tv [untitled] March 21, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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everybody. i do want to pick there's no acronyms in your next. 8 times a year let's talk about that. let's say any steward wants 8 weekends or 8 sunday and wants all the sundays in july and august when others people really have the same need for being out in our active space but can't go because those are the days permited. we need to have a say they can't be grouped in a month e.r. week equally spread out over the seasons and this is not going to work with certain activation programs we have to look at all
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the pieces of public spaces that is being basically hopefully with good trust into the hand of nonprofit and not sent into private hands i'm not users private hands broadly. ultimately nonprofits it all depends on who is it that does that the road of success is paved with good intentions but in reality i'm concerned with the good times don't have the capacity for management particularly they have enough to do to manage their own affairs they have rigorous progresses. so i suggest we look at that more carefully and identify the nonprofits that are perhaps an
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ininclination and close it to what's been activation. we've had people with trees and butterflies and other things whatever it has to be a match between the nonprofit and what's being asked to be achieved in the program. i think the nonprofit it's a has to examine it the division of nonprofit is allowed to do under the legal definitions so we're not creating people who are in the business of nonprofit that are taking open stewardship and maintenance programs. i agree with my commissioners on identifying what's been a lack
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of progress and i strongly encourage the significant amount of time is spent on developing further detail in a much, much boarder engagement of what's effecting this >> commissioner borden. >> i think everybody raises great questions. >> i'm not concerned. it reminds me of when we do an area plan each project has to be come before the commission for decisions. i think i feel different because every one of those promotions is being brought to the board of supervisors all the promotions will be related. it seem like you don't need the whole process do clarify the planning code and some basically
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themes but this is a challenge we run into when we try to pass citywide legislation. we have commissioner weiner's the creating the secondary unit but we try to pose citywide we're running into problems someone is going to want something different to let the supervisors process to - some people wants more activated spaces and some don't some food in some plays and could talk a.d. notch but if we look at it as a process of coming up with a policy how we feel about this and then do have when you go
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through the process of defineing the - i think a list would be helpful and informative to people but i want to remind people that the basis of this legislation would a be a board of supervisors process and each space will be looked at. in terms of outreach obviously a lot of people are uncertain and not trurgz because things have happened and i think more outreach needs to happen and i know we'll not get a decision this week but neighborhoods can talk about this. i recommend at least a month or 6 weeks in terms of how far out we would look at this >> commissioner sugaya.
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>> yes. one last comment i think for mainly planning staff mr. star which when this comes back to us it's strictly limited on our end to section 2, 3, 4.1 whatever of the planning code we have no jurisdiction obviously over the admin code. >> certainly we can make a recommendations in our motion. >> i'll put it next time in our packet. >> would you like all of the - i think there's 4 total. >> bull it's only paper. >> it's only paper. it's only a little bit more time to read it and i'll put the changes in there >> very good thank you. commissioner moore >> mr. rich have you ever
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countered doing a pilot project using the intent of what you're trying to do. >> we almost have that in the sense we once this is adapted you, you know, the legislation is adapted we'll move slowly and do two or three three or four in the next year there's built into the program a need to evaluate the program after 2 years. i wouldn't be in favor of adapting all the legislation we have to go back to the board afterwards we don't need to do that but we have an evaluation process built into it are
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>> commissioners, if there's nothing further we can move on to the item you moved to be considered after item 6 which is item 1 the matter of continuous for case 2014.8 t for the zoning public district ordinance amendment the planning code it was proposed and - >> we'll take public comment on the matter of continuous only. any public comment on this item? >> i dennis i want to thank the commission to allow us to get a chance to deal with this and thank you rich has been willing
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to consider changes to improve the legislation i want to compliment him on that and i suggest a month to 6 weeks. >> thank you further public comment? >> dennis i want to thank you for this discussion i've learned a lot of. i'm concerned about the public outreach piece of this there was no outreach to the neighborhood there was no neighborhood groups involved. i don't know how any of us i live in district 57 i'm a prozac representative i'd like to see various neighborhoods in every district and people who are considered about open space parks and so on are involved and invited. i think you guys would urge them to make sure that outreach is
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beyond justice a list even if organizations like the list they have there. thank you >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hi, chris schaffer. i have a concern about the amount of time if you have going to go out to the neighborhood groups this hits all the neighborhood this meeting needs to be noticed and that meeting needs to meet at a certain amount a of time it will take you longer to get it open the agenda so i suggest the minimum is 6 weeks and not months >> thank you. >> hi, katherine howard i'm going to up the ante. first of all, general comment
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i'm concerned i hear it's only words and policy and what happens as negligence get established the board of supervisors is going to look back at the legislation and say what was planned here what was the idea so, please don't dependent upon the board of supervisors >> excuse me. your public comment is limited only to the matter of continuous. >> okay. i'm sorry. . i want to repeat what ms. schaffer says most groups meet once a month and they need to see if you're doing a rewrite and possible come back for reviewing so i think you need 2 months for the public to be informed thank you >> thank you. any further.
