tv [untitled] March 19, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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tables, a bunch of tables. a number of our employees, domestic partners and retirees of domestic partners dipped. that is consistent with the ruling. a lot of the members now convert to spouse as opposed to domestic member category. they are working on the w 2 adjustment. with regard to our employees, the member of employee lives covered now by hhs medical plan by 74. that is an upward trend. we have an increase to 360 employees in that area. and same thing in the employee lives enrolled in kaiser increased. we see this along all of our demographic subsets that is consistent.
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as we look at employees on the next slide bottom right where we break it out again by kaiser blue shield city plan. the average age of our employees and their dependents is 36.71. blue shield and city plan are both average age greater in those plans than what our overall average is. bottom left our breakout by gender. when we look at all of the employees and their dependents across all of our employer groups it's 49 percent male and 51 percent female split. we can see for kaiser and blue shield, a lot of those numbers remain consistent across the various employers. city plan we definitely see some variability in that. and a little bit with blue shield for unified school district.
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the 61 percent female, 39 percent male. age span breakout, again pretty consistent with the demographics where employees are living, again san francisco. i will move to high level comments on retiree lives. turn it upward. that increased by 811. we do have retirees with medical coverage in nearly every state. and 51 of our retirees live outside of the united states and 41 percent of retirees live in the state of california. with regard to coverage, 76 percent are retired and 3 percent are two or more depends. our dental plan enrollment increased for our retirees by
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323 lives in 2014. and again, our average age for our retires and independent age is -- age spans i'm not calling them out. it's on the next slide of what you expect for retirees. all the numbers are in the higher age band and of course retirees as we said they migrate a lot more to other places so they have more counties and locations represented here with 94 percent. next slide as i already called out are living in the state of cal kachl -- california. i'm moving across the tables in slide 28. and
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slide 29. all of our employers except city college increased the medical plan in 2014. city college they are enrollment declined by 160 lives. and san francisco unified school district has the highest proportion of their enrollment in kaiser with 60 percent of their members there. san francisco unified school district and city college have higher average age than other employers. i love this next slide. lots of pretty pictures. i get the breakout from all the other employer groups there. we are showing you proportions by gender and age and top open enrollment numbers for each of our employer groups by the various health plans. over all cfs does have 80 percent of our lives unified school
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district, 15, community college district 4 percent and court's 1 percent and what remains again is some additional tables. just a note as you look through information at a later point in time when you are looking at our city college numbers, 2010 and 11 the period course and we have administered that separately. are there any questions with the demographic report? >> i noted that our overall employees is around 36,000. looks like we have not quite 3,000 enrolled in fsa. is that where we want to be or should
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be? it seems relatively low to me. maybe everyone is health and not needed extra money for medical. >> i think we wanted the fsa numbers to go up for a number of years. one of the reasons we are doing an rfp is for wage works and in particular our current vendor is the complaints that we've had from members that the administration is not as easy. so we are hoping through this rfp process that we can get an application going for our vendors to take advantage of that pretax benefit. >> this this is a great report. very helpful. >> so on page 23, out of
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curiosity you have retirees at age between 35-44. >> these are most likely disability retirees. >> okay. i just want to know what those are. they are too young to be retired. >> thank you commissioner fraser for calling out the fsa. >> thank you. >> any other comment? any public comment? no public comment. item no. 11? >> city clerk: item 11, action item approval of the hhs branding. rosemary postantino. >> now that we have stephanie from our program, we are here to talk about banding the
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city wellness program. the purpose of having a communication program around wellness is, we have a slide deck for this. we'll keep going. we need a communication program to build around us. even just talking about some of the attendees of the meeting. some of the members are afraid. they -- there might be punitive effects. companies increasing premium rates for people who don't participate in certain programs. we want to make it clooer that this is a positive program. it's not going to be punitive to anyone. we need to build awareness. we need enlighten and inspire people to encourage participation and get the word of mouth out as we know in this city, the peer to peer communication are a key component in anything moving forward and taking
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off. having a band also shows us the city is committed to a long term to this program on a long term basis. we also need to create feedback with swift attendees to it rate the program and continually improve them since it's new, we are going to get feedback from members. those are the communication goals. >> 40 percent of employers with wellness programs have banded their program and that is the opposite, 60 percent have not. that means they just call it county name wellness program. the benefit of having a brand is that it aids employee recognition when you have a poster or e-mail an it's branded in a consistent way. it helps break noise, indicates information coming
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from a trusted source. it helps the communications. so, having the actual symbol and name as a brand, doesn't mean you can achieve those things in a way of consistency in topography and color and iconography. we have similar what other employers are doing and we can raise the bar in communication higher than what is typical of what you see in the public sector and kind of aim towards what you see in the private sector. i will skip some of these. it's about the types of advantages and challenges we have in our particular situation. so the band that we are putting
