >> you can focus in here.
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>> that was cool. >> if you see that? >> behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. the see any more hills? >> these kids are wonderful. they get to explore, they get to see different things. >> we let them explore a little bit. they get their best. if their parents ever ask, we can learn -- they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. some of the things they come up with are fantastic.
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that is what we're trying to encourage. these kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. >> a lot of people come into my classes and they don't feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas. >> this is kind of the best kept secret. you should come on and take a class. we have orientations on most saturdays. this is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. >> ready to develop your photography skills? the harvey milk photo center focuses on adult classes. and saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes.
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i'll call this meeting to order of the atom for thursday, march 13, 2014. call the roll please madam secretary >> i'll note that director lee is sitting in and with that director lee. director metcalf director reiskin director harper director harper you have a quorum >> thank you very much and the first item on the agenda is communication none. >> none that i've with your of. >> and thank you new and old bune
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