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seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner hillis >> so i would suggest continuing this until april 24th accounting which is over a month to get input not only a forum but to continue it, it's a forum to hear the issues and i think that's healthy and this is a good citywide to do that. i commend the staff for doing the outreach. it's difficult there are southern processes that are in existence that's where you want to go to first. we've heard a lot from the neighbors in that area but we definitely need to do more outreach but i'll go to the 24th
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>> the 24th you've got meaty items so i recommend may first. >> second. >> if i could ask mr. rich to provide at least an e-mail address to be invited of public outreach. >> thank you for mentioning that i'm going to ask robin to put a stack of her business cards so we'll set up outreach. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'm fine with that until may 1st we've heard from a lot of people and that's an important issue i thought we would have more public comment on the housing issues but there was no continuance on that one. measure - let's continue to talk about that more. >> commissioner moore.
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>> is there already a motion. >> a motion and a second. commissioners on that motion to continue to may 1st >> commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fung. commissioner president wu >> so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> the commission will take a 15 minute break. >> the commission does not allow disturbances and when speaking before the commission in you care to do state your name for the record. commissioners we left off on your regular calendar. you green connections final
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draft informational presentation >> i'm from the planning commission staff i'm happy to be before you with the green connections project. weathering we're wrapping it up or a i'm here with lilly our lead planner and paul and leslie and adam. so the this is an informational presentation i want to talk about where the project came from it came out the came out of the open space project. to been how we improve the
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access to the park we spend 7, 8, 9 about how we plan the park but this idea that kind of said withhold to explore that further. we were able to secure a grant for the staevenl growth council about two years ago and so we were focusing on improving access to the open space and parks. we're lucky this obey sgrathd at the next hearing. quickly we spent our first year you can see the definition it's a special street we think about those streets that achieve public health stun ability and liveability goals >> oh, sorry.
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from the public health prospective we try to get people to not use cars but walk and use your bikes. we're thinking about sustainability on the same corridors that's both stormwater management and enhancing the urban ecology so a habitat for animals and plants. and for those pieces we are work closely with the puc and their stormwater management works and the nature in the city to kind of really been how to integrate urban ecology. and finally liveability as we're creating for space in the street corridor we think this is an
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opportunity for community spaces to arrive. the example here i think most clearly articulates this idea it the mosaic gardens it was turned into a community garden and this is to interact. we have benjamin caldwell who helped put this together this is an articulation of how to make that into a green corridor. this is transportations and an opportunity for place making and urban habitat and greening. so the project itself we have a large number of key things. first of all, we developed a network it's in the plan
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document but also a separate handout it's one hundred and 15 miles across the city. we created a couple of tools thirty how to implement it and the community resource list i'll talk about those pr anticipate finally we worked in 6 neighborhoods to a kind of take the implementation tool kit and apply them to certain parts of the network. so with the community based project we held 2 hundred meetings a lot of open houses and i think one of my favorite all-time of my entire 9 years in the planning department at the sunday streets we had a huge map other than the ground and community members walked up and
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talked about assessing the park we actually learned about the barriers why people can and can't reach the parks. and so we learned a lot. this was a multiple agency multiple partner project. you'll see as we go through the documents benefited a lot. unique to this grant we connected with 3 community organizations to help with our alliances and that really hiccuped us to get those key stakeholders looking at the project and hoping to expand that process. just quickly the network itself is a hundred and 15 millions owe
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24 route. we led this work the most we did an analytical processed we built where there's low traffic and low traffic to schools and where there are contradictions i from the other community plans to have to those active streets and tried to avoid conflicts or places where there's high volumes of traffic where those goals n are in direct conflict. every resident in the city is half a mile from one piece of the network and most people are a quarter of a mile.