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forward is stay strong live long. we could just call it hhs wellness. the programs are interesting and relevant and i think people will participate. the band is not a necessary component for success, but it does boost recognition and makes it more identifiable and ties it altogether, all the different aspect of the program. we are going to have a fragmented program where they are pulling components, maybe they are getting something from blue shield and kaiser and something in-house that we are funding. putting it inside the umbrella is a way of roupding -- rounding it up and having people understand it's part of this one unified recognition. stay strong and live long is what city employees have which is we are working harder to get
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to a place where we can enjoy a retirement. you get people that have a long tenure an that's the thing that keeps them motivated. i'm going to have a retirement. if you reach your retirement age in poor emotional or physical health because of the life habits that you have you really haven't gained much. you've worked all of those years and you are not able to enjoy an early retirement. i wanted to build on a model or slogan that would play on that and be a reminder that the choices you make everyday are going to add up to put into other programs. to give people something to hang onto to stay strong and make better choices. if you do a few things differently you have a
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substantially better probability of deferring the onset of disabling chronic conditions to the last 5 years of your life instead of spending the last years sick or disabled. that's the purpose of the wellness program is to give people those choices and give them the aspirational goal to come to this outcome. so early on we that had tag line that included the phrase "live lone, stay healthy". nobody responded to that. he hear stay healthy and it didn't have any inspirational idea. it didn't have that goal or that idea that in sets at the motion in people. we began
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floating "live long, stay strong". instead of doing a bunch of market research before you put it out there, you do a beta program and see how people respond. so we started floating this "stay strong, live long" on some promotional materials and at the end of our open enrollment video. we did talk about it with hhs management team. and the idea was discussed about a campaign about personalized that. how do you stay strong so that it helps as a kickoff of the wellness program to help people center their personal health goals. so i was personally surprised a lot of people picked up on that tag line when we floated
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it out in a smaller way and we got a lot of positive response back. i put out a lot of material and don't have the people picking up online. this resonated with people. i had a union leader with people say that's the kind of slogan i can put on a t-shirt and give to my members. blue shield recommended to me one of the communications professionals there that we serves -- service mark this in california and someone else might pick up on this and we wouldn't begin to use this. we began that process in california to service mark it.
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the url is available. it's very hard to get the you -- url and this gave us a good solution. now, lately, recently there have been some criticisms of the brand. i just want to talk about that. it's a brand. we were trying to put some things out there to see what could work. we don't have any ill intentions around that. we are trying to move forward knowing that especially as stephanie was coming on board and we have programs that are going to need to be communicated as of spring of 2014. we wabtd -- wanted to be ready. the criticism that i heard was the word "strong" because it talks about physical strength. i disagree i believe it's a definition of a word. we
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really mean it to indicate commitment and resilience and having a personal resolve. if my goal is to eat less sugar per day, i know i can have a chance of chronic illness by eating so much sugar, >> 5 grams. >> thank you. >> new who guidelines. >> 5 grams of processed sugar per day. so what ever your personal goal is us set that and stay strong. you can go for a walk rather than sit in front of the tv and getting counseling and not going to yell at my kid. i picked up a copy of oprah
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when i was at the gym of oprah magazine and in the beginning there were a lot of these quotes and one by gandhi that said "strength comes from physical will" the other i heard was that "phrase resembles strong" by lance armstrong. if you know what that is, i don't think it's a negative correlation. it supported the idea that the word strong isn't just about physical strength. it's a charitable foundation that empowers cancer patients. i think people in our population
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who already have chronic conditions can feel stronger and have a better quality of life. it not just for healthy people. if we don't believe that is true, then why are we having a wellness program? that's the core basis of it that everyone can make choices that are going to improve their outcomes. so that's been the process to date of how we arrived at this brand. i acknowledge there is never one good answer when you are working in a creative endeavor. it's not simple math or calculation. there is going to be a lot of feelings and opinions. i think it's good to engage in the thoughtful creative debate. so, there could be other solutions and i respect all the input we've been getting. but i still think at the end of the day, this is a good brand. i think it should be considered and i think perhaps we should move
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forward with it as the brand of our wellness program. >> i have one question about the last icon with the checkmark on it. what does that stand for? >> it's for prevention. that means to indicate a check off that you've got your cancer screenings and your wellness checkup every year. >> thank you, i really appreciate the work you did on this. this is good. the only thing is that dr. dodd requested this be continued for further input from her. out of respect i'm going to do that and ask that we get this input soon so we can go forward with this. any questions on this? >> just one comment from -- thank you for all your hard work on this one. have we got some alternative branded lines like have a survey from the
