tv [untitled] March 20, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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and out of hotel trying to loose this in our room. what we're going through in san francisco, we need to face it. the hotel, the elevators, those things go on in these districts ~. and the poor people, especially poor people, s-r-o people, low-income, the new bmi is 1300, [speaker not understood] give you $900 to get a one-bedroom. so, the bmr, you have to start at 1300. we need to see and make sure that this city is safe for all of its citizens because, you know what, i would come here and live in poverty, gay and black, not an addict. yeah, we he need crack for people so they can come out the closet. every day people ask you, do you want to smoke? ~ some crack? bring people out, highly marginalized people. you know what, we're not going to be marginalized in this city. we're going to stay and fight for our rights. so, that goes to my [speaker not understood] who is not
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really from tndc. my speculator is moving to my doctor office now where i'm at, [speaker not understood]. i stay in tndc. my doctor pays tndc rent. and you know what, [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, board of supervisors. neil malcolm on behalf of proper recognition for former mayor and governor of california, sunny jim rolph. i have here -- i have line from the chronicle, mayor visits president, [speaker not understood]. cool i think favors bridge [speaker not understood]. this is april 1, 1928. not long after that, january 1929, shipping [speaker not understood] oppose rincon hill bridge.
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in other words, the bridge -- building the bridge was not just a walk over, so to speak. there was a lot of opposition. the navy opposed it tooth and nail for years and year. that's why mayor rolph visited the president, to overrun the neighborhood opposition which eventually did occur. shipping interests also didn't favor that. both the navy and the shipping interests wanted nothing north of hunters point. but, of course, the technology changed, the size of the bridge changed, and the efforts the people of san francisco led by sunny jim rolph were, of course, as we know ultimately successful. but it took about sick sustained year of effort and not to mention earlier discussions of possible bridges 110 or 15 years before that. ~ 10 or 15. again, thank you very much for bearing with me on this.
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>> thank you. if there are any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public comment is closed. [gavel] >> madam clerk, could you read the adoption calendar? >> items 18 through 25 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote will enact these item unless if a member objects a matter can be removed and considered separately. >> colleague, would anyone like to sever any of these item? seeing none, madam clerk, roll call vote on the adoption calendar. >> on item 18 through 25, supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. president chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. there are nine ayes. >> those resolutions are adopted. [gavel] >> and, madam clerk, could you read the in memoriams? >> mr. president, today no in
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folks we have an affordable housing crisis in san francisco and i'll be sharing with you the approach to address the crisis. we have mayor ed lee who is co- sponsoring our bill and pleased to recognize commissioner wu and supervisor campos and supervisor wiener and assemblyman phil king is on his way and from tom's office is here as well. we're pleased to welcome founder sf dot city and we're expect others. i also want to thank dean from tenants together and from the tenderloin housing clinic and a couple of tenants who will speak an evicted tenant.
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also with us folks from the chinatown area and executive director vincent and caramel who's with sales force and with that we'll get started. so with this affordable housing crisis we need to not only continue to invest in the creation of new affordable units but really must protect our xoif housing stoke our rent control units that will close a loophole in the ellis act who are currently not loorntdz it authorizes legislation to let
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san francisco decide whether or not to require a 5 year ownership of the property before a landlord can use the ellis act. it was created as a result of a states supreme court decision in the 45 that says landlords don't have the right to evict all folks the cowered said you could sell your building the legislature respond to create a statutory right to leave the business of affordable housing. but it's been abuseed but those who are not landlord and don't intend to be landlords. we've seen american people increased of the ellis act in the past year and 3 hundred units of affordable housing have
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been lost. and many more, of course, have left their homes as a result of treat of the use of the ellis act. as a result entire neighborhoods and community are commanding forever and as well as the families impacted. so i have a copy of the ellis act right here and if you read it carefully you'll notice no where in it is spectacular what's the difference the business of the landlord a hundred percentage occupancy the business of a speech last year a hundred percent vacancy that's the difference in the business motto. and what our bill side is to
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restore the original intent of the ellis act. and that is for landlords not speak larts those half of last year were properties owned in lass less than a half years time and fewer than 6 months. this is an idea who's time is come. it's not the first time we've tried to amend the ellis act it's been amended in 2003 i was pleased to work with the tenderloin clinic to exempt single room occupancies. this is a time a that's come it's the very first time that this bill has been co- sponsored by the mayor of san francisco. with the support of major business leaders in san
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francisco joining lash leaders. this is a very different time and a very different coalition of folks who recognize that san francisco is changing and at risk of being changed further if we don't differentiate between the practices from aspect larts who don't have any intention of working with their tenants as we do so. i'm going to close by quoting mark ceo of sales force who was interviewed in the wall street journal he said the following with regard to the question of intrackable problems facing and challenging san francisco.
