tv [untitled] March 18, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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their comments earlier but i know as a former commission of the san francisco redevelopment agency when we look at the at the time of the accident increment we're not doing this from a legal prospective the tax increments how is works for the city is was never dedicated to one purpose to job growth and so forth. i realize we anticipate that there's expected growth and expected tax growth in the booming areas so the city will generate specific tax revenue but at the end of the day there's more thanks than that there's transportation needs and support around police presence and there's also personal affordable housing and other issues. i'm not suggesting that we put
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one issue against the other but i just, you know, have a concern with moving forward in a direction without clear understanding of exactly, you know, what's actually going on in the area the data there's a resolution, there's a budget analyst report increase nothing i have in terms of data or information it demonstrates to me there is a clear concrete need. there's her, her say and i'm familiar with the organizations in the mid-market area. many of the arts organizations and some in particular are in city building where significant dollars are need and we've not investment the appropriate amount in selma its fatally
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apart it's a art center and it supports the mid-market area yet we are choosing to focus on rent stabilization rather than taking care of the facilities that need support of this nature. i do understand what's being proposed i have a lot of concern with the fact that there's no data to support this. there's no clear plan to support this. i don't feel comfortable supporting an stem without knowing what's it is going to be used for. i've seen abuse additional a lot of organizations get funding because they write great proposals and this is not giving me the satisfaction because of the listed organizations that
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have received funding in the past they have a clear organizational structure to receive the funding but what about the small organizations and the organizations we're trying to help hallway u how can they get access to the dollars. i'm not seeing the connections i think what's being prospered is admiral but it doesn't have enough concrete information that gives me is comfort level to assure me the people because of the rise in rent in the mid-market area that they're actually going to be the ones that benefit from the support. so at this point, i can't support it but i want to in the future with a more detailed plan >> president chiu had a response. >> just a couple of quick
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responses there is significant data around the nonprofits i'll point to the budget analyst report on page 4 it says that commercial vacancy rates have decreased by 25 percent over the last 2 years. and at the same time, we know that the average city commercial rate has increased by 33 percent that's a sense of what the pressure is >> with respect where's the information where's that data i know what the rents are you know what's happening in the mid-market but what about the artists. >> before you cut me off the draft of the report is in the file. the other thing this is not the first time that that a program
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like this has been implement admiring admiring the area we have several things that implicated this program and we put things in place to help nonprofit organizations and specifically arts organizations. we got the idea looking back from the 2000, 1 and 2 timeframe to see where this is coming from. the third thing i understand colleagues that folks are wondering what's going to happen once the report come out and supervisor yee and having i have had the conversations right now this is draft this will go to the budget committee for their review. i want to hear in supervisor yee about a different process that will give you more comfort so
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with that i'd like to defer to supervisor yee >> supervisor yee and just for the record he knows that mr. bryan chiu from the mayor's office of housing is here. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you first of all, like other supervisors i want to commend the effort like supervisor breed has run a nonprofit i did 18 years of running a nonprofit with 7 sites i was around when hit us with the rent. so the panic that people have running nonprofits especially, when their lease it up it's a real feeling that dramatically impacted other organizations that were around at the time they went under. in the nonprofit world for those who are not from that world most
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of the expenses you have are pretty much going to remain standard you might have increases in saliva you build it into our budget. two things in the nonprofit world that are inbe predicable one of them is insurance. when we got hit with an insurance hike about 20 years ago it was doibl and tripling we didn't have the money and another one how much you're paying for rent if your paying 2 thousand for a space and they want to raise it to 35 hundred a month for certain nonprofits it's a big chunk of changes. i appreciate the effort we're moving down and i'm glad also
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that when we talk about the 2.5 million or the 4.5 million it is not the total increase of going 0 into the coverer of the city and we'll have opportunities to look at the rest of the funding. for me i think i'm echoing some of the comfortable level i trial building there is an issue with rents for nonprofits. so that's not a problem. there's no argument there. we want to help them out they're the backbone of many communities. the issue for me is well, i feel like i have a lot of expertise in you running nonprofits and understanding the rent if it goes to the budget committee i'm not on i feel i'll be left out which the decision.
