tv [untitled] March 19, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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to see our youth come to our recruiting session and having to turn them away because we are only able to hire high school age youth. i think we have an opportunity to really take a lot of leadership around including youth in all of our programs. we have a lot of amazing programs here in san francisco. i also was a part of the california statewide leadership cohort that was held by california wellness foundation and a lot of these issues statewide are real and a lot of our service providers are asking the same questions. i also want to highlight some of our youth here to share stories so you can hear from them as well. >> good evening board of supervisors. right now i'm an
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educator at lyric. before that i was a very shy and quiet kid and by becoming interning and lyric i became to learn to advocate for myself and my family. now the internships that we have at lyric are for high school students. i want to make it more accessible for youth 18-24 because i am a leader in my community and i want to be able to expand that and give those other resources to you that comment on there that get kicked out of homes because they don't conform with their identity or sexual orientation. thank you for your time. >> thank you, next speaker,
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please. >> hello, my name is oscar cortès and an educator at lyric. i want to say how it impacted me. i started as an intern appoint lyric in 2013. at first i didn't know what i wanted to do with my future, but thanks to lyric in opening up it's doors and educating us on these social issues going on in our community i realized that i wanted to get into politics and maybe sit up there with you and make these decisions. i think there are a lot of other youth out there who are homeless and out of high schools that could benefit from these lyric programs and i really do push that we expand this age
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range. thank you. >> good evening everyone, my name is alexander and i'm an outreach worker for advocating for learning. i'm here to ask that transitional age youth are added to the children's fund. me, myself, i'm a transitional age youth and i'm 22 today and -- not today. i'm 22 as we speak. but one of the reasons why i am so passionate about transitional age youth being added to this is because once i turn 22 there was a lot of resources cutoff for me loochlt -- a lot of funding, once i turned 21, there were
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programs i wasn't able to get access to and talk about a lot of youth in the criminal justice system now and they will be released from prison or whatever, incarceration they are facing now. when they are between the ages of 22-24. what's going to happen when there is no resources for them? are they going back to jail? what are they going to do if there are no resources for them. i really ask for transitional age youth programs. and there were a lot of kids my age that they didn't know that they wanted to get their lives together now. we can't higher them because they are too young. they are going back in the prison system and becoming homeless and there is no room for them in the city anymore.
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i would like to see transitional age youth added to this. >> hi. name is emma. serving over 90,000 girls. i'm glad that you are here because who is in the data and what do we mean by everyone in that definition. a little data, over 50 percent of young latinas here in san francisco are becoming pregnant before age 18. only 44 percent of
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girls can pass a physical fitness test here. girls are sexually assaulted and san francisco continues to have the highest rate sexual exploitation among girls in california. i know this isn't new to you. the way to address the facts in these data is to ensure that girls are included in the processes that define the fund agenda. what do i mean by that? last year it was clearly identified a needs assessment in physical development and physical activities. for workforce development, there is a need
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for affordable child care and a need for protection of sexual harassment and a young program for young woman. that program was cut in 2013 although under the leadership of maria sue, many of those funds were restores. >> i think that's your time. if we can wrap up please. >> i'm sorry. very quickly we have four recommendations that i will also turn it >> please wrap up quickly. >> for equity's needs, we ask that girls be included. for children and families we strongly support that that commission come into being and that one member have experts
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in the fields of growth services and including to not limited to gender responsive services and we ask the community needs assessment include a community meeting exclusively for girls to ensure that their voices and needs are heard. >> please bring your recommendations here. they are great. thanks. >> hello, good evening. my name is gloria romero the youth and services. not only the staff but also the youth and families we serve have been actively engaged in the grass routines for the funding coalition and have given their input in feedback and recommends. therefore we strongly support the full
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recommendation. i want to highlight the recommendation. i also agree that the children's fund should be increased and there is polling that have been done that the city supports that and wants to increase the commitment for children and families and want to highlight the including k youth. we graduated 29 k youth to our program. we see the importance of the unique needs of the k youth. it's going through all of these changes and going to be more difficult for them to obtain their ged. there is a lot of supported services needed and i also wanted to also as a member of the alliance for girls network i wanted to also support the
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recommendations that were provided as well and i'm a long time girl services provider and want to make sure that general responsive issues are at the forefront. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm a member of the steering committee for the reauthorization of the children's fund and member of the board of directors. while i appreciate all the city efforts and all the work done up to today, i'm here to urge your support on some changes that the community groups recommend that the ococ recommends. please remove the trigger language from the the services. having pulled the
