tv [untitled] March 22, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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>> i would like to thank everybody for this award. it brings pleasure, i think to the rest of our community up at nolly valley which is a trekky neighborhood and we're being sur rounded by all the nannies there and the place is being used 24/7 between soccer, baseball, the nanny's, tennis and the dog park, and you we don't have enough gardeners. please, try to get more gardeners. we had one owe >> please talk to the mayor. >> our people are worked to the bone and that's how i got involved.
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i saw things weren't being done because we don't have enough manpower and get more arbors, our trees, if they were pruned, they would last longer instead of being cut down. please, if you can, talk to the mayor, please. thank you very much. >> >> thank you very much. >> now for a brief look at this month and parks. >> look at the key monitor. [ music ] ♪
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>> back in 2008, the san francisco voters approved the clean and safe neighborhood park bond, which allocated $14 million to improve this incredible park. our goal together, we're going to build the new dolores park built to last. it's going to retain all of its important features, all of its historic qualities and all of its beauty, by yet be built with the idea that this is where people come. [ music ] ♪ >> in san francisco because of the generosity of the voters in approving bonds and the
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wonderful parks and recreation department, we're taking parts that hasn't been touched in 50 and 60 years and we're making it better are and useable by the community. look at what's happening in glen canyon and in these recreation facilities. we finally have a great entrance and great play ground and tennis court. we're going to make it something that this community can be proud of. so this is just a great day. >> with the tip of the hat, that concludes the general manager's report. >> thank you. >> is there anyone who would like to make comment under the general manager's report. richard, was this one you wanted? nope. is there
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anyone else? being none. public comment is closed. we're on item 4 which is general public comment. up to 15 minutes. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items within the -- that's not on the agenda. with respect to agenda items, injure opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. i have two cards, gene and linda lighthizer. >> good morning. my name is gene. i'm here to give you information regarding a letter i would to the director about the upcoming construction project at the peach sierra. this has nothing to do with the lawsuit. for
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informational purposes, i attended a conference meeting over a month ago at which time questions came up regarding the specifications for the artificial turf and the rubber [inaudible] used on the park. i sent mr. mour a letter and asked for his response. i still haven't heard from him. yesterday, we did have a conversation about this. and he explained that there was some delays for reasons that i don't understand. but since it has been over a month and i'm not going to hear from him for another week, i would like to give you copies of this letter just for your information. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> do you want one for each? how many do you need? >> thank you. >> linda.
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>> hello commissioners and general manager. thank you for reading the letter that i composed in honor of franco and his passes on but on may 31st we're going to celebrate his life and what a wonderful life it was and how much he devoted to the mac claron park and it will help us to keep off the saturday in the park music series that we'll have at the amper theater later in the fall. we wanted to let you know that on march 11th, our group was honored at the board of supervisors. supervisor avalos presented us with an a commendation and making it a great place and putting on this project with
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almost no money. thank you for your support and the department support and we look forward to having as many of you as possible attend the may 31st event in honor of frank hill. >> anyone else who would like to make public comment. richard. >> good morning, mr. fong speaking. i want to talk about maintenance issue at the johnny town area. i spoke with richard and we talked, and i have a little problem here trying to have any of you see the problem which is maintenance related. when i go by the willy chinese play ground, i see there are two dead trees so if i have to convince you there's dead trees, there's
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something wrong with maintenance. as well as the facility not being opened regularly. we have a high density of population of people who like to use the china town area and they haven't been going there. and if we can get more staffing which is not going to happen because i hear through such the consul at the chinese recreation center, so when i look at this, how are we going to get more maintenance in the china town area. if we do get some, we have to replace the trees. the trees weren't watered because they didn't have staff. so now you have the replacement trees necessary, i would like to be able to have mr. -- director operation danny kern have his boys go around and work over at the other park as well. the china park square, but the treats
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there and have -- some have exposed roots and it requires soil. but that other trees gives me a sign to get you and the commissioner to take a look at it. the trees are dead. they were replaced by trees that were there for years and years so when you go back and look at those trees, how would you collect the planters or upgrades. if you have a drainage system that goes into the ground or part of the ground water system, i would appreciate that mr. phillip would look into this issue. thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make general public comment? >> being none, this item is closed. we are now on the consent calendar. is there anyone who would like to comment on the
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consent calendar. being none, commissioners, we need a motion. >> all in favor say aye. >> so moved. >> we are now on item 6, the san francisco zoo. >> congratulations on the wonderful tributes here today. it's good to see so many people associated with the parks and congratulations. thank you president bruel. we had a record sell out. so i'm congratulating -- >> it must be because of the auction near. >> we're going to put them right in front. and the invitations just dropped. with that, let me get back to the business of the zoo and if i can go to the screen here, i hope. >> great. let me give you a
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quick update on attendance. like you were almost at the end of our fiscal year, as a reminder, i'm going to go to the next. the zoo had its best attendance in 80 years. with the play ground and the zoo lights and warm weather, it was the best attendance we've had, and i thank you all for that. also with the good weather and the play ground, we had great attendance in january by -- by over 25,000, so that new play ground is doing what we hoped and i thank you all for your support of that play ground. however in february, you see we did have some rain. and it hit on the weekends. and you can see how we're impacted by rain. we were below budget by $9,000 for the month of february. but the good news is we have a healthy cushion, we are actually at 570,000
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visitors verses the budget, and that gives us 60,000 visitors. we have four months to go to finish our fiscal year and we're anticipated over 90,000 and compare that to $15,000. so thank you for your support. the zoo has been a home run. i want to show you our new red panda exhibit. it didn't look like this for the turkeys. there's a show called "tree turkey masters" and one of them called said will you build a tree house for our pandas and they did. and it spruce up that wild turkey exhibit. we should be getting more panda.