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he said the first time you can't be throwing throwing all those folks out of their homes they're using the ellis act during this boom time to toss folks out of their home it's unfair and has to challenge quote/unquote. it's my job in the coming months to meet one-on-one with my colleagues in the states loufrg to explain to them the unique situation we're facing and to make the fact the ellis act didn't serve the entire state it does ♪ baker's field one size does not fit all. i'm going to ask them to address it as i would work with them to address a unique problem in in your district with that, i want
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to again not only introduce but sincerely thank mayor ed lee for stepping up to the plate and recognizing that this ooshlt crisis is a top priority for his administration go working to get this bill in print and to say that his support and assistance i believe will make the difference in getting this bill to jerry brown desk but signed by jerry brown that i mayor ed lee thank you (clapping.) >> thank you senator but thank you for championship so many of our issues. good morning everyone and thanks for coming for the steep slope indicts going to get worse. we've been patient but we understand now that the abuses
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that have occurred ended up over 3 hundred evictions and half of those have been developers that are flipping property they're not interested in being landlords as the senator explained. we're toward on i think a very narrow corporate interest in the property we're standing in front of of once more 2 units have that think r been occupied by seniors and sdabtd and this is the kind of residence that we've also wanted to protect not only from rent control but the loopholes we've seen particularly when times are good. when real estate it hot in this city clearly we supported the beau and selling of property but
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when you buy to or it to flip the property that's the wrong message and not where the ellis act was critiqued r create for. so i. so glad to see our supervisors come together with me along with state leg last year's including senator assemblyman who has a representative here but also your business community ron from sf city citizens extension innovation along with mr. benny hoff are here to support our effort to reform the ellis act we're not eliminating it but reforming it it will allow us to have additional protections for
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omits. the city should be for the one hundred percent i believe as many others the character city is represented by everybody being valued and everybody who wants to live here stay here. had i see the new economy i'm excited we're about creating jobs in the city but there are excess thatnesss that occur we want to take care of long term residents. i used to be an attorney representing residents of this area and fought for the international hotel that represented citizens and we lost the battle but we got people who were beginning to create our crazy whether in business or
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nonprofits or end up being members of the board of supervisors or the mayor that we would also try to take care of everybody and this reform is an effort to do that. yes, we have to go to the state my i'm really glad our former supervisor and a board president but someone who has remained all the promises that they can help us to reform the ellis act. it's a coalition of businesses and a coalition of government officials of nonprofits like randy shaw and dean and others and it's going to be a large coalition of longer resident in the city that come together and say we need to be here and part of the success of the city. having said that, i'm also got an aggressive agenda to build
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thirty thousand opts of housing it's an aggressive agenda i know we've accomplish this with the same people who is we can build as well as protect our housing. while we build our housing and get jobs for more people we ought to make sure we're protecting those who are less fortunate to make sure they have a place in san francisco. i'm glad we join with labor they have helped me build the housing and helped to create jobs and are going to be here to protect the residents as well. we're forming a strong coalition and strong indication it's not one voicing voice but many voices to unit around keeping san francisco affordable.