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trigger during economic good times during budget surpluses, i don't think it's supported the school districts with these resources. for the children's fund, increase the upper age limit to 24 to include services for disconnected transition acknowledge youth. there are thousands of young people in need for support services for housing, health, education and employment. i see firsthand the real issues young people have with the have is and those that don't have. i worry about their future and the character of our city. a report issued last month, i will add briefly, my second recommendation to increase
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the children's funds from $0.03 to 5 cents.$0.05. >> i'm from performing arts workshop. we are here representing the alliance for arts education that has been participating in the community coalition. we are here to support the community coalition recommendations. our alliance of our members work for pre. k we work and every level. i want to point something in the presentation that you just heard from the superintendant and from maria sue which was the call to do more and do better. i think that really points to the need for some of the recommendations that are coming from the community coalition, the need to eliminate the triggers, the need for the in kind services
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and the coalition has come to some support for supporting that overwhelming increase. if you read the presentation today and the reports that came out in december. we also can't wait to hear more details. i think that this is very complicated idea to take two independent fund and combine them on one ballot and they are complicated in themselves. in in in >> good evening, my name is crista garretteey. it's a pleasure to be heard tonight. i'm here to support the recommendations and specifically i would like to highlight the disconnected homeless and transition services in our community. we want to do great work. we are
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providing valuable great service but we really need to do more. our transitional age young people are falling through our cracks and becoming chronically ill homeless residents in san francisco. i former employee for residential health services and hulk el berry youth program where i over see transitional youth programs and i know all too well that our need is extreme and we could not spend too much. thank you for your support. >> hi, my name is molly war brown. thank you for your patience today. i'm director of programs and hulk el berry youth program and 24 years ago i spent time to get this on
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the ballot. it was very difficult to get services to children and families wechl lobbied for this fund and we were successful and now my child is 24 years old. i will tell you that one of the things about having tase is that they are not adults. they need something different. we have parents when a youth successfully completes their probationary requirements and start to struggle with their families and we get calls from their parents and they need help, they are not doing well in schools and we can't help them because we have an acknowledge until 17. there is a huge need for this. i don't know if you are aware, about the age requirements have
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changed. right now we have a 25 percent drop out rate at the high schools and we have a lot of youth who are not on track to graduate. i think we need to be planning for that. our polling shows that voters are willing at a 4.7 rate. there is a compelling support for this and i would also like to speak in favor of the commission to help with the transparency and accountability. i think citywide planning is a great idea. you don't need a charter amendment for that. thank you. good afternoon supervisors. i'm with
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planning counsel at c pack. we created a subcommittee that has met several times and came up with recommendations and brought that to our member and approved the recommendations. i just want to highlight some of those recommendations today. many of them are very much aligned with the coalition recommendation and we want to set the provision an maintain local funds for city resources with sfusd and community partners. coordinate city's investment of the san francisco office of early care and education to stream line and ensure effective planning and maximize federal dollars. it was very to c pack that we prioritize kwiblt to lining the funds to population by
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age group to season -- ensure the plan of services. the c pack is in support of the establishment of the commission to government authority of local resources and include c pack representation on the commission. thank you very much. >> good evening, i'm the director of youth services and on the planning coalition as well. i only want to hit a couple things and this is primarily for those of you watching at home. this increase that we are talking about from $0.03 to $0.05 does not raise property taxes. it's just talking about what is already being set aside. i think that's an important idea for people to understand. the
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poll shows favor for that. but i think we want to make sure that people understand that we are not pushing to increase anybody's property taxes. secondly i just want to say i know there is a lot of conversation about tase but to supervisor breed's concerns around what is going on around the city with african american males, i think that what we see everyday in the work that we do with juvenile and criminal justice system and school district and probation department that a lot of the kids that are the young people we are talking about fall into this 18-24 range and we actually define at our agency 16-24. i think this increase in including children's fund money to serve youth up to age 24 allows for greater creativity for providing
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services and keeping people engaged and allowing them opportunity. thank you. >> good evening supervisors, my name is jamie puente. we have changed. we have lost federal money for programming. no. 2, the jobs in san francisco were no longer here. we have to change the workers programming. we need to look at the academics and education of people to help them get to the jobs. for that it takes longer. their first job is not going to be the job they stick with. when you get to a young person, they get to larson street at 18 or 19 years old. having that extra 2 years to support them will have a much