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and they're cute and large and kind of look like racoons. we have closed the tropical for renovations. that was a large building. in that building was an an con da. we thought the public would still want to see the anaconda so staff moved him to a small cat exhibit not used in the lion house. you see them moving the large anaconda into the small exhibit. it worked well. we put water there and other features as a temporary holding spot. if you go there, you'll see big cats, big snakes as well. be brave. thanks to joining with a non profit bike hut, we're offering employees bikes around the zoo instead of the carts. it's a
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wellness initiative. they employ use to replace and repair our bikes. these are at risk use being taught skills. this is in partnership with the mayor's office of youth services and the jewish service program as well. we thank them for their support and we're excited to go around the zoo with our bikes. we participated in the st. patrick's day parade and that's our employees. didn't know we had so many irish folks in the city. it took us two and a half hours to go down market street, but people loved taking pictures with our characters. last, we'll have a member's morning this sunday, we are almost back to membership numbers pre-the tiger incident. again, i have -- i think has to do with the play ground, families are returning and signing up
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for memberships at $105. it's a good deal, free access through the year, as well as these early mornings before the zoo open just exclusive to the members and free care sell rides. we were able to finally convert the old paper membership card to a plastic one that can be scanned and reused. and i know folks, the paper were being lost, so that took us a lot of work to go to plastic. and i conclude my report. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment? being none. this discussion is closed. we're on item 7, ground water supply project. well construction and operation and golden gate park and south sunset and west
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sunset play grounds. >> good morning, commissioners, dan mower with the recreation and park department capital division. i'm joined with the project manager jeff gillman who is loading a power presentation. i'm going to keep it brief. we went to the commission and gave this presentation, and so a quick summary, and just for the record, i like to read it in the agenda record. so discussion of possible action to approve a resolution, one adopting findings under the california quality act, including a statement of overriding consideration and mitigation, to adopting charter
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section 411 -- 4.113 findings for the ground water supply project. three, authorize the general manager to execute a -- executing a memorandum. and recommending the board of supervisor approve a construction of a park as apart of the project in connection with 4.113. to go back up, puc as been working with department for several years on putting ground water wells throughout the city to help their drinking water source. three of those locations are proposed on rec and park property. one at west sunset play ground and one at southwest play ground and one at golden gate park close to our pump station in the center of the park. that's composed of a phase one project of this program that they're
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implemented. they have a second phase that they're going to implement down the road and they'll come back to the commission and the department to work through some of the details related to that program and also ask for your permission to implement that phase of the project. that would include the addition of retro fitting two wells at golden gate parks. we use those wells for pulling ground water out irrigating the golden gate park system. those will be converted over to this program which is called wsap. that phase two program and i don't want to go -- it won't happen until puc moves forward and implements their recycled water program. so once conversion is done, that program presented will take those two wells pumping irrigation water and convert them to domestic water use. i know you have a thick packet of
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paper there. the focus of your approval action is actually in the resolution, which is right behind the staff report. it's two or three page. i'm not going to go through the details. i'm assuming that you read through the action and approval. i'm going to turn it over to jeff and go through the light presentation and answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. >> good morning commissioners, good morning general manager, thanks dan for your introduction. this will largely be the same presentation i gave two weeks ago to the operations committee, so i apologize commissioner, bruel for the repetition. >> no need to apologize. >> i'm jeff gillman and i'm the project manager for the ground
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water supply project and i work in the water district in the san francisco puc, and i'm going to refer to this as the project as short hand from here out. i'd like to talk about the project facilities, give you a little history of our department's working together which dan briefly spoke to. talk about the project approvals that we've received to date. just in general, some of the previsions of the mou, that's part of your resolution today. spend a little time on the public outreach that we've done for the project, and then also summarize the anticipated project schedule. >> as background for today's item, i want to talk about the objectives of the project. dan mentioned our water system
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improvement program, our wisp for short, and they were adopted by the puc in 2008 and that was comprehensive capital improvement program, a lot of the focus was on rehabilitating old facilities and making our system more earthquake resistant. but it included a water supply strategy. and ground water project is a key component of that water strategy. the project would provide a new local drinking water source for san francisco. and part of our commitment under wisp was to maximize conservation but diversify our water supply and having a local source of water as apart of that effort. another benefit of a local support as an emergency source of drinking water in the