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i want to feel comfortable about the plan. there's something that's allowable in this chamber but hadn't been done rather than having the reserve go to the budget committee i want to recommend that the reserve go to the full board of supervisors for release. i believe the process wouldn't be a long-drawn-out process but maybe the city attorney can explain that better >> mr. gibner to the chair. deputy city attorney jonas the board mention they've placed the reserve on is reading from and hadn't been done in many years the process for realizing that
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the supervisor would introduce another motion to schedule a reserve as a whole and at following boards meeting the boards sits to take public comment and adapt a motion to release the reserve >> i'm comfortable with that process. if we were to go that route and end up being a long drown u drawn out process so i don't know which i could maybe ask for an amendment >> a motion and make a motion. >> i make a motion that we change the statement where we're putting the money in reserve for the budget committee to put in the reserve at the full board of supervisors. >> we have a motion any
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supervisor yee and second by supervisor cowen any comment. >> we obviously have a lot of comments so we do the public comment at the full board of supervisors for decision. that is something i will support i know there's been a level of discomfort and obviously we're going to have recommendations so i appreciate supervisor yee asking this question and our city attorney suggesting a different ways to go about this >> okay supervisor kim on the motion. >> yes. on the motion i'm happy to support the motion i want to reiterate it doesn't mean we'll be hearing the public comment so we'll all be subject to listen to that. i'm happy for all the full board of supervisors to hear what our nonprofit organizations are
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going through and a lot of of the concerns to provide services on site many of geography dependent and still in oakland they provide the services for the community throughout san francisco so if the board will hear from them i'm happy to support the motion >> great. supervisor cowen >> thank you very much i wanted to acknowledge the city attorney and supervisor yee thank you for that suggestion. the motion that i am happy to support. it brings more comfort as we begin deliberating. i have one concern to express to the sponsors of the legislation that the legislation felt as to it was inclusive. i represent a lot of neighborhoods in the southeast people want to move into we have
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space and it's one of the more affordable for nonprofits to make their homes in. that there- this was very mid-market specific and selma inclusive so this ability to hear the matter before the entire board is very, very attractive. i'm interested and you can begin to communicate i'm listening for long term planning. this is a short term fix so a very, very large and systematic problem how do we assist or partner with nonprofits on long term planning to help them begin to realize their financial
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goals. i've worked with my nonprofits helping them with technical assistance to help them manage a better strategy around fundraising and diverse their funds. i got called upon how this money will be used i had questions about supervisor yee and other supervisors feeling shape geography specific. i'm satisfied with the comments that supervisor kim made about the nexus of money to where the need is for this particular nonprofit. i'm happy we've got thoughtful resolution but to reiterate to the nonprofits for public comment i'm interested in hearing with the long term plan strategy will be. thank you >> supervisor campos
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>> thank you, mr. president it's been a very informative discussion but i want to sort of look at it from a different prospective. i certainly agree there is a need that nonprofits have and i'm inclined to support the item but i want to step back with context. as i see it we're talking about the impact that the tax break the mid-market tax break is having in the neighborhood but the impact in other neighborhoods. i can tell you it's not just mid-market that's impacted clearly a that's a big focus of the impact. neighborhood like the mission for instance, that i represent have become ground zero for the displacement. i think that, you know, we have
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to be careful about how we try to address the impact of this tax break because one way of looking at it it and someone said this to me it's an interesting prospective is that we're talking about trying to encourage companies to come into this geography area by giving them a tax break that's funded by san francisco taxpayers that in return is impacting the taxpayers and we're asking to address the issue by asking once again that taxpayers step in and help those nonprofits. and yet we're not doing anything in terms of asking the people the companies that receive the initial benefit. so i think as a matter of fairness we need to the even if we move forward with this item we need to revisit this idea of
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what's the impact of this tax break and not only that is there a modification or amendments that should be made to assure that's not just taxpayers footing the bill to the extent there's impacts but it's also accountabilities who have benefited from the tax breaks that are playing they're part. i don't know that simply asking taxpayers to foot the bill is enough. and the impact goes beyond the nonprofits. the impact goes to the residents to the merchants and i'm glad that supervisor avalos added the arts related nonprofits but since we're talking about art what about the artists? the artists probably need more stabilization than anyone in san francisco certainly in my district artists are leaving in
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droves. and i appreciate the fact that we want to support the arts community and the organizations that i think are doing great work and deserve that support but if we're talking about impacts of a tax break impacts that go beyond this neighborhood i don't know we're doing enough to fully address the issue. i wasn't planning on doing this today but i'll be presenting a request to figure out what the different ramifications have been in this geography areas but in surrounding areas to get a better response not only specific to nonprofits whether their art related or not but their response relative to merchant and communities like artists that are being forced
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out of san francisco >> supervisor kim. >> thank you shall we vote son the motion first. >> why don't we votes on the motion and mr. gibner clarify again what the language would be we'll be amending. >> deputy city attorney john gibner again. on page 2 of the ordinance line 21 provides that the funds shall be placed on budget and finance reserve and rather than budget and finance committee reserve the ordinance will read board of supervisors reserve and the title of the ordinance will change according >> okay. so that's supervisor yee's amendment described by the city attorney and second by