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better outcome. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is natalie. i'm here representing the chinese coalition for children. i'm currently staffing a program by the children's fund that works with 30 amazing young people from low income working class background. i am a direct product of the children's fund. it's critical to have the support for the young people in our city especially when the city is becoming more expensive for the working class and low income families and having less opportunity for young people. it's important to incorporate age transitional youth because you turn 18-21. i was fortunate enough to have the support i needed in that phase. there are many out this
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that are not lucky. i urge you to support the coals recommendation to benefit more young people for the future of san francisco. thank you. >> hello, good evening supervisors, my name is lily. i'm at coleman advocates. i'm here because i'm also a product of like natalie said, i'm a product of the children's amendment. i have been a participant of programs that were funded through the children's amendment and i was also staff at programs that helped low income and struggling young people and also a part of the lgbt -- proposition b. but the children's amendment is very important to young people to
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people that really need it. right now, it's not enough. we really do need to expand it to address tai and other young people that need the support. i would encourage you to do so. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon, thank you for your patience. i'm adams and a parent * of a preschooler in san francisco. i just want to make comments about the importance of the amendment and importance about increasing the funds and most specifically about including the 18-24-year-olds. the point in time this year pointed out to the people between 18-24
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who are homeless and we shelter 1 in 10 and there is huge unmet need around education and employment and community support and mental health and substance abuse treatment for 18-24 that the expansion of the fund could effectively address. i'm a huge supporter and advocate for better coordinatation and effective resources that drives the outcome that we want for all of our children and families that have this support they into ed to make that happen. i think by the work that everybody is doing together to look at how we can more effectively use these dollars to ensure great accountability through a couple of different mechanisms and through expanding it to 18-24-year-olds we can have
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an impact for the future of children in san francisco. thank you. >> next speaker. anyone else who would like to speak, please line up here by the window. >> good evening, my name is bruce fisher and skoou executive director of the hulk berry youth programs. i want to echo what you have just heard. larken shares a contract to operate the multi-centers and we are very much aware to increase the children's fund from 18-24. i wanted to emphasize one other critical point that has occurred on the children's fund and that is primary supporter of an excellent nationally known continuum by
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the non-profit community. it's really the backbone of your non-profit community of serving children youth and families. as you probably know we run the biggest juvenile division in town originally funded by the state office of criminal justice and subsequently by there e other county agencies before it ended up at bcyf. hulker berry is still the only one licensed in town when the junior probation was asked to cut the budget. they cut hulk el berry house and speaking of funding we wouldn't have a crisis and shelter. the key in the location that the money does meet primarily.
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>> thank you very much. any other member of the public who would like to comment? seeing none we can close public comment. i want to thank everyone for coming and want to thank maria sue and superintendant carranza and i see young lee. thank you for all your work on the proposal and recommendations you have through your process. i really appreciate how we can come together. we still need to do that in terms of final children's fund amendment as well as bringing piece into process. i know ococ worked on those recommendations. i'm willing to hold in my office another community meeting stakeholders from the c pack
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along with coco and the board of supervisors and mayor's office. we can send an e-mail about that by the end of this week so we can have further discussion about the final children's fund. over all i want to emphasize that the history of the children's fund has really been one that has been driven by the grass roots upwards and our process should reflect that coming together with the final process of the ballot. there is a ways of that gap between us but we know it what we want to do because we care about the kids in san francisco. i want to thank my colleagues for this and i recommend we file this item. >>supervisor mark farrell: okay, motion to file item 4. madam clerk please call item
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no. 3. klu klux klan city clerk:. update to the city's fyi year financial plan. >> i would like to continue this item to next time. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues can i have a motion to continue this to the call of the chair. thank you. we'll continue this. madam clerk, do we have any further business? >> no. >>supervisor mark farrell: we are adjourned. >> [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >> >>t
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brandon. commissioner murphy. commissioner president ho. item 2 approval of the meeting for the february 24th meeting >> so moved. second >> all in favor, say i. minutes approved. public comment on executive session >> i move into executive session. >> so moved. second >> second. >> we'll move into executive session and we get anticipated litigation matters. >> are we being broadcast. manny can you
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