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members to stay healthy, live long? >> we did actually put some signs and i think they are in our lobby that say "live long, stay healthy". we didn't get a lot of buzz on that one. it wasn't catcherey as you would hope it would be. i think the idea of staying healthy people tune out to that a little bit, versus, that's why nike uses the olympic athletes. that's why you have that picture in your mind when you are trying to meet that goal. you want it to be a little bit beyond everyday. couple of comments. great work. daniel pink who is an author who wrote the book
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drive. i think i brought that up before. his new book. i'm not promoting it in anyway. it's called "to sell is human" have you heard of that is this? it's a fascinating book because when we think of sales we think about products and this is how to get people to buy into your idea. he calls it non-sales selling. you are selling your idea. you are trying to convince somebody and you are in a meeting and how do do that. there is a whole fascinating exploration of psychology on how we sell people stuff and we don't think of selling as you would imagine car salesman. in that book is fascinating things. i remember a few of them. when you are trying to sell something, if you notice you are driving down the road and there is a thing about "click
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it or you get a ticket" rhyming slogans people remember them even if the non-rhyming slogan is non-compelling. our brains are wired to remember and process rhyming things. i love what you have done with the rhyme because it plays into the behavior of psychology with people. i'm going to say for the record that i don't know what wellness means and is the most over used word that i have heard without a real definition. i would like to propose an alternative word as we think about this. i know that wellness is baked into all sorts of programs. it's a derivation of wellness and it's well being. i think people understand what well being is and not wellness. wellness is amorphous. i think as we start to communicate
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and i go to these conferences where people talk about all these words that i don't know what they mean and everybody starts talking about these words and we should use words that are more personable and actionable. there is a program called grow your family strong out of the east coast that i'm involved with. it's cooking at home, cooking real foods. i think it's starting to make a come back. i don't think it means strength but perceived as such. good job anyway. i think it's great. i think we are on the right track. >> thank you. any other comment? any public comment?
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>> i -- confess, i'm addicted to chocolate but i go to the gym and do martial arts. one thing i would like to add to the wellness website is weight training programs, stretching programs, information that people can apply. not everyone is going to the gym. some have weights in their garage. some simply do running. that would be very informative and you can download training programs from the internet and also stretching programs, i believe. that would be very good but then you offer resources on that. i would be glad to help with references if anyone needs them. i think it could be a great website for informing people. also now that i think of it, maybe
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some basic information on anatomy and physiology on how the heart works, how the brain works, how you learn. all of this would be very informative and it would be a very nice website. these are my thoughts and i will say -- favor the wellness program. "stay strong and live strong.". >> thank you. >> i brought you this. sea salt. i will be getting my 5 grams. i want to compliment maryann on all the hard work. i'm glad you brought up the point about rhyming because it makes a difference. i was thinking flop flop if i was if i was oh what a relief it is.
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i would working on the bulletin and i would like to put something maybe urging our retirees to think about either a slogan or a possible name might be and get involved in this because strong isn't just physical. i think rosemary pointed out. it's a matter of well being. well being says mental and brings in that other element in addition to the physical. so i think we need to bounce this around a little bit. we may still end up with the same thing, who knows. i would just like to open the possibility that we share that with many more of our members and have some kind of opportunity for others to chime in and perhaps suggest some other names because you never know what to come up with or some jingles. jingles were fun.
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>> let's bring it back. >> after the meeting, i'm happy to share. >> one last comment. in writing a piece right now and we talk about vital signs. vital signs really don't speak to our vitality at all. i'm trying to build a framework for via tality. this is what matters to people, what brings you joy. that candy bar there. but the intersection of health. where is the intersection of joy and health versus gluttony. that is where you find real vitality. that inspires longevity. >> you need to find a rhyme for vitality. >> i'm working on it. i will leave that up to rosemary. >> no other comments. okay.
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item no. 12. >> city clerk: item 12. action item, approval of revised rfp blackout notice, administrator. pamela levine. >> pamela le vin. we brought a list of vendors that would be part of a blackout period for the issuance of the rfp for the cobra and fsa administration. in looking at those vendors that list that was given, an hewitt did more diligence and came up with few vendors that we wanted to identify with you and pg & e group and advantage group. we
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were hoping to have, if we are lucky it will be tomorrow, if not, monday. it would be based on the board policy to not communicating with any of these vendors or if there are additional vendors that may come to you and ask you questions about this subject matter. thank you. >> we have a motion on this? >> so moved. >> second. >> okay. any public comment on this item? >> all in favor say, all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? unanimous. >> item 13. >> approval request for qualification pamela levine. >> pamela levine. hhs. we are in review for qualification for services. we hope to issue that later this month or at
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