tv [untitled] March 22, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervise avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: i'm happy to support the teen center at the library and having spent most of my teen years at this library and i can say how great it's going to be for the young people. i go to the library with my young kids and this is going to be a great access for the youth of san francisco. >> can i have a motion to send this item with full recommendation? we can take that without objection. madam clerk we are going to take one item out of order here. let's move straight to item no. 4. city clerk: item 4: [hearing - our children, our city collaborative] sponsors: avalos; yee and mar hearing on the final report, including the public engagement process, of the our children,
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our city collaborative to improve the outcomes of the public education enrichment fund and the children's fund, and other policy recommendations for the re-authorization of city clerk: sf 41234 >> thank you. this item was submitted by supervisor avalos and mar. take it away. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you for my cosponsors on this and supervisor mar and breed. i would like to thank the superintendant of school district mr. carranza that is here and the department of children and families. we are looking at the children's fund. the landmark legislation that was passed early in 2001. we authorized in the year 2000. in the past 23 years, the children's fund has had a remarkable run, has had an --
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enormous changes and many communities have been stabilized by the children's fund and a lot of young people have that had opportunity to have real excited youth development activities that have made a huge difference in their lives. we are now seeing a generation of young people as young adults come back who are now providers in the children's fund services which is really exciting to see so we know the fund has had that amazing impact. this hearing is here from the our children, our city collaboration efforts and also to hear from people and the public about their recommendations for both the children's fund and the public education enrichment fund. i don't know the to delay it much further. we have a presentation here to start off as our superintendant of public schools. thank you for being here at this hearing today and let you take it
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away. >> thank you supervisor avalos and thank you supervisors. it's truly an honor and pleasure to be here with you this afternoon to talk about the quintessential definition of why san francisco is not only a world class city. it is the city to live and work and raise children in the nation. that is because of the funds that we are talking about for the public enrichment education fund and children's enrichment fund. we are excited to give an update and briefing about where we are in the process an also talk about the exciting work that lies ahead. i think that what's really important to recognize is that the funds are not new funds bushth -- but they have been the work of many individualsover many years an we think it's now an opportunity to crystallize what many of us have been
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working towards for many many years which is collective impact. how do we look at the big picture and how do we service not only the children but the voters of san francisco really leverage and coordinate a coherent approach so that we are weaving the net so no child is untouched by these funds. i would like to talk about when we are in the process. where are we in the process with these funds? we started to set the stage around the reauthorization of the funds back in september of 2012. and there have been really a series of five steps in that reauthorization. setting the stage, having the conversation about what will the children's fund look like as we go forward. there has been a process of engaging stakeholders in a deliberate way and talking about
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developing and refining what these policies will look like. we are in that stage currently. what are we talking about. what should we change, what should we build upon and what should we do next. by may of this year we should finalize what this measure will look like and the of course is the goal to support the reauthorization of the funds. one of the signature i think work strands for all of us interested in this work has been how do we outreach to our community and get authentic voices heard around reauthorization. so what has happened is there has been a 17 member stakeholder council that is comprised of advocate communication organization, school individuals, parent coalitions and youth and we've had a multiple advisory groups and in fact two advisory
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groups and we've had support from our philanthropic visors to have conversation about what is it that we as a city want to accomplish. there has been a number of lessons and actually input that we heard from the community. so what have we heard from the community? the results have been very sobering for all of us. what we heard is a resounding call for us to do more and to do it better. that has been in the voice of parents and youth that has consistently told us that it's still difficult to navigate the system. how do we built bld a system that is navigatable. how do we provide support to our providers and partners in the community and how are we going to align the
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services to maximum income. estimate the services and how we look at these funds and how do we better the experiences of our students particularly through the lens that are equitable. >> could you say what that means to you, equity? >> equity means that you don't give the same to everyone. that you recognize that there are communities and individuals that need additional support in order to meet the goals that we all have set for each other. so it's really looking at individuals and individual communities and giving them the support they need. so we also have heard very loud and clear from the community that the business community needs to be strategically engaged as a stakeholder to help better the implementation but actually to fund and to help promulgate the goals of these funds and that unfortunately despite the best of our
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efforts, there still are programmatic gaps that exist with not only piece but with the children's fund. with what we've heard from the community we have formalized four steps. we need to be smarter about how we collaborate. school district. community based organizations, communities youth, quite frankly, the city. how do we collaborate in a more intentional way to capture value from our existing and future resources. secondly we have to adopt a more holst ic approach to learning and the era of no child left behind because we can talk about the benefits of the "no child left behind"
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and it was not congruent with what we believe in san francisco is a full education for all children. so how do we develop this more holistic approach to learning that supports not only academic attainment but college and career readiness for everyone of our students. thirdly how do we maintain and strengthen key support for our families and students in our community and four, we need to strengthen and diversity the services for our youth in san francisco. that's what we heard from our community as we engaged in this outreach and community input process. the good news is that we were not the only ones conducting these processes. there were a number of groups that also talked about this process in a way. the community coagulation, alliance for arts education.