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thank you (clapping.) thank you, mr. mayor. you're not my so secret weapon when we are joined by supervisor yee. thank you, supervisor tang and fold by damon's and is a kill. assemblyman >> well, thank you senator it's an honor to be here joined by yourself and the mayor and salmon people in the city. we're here today to close a giant loophole in the ellis act. it was never meant to be used for people to throw families on the street to make a few more bucks. we're saying here today, we want to make sure we're doing everything we can to preserve
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your protection and neighborhoods that people have the right to continue to stay here. what we see here, no chinatown i reflect on what the mayor said in all the fights that have begun her to make sure this neighborhood is perceived and continued to be a neighborhood that attracted immigrant from all over the world that attracted people with the industry point to san francisco. we continue to allow the will that loophole to exist anytime someone wants to run tenants around and throw people on the street to change the fabric of that neighborhood and we're saying this has to stop. the mayor is right we have to
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tackle our affordable housing crisis this is just one single i single tool this is nodded the end all solution as well as really looublth building affordable housing and increasing our funding for affordable housing. those are the tools we're coming together on to really tackle this crisis. but again focusing on this one issue this is a egregious loophole. we've seen in the last year owners are buying the property and evicting people to make a few bucks and that's what t is wrong with the situation. it's only happening in half of san francisco but we're seeing this situation that isn't happening in fresno or san diego
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that's why san francisco is special. we want to make sure we send a strong signal to everybody we are not going to allow folks to use the ellis act to skirt the protections we've fought for so people can make money so throw people out of their units on the streets. again, i want to thank you senator leno and members of the board to continue to fight for this. thank you very much (clapping.) good morning. i want to thank all the members of the community that have come out today. and to say that we need to stand together to stand for our san franciscans and our seniors our families and low income family because of this loophole are
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being kicked out of the city. i want to tell you about the history of what we're come from. for many, many years we've had thousands of tenants that are fighting the ellis act. he can tell you years before we we have thousands of tenants that know the defendant station of this lay who worked with my office in 2010 to shut down the ellis act ventilations that of condos who had large garages. last year ms. lee has become a symbol of this fight we continue to stand with with our tenants. he want to thank the diversity and support who labor and business leaders and our mayor and board of supervisors come together when san franciscans representing all of us coming
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together we need help from sacramento. i want to thank senator leo this will preserve the ellis act but we have an incredibly unanticipated loophole it's allowed landlord to buy and evict and flip properties. a 5 year requirement is the purpose of ellis act was to allow loans to get into the business that's not what the folks are about i look forward to move forward this forward and january 7th our board of supervisors unanimously supported a resolution that i sponsored along with supervisor campos and mayor ed lee and others to make sure this kind of legislation move forward we need
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help from sacramento and stand united for our city thank you very much >> (clapping) >> thank you, president chiu and senator leno to the assembly members and the board of supervisors as well as our labor parents and business community. we have differences of opinion but the fact we have a united front representing the spectrum telling you what's happening here in with the legislation there's something different. i want to commend mayor ed lee it's important to recognize it's the first time we've had a mayor of san francisco to come out to say we need to reform the ellis act. i wanted to thank you for the opportunity to thanks senator
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leno and assemblyman who introduced the bill. i represent dignity 9 which includes the neighborhoods find mission and portal. the mission has the largest number of evictions in the city it's ground sdoerp for whaep to the city. it's sad to see the democrats i think while we dangerous about whether or not we need an ellis act if you really building the ellis act is needed to allow long-term alongside to get out of the business then you want to see to support the ellis act to be used by spectators and on monday and tuesday decide to flip the properties. the property rights that are
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being demonstrated about are not the rights implemented here. those are not property rights this is simply to speculate and a make a quick buck. those who want to support the ellis act you have an incentive to cord and make sure that the 5 year requirements the landlords are allowed to get out of business not only the people who are spectators thank you (clapping.) >> thank you senator leno for holding this conventions. i'm here on behalf of the boss. the type of ellis act ventilations has resign to the power point we need to take
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objection r action people are being pushed out. i wholeheartedly support the ellis act. i introduced the bill that will give the county the power to put an moratorium on the ellis act. we need to protect tenants and those bills are part of the solution >> thank you is a willful arrest. observer next speakers will be the coalition of our labor leaders first ron conway the founder of sf dot city and followed by i'm going to ask someone else to speak. go. ron cop way >> thank you it's a pleasure to
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be here as mark leno said i'm ron conway i'm the chairman and founder of sf city that represents almost 1 thousand tech companies in the city of san francisco. our thousand members represents 10 of thousands of tech workers in san francisco. let me say loudly and proudly and clearly a vast majority of the tech community wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in supporting steps to stop the speculative evictions that are putting long time residents at risk including the receipt of
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this building one of whom is a tech worker. entry-level tech workers are impacted by rising housing costs just like everyone else (clapping) i'm proud to be joined by sales and mark and the board of directors of sf city who are going to be fearless and relentless in getting this legislation passed. we will broadcast our support in sacramento and are thankful to mark leno for supporting in legislation we also want to address common challenges shoulder to shoulder on san francisco transportation and education and especially
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affordability. we shouldn't be shouting out at each other we should be working together to make sure that everyone shares in the new economy and build nor affordable housing and keep people in their homes. that starts with passing this legislation. sf city and the tech community will get even more involved in housing and all i can say is stay tuned. (clapping.) >> ms. moore rank was supposed to be here i'm not an adequate substitute for sister moraine they'rhe
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