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another piece of the plan that we worked around was thinking about what would those streets look like when they're approved on page 72 you'll see the 19 elements that kind of articulate those 3 goals what do we look like when you're trying to supportive transportation and urban ecology. we really think those tools will be useful in a community plan and when we start to look at the corridors. on the right-hand side of the slide this show how each goals each element will achieve. we think that will be helpful in guiding the planning processes. we also developed what's called
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a community plant list this is a new summary of a lot of different city representations the dpw the puc and both have lists they maintained to help people understand the plan. this tool will actually enable people to understand you put in your address there could be recommendations on which plant would work well, and we work closely with the city the department of the environment to make this tool useful for community members. so like i said, we don't care took the design kit and wanted to understand how does that apply for specific corridors on the second year of the project we focused on 6 neighborhoods that were identified in our grant application based on their
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citizens and low income folks. on those we mred lead did processes they were a little bit different depending upon the corridor and level of interest but we developed designs what you're looking in front of you is the designing for oakdale we'll applied for a grant to enhance the project further. the other neighborhoods were the western edition and katrero and, of course, city bayview. we worked on in year two is implementations. our definition the citywide division we thought about how is this ambitious. we set a goal of a 20-year plan that's the temp and we
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identified a few different structures for implementing the project and worked hard with the agencies to make sure they see those promotions as part of their own capital plan. i think a lot of the projects will be implemented by city agencies especially traffic cohn and stormwater management goals we have 12 percent of the project. a lot of the plans are through the puc and we also see about thirty percent of the network there are projects coming up in the pipeline. a lot of the golden's of the network include things like streetscape planting and
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creating community space so there's lots of room for the public to interact and how you communities can become engaged ambassador we actually developed a which this is the plan we actually developed a community resource list so this helps community members find grants and technical assistance to increase how to move forward. or working with city tree mrants. we create what we call ecology guides that is a list of mrnts and information on the network to encourage people to take ownership of the research and to use the network and find some things along the way we worked
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closely with nature and the city open that piece. and so finally our next step like i said this idea came out of the rose and it's been completed in the next couple of weeks you'll hear about the call your attention of the rose and pieces of the network and policies in the network will be completed in the version of the rose and continuing to work with puc and others implementing this project. before i conclude merriam wants to talk about her roll in the project >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm merriam i'm with the san francisco municipal transportation agency. i want to take a quick momentum to impress our support it's in the goals around improving the
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conditions of walking and biking in the city and to reach neighborhood parks. we've been involved for the last two years particularly in the development of the green connections network as well as developing the design and we're excited to encourage more walking and biking so thank you very much for having us >> thank you. >> that concludes my presentation. >> great, thank you. open this up for public comment for. i have two cards (calling names) >> good afternoon commissioners i'm anna i'm from the san francisco parks awe liensz we're one of the 3 nonprofits that kirsten mentioned we worked
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closely with the planning department for over 24 thousand park advocates in the city that was great to give recommendations go on the routes and look at the routes and sections of city. which consolidated the notes and sent those to the planning department we helped to cooperate open houses and are impressed with the amount of outreach reaching out to the constituencies in the city and that's important we are that happy to be part of the process. i also want to say we've been pleased with the outreach of the environmental nonprofits inform the city the workforce couldn't be here but the executive director wanted me to convey her support for the project. and the connections b will help
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connect better to the park and use the open space more effectively and we're excited about the project. thank you >> thank you. >> hello, again i'm with nature in the city. we enjoyed working with the planning department and proud of the products we completed and the plant list is going back going on to the department. we were careful to not have an in name only species but a meaningful engagement where this animal or type of habitat would be seen in the city in this place. a lot of our work is place
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