tv [untitled] March 19, 2014 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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and there is a consensus around this supplemental appropriatation and it has not. my the recommendation by the budget recommendation analyst that these funds go on budget committee reserve, i'm totally fine with that it goes to a pending plan and for the general hot team services and i would like there to be a plan. i believe what you brought forward in terms of how to city needs to respond to our homeless crisis is the right thing to do and i appreciate your efforts, but i don't think we've gotten the approach that will have full support of the board. if you don't want full support of the board, that's fine. i accept that. >> i appreciate that and the board can respond to that. this is a policy calling whether we should expand our outreach today. if there is not support for that, then there is not support for
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that. >> i don't want the board of supervisors to dictate what the homeless services should be. >> i take my position as city government very seriously and we are the body that take from individuals and departments to make that happen. so with that, madam clerk can we do a roll call vote on the motion. >> mr. chairman, do we have a second on supervisor avalos? >> i will second it. mr. chairman i want to add that i'm supportive of your efforts to move forward on a new tenured plan on addressing the homeless crisis in our city. i feel like the stakeholder community based organization have to be working with all of us to do that and i appreciate the department of public health of expertise, but i feel that community based organizations have to be at the table and i'm not sure after listening to the discussion that there is consensus. i will
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respectfully disagree with you on how to move this forward and but say that i really appreciate your efforts. i did want to add that the budget and legislative analyst keeps reminding us how this general fund is dwindling as we move towards these supplementals. i never want to pit vulnerable populations at one another but there is a children's fund and they have polling to show how strong the community support is. not only are we looking at $1.4 million but tripling of that and another impact on the general impact budget is making me understand how many groups are advocating. i know we have to focus on strategically addressing the homeless crisis. but i'm going to be supporting supervisor
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avalos' motion. >> i appreciate that. i have no intention there was going to be 100 percent agreement on anything. dialogue is dialogue and i think as legislators we put forward what we think is best to put people. i think it would be worst if we are not talking to people advocating on this issue. i take that very seriously and we'll continue to prior ties that and as we are getting more people outreach today and getting people off the streets today should be a priority. supervisor wiener? i will not be supporting the motion and i want to talk about engaging stakeholders. of course we should be engaging stakeholders. the stakeholders here are not just organizations that are doing work around homelessness. the stakeholders are the 830,000 residents in san francisco and we have a responsibility to represent those stakeholders
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who are not down at city hall all the time and the people who see this on the street erd -- everyday and impacts them everyday and want these people off the streets and to get services. i think it's completely appropriate for us as policy makers to make that determination on behalf of the city and we know there is not enough homeless outreach going on. we desperately need more. >> supervisor avalos? >> i will let mr. wiener have the last word and let have a vote. city clerk: on the motion supervisor mar, aye, avalos aye, supervisor breed? no, wiener no, farrell no. 2 aye's 3 no. >> okay if there is another motion or a motion to set this aside to another board.
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>>supervisor john avalos: i would like to make a motion to continue this item for two weeks2 weeks what is the next budget committee in 2 weeks? >> i will second that. >> i appreciate the comments, i also will not be supporting this motion. this has been in a month 1/2 now where we have worked with stakeholders on this issue and it's ready to go. i'm convinced and while i appreciate everyone's opinion another week is not going to buy consensus if you will. this is something to me i think should be a priority of ours as a city. as mr. wiener mentioned the city and residents in our neighborhoods to do all we can as soon as we can to get people off the street. i won't be supporting this motion. madam clerk can
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we do a roll call? >>supervisor john avalos: can i respond to that. it's not about a motion about getting people off the streets. i would like a plan that is more baked. i don't hear that. i have asked for that, i haven't heard that. so let's have a vote. city clerk: on the motion to continue the item for 2 weeks, supervisor mar, aye, avalos aye, breed, no, wiener, no, farrell, no. the motion fails. >> supervisor wiener? >> i would like to make a motion to send this item to the board with full recommendation. city clerk: would you like to adopt? >> first can we have a motion to accept the budget analyst
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recommendation. >> move to accept. >> can we accept those without objection. >>supervisor john avalos: my comment on my no vote, i'm all for funding services. i just think we need a better process for that. >> this is a motion to accept the budget analyst recommendation, can we take that without objection. >> sure. we can take that without objection. before making this roll call i appreciate the comments. we did approve this this past week was a budget supplemental at the committee regarding the program. there was zero process around that and we've had a detailed process around it to stakeholders and xartively -- comparatively.
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and to say there hasn't been a process is very disconcerting to me. with that madam clerk. can we have a roll call vote. >>supervisor john avalos: let me say that i have been told there has been a process and it has been said and the process hasn't been revealed to me. >> let's have a vote. >> [roll call vote taken] the motion passes. >> okay, the motions passes. thank you madam clerk. city clerk: i would like to motion be sent to us by tomorrow 9:00 a.m.. >> madam clerk go to item 2. city clerk: item 2: 140190: [appropriation - library preservation fund - public library teen center project - $3,243,752 - fy2013-2014]1401902.sponsors: chiu; kimordinance appropriating $3,243,752 of library preservation fund balance to the public library
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for the teen center city clerk: sf 21234 >> thank you. i appreciate you very much for being here. >> thank you very much. city librarian. we are going to provide background on issues requesting today on making the teen center on the lab. we have a powerpoint presentation we are going to walk through. we have new skills that is going to involve new media.