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and when you look at what really permit aetd through those process there is a lining of common themes of community and creasing evaluation and enhancing and coordination and planning commission and increasing financial certainty and stability and very strongly how do you expand services and leverage resources. so what is our approach as we are speaking and working through the programmatic issues. we are imagining how do we create collective impact for not just the city, no the just the school district, not just the community, but how do we all come together to leverage resources so we are enhancing serves services
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and addressing coherent services. we call that kids first. how do we start with the needs and wants for kids and how do we empower families to access resources in a very very easy way and how do we ensure that equity and authentic shared accountability is the hallmark of everything we do as we go forward. with that, i would like to ask the director of the department of children youth and family maria sue to join me for the next part of this presentation. >> supervisor breed has a question.
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>> breed >>supervisor london breed: i was thinking about how you are going to be providing those services. >> who is going to access the whole paradigm system. we know who they are. they look like me, they look like you and look like students that are homeless, they look like students that are living in poverty. so that is the definition of the equity lens that we were talking about. how we are going to focus and strengthen our resources. >>supervisor london breed: is there a way for you to provide that data so we get a clearer picture of what's happening in the school district? >> sure. we would be happy to provide that data. >> thank you.
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>>supervisor mark farrell: supervisor mar? >>supervisor eric mar: i would like to thank everybody for being here to make services better for our children and families. i have to leave. i have to say that from reading a lot of the material, i would like us to be acknowledging that margaret -- of grass root coalition is the reason we have a revolutionary idea set aside in our city that has helped to support so many incredible non-profit community based organizations and developed new leaders as well and i know supervisor yee was involved with the reauthorization and working in the district with the 90s as well and working with the great coalition and it's specific that the mayor and
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our district is involved and wanted to give props to our community coalition and i went to the mayor's office and the school coalition and within to the grass roots which i felt were really incredible for their energy and especially since the children's fund prop j emerges out of the community and their help is critical. i'm really happy that equity is at the center of it as well as looking more strategically at how we use funds. i worry a little bit when there is involved too much and educators and parents and students and youth are not involved enough. not that there is not now but i worry when there is a focus towards the private sector to address the educational needs. and lastly i want to say that this is connected, i still call it prop h and public education
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enrichment fund coalition which is great for in and out of school as well. as we move forward, my suggestion is that our children, our city and the grass roots coalition engage as much as possible because i know we are going to need everyone to move this forward. i would also want to add that supervisor yee and early childhood education, child care community i'm happy with their involvement of suggestion as well as transitional age youth that so many of the grass roots are really pushing for. i'm strongly supportive for increasing as much as we can the amount of a set aside that goes towards our children and families. also i think though authentic and shared accountability is a shared goal, i support a more community driven oversight body to ensure how voters want as we are developing this so there is a clearer mechanism
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to ensure this as well. i thank you superintendant carranza for the presentation and the work that everyone has put together as well. >> thank you. >> there is a part two to this. yes, the superintendant does deserve an applause because he's really prioritized services and funding for our high needs children in the city. so actually before i -- i should introduce myself. i'm maria, the director for department youth and families. today is the youth advocacy day. today we had well over 175 high school students from our public high schools meeting with department heads and
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city officials to really share their voice and concerns around what can make this city better for them. i would like to thank you for your voice, support and efforts and meeting with them. this you very much for that. >> it's my pleasure to share the podium with our superintendant richard carranza who did an excellent job in framing the process that we have gone thus far. it's now my job to pivot the conversation to share with you the policy recommendations that we want to put forward bfrm i go into that we want to point out a couple of guiding principles constant as we were developing and designing these policy recommendations. the core beliefs came from what we heard the ococ, our children, our cities community input process as well as looking at
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the other community input reports from our other community stakeholders. so as you can see in this chart, it's a little complicated. but what we want to emphasize is we want to hold children and family at the core of everything we do. no. 2, we need to ensure clear roles and responsibility both on the city level as well as on the community level and services provider level. we need a robust data system in which we can share data and be very strategic with how we allocate funds and services. we need high quality staff and investment services and strategies. we need structure to coordinate voice and in a transparent and coherent way. we need to share planning processes that values
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improvement and innovation. and whatever we create it has to be easy for the end user. our end user are our families and children. they need to be able to navigate our system without having to pull out their hair and give up essentially. we have developed a common use outcome that is connected to institutional trust. that is then connected to professional development and capacity. so why should we have greater collaboration. how can this alignment towards one common goal support our children and families and make things better? because if you look at this chart, what you are going to see is we have an astounding number of city departments that currently fund children's services. looking at this you
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have different departments, human services agencies, first five and libraries and that's a large number of departments that are working together to try to improve the outcome for first to five and then we go to young people from kindergarten to 5th grade and we have a number of departments that are putting a lot of resources towards these populations. these are resources that are above and beyond the children's fund dollars and as well as the enrichment k funds and bringing federal dollars to the table. as you can imagine if we were to align the services around core outcomes, can you imagine the impact. i'm not saying our departments are not working together as