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event of an emergency catastrophe, and use of ground water for drinking in this area is not new. daily city and cities in san mateo county have been doing so over 60 years. the slide is kind of a one shot over view of the project, and i just want to take a few minutes to review it. we're proposing a pump ground water from what's known as the west side ground water bassen or the west side bassen in the western part of san francisco. that's the brown line on the figure. our goal is to pump up to four million gallons a day of ground water for portable or drinking water use in san francisco. and we plan to operate the project using what's known as adaptive which
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means we're going to start off slowly or starting off with new pumping and start with a rate of 1 million gallons a day and ramp up slowly from that and this ramping up will allow us to do monitoring of ground water levels, ground level qualities and make adjustments on which wells at which rates. the project facilities include six ground water wells, four of the wells, the one showed in orange circles are the phase one wells and those are new facilities and two of the wells showed by the yellow triangles are the phase two which are the existing irrigation at golden gate park. it will have pipelines which will go
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from the wells and sunset reservoir. it will be blended with our water supply and the blended water will be distributed throughout 60 percent of san francisco and the area that's going to receive this blended supply is shown by the blue pattern on the map. now, i'd like to focus on the facilities that will be on recreation and parks department lands. so three facilities is part of our phase one of the project, and they're associated piping and fixtures will be located at city parks and one at golden gate park and one at south sunset play ground and they'll be one mile of ground water pipeline along park roadways in golden
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gate park. the architectural design of the facilities which you'll see when i show some slides in a few minutes, it embodies a modern theme and this is at the request at the arts commission. and there's certain repeated elements throughout these facilities. >> the we -- the well facilities are designed so they won't cause loss of high quality open space. for all three facilities, puc will provide components that's directly support recreation uses. there are specific components associated with each facility which you'll cover when i go through each facility. then there's an overall general as -- a general
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attribute which shows irrigation of parks in san francisco. >> the two facilities on recreation and parks department on the sunset district as i messengered at south sunset play ground and west sunset play ground. it will be located at 40th avenue and wellness street and west set play ground near the intersection of 40th and avenue and qintary street. construction of these facilities and also the one in golden gate park will consist of minor grating, some localized training for the building and building shell. we anticipate the duration for construction for each facility is 15 to
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18 months. now to go through each facility in a little more detail. the south sunset well facility would be located in the southeast corner of the play ground property. and that area currently is an earth and berm. it's not an active recreation area. the total building size is 1,000 square feet, and the facility at its north end will contain an l-shape storage room which is for the future exclusive use of the recreation and park department. this is a view of the landscape plan for the facility. it's rotated compared to the view in the previous slide and a future is the vegetation roof on top of the facility. and this is
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an architectural rendering of the south sunset area along 40th avenue. you can see a roll up door the left. that's for the recreation equipment storage room. >> the west sunset well facility is south of the baseball field in the northeast corner of the parking lot as i mentioned near 40th avenue and qintara area. that would be occupied by the proposed well facility is not used for parking. at the president time it's used for storage for maintenance supplies. the facilities in l-shape, it has 1,000 square feet and it would include a 700 area foot
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area that's squared off and a high fence for the baseball feel. the facility will include material, storage partitions for the future exclusive use of the park department. and this well would serve as an emergency drinking water facility. it has designed components to be able to do that. this is a view of the landscape plan for the facility. it also has a vegetation roof which is a prominent future and we're going to install vine pockets on the retaining wall on the east side of the facility. these photos show existing conditions at the west sunset play ground and in architectural rendering of the west sunset facility. the
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project facilities in golden gate park and i'll cover phase one and phase two. phase one which is the action before you, that's located on the far right side of the map. it's located south of overlook drive, and east of the overlook drive middle drive west intersection. and we'd install one mile of pipeline along the roadways in the park. construction of the pipelines would use the cut and cover or trenching method and we anticipate would progress at a rate of 600 feet per week. shown on the left side of the map are the phase two facilities as previously mentioned. they're existing irrigation wells, there's the north lake wells facility
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