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one of the reasons we have received the award is the department of california science, the bay area video coalition to in fact create this planning process that truly engages our young people. i will provide more details on that. it's also linked to other improvements to the entire process continued today but the focus is carving out the plan. in terms of the design process we engaged 19 youngster, teen advisory board members if you will from across the city involved in working side by side for a space they
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envisioned in the center. it's part of the learning skills and certainly about connected learning. it's a strong relationship in collaboration between the library and the department of public works. the focus to have here are some that involve they took the best for the designs and create a new concept for the center. the obvious question is where will this teen center be held and constructed. if you envision the west side entrance on larken as you enter to your right is some space there to the actual human resources department and the adult literacy program and those will be located in the two spaces of the main library. if we board this
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about 5,000 square feet. this is looking to begin in the summer of next year. here you see the entrance off that bridge leading into atrium of the main library and we have a 3d perspective that gives you a different spaces designed for the teen center. you have everything from a video studio to audio studio that allows youngster to get a hands-on experience in not only recording but editing and maker space for 3 b and fabricating and access to books and computer technology and what we have what we call a carpet garden that will allow for reading, performances and class
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visits.. we want to emphasize that we are partnering with school districts in the immediate city that this center will serve. so it actually does involve young people from our neighborhoods as well. in an effort to create this space, it will involve some function. the hr department will go to the 4th floor and it staff moving to the fourth floor and moving the chief of main and chief of community programs and partnerships to the area adjacent to the city librarian area. the project completion is summer of 2014 before we embark in building the teen center. one of the other wonderful by-products of this office is we've had the opportunity to envision how we provided literacy and
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learning. we have mentioned moving the combined program. we are going to move it to the 5th floor. that will provide for family literacy, it will create a public instruction for the entire community of san francisco and this space is located on the 5th floor. here you have the sort of overview, the schematic design of what that 5th floor space will look like. that is a literacy and learning center and differentiated from our teen center. i'm geography -- going to now ask or chief financial officer to go over the budget details. >> thank you louis, good afternoon supervisors. as louis mentioned this is done
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in phases because the media lab is currently occupied by the library, human resources office as well as the program. phase one is the tenant improvement to move hr to the sixth floor and it to different space on the fourth floor while relocating the chief of main and programs and partnerships. the overall budget for the phase one is estimated 1 $1 million such as construction, furniture fixtures and equipment and permits contingency and management. phase two is consolidating all of our literacy services that are
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currently provided throughout the main library to one center and that includes the project read center that would be moving from the second floor up to the 5th floor. the current estimated total cost for that phase is $1155, 000. the rest for that is $3 million. the reserve of $250,000 setting the program budget for this capital project at $5.5 million. current available funding for this project is $6 million monies appropriated in 2014 and $150,000 for the project.
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this leaves us with a gap of $3.24 million appropriating money from the balance to cover this gap. right now, the lpf fund balance sits at 6.8 million and leaves us a balance of 3.3. this was approved on march 13th. and we are asking the board of supervisors to approve the supplemental appropriation from the lpf fund balance to fully fund this teen digital media lab. we are available for questions. thanks for your support. >> thanks. supervisor mar. i want to say i love this. my teen and i have been in the main library and what i feel
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right now is an inadequate teen area. i think this will be wonderful for many of our young people. a place to go that's their own. i have been to the branch library teen center as well which are really great almost an autonomous space for them. i have to keep myself outed of it because i want to go in there. i like how it's a space for them and that's the 19 teen team that you had help develop it, it really seems like it's developed out of a lot of their thinking. i'm very supportive and i really thank you for this. >> colleagues, any other comments? okay. this you very much for your presentation. mr. rhodes can we go to your report. >> yes, members of the committee, the revised budget of $5.5 million is an
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increase from $1 million for the teen digital media lab and the renovations and this is shown on table one on page 12 of our report. on page 13 that the budget increase results in disability acts requirements and project scope and that is shown on page 13 of our report. we recommend that you do approve this ordinance and consistent with board policy. >> thank you. colleagues, any questions for our budget analyst. okay. we'll open up to public comment. any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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>> we can take that without objection. >> what item are you speaking on? >> item 2. >> my name is cat a >> excuse me supervisor. can we open to public comment. >> we took that without objection. >> my name is cat a vasoskoe and i work for the education non-profit located in san francisco. i'm here to speak in support of the libraries to build out the center in the digital media learning lab. the teen center is one of the teen partners for the last 18
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years. my primary function is to create spaces for young people to explore and share their personal narratives. in our expanded teen centers for the library is used every year for the plans. the plans for the new teen center creates more opportunities for us to bring more programming for the library and bringing more constituents into the library. the teen there provide more valuable resources in the greater bay area. on behalf of myself and a san francisco resident i'm in full support of the teen center media lab. this you so much. >> thank you. >> hi, my name is leo, i'm a high school senior at the san francisco school of the arts. i have been on the teen
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planning board for the last two 1/2 years. i'm really excited about the project because i feel like san francisco, obviously it's a center and we want to give everyone in the city whether they live in soma access to the opportunities so they can develop interested to get them the job that san francisco is offering now to good well paying jobs and for them that want to learn more about that. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> is there any other members of the public wishing to comment on this item please lineup on the wall. >> good afternoon, i'm a proud resident of district 11 and a long time supporter of the library and a volunteer. i also am on the national board of library supporters and currently president of the california library association. this is a
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remarkable project. president barack obama has been doing things to provide inclusive programs and this project is incredibly rare. san francisco, i don't know, it's hard to know about your home team, but the san francisco public library is such a model throughout the country. i hope you know that. i will say that i have worked on behalf of the library for so long that i was on the original team for the library preservation program act and also the renovation and we just wanted to pass that so the library can have books and materials money. my colleagues long ago would be so delighted that we were spending this money on such a remarkable and world changing program. >> thank you very much. next speaker please.