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supervisor cowen once this is amended one of us will introduce a motion we sit as a committee as a wholesome weeks later and we'll make that decision collectively. any more discussion on that amendment without objection >> supervisor kim. >> i want to respond to some of the colleagues first of all, thank all for this robust discussion. our office supported this nonprofit dismramentd work group this is only one piece of the fund and this is not the only thing they're looking at the planning code and pro bono services from realtor and rents throughout the city so there's a lot of avenues we're looking at
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point. we're looking at the funding and bryan shoe is here to address the process they've been go going through since october. this is the first non-profit piece during the discussion we'll have a long-term discussion how to continue to support the is cycles. this is not the only time back in 2000 mayor willie brown supported this and it was cast the community arts stabilization artists 14 years later we've acquired 2 building now, it's going to be the hospitality house and so forth. of course, in the long term we want to be able to see we're
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property owners so we're not using the tax to go back to property owners. the largest beneficiaries of the tenderloin market area is the property owners they're the ones that have seen the tremendous growth in their bottom lines as tech companies have moved into the areas but they're fully paying their taxes and they're addressing one the outcomes of the thought rising represents but particularly south of market. i apologize. i focused so much on my area but that's one area i know the mission and particularly it's impacted by the economic growth. the one thing i want to add if we're going to have a hearing we should look at the the stock option tax break that it was
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granted a couple of months offered by another supervisor that has had huge impacts in the city of san francisco. the last thing i will just is oh, to address supervisor breed's companions on the organizations that were funded in 2000 the first cycle the organizations that we granted were the art of refugee and the chinatown organizations and filipino-american is a small nonprofit and 9th street consortium and the theatre and the family connection and rafael house and the san francisco historic society and the todd could and tenderloin neighborhood corporation and
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museum of afghan projects. there were a lot of grant while smaller organizations that represent community throughout the city i want to give director chiu an opportunity for comments >> good afternoon bryan chiu of the mayor's office of housing and community development. we are rapidly approaching the final meeting of our four months process with the working group we had the first meeting in december and our final meeting this friday at which point we'll be discussing the final draft of our proposal as supervisor kim mentioned the actual
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disbursement relics or reflects only a small portion the solution is a citywide solution and i want to reassure the board when we did our special survey we sent out our survey to every single nonprofit that was funded throughout the city for at least 25 thousands or more it was much boarder than the mid-market corridor we wanted to make sure we reached every nonprofit throughout the city and indeed some of our solutions reflect the possibility of citing some nonprofits in other parts of city as supervisor cowen said in our report we discuss the possibility of the shipyard and treasure island. we look at the possibility of
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extending the nonprofits up to balboa but we have to be creative it's a very big difficult problem. i'm encouraged that the budget committee for this report traditionally we've only look at those departments that provided the fund. we brought together the controller's office and the real estate department and the various departments i think who need to be part of the overall discussion in terms of planning you'll see sections on draft all the times and matchmaking between available spaces and the organizations that may be able to acquire that space or put together capital.
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i do feel a if a that i have it may take four or five years to come up with a permanent home he don't want to repeat what we did with the spuldz and as soon as those supplementals ran out we had the same problems. i think that will need creativity on our side. there are some groups that have to stay where their clients are there are some groups that are more flexible. we be looking at one-on-one technical assistance stunts because each nonprofit has its own special characteristic in every location is unique.
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we may not be looking at some opportunities for store front we need to look at the entire corridor. we may be looking at opportunities for second floor space and putting people in building to combine the social service organizations. to let you know we're looking every single opportunity. we're coming before the whole board because we're comfortable presenting it to the board as a whole we need all our support in order to make this a successful effort. thank you supervisor kim supervisor wiener >> thank you first of all, i want to thank supervisor yee for the amendment to send this to the full board or place it on
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the full board reserve. i do have some questions for commissioner chiu. ideally this supplemental will be coming to us after the report is come out and after mow missouri and the arts concentration has put our their criteria. i and some others expressed concerns about the four and a half millions which is really nothing underlying it we have a major problem in our nonprofit community and we have to help it was a little bit premature. having that come back to the physical board we'll be approving the supplemental today but in reality it will be only approved after we release it
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from reserve. just a few questions. first of all, would all nonprofits be eligible for those only nonprofits that receive city money you made a comment that received 25 thousand or more. >> we recognize the needs of the larger nonprofit that community tyler approximately, six thousand or so in san francisco. i think our working group recommendations will recommend the prioritization of the city funded contractors. again in the 2013-2014 there were approximately 14 hundred nonprofits that received funding from the city of those about 5 hundred of the 9 hundred received $25,000 or more. so we do need to do
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