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you ler -- already heard from a couple of partnerships. we are working together. the partnerships that we are forming up now are not institutionalized. they are strong because of the people in the leadership position that are really pushing the work. we need a systemic approach to align these systems and services to hopefully ensure that no family, no child will be dropped or fall through cracks. we still struggle to this day to share data. supervisor breed, you asked double time, where is the data? and every time we have to go back and make phone calls and comb through data sets. it's quite complicated. there is no centralized data system and i know this is something supervisor farrell is very concerned about. it's
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still difficult for us to put together services and resources for families and this is something that supervisor avalos has asked many times. where are the services. i have to call around and put together the list. it's complicated. as a system we gather an issue multiple needs assessment and we are out there collecting data and asking parent what's going on and what do you need and every year we issue another report and we lack the tools to really hold us the collective us, the city, the school district us, accountable for the process that we have publically stated toward a common outcome and common goal. each department believes that we are meeting the goals and we are. we are meeting the goals that we have aligned for ourselves. but as a collective body, we are not
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sure. we believe that we are but we are not sure. there is no way to say that we are. i know that supervisor avalos just stepped out. but i wanted to give some examples. i'm sorry. i wanted to give an example of some alignment. but supervisor breed, i know that in your district, you've brought together several city departments from san francisco police department to recreation and parks to dpw and pretty much anyone to really address some of the issues in your district from blight to violence prevention, to ensuring more access to quality programs and more access to schools and school services and through coordination efforts that you have demonstrated an convened, we do have more children's services in your district. we have programming running out of ellis hills, we have a robust center running out of two very strong schools in
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your district now. we are targeting teen programs and prevention programs. can you imagine where we can come together and say we need more services in this city and how we target and allocate. you have an area that is connected right in the back. and we struggle with how do we share information and how do this children get access to the community space right next to their school. >> that's my kid's school. >> exactly. and we've worked with you. how do we make sure that the students at that school and the after school
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provider align in terms of providing the services for the principals, the teachers and the youth need on that school site? >> they have had a lot of success this year with that. so thank you for your help. >> exactly. my point is that it required you convene and you to call and to ensure the system was talking to each other and we were all working together. it required us to call over to mayor's office of housing and community development and real estate to ensure the fields and grounds were going to be clean and the heating system was going to work so we can have a safe space for our children. yet again, imagine if we had a table where these conversations can happen where we can say as a body, we care about this particular issue in your neighborhood or in this particular area. how do we as a city work together to address those things?
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so our basic policy recommendations for the renewal of the children's fund and public education and enrichment fund are as follows.. with the goals of creating more alignment and coordination because we could not continue to work in silos and quite frankly it's not effective and we don't have the time to continue to make these phone calls all the time. these two funds should be renewed as separate independent funds with complimentary language and vision under one ballot. we want to create and need to create a citywide children's outcome framework where we as a city declare our goals for children and families. create a children and family council in which city leadership and community leaders come together for better alignment of
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coordination and services. >> establish in our children, our city collaborative which is, i'm sorry which refers to having dedicated staff to support the effort. and align our planning cycle to the city's children outcome and ensure data and information sharing across city. community voice is important to us as we know it is to all supervisors who particularly demonstrate in conversation in designing the system with our children with the family at the center as well as ensuring that we are holding the system accountable towards the results. we want to engage our community in providing feedback for these policy recommendations. there are still lots of work that we need to do. lots of
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conversations that still needs to happen. and am open and welcome the feedback that you have. i also want to acknowledge that our vbo's have done a tremendous amount of work on this and member of our community will be here to share with you the work that they do and i appreciate the conversation and at times i can imagine very fears conversations they are having about a topic that are very near and dear to them and i appreciate they have spent the at last 2 years in having these conversations and staying committed and dedicated to ensure that we will continue tools -- to work together to ensure we will continue to have funding.
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>>supervisor mark farrell: thank you so much for all of your work, you and superintendant carranza. i want to commend you both. being the leaders, thank you for being part of that and for all of your efforts. everything you said completely resonates with me. in last year's budget, but certainly here in this committee really as we start to think about, well, what do you offer and we had a debate around homeless services. it's difficult to navigate to have from a wholesome perspective and now
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we are talking about children's services and to have a concept about collaboration and to me it's critical. i think it's better in whatever form it does in a final language and i believe that is critical and we have so many great programs. but, to me your comments and what i couldn't agree more with is that we need to have a common out sets and goals. ultimately it's about the kids. it's a cliche, but we need to do this and the need to communicate with parents is so important. for me this is exciting to watch this process unfold. i really want to thank you both for your efforts. it's not unnoticed at all and i know it's hard and challenging and thank you for all that you are
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