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>> hi, my name is sophie. i was one of the originals in during my senior year. in fact i'm from college and go to meetings when i can. i think that what has been most important to me is seeing this project get off the ground moving from the conceptual and providing teens to have access to media that is so important in the 21st century workforce and i have seen this chicago lab and seeing that as a model is really inspirational and wonderful to see the process move on and i would like to say how important it is to have this place for teens to be enl -- empowered to have access to that they might not have in other areas of their life. >> thank you very much.
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anybody else wish to comment on item no. 2 is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervise avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: i'm happy to support the teen center at the library and having spent most of my teen years at this library and i can say how great it's going to be for the young people. i go to the library with my young kids and this is going to be a great access for the youth of san francisco. >> can i have a motion to send this item with full recommendation? we can take that without objection. madam clerk we are going to take one item out of order here. let's move straight to item no. 4.
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city clerk: item 4: [hearing - our children, our city collaborative] sponsors: avalos; yee and mar hearing on the final report, including the public engagement process, of the our children, our city collaborative to improve the outcomes of the public education enrichment fund and the children's fund, and other policy recommendations for the re-authorization of city clerk: sf 41234 >> thank you. this item was submitted by supervisor avalos and mar. take it away. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you for my cosponsors on this and supervisor mar and breed. i would like to thank the superintendant of school district mr. carranza that is here and the department of children and families. we are looking at the children's fund. the landmark legislation that was passed early in 2001. we authorized in the year
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2000. in the past 23 years, the children's fund has had a remarkable run, has had an -- enormous changes and many communities have been stabilized by the children's fund and a lot of young people have that had opportunity to have real excited youth development activities that have made a huge difference in their lives. we are now seeing a generation of young people as young adults come back who are now providers in the children's fund services which is really exciting to see so we know the fund has had that amazing impact. this hearing is here from the our children, our city collaboration efforts and also to hear from people and the public about their recommendations for both the children's fund and the public education enrichment fund. i don't know the to delay it much further. we have a
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presentation here to start off as our superintendant of public schools. thank you for being here at this hearing today and let you take it away. >> thank you supervisor avalos and thank you supervisors. it's truly an honor and pleasure to be here with you this afternoon to talk about the quintessential definition of why san francisco is not only a world class city. it is the city to live and work and raise children in the nation. that is because of the funds that we are talking about for the public enrichment education fund and children's enrichment fund. we are excited to give an update and briefing about where we are in the process an also talk about the exciting work that lies ahead. i think that what's really important to recognize is that the funds are not new funds bushth -- but they have been the work of many
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individualsover many years an we think it's now an opportunity to crystallize what many of us have been working towards for many many years which is collective impact. how do we look at the big picture and how do we service not only the children but the voters of san francisco really leverage and coordinate a coherent approach so that we are weaving the net so no child is untouched by these funds. i would like to talk about when we are in the process. where are we in the process with these funds? we started to set the stage around the reauthorization of the funds back in september of 2012. and there have been really a series of five steps in that reauthorization. setting the stage, having the conversation about what will the children's fund look like as we go forward. there has
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been a process of engaging stakeholders in a deliberate way and talking about developing and refining what these policies will look like. we are in that stage currently. what are we talking about. what should we change, what should we build upon and what should we do next. by may of this year we should finalize what this measure will look like and the of course is the goal to support the reauthorization of the funds. one of the signature i think work strands for all of us interested in this work has been how do we outreach to our community and get authentic voices heard around reauthorization. so what has happened is there has been a 17 member stakeholder council that is comprised of adca
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